Proceedings of the International Conference of Geography and Disaster Management (ICGDM 2022)

104 authors
Abdullah, Iqbal Alan
The Dynamics of Changes in the Coastline of the Sayung Coastal Community in Demak Regency Using Remote Sensing Imagery
Afriyanti, Ratna
Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Regional Economic Dynamics Using Geographic Information System in Central Kalimantan Province
Aisah, Siti Nur
Effect of Population Density Level on Fecal Coliform Concentration in Shallow Groundwater in Kartasura Sub-district, Sukoharjo
Aji, Ananto
Watershed Management by GIS-Based Morphometric Analysis of the Lampir Watershed, Central Java
Amin, Choirul
Analyzing Spatial Distribution Patterns of Tourism and Accessibility Level of Tourism Objects in Karanganyar Regency
Amin, Choirul
Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Regional Economic Dynamics Using Geographic Information System in Central Kalimantan Province
Amin, Choirul
Story Map Visualization of the Population Affected by COVID-19 in Jepara Regency
Amin, Choirul
Study of Spatial Pattern Distribution of Traditional Markets to Modern Markets in Surakarta City
Amin, Choirul
The Spatial Pattern of COVID-19 Incidence in Relation to Poverty Across Central Java Province
Andayani, Finda
Story Map Visualization of the Population Affected by COVID-19 in Jepara Regency
Anggani, Nirma Lila
Analysis of Landslide Susceptibility as a Basis for Community Social Mitigation in Gunungkidul Regency
Anna, Alif Noor
The Effect of Anthropogenic Activity on the Distribution of Phosphate and Nitrate Content in Shallow Groundwater in Kartasura Subdistrict
Anna, Alif Noor
Effect of Urban Sprawl on Temperature Distribution in Semarang
Anna, Alif Noor
Effect of Population Density Level on Fecal Coliform Concentration in Shallow Groundwater in Kartasura Sub-district, Sukoharjo
Arijuddin, Basyar Ihsan
Analysis of the Impact of Residential Land Development on LST in Semarang City
Cahyani, Aura Desty Nur
Relationship Between Population Density and Land Cover Change in Kartasura Sub-district Using Built-Up Index (NDBI)
Cholil, Munawar
The Effect of Anthropogenic Activity on the Distribution of Phosphate and Nitrate Content in Shallow Groundwater in Kartasura Subdistrict
Analysis of Community Comfort in the Semarang Area Based on Temperature Distribution Values Using the Temperature Humidity Index
Analysis of Landslide Susceptibility as a Basis for Community Social Mitigation in Gunungkidul Regency
Effect of Population Density Level on Fecal Coliform Concentration in Shallow Groundwater in Kartasura Sub-district, Sukoharjo
The Dynamics of Changes in the Coastline of the Sayung Coastal Community in Demak Regency Using Remote Sensing Imagery
Diharjo, Dwi Apriyani
Analysis of Variations in the Relationship of Human Activities to Land Surface Temperature During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Yogyakarta City
Feronika, Indriyanti
Effect of Urban Sprawl on Temperature Distribution in Semarang
Fikriyah, Vidya Nadhiyatul
Peer-Review Statements
Fikriyah, Vidya Nadhiyatul
Assessment of the Comfort Level of Cilegon City Communities Based on Surface Temperature, Vegetation Density, and Built-Up Land
Fikriyah, Vidya Nahdhiyatul
Perception of People’s Potential and Expectations Towards the Sriwedari Cultural Heritage WebGIS (Surakarta, Indonesia)
Fikriyah, Vidya Nahdhiyatul
Accessibility, Distribution, and Fulfillment of Hospital Needs in Metro City, Lampung with 2SFCA Method
Fitriani, Yuni
Assessment of the Comfort Level of Cilegon City Communities Based on Surface Temperature, Vegetation Density, and Built-Up Land
Fitriyani, Sika Putri Noor
Spatial Analysis of the Effect of Urbanization on Changes in Land Cover and Distribution of Surface Temperature in Madiun City in 2015 and 2020
Gunawan, Raihan Amaris Ramadhan
Analysis of the Impact of Residential Land Development on LST in Semarang City
Hadibasyir, Hamim Zaky
Peer-Review Statements
Hadibasyir, Hamim Zaky
Comparison of the Comfort Level of Yogyakarta People Before the Pandemic, During the Lockdown, and Post-COVID-19 Transition
Hadibasyir, Hamim Zaky
Assessment of the Comfort Level of Cilegon City Communities Based on Surface Temperature, Vegetation Density, and Built-Up Land
Hadibasyir, Hamim Zaky
Analysis of Variations in the Relationship of Human Activities to Land Surface Temperature During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Yogyakarta City
Hadibasyir, Hamim Zaky
