Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Conference on Language, Literature and Media (AICOLLIM 2022)

199 authors
Marzal, Jefri
Problem-Based Learning and Discovery-Based Learning Models on Student’s Metacognitive Ability Based on Self-efficacy
Marzuqi, Marzuqi
Entity of God in the Quran: A Semiotic Study
Masadi, M. Anwar
Forms, Techniques, and Meanings in Abu Al-Aswad Al-Duali’s Poems
Masadi, M. Anwar
The Meaning of Love, Regret, Sadness, and Confusion in the Jwaidah’s “Lau Annana Lam Naftariq”
Masitoh, Siti
The Construction of Moral Symbols in Murwakala Text and Its Entanglement in Javanese Community Order
Masrokhin, Masrokhin
Peer-Review Statements
Masrokhin, Masrokhin
Social and Affective Meaning of Covid-Related Terms in ‘New York Times’ Online News
Mas’adi, M. Anwar
Religiuos Forms and Meanings in the Song Huwa Ahmadun: Louis Hjelmslev’s Metasemiotic Analysis
Mattarima, Siti
Improving the Reading Comprehension of the Eight Graders by Developing Think-Pair-Share Strategy
Mattarima, Siti Maria Ulfa
Regular Music Exposure and Vocabulary Recognition of ELT Sophomore Students
Maula, Siti Zulfa Hidayatul
The Phonological and Morphological Variations of the Egyptian Dialect in the Song El-Melouk
Mediyansyah, Mediyansyah
Cultural Discourse of Migrant Workers in Mahfud Ikhwan’s Dawuk: Kisah Kelabu dari Rumbuk Randu
Milal, Saiful
Prophetic Spirit in the Turkistan Laayali Novel by Najib Al-Kailani
Miranda, Mega
The Struggle of Princess Sultana Against Patriarchy in Jean Sasson’s Princess
Miranti, Titis
Sustainability of Religious-Based Bank: Customer-Centric and Islamic Bank Governance
Muassomah, Muassomah
Online Learning in the Time of Crisis
Muassomah, Muassomah
Arabic Learning Challenges
Mubarok, Harir
Pedagogy of Multiliteracies in Arabic Learning Curriculum for Young Learner in Indonesian Contexts
Mufti, Nur Illiyyin Setya
The Meaning of Love, Regret, Sadness, and Confusion in the Jwaidah’s “Lau Annana Lam Naftariq”
Muhamad, Asmawati
Students’ Experiences on Chain Story Telling
Muhammad, Muhammad
Pluralism in the Qur’an: Critical Analysis of Surah al-Baqarah 2: 62 Interpretation in Indonesia
Muhayani, Ulfa
Children’s Self-esteem Crisis During Indonesian Post-pandemic
Mulloh, Tamim
The Relevance of the Feminism Movement in the Arabic Quotes
Muniroch, Sri
Santri’s Concern for Ethics and Morals in Indonesian Pesantren Novel: El Shirazy’s Kembara Rindu
Munjiyat, Munjiyat
Women’s Emancipation in Hanung Bramantyo’s Kartini Film: Naomi Wolf’s Feminist Perspective
Muslim, Jawari
Improving the Reading Comprehension of the Eight Graders by Developing Think-Pair-Share Strategy
Mustofa, Arif
Religiuos Forms and Meanings in the Song Huwa Ahmadun: Louis Hjelmslev’s Metasemiotic Analysis
Muzakki, Akhmad
Entity of God in the Quran: A Semiotic Study
Nabila, Izzatun
The Depiction of Environmental Preservation by Indonesian Media: Study of Euphemism and Dysphemism
Nafan, Abdul Wahab
The Phonological and Morphological Variations of the Egyptian Dialect in the Song El-Melouk
Nafisah, Hidayatun
Online Learning in the Time of Crisis
Najihah, Finda Muftihatun
Teacher Identity Construction in English Language Teaching: Learnt from Indonesian Novice English Teacher
Nashori, Fuad
Lecturer Strategies for Developing Student Creativity in Higher Education
Nasrulloh, Nasrulloh
Hadith Interpretation of Religious Moderation Among Students and Its Implications for the Radicalization Inversion Movement at UIN Jakarta
Nida, Nushrotun
Environmental Conservation Movement in Sundanese Short Stories: Literary Ecocritic Perspective
Nina Amaliya, K.
