Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation and Technology (ICIT 2021)
78 authors
- Aisyah, Diana
- Physicochemical and Biological Analysis in Busmetik Application System on Vannamei Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Culture in Pasuruan Regency
- Andriatmoko, Novil Dedy
- Transformation Adaptation of Farmers to Forest Management Based on Social Forestry Policy in Various Types of Forest, Malang, Indonesia
- Aprilia, Anisa
- Investigating Supply-Side Flexibility to Support Sustainability Business Performance: Learning from Coffee Shops in Malang City
- Astuti, Retno
- Analysis of Business Development Strategy with Fuzzy SWOT Method (Case Study in the Potato Chips SMES Cluster)
- Astuti, Retno
- Risk Identification in Potato Chips Production using Supply Chain Operation Model (SCOR)
- Bafadhal, Aniesa Samira
- Research and Development Web-Based Virtual Military Museum as a Tool for Edu-Tourism from Home During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Balbeid, Merlya
- Ultrasonic Extraction of Betara’s Areca Nuts’ Antioxidants
- Choirun, Annisa
- Ultrasonic Extraction of Betara’s Areca Nuts’ Antioxidants
- Chomsri, Ni-orn
- Ultrasonic Extraction of Betara’s Areca Nuts’ Antioxidants
- Ciptadi, Gatot
- Analysis of the Difference in Frequency Sound Waves to the Catch of Gulamah Fish (Johnius trachycephalus) Using a Trammel Net in the Coastal Area of Surabaya
- Dewi, Ika Atsari
- The Effect of Material Characteristics on the Quality of Hand-crafted Batik Wastewater
- Effendhi, Puspamega Yulisnaeni
- The Effect of Layers and Weaving Spacing of ‘Mendong’ (Fimbristylis globulosa) Bio-geotextile on Effectiveness of Soil Erosion Control
- Erwin
- Integrated Management System as a Tool to Improve Corporate Sustainability Performance in the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry in Indonesia
- Fajriani, Sisca
- The Effect of Material Characteristics on the Quality of Hand-crafted Batik Wastewater
- Fanani, Angga Akbar
- Value Chain and Customer Value Analysis of Organic Food Supply Chain
- Fattah, Mochammad
- Physicochemical and Biological Analysis in Busmetik Application System on Vannamei Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Culture in Pasuruan Regency
- Hamdala, Ihwan
- Risk Analysis of Environmentally Friendly Milk Production Process with GMP and HACCP
- Harahab, Nuddin
- Analysis of the Difference in Frequency Sound Waves to the Catch of Gulamah Fish (Johnius trachycephalus) Using a Trammel Net in the Coastal Area of Surabaya
- Hendrawan, Muhammad Rosyihan
- Research and Development Web-Based Virtual Military Museum as a Tool for Edu-Tourism from Home During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Husna, Ismi Fadilla Ainur
- Optimization of Ethanol Concentration and Time for Flavonoid Extraction of Melinjo Peel
- Irawanto, Dodi Wirawan
- The Effect of Self-Efficacy on Job Performance: Gen X and Gen Y Preferences in R/D Based University
- Irawanto, Dodi Wirawan
- Integrated Management System as a Tool to Improve Corporate Sustainability Performance in the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry in Indonesia
- Irawanto, Dodi Wirawan
- E-HRM Application During Teleworking: A Structured Literature Review
- Irawanto, Dodi Wirawan
- Understanding Paternalistic Leadership on Innovation Management in Indonesia Insurance Sector
- Kumalaningsih, Sri
- Optimization of Ethanol Concentration and Time for Flavonoid Extraction of Melinjo Peel
- Kurniawan, Andi
- Analysis of the Difference in Frequency Sound Waves to the Catch of Gulamah Fish (Johnius trachycephalus) Using a Trammel Net in the Coastal Area of Surabaya
