Proceedings of the Business Innovation and Engineering Conference (BIEC 2022)

141 authors
Abdullah, Asaduddin
Peer-Review Statements
Abdullah, Asaduddin
Big Data Analytics as a Solution to Track Carbon Emission in Smart Cities: A Systematic Literature Review
Abdullah, Asaduddin
Seizing Opportunities: The Race Toward Digital Banking in ASEAN
Abieza, Tegar
Smart Water Tanks as a Drought Early Warning System
Afrianto, Dedy Setyo
The Role of Educational Curriculum Implementation in Climate Change Mitigation
Agnes, Sihotang
Waste Bank in Indonesia: Problem and Opportunities
Ambarwati, Sri
Do Nudges and Prepaid Electricity Token Lead to Electricity Savings? Analysis of Urban Consumption Behaviour in Indonesia
Andati, Trias
Payment System Innovation and Retailer Efficiency: Measuring the Impact of National Payment Gateway Implementation in Indonesia
Andati, Trias
Analysis of Internal Fraud in the Microloan Process with Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and the Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) Method
Anggraini, Raden Isma
Needietary: Digital Platform for Providing Dietary Needs
Anggraini, Raden Isma
Smart Education System to Enhance Public Awareness about Climate Change: A Literature Review
Anggraini, Raden Isma
JakLingko: The Implementation of Integrated Transportation Approach in Jakarta Smart City
Antonius, Alysha Samantha
Prediction of What Would Occur if Plastic Pollution Continues and Strategies for Reducing It
Antonius, Alysha Samantha
Building a New Future of Transforming Jakarta into Green and Sustainable Model Smart City
Anuar, Nik Nur Azhani
Prediction of What Would Occur if Plastic Pollution Continues and Strategies for Reducing It
Anwar, Auditia
Smart Technology Adoption in Food Supply Chain to Tackle Climate Change: Practice in Small-Holder Farmers and SME
Arif, Azzam Akmal
JakLingko: The Implementation of Integrated Transportation Approach in Jakarta Smart City
Asfarian, Auzi
Digital Twin Platform Architecture Design to Support Smart Aeroponic Potato Cultivation in Indonesia
Aulia, Nur
The Role of Educational Curriculum Implementation in Climate Change Mitigation
Awad, Jarrah
The Role of Educational Curriculum Implementation in Climate Change Mitigation
Ayuningtias, Jilly
The Future of Indonesia for Sustainable Engineering and Innovation for Sustainability and Its Impact?
Azhar, Irza Hani
Tempe: Indonesian Vegan Protein for the World
Aziz, Muhammad Hanif
Business Model Development Using Lean Canvas Within Design Thinking Method at PT. Sumber Pangan Jaya
Azzahra, Ardina Latifah
Determining Success Criteria for Agricultural Social Start-Ups in Indonesia
Cahyani, P. N. Aprilliyana
Increasing Adoption of the Internet of Things in Indonesian Agriculture Based on a Review of Everett Rogers’ Diffusion Theory of Innovation
Chandra, Michelle
Property Category Prediction Model using Random Forest Classifier to Improve Property Industry in Surabaya
Dardanella, Derry
Factors Affecting Sustainable Agro-tourism: A Review Study
Desa, Izzaatul Saadah
Circular Economy: The Challenges and Opportunity in Fashion Recycling
Dewantara, Elfrido Christian
Prediction of What Would Occur if Plastic Pollution Continues and Strategies for Reducing It
Dewi, Desi Elvera
Increasing Adoption of the Internet of Things in Indonesian Agriculture Based on a Review of Everett Rogers’ Diffusion Theory of Innovation
Dewi, Febriantina
Determining Success Criteria for Agricultural Social Start-Ups in Indonesia
Dewi, Febriantina
Smart Technology Adoption in Food Supply Chain to Tackle Climate Change: Practice in Small-Holder Farmers and SME
Eka, Octavian
Waste Bank in Indonesia: Problem and Opportunities
Fadlurrahman, Haikal
Determining Success Criteria for Agricultural Social Start-Ups in Indonesia
Fahmi, Idqan
Asessing the Role of Internet Development on Entrepreneurial Activity
Falyani, Felicia Kyla
JakLingko: The Implementation of Integrated Transportation Approach in Jakarta Smart City
Farhana, Yulia
Circular Economy: The Challenges and Opportunity in Fashion Recycling
Fauziah, Yossy
Building a New Future of Transforming Jakarta into Green and Sustainable Model Smart City
Firyanza, Elsa
Smart Education System to Enhance Public Awareness about Climate Change: A Literature Review
Gufron, Eri Bunyamin
Big Data Analytics as a Solution to Track Carbon Emission in Smart Cities: A Systematic Literature Review
Hami, Norsiah
A Review of Energy Management in Farm Automation: A Case of Paddy Plantation
Hanggoro, Bumiarsa
Increasing the Business Competitiveness of “Brownies Buah Boome”
Hartoyo, Hartoyo
Needietary: Digital Platform for Providing Dietary Needs
Hasanah, Nur
Payment System Innovation and Retailer Efficiency: Measuring the Impact of National Payment Gateway Implementation in Indonesia
Hasanah, Nur
A Review of Energy Management in Farm Automation: A Case of Paddy Plantation
Hasanah, Nur
Circular Economy: The Challenges and Opportunity in Fashion Recycling
Hassan, Ghozali
A Review of Energy Management in Farm Automation: A Case of Paddy Plantation
Helwah, Nunu Fauzan
Smart Education System to Enhance Public Awareness about Climate Change: A Literature Review
Hendrawan, Fahri
The Future of Indonesia for Sustainable Engineering and Innovation for Sustainability and Its Impact?
