Proceedings of the 3rd KOBI Congress, International and National Conferences (KOBICINC 2020)

374 authors
Pratama, Sandi Fransisco
The Effect of Carbonate Hydroxyapatite (CHA) Dental Implant Material on the Early Development of Zebrafish Embryos (Danio rerio)
Pratita, Salma Dewi
The Abundance and Distribution Patterns of Echinoderms in the Intertidal Zone of Nglolang Beach, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta
Prayogo, Muhammad Eko
The Circulating Level of IL-1β in Patients with Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) in Yogyakarta: Characteristics to Disease Activity
Priatna, Dolly
Early Detection of Body Temperature with Infrared Technology for Prevention of Endemic Outbreaks of Primary School Age Infectious Diseases
Pudjiono, Sugeng
Growth Variation of Swietenia macrophylla King. Progeny Trial at 18 Months of Age in Trenggalek East Java
Pudjiono, Sugeng
The Manglid (Manglietia glauca Bl) Growth Variations at Age of 42 Months in Candiroto Temanggung Central Java
Pujiyanti, Tutik
Effectiveness of BAP (6-Benzyl Amino Purine) for Buds Induction of Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt.)
Purbianto, Kukuh Andias
Identification of Pathogenic Bacteria on Spiny Lobster (Panulirus homarus) at Quality Control and Fishery Product Safety Agency (BKIPM) of Bengkulu
Purwanto, Y
Engkerebai Kayoh (Psychotria malayana) Among Dye Plants of Dayak Iban People in Sungai Utik Village of Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Response of Soybean Lines to Drought Stress During Reproductive Phase
Putra, Apriza Hongko
Analysis of Water Quality from Several Rivers as Habitat of Mungkus Fish (Sicyopterus sp.) in Bengkulu Province
Putra, Ramadhani Eka
Application of Bokashi, Vermicompost, and Residue of Coffee Testa Bioconversion by Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) on the Production of Japanese Cucumber (Luffa acutangula)
Putri, A. Rini Sahni
The Effect of Suckermouth Catfish (Pterygoplichthys sp.) Population Explosions on the Effectiveness of Fishing and the Sustainability Status of Sidenreng Lake Waters
Putri, Cintya Nabilla
Exploration of Phyllosphere Bacteria From Andaliman (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC.)
Putri, Delfiani Anggias
Antibacterial Activities of Staphylococcus sciuri APD7 Isolate Sponge-Associated Aplysina sp. Against Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus
Putri, Pratanti Haksiwi
Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] Yield Variance and Supported Character
Putri, Rini Sahni
Application of Fermented Rice Bran Using Lactobacillus sp. in Artificial Feed For Survival Rate and FCR of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Qayim, Ibnul
Engkerebai Kayoh (Psychotria malayana) Among Dye Plants of Dayak Iban People in Sungai Utik Village of Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Rachmawani, Nabilah
Antimicrobial Activity of Ethanol Extract of Akar Kaik-kaik (Uncaria cordata (Lour.) Merr.) Leaves Against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Candida albicans
Rachmawati, Indah Dwi
Exploration of Phyllosphere Bacteria From Andaliman (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC.)
Rahajeng, W.
Yield Potential and Morphological Characters of Promising Sweetpotato Clones Rich in Anthocyanin and High Dry Matter Content
Rahayu, Sata Yoshida Srie
Early Detection of Body Temperature with Infrared Technology for Prevention of Endemic Outbreaks of Primary School Age Infectious Diseases
Rahmadi, Taufik
The Manglid (Manglietia glauca Bl) Growth Variations at Age of 42 Months in Candiroto Temanggung Central Java
Rahmadinie, Serly
Preference of Simpai (Presbytis melalophos melalophos) on Forage Plant Types in Bukit Daun Protevted Forest of Taba Penanjung District, Central Bengkulu Regency
Rajab, Resky Amalia
The Effect of Suckermouth Catfish (Pterygoplichthys sp.) Population Explosions on the Effectiveness of Fishing and the Sustainability Status of Sidenreng Lake Waters
Rama, Mahesha
Morphometric Analysis of Bats (Chiroptera) in the Campus Area of the University of Bengkulu, Using Principal Component Analysis
Ramadhana, Rifqi
Effect of Skim Milk on Sperm Motility of Brek Fish, Systomus orphoides (Valenciennes, 1842) for Short Term Preservation
Reformanda, Stella
Isolation and Identification of Cellulase- Producing Encophytic Bacteria From Yellow Root Plants (Arvangelisia flava (L.) Merr) From Enggano Island
Resida, Esi
Morphological and Histological Study of White Rats (Rattus norvegicus) Kidney Following the Consumption of Sumatran Wild Mango Extract (Mangifera spp.)