Zakat, Infaq, Sadaqah, and Wakaf (Ziswaf) Funds and the Post-disaster Recovery of Mount Semeru Eruption
Nirmala, Bening Nuha
A. J. Greimas’ Narrative Structure in the Animated Film Turning Red
Nurlela, Nurlela
Semiotic Analysis of the Saviour in Nadin Amizah’s “Bertaut”
Nusantara, Wisam
Consumption Pattern Irrationality of South Malang Coast Society: The Islamic Reflection for Local Wisdom-Based Policy
Oktaviana, Ulfi Kartika
Sustainability of Religious-Based Bank: Customer-Centric and Islamic Bank Governance
Perangin-Angin, Alemina Br.
Semiotic Analysis of the Saviour in Nadin Amizah’s “Bertaut”
Perangin-Angin, Alemina Br.
Postgraduate Students’ Perception of the Language Varieties on Dialect Among Their Classmates
Prajawati, Maretha Ika
Female Workers During Post Pandemic: Gender and Investment Decisions
Putra, Yuniarti Hidayah Suyoso
Implementation Design of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka
Radiamoda, Anwar M.
Online Learning in the Time of Crisis
Rahayu, Mundi
Cultural Discourse of Migrant Workers in Mahfud Ikhwan’s Dawuk: Kisah Kelabu dari Rumbuk Randu
Rahayu, Mundi
The Diversity of Multilingual Communities
Rahmawati, Suhaeni
Distortion of Women’s Rights in Nawal El-Saadawi’s Suquth Al-Imam: Naomi Wolf’s Perspective
Rakhmawati, Deny Efita Nur
Peer-Review Statements
Rakhmawati, Deny Efita Nur
Scammers’ Identities as Represented in Emails to Indonesian Journal Editors
Rakhmawati, Deny Efita Nur
Cultural Discourse of Migrant Workers in Mahfud Ikhwan’s Dawuk: Kisah Kelabu dari Rumbuk Randu
Razi, Fakhrur
Individual Interests in Novel Sebelas Patriot by Andrea Hirata Based on Perspective of Comte’s Rasionality
Rizki, Geubrina
Forms, Techniques, and Meanings in Abu Al-Aswad Al-Duali’s Poems
Rofiq, Aunur
Sustainable Development and ‘Deep Ecology’ Seyyed Hossein Nasr
Rohmadani, Ainur
Pluralism in the Qur’an: Critical Analysis of Surah al-Baqarah 2: 62 Interpretation in Indonesia
Rohmah, Galuh Nur
Students’ Experiences on Chain Story Telling
Rohmah, Galuh Nur
Contextualizing the Integration of Islamic Values Through English Module for Islamic Junior High School
Rohman, Moh. Nailur
Forms, Techniques, and Meanings in Abu Al-Aswad Al-Duali’s Poems
Rositama, Whida
Cosmopolitanism Represented in 33 Postcards Film
Roziki, Khafid
Distortion of Women’s Rights in Nawal El-Saadawi’s Suquth Al-Imam: Naomi Wolf’s Perspective
Rusli, Rusli
Applied Resistivity Method to Investigate Ngawonggo Archaeology Subsurface at Malang Indonesia
Rusydi, Muh. Sabilar
Salawat Nabi: Praise in Tanjungsari Village as a Means of Dakwah in the Digital Era
Safitri, Dian Eka
Regular Music Exposure and Vocabulary Recognition of ELT Sophomore Students
Salsabila, Eva Laily
Arabic Learning Challenges
Santi, Vita Nur
From Individual to Social Identity: Shifting in Women Travelers’ Blogs During the Pandemic COVID-19
Sari, Rina
Turn-Taking Strategies of Classroom Interaction Case Study
Sa’idah, Nuril Habibatus
Regular Music Exposure and Vocabulary Recognition of ELT Sophomore Students
Soleha, Chairani
The Phonological and Morphological Variations of the Egyptian Dialect in the Song El-Melouk
Solekah, Nihayatu Aslamatis
Understanding Muslim Friendly Destination Attribute Towards Environmentally Sustainable Behavior
