Proceedings of the First International Conference on Progressive Civil Society (ICONPROCS 2019)

159 authors
Riyanta, Sugeng
Community Rights in Taking the Legal Effort of the Accidents of Government Infrastructure
Rizqi, Akhmad
Teacher Competence in Developing Motor Skills of Elementary School Students
Roemintoyo, Roemintoyo
Framework of the Blended Learning in Vocational Study to Achieve Hot Skills
Rohaeti, Eli
Students' Generic Science Skills in Chemistry Learning Using Inquiry-Based Learning
Rujani, Muhammad
Correlational study between learning style and reading comprehension at university level students
Rustendi, Iwan
The Simulations of Energy based on the Building Masterplan of RSUD Pandan Arang Boyolali
Ru’iya, Sutipyo
Strengthening Morality And Character of Madrasah Tsanawiyah’s Students in Kulon Progo by Developing Good Habits and Effective Communication With Parents
SP, Novi
The Simulations of Energy based on the Building Masterplan of RSUD Pandan Arang Boyolali
Salsabila, Unik
The Magic of Creation Philosophy: Building the 21st Spiritual Literacy through Seven Learning Pathways
Sari, Norma
Consumer Protection of Drug in Indonesian Law: Examining The Paternalism Theory
Sari, Purnama
The Unique Explanations of Cognitive Hierarchy of needs theory on the Phenomena of Cohabitation, Young Marriage and Divorce: Qualitative study of young marriage to Banjar tribes in Paluh Manan Village
Septiana, Dian
Mobile Application with 3D to Improve Self- Determined Learning Interest : Student’s Response and Challenge in Biology Class
Septikasari, Zela
Increasing Student Capacity in Disaster Preparedness through Psychosocial Training
Setiawan, Farid
The Curriculum Model of Study Program-based Muhammadiyah Form of Cadre
Shalihah, Fithriatus
The Obstacles of Copyright Protection against Traditional Cultural Expression in Indonesia
Sintawati, Mukti
Correlation Between Teaching Readiness with Math Anxiety of Primary Pre-Service Teacher
Siswandari, Siswandari
Framework of the Blended Learning in Vocational Study to Achieve Hot Skills
Siswanto, Lisanti
The Analysis of Parent Satisfaction with the School Service Using Kano Methods: The Case Study at The Private School in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Soleh, Ahmad
Inclusive Growth in Bengkulu Province: Multidimensional Approach
Solihah, Cucu
Fostering Prisoners Through A Religious Approach: Case Study in Class II-A Prison in Magelang, Central Java and Prison Class II B Cianjur, West Java
Suatmiati, Sri
Additional Implications of Injury Costs of Health BPJS Patients as Community Empowerment Efforts
Subardjo, Subardjo
The Role of Job Satisfaction on Employee Work Productivity
Subardjo, Subardjo
The Effect of Transformational Leadership Style and Human Relations on Work Satisfaction
Subardjo, Subardjo
Relationship Between Work Satisfaction with Employee Engagement
Sudarmo, Sudarmo
The Implementation of Child- Friendly Schools: Challenges and Obstacles in the Era of Technological and Information Advancement
Sudibyo, Desiderius
The Implementation of Child- Friendly Schools: Challenges and Obstacles in the Era of Technological and Information Advancement
Sudibyo, Desiderius
Challenges to accountability and transparency in implementing discretion in public services in Indonesia
Sukariasih, Luh
Investigating the Effectiveness of Inquiry Learning and Direct Learning Models Toward Physics Learning
Sukatiman, Sukatiman
Framework of the Blended Learning in Vocational Study to Achieve Hot Skills
Sukiyono, Ketut
Inclusive Growth in Bengkulu Province: Multidimensional Approach
Sukmareni, Sukmareni
Policy for Formulating Criminal Law in the Indonesian Criminal Justice System
Sulisworo, Dwi
In-Service Teacher’s Response to The Professional Development Training and Workshop in Indonesia
Sulisworo, Dwi
The Analysis of Parent Satisfaction with the School Service Using Kano Methods: The Case Study at The Private School in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Sulisworo, Dwi
Teacher Pedagogic Communication for Effective Learning
Supriyo, Doni
Urgency of the Ombudsman in the District in monitoring the Operation of Public Services
Suryadi, Karim
Digital Philanthropy in Indonesia: Strengthening Civic Virtue for Digital Citizens
Sutapa, Panggung
Teacher Competence in Developing Motor Skills of Elementary School Students
Suyatno, Suyatno
Teacher Pedagogic Communication for Effective Learning
Suyatno, Suyatno
Progressive Law Implementation in the Southeast Asian Country Environment
Syakdiyah, Aminatul
Active Learner Strategies in Era of Disruption: a Literature Review
Tentama, Fatwa
The Role of Job Satisfaction on Employee Work Productivity
Tentama, Fatwa
The Effect of Transformational Leadership Style and Human Relations on Work Satisfaction
Tentama, Fatwa
Relationship Between Work Satisfaction with Employee Engagement
Triana, Ikama
Moral Panic and Online Prostitution: Study of Social Reactions
Ulinnuha, Moh
Teacher Readiness Level Facing Technology Demands, Pedagogical Skills and Development of School Culture in the 21st Century
Urbayatun, Siti
Teacher Pedagogic Communication for Effective Learning
Usman, Husaini
A Systematic Review on Sustainable Human Resource Management: A Framework for Managing Training in The Indonesian Police Force
Usman, Nurodin
Spin-off and Social Funds’ Productivity of Islamic Banking Industry in Indonesia
Usodo, Budi
Design Analysis of Mathematics Teacher Lesson Plans Based on Higher Order Thinking
Utami, Retno
Students' Generic Science Skills in Chemistry Learning Using Inquiry-Based Learning
Utami, Tanti
The Impact Of Over Capacity On Fulfilling The Basic Rights Of The Assisted Citizen In Prison In The Perspective Of Human Right
Wahyuengeseh, Rutiana
Challenges to accountability and transparency in implementing discretion in public services in Indonesia
Wardani, Susilo
Implementation of the Employment Social Security for Informal Workers or Labors with No Employment Contract in Purbalingga Regency
Wijayanti, Wiwik
Active Learner Strategies in Era of Disruption: a Literature Review
Wiyono, Wwin
Wanprestasi of Mudharabah Financing in Sharia Banking
Yanzi, Hermy
Global Citizens Awareness Through Digital Literacy In the Fourth Industrial Revolution: A Riview of the Literature
Yoyo, Yoyo
Historiography of the Arabic Grammar in Europe: The Legacy of Wright’s Arabic Grammar
Yulianto, Priyono
The Simulations of Energy based on the Building Masterplan of RSUD Pandan Arang Boyolali
Zurneti, Aria
Policy for Formulating Criminal Law in the Indonesian Criminal Justice System