Restuono, J.
Yield Potential and Morphological Characters of Promising Sweetpotato Clones Rich in Anthocyanin and High Dry Matter Content
Retnoaji, Bambang
Jackfruit Seed Extract Exposure on Zebrafish Embryos as Initial Screening Model for Covid-19 Treatment
Retnoaji, Bambang
The Effect of Carbonate Hydroxyapatite (CHA) Dental Implant Material on the Early Development of Zebrafish Embryos (Danio rerio)
Riandini, Evelyne
Analysis of the Quality of Hospital Waste in Bengkulu City
Riandini, Evelyne
Phenetic Relationship of Lichen on African Wood Trees (Maesopsis eminii Engl.) in Tea Plantation of Tangsi Baru Village, Kabawetan District, Kepahiang District
Rini, Ika Agus
Assessment of Phosphate Solubilization and Indole Acetic Acid Production of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria Isolated from Acid Soils, Lampung, Indonesia
Assessment of Phosphate Solubilization and Indole Acetic Acid Production of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria Isolated from Acid Soils, Lampung, Indonesia
Effect of Swamp Irrigation Pattern and Sorghum Extract Concentration on Sorghum Seed Sprout
Rizal, Syaiful
Identification and Antibiotic Resistance Profile of Bacteria From Fruit Bat (Chironax melanocephalus)
Rizkyta, Alfiah Niky
The Abundance and Distribution Patterns of Echinoderms in the Intertidal Zone of Nglolang Beach, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta
Rizqoh, Debie
Exploration of Phyllosphere Bacteria From Andaliman (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC.)
Abundance and Distribution Patterns of Megadrilli Earthworms at Different Altitude in Kabawetan Tea Plantation, Bengkulu
Feeding Preference and Daily Activities of Deer (Axis axis Erxl. 1777) in the Captivity of Wari Park, South Sumatra Province
Study on Maintenance and Utilization of Tamed Sumatran Elephants (Elephas maximus sumatranus Temminck 1847) at the Elephant Training Center in the Seblat TWA Area, Bengkulu
Preference of Simpai (Presbytis melalophos melalophos) on Forage Plant Types in Bukit Daun Protevted Forest of Taba Penanjung District, Central Bengkulu Regency
Roeswitawati, Dyah
α-Glucosidase and α -Amylase Inhibitory Activities of Jambolan (Syzygium cumini (L.) SKEELS) Fruit and Seed
Rohman, Saefur
α-Glucosidase and α -Amylase Inhibitory Activities of Jambolan (Syzygium cumini (L.) SKEELS) Fruit and Seed
Rosianti, Nadya
Identification of Pathogenic Bacteria on Spiny Lobster (Panulirus homarus) at Quality Control and Fishery Product Safety Agency (BKIPM) of Bengkulu
Roslim, Dewi Indriyani
Ethnobotany Etlingera elatior (Jack) R.M. Smith (Cikala) in Ethnic Gayo
Rosmiati, Mia
Application of Bokashi, Vermicompost, and Residue of Coffee Testa Bioconversion by Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) on the Production of Japanese Cucumber (Luffa acutangula)
Roza, Rodesia Mustika
Morphological and Histological Study of White Rats (Rattus norvegicus) Kidney Following the Consumption of Sumatran Wild Mango Extract (Mangifera spp.)
Ruswita, Riska
The Performance of Water Mobilization and Transpiration in Oil Palm
Safitri, Tazkia Ayu
The Role of PDGF Gene in Tissue Regeneration of Digit Tip Mice (Mus musculus)
Safrida, Safrida
The Effectiveness of Piper betel L. Leaf Extract as a Natural Electric Mosquito
Salsabila, Nadya Salma
The Abundance and Distribution Patterns of Echinoderms in the Intertidal Zone of Nglolang Beach, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta
Santoso, Iman
The Potency of Bacillus siamensis LDR as Biocontrol Agent Against Fungal Phytopathogen
Saputra, Agus
Morphological and Histological Study of White Rats (Rattus norvegicus) Kidney Following the Consumption of Sumatran Wild Mango Extract (Mangifera spp.)