- Kusumaningtyas, Octavia Widyastuti
- Risk Identification in Potato Chips Production using Supply Chain Operation Model (SCOR)
- Lady, Ainun
- Analysis of Business Development Strategy with Fuzzy SWOT Method (Case Study in the Potato Chips SMES Cluster)
- Laili, Fitrotul
- Investigating Supply-Side Flexibility to Support Sustainability Business Performance: Learning from Coffee Shops in Malang City
- Lestari, Sarahnanda Nur
- Transformation Adaptation of Farmers to Forest Management Based on Social Forestry Policy in Various Types of Forest, Malang, Indonesia
- Lestariadi, Riski Agung
- Effectiveness of Using Instagram as a Promotion Media in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemics
- Mohamad, Effendi bin
- Risk Analysis of Environmentally Friendly Milk Production Process with GMP and HACCP
- Muminin, Amirul
- Analysis of the Difference in Frequency Sound Waves to the Catch of Gulamah Fish (Johnius trachycephalus) Using a Trammel Net in the Coastal Area of Surabaya
- Mustaniroh, Siti Asmaul
- Analysis of Business Development Strategy with Fuzzy SWOT Method (Case Study in the Potato Chips SMES Cluster)
- Mustaniroh, Siti Asmaul
- Risk Identification in Potato Chips Production using Supply Chain Operation Model (SCOR)
- Mustaniroh, Siti Asmaul
- The Effect of Material Characteristics on the Quality of Hand-crafted Batik Wastewater
- Negara, Kartika
- Tacit Knowledge Acquisition and Codification in Construction Industry: Evidence from Indonesia
- Nizori, Addion
- Ultrasonic Extraction of Betara’s Areca Nuts’ Antioxidants
- Novianti, Khusnul Rofida
- E-HRM Application During Teleworking: A Structured Literature Review
- Novianti, Khusnul Rofida
- Understanding Paternalistic Leadership on Innovation Management in Indonesia Insurance Sector
- Oktavianty, Oke
- Risk Analysis of Environmentally Friendly Milk Production Process with GMP and HACCP
- Perdani, Claudia Gadizza
- Characteristics of Briquette as an Alternative Fuel Made of Mixed-Biomass Waste (Dairy Sludge and Coconut Shell)
- Pranowo, Dodyk
- Characteristics of Briquette as an Alternative Fuel Made of Mixed-Biomass Waste (Dairy Sludge and Coconut Shell)
- Prasita, Viv Djanat
- Analysis of the Difference in Frequency Sound Waves to the Catch of Gulamah Fish (Johnius trachycephalus) Using a Trammel Net in the Coastal Area of Surabaya
- Prihatno, Asep Awaludin
- Physicochemical and Biological Analysis in Busmetik Application System on Vannamei Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Culture in Pasuruan Regency
- Purnomo, Mangku
- Transformation Adaptation of Farmers to Forest Management Based on Social Forestry Policy in Various Types of Forest, Malang, Indonesia
- Putro, Wisnu Wijayanto
- Risk Analysis of Environmentally Friendly Milk Production Process with GMP and HACCP
- Rifandi, Safriudin
- Analysis of the Difference in Frequency Sound Waves to the Catch of Gulamah Fish (Johnius trachycephalus) Using a Trammel Net in the Coastal Area of Surabaya
- Rosana, Nurul
- Analysis of the Difference in Frequency Sound Waves to the Catch of Gulamah Fish (Johnius trachycephalus) Using a Trammel Net in the Coastal Area of Surabaya
- Safii, Muhammad Permana Hendra
- Effectiveness of Using Instagram as a Promotion Media in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemics
- Safitri, Puput
- Comparative Study on the Extraction and Quantification of Polyphenols from Moringa oleifera Leaves Using Maceration with Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) as Pretreatment and Microwave-Assisted Extraction (MAE)
- Sahrial
