Proceedings of the Brawijaya International Conference on Economics, Business and Finance 2021 (BICEBF 2021)
103 authors
- Adib, Noval
- Governance Model of Ulu-Apad
- Amrullah, Muhammad
- Trends of Income Inequality and Poverty Involvement: Panel Evidence from Bali Province
- Andayani, Wuryan
- The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility and Stakeholder Commitment to Company Performance with Slack Resources as Moderation
- Anggraeni, Dian
- Evaluation of ‘Levels of Tax Understanding and Compliance in Batang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
- Anggraeni, Rila
- Does Green Advertising Matter to Purchase Intention?
- Arif, Adel Hikam
- The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility and Stakeholder Commitment to Company Performance with Slack Resources as Moderation
- Arif, Moh. Erfan
- Spiritual Quotient as Moderating Effect of Compensation and Competence on Performance
- Armanu
- Employee’s Satisfaction During the Pandemic
- Ashar, Khusnul
- Will Finding Employment be Easier for Higher Education Graduates?
- Astuti, Rifelly Dewi
- The Impact of S-Commerce Usage in Indonesia Towards Social Commerce Intention
- Athoillah, Moh.
- The Effect of Ethnicity, Demographic and Socio-economic on Households’ Welfare in Indonesia
- Badriah, Nurul
- Cigarette Expenditure and Its Effect on Human Resource Investment Allocation
- Badriyah, Nurul
- Will Finding Employment be Easier for Higher Education Graduates?
- Barinta, Dunga Dwi
- Affiliation in Higher Education: Roles University Satisfaction and Gender as Moderation
- Bawono, Suryaning
- The Role of Human Capital on the Performance of Islamic Banks in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand
- Borahima, Bahrun
- Linking Innovation Orientation to Operational Performance: The Supply Chain Integration Mediating Effect
- Burhan, Muhammad Umar
- Cigarette Expenditure and Its Effect on Human Resource Investment Allocation
- Dewi, Kadek Indah Kusuma
- The Investment Efficiency of Family Firm in the Pandemic Era
- Dharmawan, Nyoman Ari Surya
- Governance Model of Ulu-Apad
- Duyen, Hoang Thi My
- “Make-in-Vietnam” Cartoons: A Hidden Kingdom
- Ekawati, Marlina
- Cigarette Expenditure and Its Effect on Human Resource Investment Allocation
- Ekawaty, Marlina
- Perpetual Concept of Waqf in Southeast Asia
- Erawati, Ni Made Adi
- The Investment Efficiency of Family Firm in the Pandemic Era
- Erfina, Tineke
- Evaluation of ‘Levels of Tax Understanding and Compliance in Batang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
- Finuliyah, Firdaus
- Integrating the Pasuruan Bromo-Tengger-Semeru Area Through Sustainable Tourism: A Note in Manifesting Local Economic Resilient
- Grigorescu, Adriana
- The Skill Readiness for Energy Prosumer Behavior at the Household Level
- Grigorescu, Adriana
- Content Analysis on the ERP Technology Implementation
- Hadiwidjojo, Djumilah
- Buddhist Entrepreneurs in the Pandemic Covid-19
- Hadiwidjojo, Djumilah
- Indonesia’s Defense Industry: Influences of TQM Practices on Employee Productivity with the Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction
- Hadiwidjojo, Djumilah
- Linking Innovation Orientation to Operational Performance: The Supply Chain Integration Mediating Effect
- Hapsari, Raditha
- Analyzing the Role of Business Resilience as SME’s Core Competence to Improve Business Performance on Pandemic Crisis: A Study on Indonesian’ SMEs
- Hariadi, Bambang
- Governance Model of Ulu-Apad
- Hariadi, Bambang
- The Investment Efficiency of Family Firm in the Pandemic Era
- Indrawati, Nur Khusniyah
- Buddhist Entrepreneurs in the Pandemic Covid-19
- Ion, Amalia-Elena
- Content Analysis on the ERP Technology Implementation
- Irawanto, Dodi Wirawan
- Employee’s Satisfaction During the Pandemic
- Islamy, Tegar Nuril
- Does Green Advertising Matter to Purchase Intention?
- Kaluge, David
- Overreaction Behavior Analysis on IDX80 Stocks During Bearish Market Conditions
- Khusaini, M.
- Integrating the Pasuruan Bromo-Tengger-Semeru Area Through Sustainable Tourism: A Note in Manifesting Local Economic Resilient
- Kinesti, Ajeng
- Overreaction Behavior Analysis on IDX80 Stocks During Bearish Market Conditions
- Kornitasari, Yenny
- The Effect of Ethnicity, Demographic and Socio-economic on Households’ Welfare in Indonesia
- Kristiana, Nunung
- Indonesia’s Defense Industry: Influences of TQM Practices on Employee Productivity with the Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction
- Lincaru, Cristina
- The Skill Readiness for Energy Prosumer Behavior at the Household Level
- Long, Hoang Cuu
- “Make-in-Vietnam” Cartoons: A Hidden Kingdom
- Magdalena, Pamela
- Employee’s Satisfaction During the Pandemic
- Mahadewi, Lufina
- Buddhist Entrepreneurs in the Pandemic Covid-19
- Manzilati, Asfi
- Waqf and Waste: An Unexplored Potentials
- Manzilati, Asfi
- Perpetual Concept of Waqf in Southeast Asia
- Maryunani
- Community Water Literacy of Sacred Natural Sites
- Maski, Ghozali
- Does Shadow Economy and Informality Exist in Local Tourism?
