Proceedings of the International Conference of Geography and Disaster Management (ICGDM 2022)
31 articles
Proceedings Article
Analyzing Spatial Distribution Patterns of Tourism and Accessibility Level of Tourism Objects in Karanganyar Regency
Aulia Erni Rohmatika, Choirul Amin, M. Iqbal Taufiqurrahman Sunariya
Karanganyar Regency is one of the regencies in Central Java. Since it is located in a highland area and directly adjacent to East Java Province, it supports expanding tourism-related activities. The tourism industry is the leading sector in Karanganyar Regency, providing the highest regional income....
Proceedings Article
Comparison of the Comfort Level of Yogyakarta People Before the Pandemic, During the Lockdown, and Post-COVID-19 Transition
Dewi Kurnia Putri, Hamim Zaky Hadibasyir, Yuli Priyana, Jumadi, Mohd Hairy Ibrahim, Aynaz Lotfata
The COVID-19 pandemic forced the Indonesian government to implement a lockdown policy or Community Activities Restrictions Enforcement (CARE, also known as PPKM). A comfort level study is necessary as a consideration in regional development for the construction of industry, residential areas, and green...
Proceedings Article
Assessment of the Comfort Level of Cilegon City Communities Based on Surface Temperature, Vegetation Density, and Built-Up Land
Yuni Fitriani, Hamim Zaky Hadibasyir, Vidya Nadhiyatul Fikriyah, Mohd Hairy Ibrahim
Cilegon’s appeal as an industrial city is heavily influenced by urbanization. The most important impact of urbanization is the increasing need for residential, commercial, and industrial buildings, resulting in the rapid conversion of green land into built-up land. Reduced vegetated areas that function...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Variations in the Relationship of Human Activities to Land Surface Temperature During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Yogyakarta City
Dwi Apriyani Diharjo, Hamim Zaky Hadibasyir, Taryono, Mohd Hairy Ibrahim
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) a global pandemic. The uncontrolled spread of Covid-19 has caused world governments to impose restrictions on activities in public spaces to reduce positive Covid-19 counts. Similarly, Yogyakarta City...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Correlation Between Urban Development and Population with the Urban Heat Island Phenomenon in South Jakarta City
Hana Refah Shabrina, Jumadi, Umrotun, Mohd Hairy Ibrahim
Urban activities are highly complicated and demand a high level of mobility. The urban area is teeming with diverse activities, such as healthcare, offices, industry, commerce, and services. Those activities are influenced by the number of populations. It is because the populations are a subject that...
Proceedings Article
Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Changes in Rice Field Use in 2012–2021 and Their Impact on Rice Production in Kartasura Subdistrict, Sukoharjo Regency
Nicko Arya Hardika, Taryono, Jumadi
This study analyzed the spatial and temporal changes in land use and its relationship with rice production, using a secondary data analysis method. The results indicate that land conversion can be observed in every village in the Kartasura Subdistrict. The highest land area change occurred in the Pucangan...
Proceedings Article
Perception of People’s Potential and Expectations Towards the Sriwedari Cultural Heritage WebGIS (Surakarta, Indonesia)
Tri Cahyo Utomo, Aditya Saputra, Vidya Nahdhiyatul Fikriyah
The creation of a WebGIS based digital platform that visualizes and provides information about the Sriwedari Cultural Heritage Area in Surakarta City requires the acquisition of new understanding from the general public, students, students, and academics to gain public perception of this WebGIS so that...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Community Comfort in the Semarang Area Based on Temperature Distribution Values Using the Temperature Humidity Index
Dicky Heru Saputra, Hamim Zaky Hadibasyir, Danardono, Mohd Hairy Ibrahim
The Semarang Area is the center of socio-economic activity, and manifold people come to improve their living standards. The increasing population growth in Semarang Area due to the rate of urbanization initiates the conversion of vegetation land into built-up land, which has implications for decreasing...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Population Density Correlation with the Temperature Changes in the Semarang Area from 1999 to 2019
Nur Widi Handayani, Hamim Zaky Hadibasyir, Agus Anggoro Sigit
The Semarang area is one of the metropolitan areas in Indonesia. It has an impact on high population growth, both from natural growth and urbanization, which results in an increase in population density. In 2019, the population in the Semarang area was recorded at 3,062,936 people and will continue to...