Analysis of Community Comfort in the Semarang Area Based on Temperature Distribution Values Using the Temperature Humidity Index
Hadibasyir, Hamim Zaky
Analysis of the Population Density Correlation with the Temperature Changes in the Semarang Area from 1999 to 2019
Hadibasyir, Hamim Zaky
The Study of Land Surface Temperature Changes in Urbanized Areas of Boyolali from 2009 to 2020
Hadibasyir, Hamim Zaky
Spatial Analysis of the Affordability of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Services to the Community of Gunungkidul Regency
Hadibasyir, Hamim Zaky
Analysis of Fish Catches of Fishermen in the Southern Waters of Java Island in 2018 and 2020 Based on Chlorophyll-A Fertility and Sea Surface Temperature
Hadibasyir, Hamim Zaky
Analysis of Residential and Industrial Land Development and Its Influencing Factors in Semarang City in 2011 and 2022
Hadibasyir, Hamim Zaky
Analysis of the Relationship Between the Percentage of Residential Density and the Built-Up Land Index in Community Environments
Hadibasyir, Hamim Zaky
Analysis of the Impact of Residential Land Development on LST in Semarang City
Hadibasyir, Hamim Zaky
The Dynamics of Changes in the Coastline of the Sayung Coastal Community in Demak Regency Using Remote Sensing Imagery
Hadibayir, Hamim Zaky
Effect of Urban Sprawl on Temperature Distribution in Semarang
Handayani, Nur Widi
Analysis of the Population Density Correlation with the Temperature Changes in the Semarang Area from 1999 to 2019
Hardika, Nicko Arya
Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Changes in Rice Field Use in 2012–2021 and Their Impact on Rice Production in Kartasura Subdistrict, Sukoharjo Regency
Hidayah, Bela
The Spatial Pattern of COVID-19 Incidence in Relation to Poverty Across Central Java Province
Huang, Xu
The Concept of Eco-Cities in Indonesia and China with Carbon Neutrality and Climate Change Perspective: Literature Review
Ibrahim, Mohd Hairy
Comparison of the Comfort Level of Yogyakarta People Before the Pandemic, During the Lockdown, and Post-COVID-19 Transition
Ibrahim, Mohd Hairy
Assessment of the Comfort Level of Cilegon City Communities Based on Surface Temperature, Vegetation Density, and Built-Up Land
Ibrahim, Mohd Hairy
Analysis of Variations in the Relationship of Human Activities to Land Surface Temperature During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Yogyakarta City
Ibrahim, Mohd Hairy
Analysis of the Correlation Between Urban Development and Population with the Urban Heat Island Phenomenon in South Jakarta City
Ibrahim, Mohd Hairy
Analysis of Community Comfort in the Semarang Area Based on Temperature Distribution Values Using the Temperature Humidity Index
Indriarti, Rivi Yuliya
Analysis of the Relationship Between the Percentage of Residential Density and the Built-Up Land Index in Community Environments
Watershed Management by GIS-Based Morphometric Analysis of the Lampir Watershed, Central Java
Study of Spatial Pattern Distribution of Traditional Markets to Modern Markets in Surakarta City
Comparison of the Comfort Level of Yogyakarta People Before the Pandemic, During the Lockdown, and Post-COVID-19 Transition
Analysis of the Correlation Between Urban Development and Population with the Urban Heat Island Phenomenon in South Jakarta City
Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Changes in Rice Field Use in 2012–2021 and Their Impact on Rice Production in Kartasura Subdistrict, Sukoharjo Regency
Spatial Analysis of the Affordability of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Services to the Community of Gunungkidul Regency
Story Map Visualization of the Population Affected by COVID-19 in Jepara Regency
Accessibility, Distribution, and Fulfillment of Hospital Needs in Metro City, Lampung with 2SFCA Method
Relationship Between Population Density and Land Cover Change in Kartasura Sub-district Using Built-Up Index (NDBI)
Spatial Analysis of the Effect of Urbanization on Changes in Land Cover and Distribution of Surface Temperature in Madiun City in 2015 and 2020
Analysis of Environmental Criticality Index (ECI) and Distribution of Slums in Yogyakarta and Surrounding Areas Using Multitemporal Landsat Imagery
Khofifah, Khusnul
Spatial Analysis of the Affordability of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Services to the Community of Gunungkidul Regency
Kiat, Umar El Izzudin
Study of Spatial Pattern Distribution of Traditional Markets to Modern Markets in Surakarta City
Kiat, Umar El Izzudin
Accessibility, Distribution, and Fulfillment of Hospital Needs in Metro City, Lampung with 2SFCA Method