- May, Amy Yeo Chu
- The Moderating Effect of COVID-19 on the Relationship Between Corporate Risk Disclosure and Investor Perceived Confidence
- Moeljadi
- Development of Business and Business Systems to Promote Investment Growth and Regional Economic Resilience: By Using Internet and Social Media
- Moko, Wahdiyat
- Affiliation in Higher Education: Roles University Satisfaction and Gender as Moderation
- Mopangga, Herwin
- Does Shadow Economy and Informality Exist in Local Tourism?
- Muljaningsih, Sri
- Community Water Literacy of Sacred Natural Sites
- Multifiah
- Does Shadow Economy and Informality Exist in Local Tourism?
- Noermijati
- Employee’s Satisfaction During the Pandemic
- Noermijati, Noermijati
- Linking Innovation Orientation to Operational Performance: The Supply Chain Integration Mediating Effect
- Noor, Iswan
- Trends of Income Inequality and Poverty Involvement: Panel Evidence from Bali Province
- Oktavianti, Henny
- Cigarette Expenditure and Its Effect on Human Resource Investment Allocation
- Parahyta, Dito Tunjung
- Effect of Relational Bonds on Consumer Engagement Via Affective Commitment on E-Commerce Live Stream Shopping in Indonesia
- Pratiwi, Ika
- Evaluation of ‘Levels of Tax Understanding and Compliance in Batang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
- Prihatiningtias, Yeney Widya
- The Impact of Mobile Payment on Non-Financial Performance of SMEs During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Pudjihardjo, M.
- Trends of Income Inequality and Poverty Involvement: Panel Evidence from Bali Province
- Pudjihardjo, M.
- Perpetual Concept of Waqf in Southeast Asia
- Purwanti, Lilik
- Hesitate Culture: Hampering Employees to Be a Whistle-Blower
- Purwanti, Lilik
- Analyzing the Role of Business Resilience as SME’s Core Competence to Improve Business Performance on Pandemic Crisis: A Study on Indonesian’ SMEs
- Rahmah, Wildana Danty Alifya
- Social-Political Entrepreneurship and Rural Institution Development Design
- Reniati, Reniati
- Planning and Strategy for Industrial Development Based on Superior Products in Pangkalpinang City
- Rofiq, Ainur
- Linking Innovation Orientation to Operational Performance: The Supply Chain Integration Mediating Effect
- Rozuli, Ahmad Imron
- Social-Political Entrepreneurship and Rural Institution Development Design
- Ru, Ooi Xin
- The Moderating Effect of COVID-19 on the Relationship Between Corporate Risk Disclosure and Investor Perceived Confidence
- Rudiawarni, Felizia Arni
- The Moderating Effect of COVID-19 on the Relationship Between Corporate Risk Disclosure and Investor Perceived Confidence
- Saghfira, Anggit
- The Impact of S-Commerce Usage in Indonesia Towards Social Commerce Intention
- Santoso, Dwi Budi
- Will Finding Employment be Easier for Higher Education Graduates?
- Saputra, Putu Mahardika Adi
- Community Water Literacy of Sacred Natural Sites
- Saraswaty, Amrita Nugraheni
- Community Water Literacy of Sacred Natural Sites
- Satria, Dias
- Does Shadow Economy and Informality Exist in Local Tourism?
- Setyanti, Axellina Muara
- Will Finding Employment be Easier for Higher Education Graduates?
- Sinuling, Muhammad Rambang
- Analysis of Competitive Strategy Development Using Meta-SWOT Approach in PT. Velesia
- Sitorus, Rostiar
- Planning and Strategy for Industrial Development Based on Superior Products in Pangkalpinang City
- Sobari, Nurdin
- Conspicuous Consumption on Gen Z in Indonesia
- Sobari, Nurdin
- Effect of Relational Bonds on Consumer Engagement Via Affective Commitment on E-Commerce Live Stream Shopping in Indonesia
- Sudarma, Made
- The Influence of Ownership Structure, Leverage, Profitability, Company Size, and Audit Quality on Tax Avoidance in Indonesia
- Sukoharsono, Eko Ganis
- Governance Model of Ulu-Apad
- Supriyati, Triningsih Sri
- Development of Business and Business Systems to Promote Investment Growth and Regional Economic Resilience: By Using Internet and Social Media
- Surachman
- Buddhist Entrepreneurs in the Pandemic Covid-19
- Susilowati, Christin
- Analysis of Competitive Strategy Development Using Meta-SWOT Approach in PT. Velesia
- Syaputra, Denny
- Planning and Strategy for Industrial Development Based on Superior Products in Pangkalpinang City
- T, Dennis
- Conspicuous Consumption on Gen Z in Indonesia
- Thariq, Mohammad
- Spiritual Quotient as Moderating Effect of Compensation and Competence on Performance
- W., M. Abdi Dzil Ikhram
- Affiliation in Higher Education: Roles University Satisfaction and Gender as Moderation
- Wahyudi, Setyo Tri
- Trends of Income Inequality and Poverty Involvement: Panel Evidence from Bali Province
- Widarni, Eny Lestari
- The Role of Human Capital on the Performance of Islamic Banks in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand
- Widiyanti, Dwi Retno
- Perpetual Concept of Waqf in Southeast Asia
- Wiguna, Atu Bagus
- Integrating the Pasuruan Bromo-Tengger-Semeru Area Through Sustainable Tourism: A Note in Manifesting Local Economic Resilient
- Wiguna, Atu Bagus
- The Effect of Ethnicity, Demographic and Socio-economic on Households’ Welfare in Indonesia
- Wijayanti, Risna
- Indonesia’s Defense Industry: Influences of TQM Practices on Employee Productivity with the Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction
- Wildana, Muhammad Dandy Alif
- Waqf and Waste: An Unexplored Potentials
- Wipraganang, Najmi
- The Impact of Mobile Payment on Non-Financial Performance of SMEs During the COVID-19 Pandemic