Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation and Technology (ICIT 2021)

78 authors
Aisyah, Diana
Physicochemical and Biological Analysis in Busmetik Application System on Vannamei Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Culture in Pasuruan Regency
Andriatmoko, Novil Dedy
Transformation Adaptation of Farmers to Forest Management Based on Social Forestry Policy in Various Types of Forest, Malang, Indonesia
Aprilia, Anisa
Investigating Supply-Side Flexibility to Support Sustainability Business Performance: Learning from Coffee Shops in Malang City
Astuti, Retno
Analysis of Business Development Strategy with Fuzzy SWOT Method (Case Study in the Potato Chips SMES Cluster)
Astuti, Retno
Risk Identification in Potato Chips Production using Supply Chain Operation Model (SCOR)
Bafadhal, Aniesa Samira
Research and Development Web-Based Virtual Military Museum as a Tool for Edu-Tourism from Home During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Balbeid, Merlya
Ultrasonic Extraction of Betara’s Areca Nuts’ Antioxidants
Choirun, Annisa
Ultrasonic Extraction of Betara’s Areca Nuts’ Antioxidants
Chomsri, Ni-orn
Ultrasonic Extraction of Betara’s Areca Nuts’ Antioxidants
Ciptadi, Gatot
Analysis of the Difference in Frequency Sound Waves to the Catch of Gulamah Fish (Johnius trachycephalus) Using a Trammel Net in the Coastal Area of Surabaya
Dewi, Ika Atsari
The Effect of Material Characteristics on the Quality of Hand-crafted Batik Wastewater
Effendhi, Puspamega Yulisnaeni
The Effect of Layers and Weaving Spacing of ‘Mendong’ (Fimbristylis globulosa) Bio-geotextile on Effectiveness of Soil Erosion Control
Integrated Management System as a Tool to Improve Corporate Sustainability Performance in the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry in Indonesia
Fajriani, Sisca
The Effect of Material Characteristics on the Quality of Hand-crafted Batik Wastewater
Fanani, Angga Akbar
Value Chain and Customer Value Analysis of Organic Food Supply Chain
Fattah, Mochammad
Physicochemical and Biological Analysis in Busmetik Application System on Vannamei Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Culture in Pasuruan Regency
Hamdala, Ihwan
Risk Analysis of Environmentally Friendly Milk Production Process with GMP and HACCP
Harahab, Nuddin
Analysis of the Difference in Frequency Sound Waves to the Catch of Gulamah Fish (Johnius trachycephalus) Using a Trammel Net in the Coastal Area of Surabaya
Hendrawan, Muhammad Rosyihan
Research and Development Web-Based Virtual Military Museum as a Tool for Edu-Tourism from Home During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Husna, Ismi Fadilla Ainur
Optimization of Ethanol Concentration and Time for Flavonoid Extraction of Melinjo Peel
Irawanto, Dodi Wirawan
The Effect of Self-Efficacy on Job Performance: Gen X and Gen Y Preferences in R/D Based University
Irawanto, Dodi Wirawan
Integrated Management System as a Tool to Improve Corporate Sustainability Performance in the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry in Indonesia
Irawanto, Dodi Wirawan
E-HRM Application During Teleworking: A Structured Literature Review
Irawanto, Dodi Wirawan
Understanding Paternalistic Leadership on Innovation Management in Indonesia Insurance Sector
Kumalaningsih, Sri
Optimization of Ethanol Concentration and Time for Flavonoid Extraction of Melinjo Peel
Kurniawan, Andi
Analysis of the Difference in Frequency Sound Waves to the Catch of Gulamah Fish (Johnius trachycephalus) Using a Trammel Net in the Coastal Area of Surabaya
Kusumaningtyas, Octavia Widyastuti
Risk Identification in Potato Chips Production using Supply Chain Operation Model (SCOR)
Lady, Ainun
Analysis of Business Development Strategy with Fuzzy SWOT Method (Case Study in the Potato Chips SMES Cluster)
Laili, Fitrotul
Investigating Supply-Side Flexibility to Support Sustainability Business Performance: Learning from Coffee Shops in Malang City
Lestari, Sarahnanda Nur
Transformation Adaptation of Farmers to Forest Management Based on Social Forestry Policy in Various Types of Forest, Malang, Indonesia
Lestariadi, Riski Agung
Effectiveness of Using Instagram as a Promotion Media in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemics
Mohamad, Effendi bin
Risk Analysis of Environmentally Friendly Milk Production Process with GMP and HACCP
Muminin, Amirul
Analysis of the Difference in Frequency Sound Waves to the Catch of Gulamah Fish (Johnius trachycephalus) Using a Trammel Net in the Coastal Area of Surabaya
Mustaniroh, Siti Asmaul
Analysis of Business Development Strategy with Fuzzy SWOT Method (Case Study in the Potato Chips SMES Cluster)
Mustaniroh, Siti Asmaul
Risk Identification in Potato Chips Production using Supply Chain Operation Model (SCOR)
Mustaniroh, Siti Asmaul
The Effect of Material Characteristics on the Quality of Hand-crafted Batik Wastewater
Negara, Kartika
Tacit Knowledge Acquisition and Codification in Construction Industry: Evidence from Indonesia
Nizori, Addion
Ultrasonic Extraction of Betara’s Areca Nuts’ Antioxidants
Novianti, Khusnul Rofida
E-HRM Application During Teleworking: A Structured Literature Review
Novianti, Khusnul Rofida
Understanding Paternalistic Leadership on Innovation Management in Indonesia Insurance Sector