Proceedings Article
The Study of Land Surface Temperature Changes in Urbanized Areas of Boyolali from 2009 to 2020
Rhojian Noor, M. Iqbal Taufiqurrahman Sunariya, Hamim Zaky Hadibasyir
The Land Surface Temperature (LST) phenomenon is closely related to changes in land cover affect ecosystem function and climate and increase or decrease the surrounding LST. Boyolali Regency is one of the rapidly growing regencies in Central Java Province. The population has increased yearly, impacting...
Proceedings Article
Spatial Analysis of the Affordability of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Services to the Community of Gunungkidul Regency
Khusnul Khofifah, Jumadi, Hamim Zaky Hadibasyir
Gunungkidul Regency still has a limited internet network. The local communication and informatics office stated that 5% of the area does not have proper signals for telecommunication. The population has encouraged the construction of new towers. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the surrounding...
Proceedings Article
Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Regional Economic Dynamics Using Geographic Information System in Central Kalimantan Province
Ratna Afriyanti, Choirul Amin, Wahyu Tyas Pramono
Central Kalimantan Province is a region with the lowest level of economic development when compared to other provinces on Kalimantan Island. The low level of economic growth is the basis for this research because several factors influence that. Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Regional Economic Dynamics Using...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Fish Catches of Fishermen in the Southern Waters of Java Island in 2018 and 2020 Based on Chlorophyll-A Fertility and Sea Surface Temperature
Al Fauzi Novianto, Hamim Zaky Hadibasyir, Afif Ari Wibowo
The decline in fish catches in 2018–2020 becomes a problem experienced by fishermen in the southern waters of Java island. This affects fishermen whose livelihoods are from marine products. From these problems, the purpose of the research is to analyze the fishermen’s catches in the southern waters of...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Anthropogenic Activity on the Distribution of Phosphate and Nitrate Content in Shallow Groundwater in Kartasura Subdistrict
Dita Ayu Maulida, Alif Noor Anna, Munawar Cholil
The Kartasura Subdistrict is an area with high levels of human activity, which can affect the surrounding environment. One of the impacts of this activity is a change in the quality of groundwater in the surrounding environment. This study aimed to analyze the effect of human activities on the levels...
Proceedings Article
Story Map Visualization of the Population Affected by COVID-19 in Jepara Regency
Finda Andayani, Jumadi, Choirul Amin
Information related to the population affected by COVID-19 in Jepara Regency can be visualized using a Story Maps. Interactive maps, photos, videos, audio, and text can all be used to display the results. This study sought to compare the number of residents before and after COVID-19 and visualize the...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Urban Sprawl on Temperature Distribution in Semarang
Indriyanti Feronika, Hamim Zaky Hadibayir, Alif Noor Anna
Several environmental and social impacts have emerged from the expansion of the industrial sector, including the high rate of urbanization, which has raised the population density and hence the demand for residential. The density of built-up land affects changes in surface temperature. The greater the...
Proceedings Article
Study of Spatial Pattern Distribution of Traditional Markets to Modern Markets in Surakarta City
Julianto, Choirul Amin, Umar El Izzudin Kiat
Population growth will encourage the development of economic development in a region. The trade sector, which continues to develop with the growth of trading facilities in traditional and modern markets, will create a pattern of distribution of trading points. Surakarta has 44 traditional markets and...
Proceedings Article
Accessibility, Distribution, and Fulfillment of Hospital Needs in Metro City, Lampung with 2SFCA Method
Muhammad Faqih Rizky, Jumadi, M. Iqbal Taufiqurrahman Sunariya, Umar El Izzudin Kiat, Vidya Nahdhiyatul Fikriyah
Health is one of the basic needs needed by everyone. Therefore, the government and community development should prioritize improving public health services. Hospitals in an area have an important role in community social services, especially health services. This research was conducted to assess hospitals’...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Landslide Susceptibility as a Basis for Community Social Mitigation in Gunungkidul Regency
Novaris Adi Nugroho, Danardono, Nirma Lila Anggani
Gunungkidul Regency has an area dominated by mountains in the northern and southern parts and high rainfall in the northern region. In 2021, landslides in Gunungkidul Regency were relatively frequent with 69 incidents. Thererefore, this research aims to 1) analyze the level of susceptibility and landslide-prone...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Residential and Industrial Land Development and Its Influencing Factors in Semarang City in 2011 and 2022
Shafa Rifda Syafira Purnomo, Hamim Zaky Hadibasyir, M. Iqbal Taufiqurrahman Sunariya
Settlements are part of the environment inhabited by humans, comprising supporting infrastructure facilities in urban and rural areas. Land developments include residential developments and industrial areas. One of the factors that cause the development of built land in urban areas is an increase in...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Population Density Level on Fecal Coliform Concentration in Shallow Groundwater in Kartasura Sub-district, Sukoharjo
Siti Nur Aisah, Alif Noor Anna, Danardono
Pollution of groundwater in urban areas can be prompted by high population density, excessive waste production, high levels of development, and social activities of the communities. This study aimed to analyze the spatial distribution of fecal coliform and the effect of population density on the level...