Heriyanto, Albert
Smart Education System to Enhance Public Awareness about Climate Change: A Literature Review
Hubeis, Musa
Developing an Integrated Conceptual Model of Dynamic Capabilities for MSME in Agribusiness Sector: A Systematic Review
Iman, Mutiara Nurul
Smart Education System to Enhance Public Awareness about Climate Change: A Literature Review
Inanka, Adigna P.
Smart Technology Adoption in Food Supply Chain to Tackle Climate Change: Practice in Small-Holder Farmers and SME
Indrawan, R. Dikky
Peer-Review Statements
Islam, Md Shaharul
Sustainable Green Marketing Concepts for Green Construction Market Developments in Bangladesh
Jahroh, Siti
Peer-Review Statements
Jahroh, Siti
Developing an Integrated Conceptual Model of Dynamic Capabilities for MSME in Agribusiness Sector: A Systematic Review
Kamilah, Khairiyah
Peer-Review Statements
Kian, Lai Soon
Smart Education System to Enhance Public Awareness about Climate Change: A Literature Review
Komala, Kemal
Tempe: Indonesian Vegan Protein for the World
Kurnia, Pepey Riawati
Digital Wallet Users in Indonesia: Factors Affecting Consumer Satisfaction and Consumer Loyalty
Kurniawan, Adhy
Smart Water Tanks as a Drought Early Warning System
Lanny, Lanny
Study on Early Detection of Potential Financial Statement Fraud: External Auditors’ Judgement Perspective
Magdalena, Lay Agnes
Prediction of What Would Occur if Plastic Pollution Continues and Strategies for Reducing It
Mahomed, Anuar Shah Bali
Factors Affecting Sustainable Agro-tourism: A Review Study
Malika, Alya
Determining Success Criteria for Agricultural Social Start-Ups in Indonesia
Mazzara, Aisyah Lutfhi
The Role of Educational Curriculum Implementation in Climate Change Mitigation
Ma’arif, Mohamad Syamsul
Increasing the Business Competitiveness of “Brownies Buah Boome”
Megawati, Lokita Rizky
Is Wise? Use the Paylater Feature During a Pandemic Period
Megawati, Lokita Rizky
Increasing Adoption of the Internet of Things in Indonesian Agriculture Based on a Review of Everett Rogers’ Diffusion Theory of Innovation
Megawati, Lokita Rizky
Sustainability Business Model Tesla Motors
Muditomo, Arianto
Payment System Innovation and Retailer Efficiency: Measuring the Impact of National Payment Gateway Implementation in Indonesia
The Impact of Climate Change on Grape Production in Indonesia
Muhibuddin, Fuad Wahdan
The Role of Educational Curriculum Implementation in Climate Change Mitigation
Muhibuddin, Fuad Wahdan
Building a New Future of Transforming Jakarta into Green and Sustainable Model Smart City
Musa, Suria
A Review of Energy Management in Farm Automation: A Case of Paddy Plantation
Najib, Mukhamad
Factors Affecting Sustainable Agro-tourism: A Review Study
Noviana, Pratiwi
Circular Economy: The Challenges and Opportunity in Fashion Recycling
Nur, Shamira
Waste Bank in Indonesia: Problem and Opportunities
Nuraisyah, Ani
A Review of Energy Management in Farm Automation: A Case of Paddy Plantation
Nuraisyah, Ani
Prediction of What Would Occur if Plastic Pollution Continues and Strategies for Reducing It
Nuraisyah, Ani
Waste Bank in Indonesia: Problem and Opportunities
Nuraisyah, Ani
The Future of Indonesia for Sustainable Engineering and Innovation for Sustainability and Its Impact?
Pangaribuan, James Hasudungan
Digital Wallet Users in Indonesia: Factors Affecting Consumer Satisfaction and Consumer Loyalty
Pradipta, Yudha
Seizing Opportunities: The Race Toward Digital Banking in ASEAN
Primaswari, Anita
A Review of Energy Management in Farm Automation: A Case of Paddy Plantation
Priyarsono, Dominicus Savio
Analysis of Internal Fraud in the Microloan Process with Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and the Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) Method
Priyarsono, Dominicus Savio
Analysis of Internal Fraud in the Microloan Process with Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and the Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) Method
Putri, Ambinari Rachmi
The Impact of Climate Change on Grape Production in Indonesia
Putri, Indah Syelvia
The Role of Educational Curriculum Implementation in Climate Change Mitigation
Putri, Virgie Alyka
Building a New Future of Transforming Jakarta into Green and Sustainable Model Smart City
Qin, Loo Wan
Is Wise? Use the Paylater Feature During a Pandemic Period
Rahman, Ahmad Auliya
The Future of Indonesia for Sustainable Engineering and Innovation for Sustainability and Its Impact?
Rahman, Mohammad Masudur
Factors Influencing Effective Communication in the Ready-Made Garment Sector of Bangladesh
Rahmawati, Nabila Ramadhani
Is Wise? Use the Paylater Feature During a Pandemic Period
Rasha, Aulia
Waste Bank in Indonesia: Problem and Opportunities
Rauf, Adrin R.
Smart Technology Adoption in Food Supply Chain to Tackle Climate Change: Practice in Small-Holder Farmers and SME
Regina, Carolyn
Waste Bank in Indonesia: Problem and Opportunities
Renda, Dania Samoda
Prediction of What Would Occur if Plastic Pollution Continues and Strategies for Reducing It
Rifqi, Reza Muhammad
Big Data Analytics as a Solution to Track Carbon Emission in Smart Cities: A Systematic Literature Review