Suhada, Faridatus
Hadith Interpretation of Religious Moderation Among Students and Its Implications for the Radicalization Inversion Movement at UIN Jakarta
Suhartono, Suhartono
The Influence of Internal and External Factors on Learning Achievement
Sunengko, Sunengko
Improving the Reading Comprehension of the Eight Graders by Developing Think-Pair-Share Strategy
Suprayitno, Eko
Sustainable Development and ‘Deep Ecology’ Seyyed Hossein Nasr
Suprayitno, Eko
Zakat, Infaq, Sadaqah, and Wakaf (Ziswaf) Funds and the Post-disaster Recovery of Mount Semeru Eruption
Surur, Misbahus
Discrepancy Content of Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Al-Kabir's Alice fi Biladi Al-Ajaib
Suryanto, Muhammad Handika
Hadith Interpretation of Religious Moderation Among Students and Its Implications for the Radicalization Inversion Movement at UIN Jakarta
Susamto, Burhanuddin
Consumption Pattern Irrationality of South Malang Coast Society: The Islamic Reflection for Local Wisdom-Based Policy
Susanti, Evi
Applied Resistivity Method to Investigate Ngawonggo Archaeology Subsurface at Malang Indonesia
Sutaman, Sutaman
Philosophical Studies on Arabic Learning Problems of University Students
Tajalla, Fika Burhan
The Meaning of Love, Regret, Sadness, and Confusion in the Jwaidah’s “Lau Annana Lam Naftariq”
Thoyib, Muhammad Edy
The Struggle of Princess Sultana Against Patriarchy in Jean Sasson’s Princess
Tojibussabirin, M.
Indonesian Covid-19 Pandemic Trends: Sentiment Analysis and Stock Return Connectedness
Toyyibah, Toyyibah
Regular Music Exposure and Vocabulary Recognition of ELT Sophomore Students
Ukhrowiyah, Robi’atul
Discrepancy Content of Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Al-Kabir's Alice fi Biladi Al-Ajaib
Umami, Habiba
Scammers’ Identities as Represented in Emails to Indonesian Journal Editors
Usman, Indrianawati
Understanding Muslim Friendly Destination Attribute Towards Environmentally Sustainable Behavior
Uyen, Truong Thao
Critical Period Hypothesis on Foreign Language Acquisition: A Case of Indonesian Learner of English
Wahyuni, Esa Nur
Children’s Self-esteem Crisis During Indonesian Post-pandemic
Wargadinata, Wildana
Gender Inequality in the Novel Tumūḥāt fī Al-Waḥl by Hassan Salih Barram: Helene Cixous's Perspective
Wargadinata, Wildana
Hybrid Arabic Learning Based on Constructivism Theory for Higher Education
Yani, Achmad
Salawat Nabi: Praise in Tanjungsari Village as a Means of Dakwah in the Digital Era
Yaqin, Muhammad Ainul
The Influence of Internal and External Factors on Learning Achievement
Yaquti, Isytifana
Film Genre Analysis on Nussa Animated Films
Zahra, A’i Mulyani Az
Students’ Experiences on Chain Story Telling
Zawawi, Moh
The Phonological and Morphological Variations of the Egyptian Dialect in the Song El-Melouk
Zawawi, Moh
Women’s Emancipation in Hanung Bramantyo’s Kartini Film: Naomi Wolf’s Feminist Perspective
Zawawi, Moh.
Prophetic Spirit in the Turkistan Laayali Novel by Najib Al-Kailani
Zubaidah, Zubaidah
Philosophical Studies on Arabic Learning Problems of University Students
Zulaikha, Siti
Hadith Interpretation of Religious Moderation Among Students and Its Implications for the Radicalization Inversion Movement at UIN Jakarta