Oktavianty, Oke
Risk Analysis of Environmentally Friendly Milk Production Process with GMP and HACCP
Perdani, Claudia Gadizza
Characteristics of Briquette as an Alternative Fuel Made of Mixed-Biomass Waste (Dairy Sludge and Coconut Shell)
Pranowo, Dodyk
Characteristics of Briquette as an Alternative Fuel Made of Mixed-Biomass Waste (Dairy Sludge and Coconut Shell)
Prasita, Viv Djanat
Analysis of the Difference in Frequency Sound Waves to the Catch of Gulamah Fish (Johnius trachycephalus) Using a Trammel Net in the Coastal Area of Surabaya
Prihatno, Asep Awaludin
Physicochemical and Biological Analysis in Busmetik Application System on Vannamei Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Culture in Pasuruan Regency
Purnomo, Mangku
Transformation Adaptation of Farmers to Forest Management Based on Social Forestry Policy in Various Types of Forest, Malang, Indonesia
Putro, Wisnu Wijayanto
Risk Analysis of Environmentally Friendly Milk Production Process with GMP and HACCP
Rifandi, Safriudin
Analysis of the Difference in Frequency Sound Waves to the Catch of Gulamah Fish (Johnius trachycephalus) Using a Trammel Net in the Coastal Area of Surabaya
Rosana, Nurul
Analysis of the Difference in Frequency Sound Waves to the Catch of Gulamah Fish (Johnius trachycephalus) Using a Trammel Net in the Coastal Area of Surabaya
Safii, Muhammad Permana Hendra
Effectiveness of Using Instagram as a Promotion Media in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemics
Safitri, Puput
Comparative Study on the Extraction and Quantification of Polyphenols from Moringa oleifera Leaves Using Maceration with Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) as Pretreatment and Microwave-Assisted Extraction (MAE)
Ultrasonic Extraction of Betara’s Areca Nuts’ Antioxidants
Sari, Ratih Ardia
Value Chain and Customer Value Analysis of Organic Food Supply Chain
Sari, Sylvie Indah Kartika
Value Chain and Customer Value Analysis of Organic Food Supply Chain
Savira, Tsamara Dhany
Characteristics of Briquette as an Alternative Fuel Made of Mixed-Biomass Waste (Dairy Sludge and Coconut Shell)
Setyawan, Hendrix Yulis
Ultrasonic Extraction of Betara’s Areca Nuts’ Antioxidants
Setyawan, Hendrix Yulis
The Effect of Layers and Weaving Spacing of ‘Mendong’ (Fimbristylis globulosa) Bio-geotextile on Effectiveness of Soil Erosion Control
Setyawan, Hendrix Yulis
Comparative Study on the Extraction and Quantification of Polyphenols from Moringa oleifera Leaves Using Maceration with Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) as Pretreatment and Microwave-Assisted Extraction (MAE)
Setyawan, Hendrix Yulis
Characteristics of Briquette as an Alternative Fuel Made of Mixed-Biomass Waste (Dairy Sludge and Coconut Shell)
Setyowati, Putri Budi
Investigating Supply-Side Flexibility to Support Sustainability Business Performance: Learning from Coffee Shops in Malang City
Sholihah, Qomariyatus
Value Chain and Customer Value Analysis of Organic Food Supply Chain
Subagiyo, Aris
The Effect of Material Characteristics on the Quality of Hand-crafted Batik Wastewater
Subagyo, Aris
Ultrasonic Extraction of Betara’s Areca Nuts’ Antioxidants
Risk Identification in Potato Chips Production using Supply Chain Operation Model (SCOR)
Optimization of Ethanol Concentration and Time for Flavonoid Extraction of Melinjo Peel
The Effect of Layers and Weaving Spacing of ‘Mendong’ (Fimbristylis globulosa) Bio-geotextile on Effectiveness of Soil Erosion Control
Comparative Study on the Extraction and Quantification of Polyphenols from Moringa oleifera Leaves Using Maceration with Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) as Pretreatment and Microwave-Assisted Extraction (MAE)
Sunyoto, Nimas Mayang Sabrina
Ultrasonic Extraction of Betara’s Areca Nuts’ Antioxidants
Analysis of the Difference in Frequency Sound Waves to the Catch of Gulamah Fish (Johnius trachycephalus) Using a Trammel Net in the Coastal Area of Surabaya
Physicochemical and Biological Analysis in Busmetik Application System on Vannamei Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Culture in Pasuruan Regency
Supriyadi, Supriyadi
Effectiveness of Using Instagram as a Promotion Media in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemics
Analysis of the Difference in Frequency Sound Waves to the Catch of Gulamah Fish (Johnius trachycephalus) Using a Trammel Net in the Coastal Area of Surabaya
Suryo, Eko
Tacit Knowledge Acquisition and Codification in Construction Industry: Evidence from Indonesia
Utomo, Medea Rahmadhani
Transformation Adaptation of Farmers to Forest Management Based on Social Forestry Policy in Various Types of Forest, Malang, Indonesia
Waringga, Kristoforus Farian
Investigating Supply-Side Flexibility to Support Sustainability Business Performance: Learning from Coffee Shops in Malang City
Wati, Lina Asmara
Effectiveness of Using Instagram as a Promotion Media in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemics
Wijatmiko, Indradi
Tacit Knowledge Acquisition and Codification in Construction Industry: Evidence from Indonesia
Yulanie, Nataria
The Effect of Self-Efficacy on Job Performance: Gen X and Gen Y Preferences in R/D Based University