Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Education & Social Sciences (ICESS 2021)

258 authors
Adhikari, Shukra Raj
Rural Society of the Mountain Region: Road Access and Economy
Aini, Farida Nur
Analysis of Online Learning Evaluation of Social Science Education Study Program
Ainurofiq, Wahib
Langsajarot Learning Community as a Response to Local Education Needs in the Pandemic Era
Aji, Ananto
Assessment of Vulnerability and Community Preparedness Against Flood Disaster During Covid-19 Pandemic Period in Semarang City
Akhiroh, Ninuk Sholikhah
Women’s Roles in Household Economy in Medono Village, Boja, Kendal District
Alamsyah, Andi Rahman
Islamic Politics and Local Electoral Support in an Urban Setting
Amelia, Luthfi Nur
Knowledge of Medicinal Plants as Popular Medicine in Bendan Duwur Community, Semarang City
The Implementation of Child-Friendly School in SD Ummul Quro, Semarang Regency
The Dynamics of Local Democracy on Simultaneous Election in Semarang District
Blusukan Culture and Familism in Local Democracy
Anggraini, Mitha Fitria
Predicting the Condition of Agricultural Lands in Pati Regency to Make Sustainable Food Providing Against the Future
Anugrahanto, Yohanes Dwi
The Role of the Disaster Preparedness Group in Adapting Abrasion to Communities Affected by Abrasion on the North Coast of Rembang, Central Java
Anwar, Khoirul
Analysis of English-Speaking Performance for the Effective Language Learning in Digital Era
Anwar, Khoirul
Learning Communication Strategies of Rural Civitas Academica During Covid-19 Pandemic Period
Arditama, Erisandi
The Effectiveness of Snakes and Ladders Game for the Social-Emotional Development of Children in the Pandemic Time Covid 19
Arditama, Erisandi
Public Policy Formulation Based on Local Wisdom in Kenteng Village, Semarang Regency
Arsal, Thriwaty
Analysis of Conflict Management Strategy in Social-Disaster Prone Community
Arsi, Antari Ayuning
From Longan to Avocado: Economic Strategy of Farmers in Agricultural Business in Bandungan District Central Java
Arsi, Antari Ayuning
Perception of the Consumer Community on Traditional Herbal Drink of Ngadirgo Semarang
Arumsari, Nugraheni
The Effectiveness of Snakes and Ladders Game for the Social-Emotional Development of Children in the Pandemic Time Covid 19
Arumsari, Nugraheni
Incumbent Communication Strategies VS Empty Boxes in Semarang Local Election 2020
Astuti, Wulan Tri
Bicultural Identity Negotiation in Beur Cinéma: The Case of film Samba
Atikah, Elin
Development of Encyclopedia Media Based on Indonesian Cultural Diversity
Atmaja, Hamdan Tri
Study Phenomenography (Phenomenographic Approach) Towards Trauma Healing Patterns on Community Conflict Victims in the Slope of Merapi Merbabu in Boyolali
Predicting the Condition of Agricultural Lands in Pati Regency to Make Sustainable Food Providing Against the Future
Aziza, Ruli Seftiana
Using E-Module Based on Historical Thinking Skill as a Distance Learning Solution
Baharudin, Mohamad Tegar
The Analysis of Household Food Security Level in Jelobo Village, Klaten Regency, Central Java
Banowati, Eva
Predicting the Condition of Agricultural Lands in Pati Regency to Make Sustainable Food Providing Against the Future
Banowati, Eva
Potentials of Student Entrepreneurship to Encourage the Growth of Entrepreneur Culture in New Normals in FIS UNNES Students
Banowati, Eva
Livelihood Analysis on Economic Conditions in Jelobo Village, Klaten Regency, Central Java
Basuki, Makin
Restoring Bottom-Up Management within Village’s Cell: A Village Glory
Study Phenomenography (Phenomenographic Approach) Towards Trauma Healing Patterns on Community Conflict Victims in the Slope of Merapi Merbabu in Boyolali
Benardi, Andi Irwan