Proceedings Article
Relationship Between Population Density and Land Cover Change in Kartasura Sub-district Using Built-Up Index (NDBI)
Aura Desty Nur Cahyani, Jumadi, Aditya Saputra
The population density that occurs in a region can usually cause many problems to occur in the region, one of which is land cover change from vegetation to land that will later be built up. Kartasura Sub-district is a district in Sukoharjo regency that is strategically located in the city area, which...
Proceedings Article
Spatial Analysis of the Effect of Urbanization on Changes in Land Cover and Distribution of Surface Temperature in Madiun City in 2015 and 2020
Sika Putri Noor Fitriyani, Jumadi, Dewi Novita Sari
Changes in land cover affect the increasing surface temperatures. Built-up land ensued by regional development is the cause of increasing surface temperatures in urban and triggering climate change. One of the reasons is urbanization which leads land cover to change, thus the population density in Madiun...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Relationship Between the Percentage of Residential Density and the Built-Up Land Index in Community Environments
Rivi Yuliya Indriarti, Hamim Zaky Hadibasyir, Annisa Trisnia Sasmi
The city is the center of various activities, including those related to the economy, services, government, and education. Specifically, the development of Semarang City spurs the growth of buildings. However, population growth in Semarang City is only concentrated in a few sub-districts. Births, deaths,...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Environmental Criticality Index (ECI) and Distribution of Slums in Yogyakarta and Surrounding Areas Using Multitemporal Landsat Imagery
Lutfi Ibrahim Adi Saputra, Jumadi, Dewi Novita Sari
The environmental challenges arising due to urbanization and population growth have emerged. Reasons for this include rising temperature, high population, and changes in land use to built-up land. Many people prefer to live in cities because they provide better opportunities for work, living standards,...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Impact of Residential Land Development on LST in Semarang City
Raihan Amaris Ramadhan Gunawan, Hamim Zaky Hadibasyir, Basyar Ihsan Arijuddin
All activities, including the economy, government, and other supporting activities, are centered on urban areas. Human activities have both positive and harmful impacts on the urban itself. One of the impacts is the development of built-up land, which will impact temperature changes. Within eight years,...
Proceedings Article
The Dynamics of Changes in the Coastline of the Sayung Coastal Community in Demak Regency Using Remote Sensing Imagery
Iqbal Alan Abdullah, Danardono, Hamim Zaky Hadibasyir
Shoreline changes indicate dynamic events in coastal areas. Communities around the coast will feel the impact of changes in the coastline. The purposes of this study are (1) to analyze the level of shoreline change from 2015 to 2021 and (2) to analyze the effect of tidal flooding on shoreline changes...
Proceedings Article
The Spatial Pattern of COVID-19 Incidence in Relation to Poverty Across Central Java Province
Choirul Amin, Dewi Novita Sari, Kuswaji Dwi Priyono, Bela Hidayah
The COVID-19 outbreak has negative effects not only on public health but also on socioeconomic circumstances, leading to reduced income, unemployment, and an escalation in poverty. The study explores the spatially varying relationships between COVID-19 incidence and poverty in Central Java Province and...
Proceedings Article
The Concept of Eco-Cities in Indonesia and China with Carbon Neutrality and Climate Change Perspective: Literature Review
Linda Maulidiah, Xu Huang
Due to climate change, many other countries such as Indonesia and China would aim for a zero carbon emission target before 2030. Indonesia and China are two countries that have been affected bilaterally by the concept, model, and policy of eco-cities. Both two countries also have another side to implication...
Proceedings Article
Watershed Management by GIS-Based Morphometric Analysis of the Lampir Watershed, Central Java
Edy Trihatmoko, Martin Reynaldi Simanjuntak, Nurlinda, Juhadi, Tjaturahono Budi Sanjoto, Ananto Aji
The decline of Indonesia's quality of watershed environment nowadays requires proper management. This research was initiated to obtain the watershed morphometrics using the automatic GIS method, mainly for Flow Direction Analysis. The study was conducted in Lampir Watershed. Lampir Watershed plays...