- Ultrasonic Extraction of Betara’s Areca Nuts’ Antioxidants
- Sari, Ratih Ardia
- Value Chain and Customer Value Analysis of Organic Food Supply Chain
- Sari, Sylvie Indah Kartika
- Value Chain and Customer Value Analysis of Organic Food Supply Chain
- Savira, Tsamara Dhany
- Characteristics of Briquette as an Alternative Fuel Made of Mixed-Biomass Waste (Dairy Sludge and Coconut Shell)
- Setyawan, Hendrix Yulis
- Ultrasonic Extraction of Betara’s Areca Nuts’ Antioxidants
- Setyawan, Hendrix Yulis
- The Effect of Layers and Weaving Spacing of ‘Mendong’ (Fimbristylis globulosa) Bio-geotextile on Effectiveness of Soil Erosion Control
- Setyawan, Hendrix Yulis
- Comparative Study on the Extraction and Quantification of Polyphenols from Moringa oleifera Leaves Using Maceration with Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) as Pretreatment and Microwave-Assisted Extraction (MAE)
- Setyawan, Hendrix Yulis
- Characteristics of Briquette as an Alternative Fuel Made of Mixed-Biomass Waste (Dairy Sludge and Coconut Shell)
- Setyowati, Putri Budi
- Investigating Supply-Side Flexibility to Support Sustainability Business Performance: Learning from Coffee Shops in Malang City
- Sholihah, Qomariyatus
- Value Chain and Customer Value Analysis of Organic Food Supply Chain
- Subagiyo, Aris
- The Effect of Material Characteristics on the Quality of Hand-crafted Batik Wastewater
- Subagyo, Aris
- Ultrasonic Extraction of Betara’s Areca Nuts’ Antioxidants
- Sucipto
- Risk Identification in Potato Chips Production using Supply Chain Operation Model (SCOR)
- Sucipto
- Optimization of Ethanol Concentration and Time for Flavonoid Extraction of Melinjo Peel
- Sukardi
- The Effect of Layers and Weaving Spacing of ‘Mendong’ (Fimbristylis globulosa) Bio-geotextile on Effectiveness of Soil Erosion Control
- Sukardi
- Comparative Study on the Extraction and Quantification of Polyphenols from Moringa oleifera Leaves Using Maceration with Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) as Pretreatment and Microwave-Assisted Extraction (MAE)
- Sunyoto, Nimas Mayang Sabrina
- Ultrasonic Extraction of Betara’s Areca Nuts’ Antioxidants
- Supartono
- Analysis of the Difference in Frequency Sound Waves to the Catch of Gulamah Fish (Johnius trachycephalus) Using a Trammel Net in the Coastal Area of Surabaya
- Supriyadi
- Physicochemical and Biological Analysis in Busmetik Application System on Vannamei Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Culture in Pasuruan Regency
- Supriyadi, Supriyadi
- Effectiveness of Using Instagram as a Promotion Media in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemics
- Suryadhi
- Analysis of the Difference in Frequency Sound Waves to the Catch of Gulamah Fish (Johnius trachycephalus) Using a Trammel Net in the Coastal Area of Surabaya
- Suryo, Eko
- Tacit Knowledge Acquisition and Codification in Construction Industry: Evidence from Indonesia
- Utomo, Medea Rahmadhani
- Transformation Adaptation of Farmers to Forest Management Based on Social Forestry Policy in Various Types of Forest, Malang, Indonesia
- Waringga, Kristoforus Farian
- Investigating Supply-Side Flexibility to Support Sustainability Business Performance: Learning from Coffee Shops in Malang City
- Wati, Lina Asmara
- Effectiveness of Using Instagram as a Promotion Media in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemics
- Wijatmiko, Indradi
- Tacit Knowledge Acquisition and Codification in Construction Industry: Evidence from Indonesia
- Yulanie, Nataria
- The Effect of Self-Efficacy on Job Performance: Gen X and Gen Y Preferences in R/D Based University