Assessment of Vulnerability and Community Preparedness Against Flood Disaster During Covid-19 Pandemic Period in Semarang City
Benardi, Andi Irwan
Simulation Learning Methods for Students’ Understanding of Flood Disaster Preparedness Materials
Benardi, Andi Irwan
The Role of the Disaster Preparedness Group in Adapting Abrasion to Communities Affected by Abrasion on the North Coast of Rembang, Central Java
Brata, Nugroho Trisnu
The Jalur Tikus (Rat Path) Transportation as an Illegal Activity in the Villages of the North Kalimantan Border
Chasanah, Nur Rahmatul
Internalization of Cultural Preservation Values Through Traditional Arts in School-Age Children
Daffa, Farhan Andaru
Utilization of Jaki Application in Improving Public Services in DKI Jakarta
Djafar, Fitri Annisa
The Local Wisdom of the Takome Community in Facing the Gamalama Volcano Eruption Disaster
Dwika, Wenny
Modernization of Women in Politics in Semarang City
Eka, Wenny
Political Construction of Women in Kemiren Village
Elistya, Nur Eka
Knowledge of Medicinal Plants as Popular Medicine in Bendan Duwur Community, Semarang City
Bicultural Identity Negotiation in Beur Cinéma: The Case of film Samba
Fatimah, Nurul
From Longan to Avocado: Economic Strategy of Farmers in Agricultural Business in Bandungan District Central Java
Fatimah, Nurul
Women’s Roles in Household Economy in Medono Village, Boja, Kendal District
Fauzi, Moh
Challenges During the Pandemic: Using Learning Media in Learning at STKIP PGRI Sumenep
Fauzia, Husna
The New Face of the Semarang Old City in Millennial Generation’s Perspective
Fauziyah, Wahyu
Assessment of Vulnerability and Community Preparedness Against Flood Disaster During Covid-19 Pandemic Period in Semarang City
Fermansyah, Risnanda
Analysis of Online Learning Evaluation of Social Science Education Study Program
Fitriani, Tarisa
Implementation of Zakat Savings Member of Sharia Financial Services Cooperative (Kjks) for Economic Empowerment of Small and Medium Enterprises in Semarang In 2021
Fridasari, Fenny
Employment Structure of the Population in area Industry Village, East Ungaran Sub-district, Semarang Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia
Ginanjar, Asep
Analysis of Online Learning Evaluation of Social Science Education Study Program
Ginanjar, Asep
Development of Encyclopedia Media Based on Indonesian Cultural Diversity
Women’s Roles in Household Economy in Medono Village, Boja, Kendal District
Gunawan, Syahrul Hafidz
Public Policy Formulation Based on Local Wisdom in Kenteng Village, Semarang Regency
Gustaman, Fulia Aji
Potentials of Student Entrepreneurship to Encourage the Growth of Entrepreneur Culture in New Normals in FIS UNNES Students
Gustaman, Fulia Aji
Women’s Roles in Household Economy in Medono Village, Boja, Kendal District
Gustaman, Fulia Aji
Conquering Covid-19 Through the Local Activity of Village Communities in Central Java
Habsari, Sri Kusumo
Minangkabau in Film Integrative Learning Media for Alam Minangkabau
Hadi, Johan
Simulation Learning Methods for Students’ Understanding of Flood Disaster Preparedness Materials
Haingu, Rahel Maga
Ethnographic Study of the Umma Kalada Values of the Indigenous People of Loura and Its Application in Elementary Social Studies Learning
Hamid, Nur
The Role of the Disaster Preparedness Group in Adapting Abrasion to Communities Affected by Abrasion on the North Coast of Rembang, Central Java
Hanafi, Imam
Implementation of Zakat Savings Member of Sharia Financial Services Cooperative (Kjks) for Economic Empowerment of Small and Medium Enterprises in Semarang In 2021
Hanafiah, Mohd. Hafiz
Ecological Problem Behind Marine Tourism in Karimunjawa: A Threat to Local Community?