Lotfata, Aynaz
Comparison of the Comfort Level of Yogyakarta People Before the Pandemic, During the Lockdown, and Post-COVID-19 Transition
Maulida, Dita Ayu
The Effect of Anthropogenic Activity on the Distribution of Phosphate and Nitrate Content in Shallow Groundwater in Kartasura Subdistrict
Maulidiah, Linda
The Concept of Eco-Cities in Indonesia and China with Carbon Neutrality and Climate Change Perspective: Literature Review
Noor, Rhojian
The Study of Land Surface Temperature Changes in Urbanized Areas of Boyolali from 2009 to 2020
Novianto, Al Fauzi
Analysis of Fish Catches of Fishermen in the Southern Waters of Java Island in 2018 and 2020 Based on Chlorophyll-A Fertility and Sea Surface Temperature
Nugroho, Novaris Adi
Analysis of Landslide Susceptibility as a Basis for Community Social Mitigation in Gunungkidul Regency
Watershed Management by GIS-Based Morphometric Analysis of the Lampir Watershed, Central Java
Pramono, Wahyu Tyas
Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Regional Economic Dynamics Using Geographic Information System in Central Kalimantan Province
Priyana, Yuli
Comparison of the Comfort Level of Yogyakarta People Before the Pandemic, During the Lockdown, and Post-COVID-19 Transition
Priyono, Kuswaji Dwi
The Spatial Pattern of COVID-19 Incidence in Relation to Poverty Across Central Java Province
Purnomo, Shafa Rifda Syafira
Analysis of Residential and Industrial Land Development and Its Influencing Factors in Semarang City in 2011 and 2022
Putri, Dewi Kurnia
Comparison of the Comfort Level of Yogyakarta People Before the Pandemic, During the Lockdown, and Post-COVID-19 Transition
Rizky, Muhammad Faqih
Accessibility, Distribution, and Fulfillment of Hospital Needs in Metro City, Lampung with 2SFCA Method
Rohmatika, Aulia Erni
Analyzing Spatial Distribution Patterns of Tourism and Accessibility Level of Tourism Objects in Karanganyar Regency
Sanjoto, Tjaturahono Budi
Watershed Management by GIS-Based Morphometric Analysis of the Lampir Watershed, Central Java
Saputra, Aditya
Perception of People’s Potential and Expectations Towards the Sriwedari Cultural Heritage WebGIS (Surakarta, Indonesia)
Saputra, Aditya
Relationship Between Population Density and Land Cover Change in Kartasura Sub-district Using Built-Up Index (NDBI)
Saputra, Dicky Heru
Analysis of Community Comfort in the Semarang Area Based on Temperature Distribution Values Using the Temperature Humidity Index
Saputra, Lutfi Ibrahim Adi
Analysis of Environmental Criticality Index (ECI) and Distribution of Slums in Yogyakarta and Surrounding Areas Using Multitemporal Landsat Imagery
Sari, Dewi Novita
Spatial Analysis of the Effect of Urbanization on Changes in Land Cover and Distribution of Surface Temperature in Madiun City in 2015 and 2020
Sari, Dewi Novita
Analysis of Environmental Criticality Index (ECI) and Distribution of Slums in Yogyakarta and Surrounding Areas Using Multitemporal Landsat Imagery
Sari, Dewi Novita
The Spatial Pattern of COVID-19 Incidence in Relation to Poverty Across Central Java Province
Sasmi, Annisa Trisnia
Analysis of the Relationship Between the Percentage of Residential Density and the Built-Up Land Index in Community Environments
Shabrina, Hana Refah
Analysis of the Correlation Between Urban Development and Population with the Urban Heat Island Phenomenon in South Jakarta City
Sigit, Agus Anggoro
Analysis of the Population Density Correlation with the Temperature Changes in the Semarang Area from 1999 to 2019
Simanjuntak, Martin Reynaldi
Watershed Management by GIS-Based Morphometric Analysis of the Lampir Watershed, Central Java
Sunariya, M. Iqbal Taufiqurrahman
Analyzing Spatial Distribution Patterns of Tourism and Accessibility Level of Tourism Objects in Karanganyar Regency
Sunariya, M. Iqbal Taufiqurrahman
The Study of Land Surface Temperature Changes in Urbanized Areas of Boyolali from 2009 to 2020
Sunariya, M. Iqbal Taufiqurrahman
Accessibility, Distribution, and Fulfillment of Hospital Needs in Metro City, Lampung with 2SFCA Method
Sunariya, M. Iqbal Taufiqurrahman
Analysis of Residential and Industrial Land Development and Its Influencing Factors in Semarang City in 2011 and 2022
Analysis of Variations in the Relationship of Human Activities to Land Surface Temperature During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Yogyakarta City
Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Changes in Rice Field Use in 2012–2021 and Their Impact on Rice Production in Kartasura Subdistrict, Sukoharjo Regency