Hardati, Puji
The Role of the Disaster Preparedness Group in Adapting Abrasion to Communities Affected by Abrasion on the North Coast of Rembang, Central Java
Hardati, Puji
Employment Structure of the Population in area Industry Village, East Ungaran Sub-district, Semarang Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia
Hardati, Puji
Analysis of Conflict Management Strategy in Social-Disaster Prone Community
Hardi, Iwan
Political Construction of Women in Kemiren Village
Hayati, Rahma
Assessment of Vulnerability and Community Preparedness Against Flood Disaster During Covid-19 Pandemic Period in Semarang City
Heriyanti, Rina
How Mothers Use Banyumas Dialect to Their Children and Their Friends in Purwokerto
Langsajarot Learning Community as a Response to Local Education Needs in the Pandemic Era
Hermanto, Fredy
Development of Encyclopedia Media Based on Indonesian Cultural Diversity
Hermawan, Dwi
Star Mobile Apps: An Android-Based Learning Media to Support Paperless Policy and the Merdeka Belajar Program Implementation
Hermawan, Dwi
Improvement of Teacher Competence in Making Android-Based Evaluation Instruments at the AT Tohari Foundation, Semarang Regency
Hidayat, Herry Nur
Minangkabau in Film Integrative Learning Media for Alam Minangkabau
Hudaya, Khakim Asshidiqi Nur
Star Mobile Apps: An Android-Based Learning Media to Support Paperless Policy and the Merdeka Belajar Program Implementation
Husain, Fadly
Perception of the Consumer Community on Traditional Herbal Drink of Ngadirgo Semarang
Husain, Fadly
Knowledge of Medicinal Plants as Popular Medicine in Bendan Duwur Community, Semarang City
Husna, Vina Nurul
Analysis of Mangrove Species Distribution Mapping and the Environmental Problem in Mangkang Kulon, Semarang City
Indrayati, Ariyani
Predicting the Condition of Agricultural Lands in Pati Regency to Make Sustainable Food Providing Against the Future
Indrayati, Ariyani
Potentials of Student Entrepreneurship to Encourage the Growth of Entrepreneur Culture in New Normals in FIS UNNES Students
Indrayati, Ariyani
The Analysis of Household Food Security Level in Jelobo Village, Klaten Regency, Central Java
Indriana, Julia Dwi
Employment Structure of the Population in area Industry Village, East Ungaran Sub-district, Semarang Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia
Indriyani, Aprilia
Predicting the Condition of Agricultural Lands in Pati Regency to Make Sustainable Food Providing Against the Future
Irawan, Hendri
Improvement of Teacher Competence in Making Android-Based Evaluation Instruments at the AT Tohari Foundation, Semarang Regency
Irawanto, Budi
Bicultural Identity Negotiation in Beur Cinéma: The Case of film Samba
The Transformation of the Dhukutan Oral Tradition into a Dance Film
Simulation Learning Methods for Students’ Understanding of Flood Disaster Preparedness Materials
Challenges During the Pandemic: Using Learning Media in Learning at STKIP PGRI Sumenep
The Utilization of Technology-Based Webgis as an Effort to Establish the Spatial Thinking Ability of Geographic Students In High School
Restoring Bottom-Up Management within Village’s Cell: A Village Glory
The Analysis of Household Food Security Level in Jelobo Village, Klaten Regency, Central Java
Livelihood Analysis on Economic Conditions in Jelobo Village, Klaten Regency, Central Java
Julianto, Dimas
Model of Jogo Tonggo’s Alert Village in Suppressing the Distribution of Covid-19 in the New Normal Era
Khofifah, Siti Nur Hasna
Simulation Learning Methods for Students’ Understanding of Flood Disaster Preparedness Materials
Khuzaimah, Siti
Internalization of Cultural Preservation Values Through Traditional Arts in School-Age Children
Kismini, Elly
Internalization of Cultural Preservation Values Through Traditional Arts in School-Age Children
Kristiono, Natal
Internalization of Pancasila Value at SMP Islam Plus at Thohari Tuntang Semarang Regency Indonesia
Kurniawan, Bagus
The Transformation of the Dhukutan Oral Tradition into a Dance Film
Kurniawan, Ganda Febri
History Teacher Initiative Improves the Quality of Digital-Based Learning in the Covid-19 Pandemic