Saputra, Sugiyono
Identification and Antibiotic Resistance Profile of Bacteria From Fruit Bat (Chironax melanocephalus)
Sari, Della Septa
Analysis of the Quality of Hospital Waste in Bengkulu City
Sari, Melisa Mayang
DNA Barcode of Mountain White-Eye Zosterops montanus (Aves: Zosteropidae) Based on Mitochondrial DNA Cytochrome Oxidase Sub Unit I
Sari, Putri Rachel Valetha
The Correlation Between Nutritional Status and Physical Activity with Dysmenorrhea Degrees Among Females Adolescent in Bengkulu City
Sartika, Dian
The Phenotype Characters Stability of Hybrid Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai) ♀ ‘Maduri’ and ♂ ‘Putri Delima’
Sasongko, Muhammad Bayu
The Circulating Level of IL-1β in Patients with Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) in Yogyakarta: Characteristics to Disease Activity
Satriawan, Dedi
Effectiveness of BAP (6-Benzyl Amino Purine) for Buds Induction of Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt.)
Ethnobotany Etlingera elatior (Jack) R.M. Smith (Cikala) in Ethnic Gayo
Setiadi, Dede
Engkerebai Kayoh (Psychotria malayana) Among Dye Plants of Dayak Iban People in Sungai Utik Village of Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Setiadi, Dedi
Low Reproduction Success of Calliandra calothyrsus and It’s Implication for Breeding
Setiadi, Dedi
Growth Variation of Swietenia macrophylla King. Progeny Trial at 18 Months of Age in Trenggalek East Java
Setiadi, Dedi
The Manglid (Manglietia glauca Bl) Growth Variations at Age of 42 Months in Candiroto Temanggung Central Java
Setyaningsih, Erwi Putri
Antimicrobial Activity of Ethanol Extract of Akar Kaik-kaik (Uncaria cordata (Lour.) Merr.) Leaves Against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Candida albicans
Setyowati, Nanik
Effect of Swamp Irrigation Pattern and Sorghum Extract Concentration on Sorghum Seed Sprout
Setyowati, Nanik
Growth and Yield of Onion as Affected by Mulch Types and Vermicompost Dose
Sharon, Shella
Exploration of Phyllosphere Bacteria From Andaliman (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC.)
Siboro, Resli
Antibacterial Activities of Endophytic Bacteria Isolate AKEBG28 from Yellow Root Plant (Arcangelisia flava (L.) Merr) Against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus
Siboro, Resli
Isolation and Identification of Cellulase- Producing Encophytic Bacteria From Yellow Root Plants (Arvangelisia flava (L.) Merr) From Enggano Island
Analysis of Water Quality from Several Rivers as Habitat of Mungkus Fish (Sicyopterus sp.) in Bengkulu Province
Detection Contaminant DNA of a Pig on a Sample Meat Mills in Some City Markets Bengkulu, Using a Genetic Marker DNA Mitochondria Cytochrome B
Genetic Variation of Black Capped White Eye Zosterops atricapilla (Aves: Zosteropidae) Based on Mitochondrial DNA Cytochrome B Gene
Antibacterial Activities of Staphylococcus sciuri APD7 Isolate Sponge-Associated Aplysina sp. Against Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus
DNA Barcode of Black Capped White Eye Zosterops atricapilla (Aves: Zosteropidae) From Bengkulu Indonesia Based on Mitochondrial DNA COI Gene
The Analysis of Pork Content in Processed Beef Meatballs at Ketahun, North Bengkulu District Using Genetic Marker Mitochondrial DNA Cytochrome b
Exploration of Phyllosphere Bacteria From Andaliman (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC.)
Identification of Pathogenic Bacteria on Spiny Lobster (Panulirus homarus) at Quality Control and Fishery Product Safety Agency (BKIPM) of Bengkulu
Antibacterial Activities of Endophytic Bacteria Isolate AKEBG28 from Yellow Root Plant (Arcangelisia flava (L.) Merr) Against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus
Isolation and Identification of Cellulase- Producing Encophytic Bacteria From Yellow Root Plants (Arvangelisia flava (L.) Merr) From Enggano Island
Antibacterial Potency of Lichen Teloschisthes flavicans From Kepahiang District Against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
The Influence of Green, Corn, and Rice Seed Media Composition on Mycelium Growth of F2 Main Seeds (Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. Ex Fr) Kummer)
Siregar, Ramond
The Study Application of Water Hyacinth Biofertilizer Towards the Existence of Endophytic Bacteria in Maize Plant
Siregar, UJ
Chemical Component of Sengon Tree Digested Xystrocera festiva (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Larvae
Siregar, Ulfah Juniarti
Isolation of Seed-borne Fungal Endophytes on Sengon (Falcataria Moluccana)
Sitorus, Lam Way
The Influence of Green, Corn, and Rice Seed Media Composition on Mycelium Growth of F2 Main Seeds (Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. Ex Fr) Kummer)
Sjahfirdi, Luthfiralda
Vaginal Smear and Neutrophil Count as an Alternative Method for Estrous Phase in Female Tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae, Pocock, 1929)
Soemantri, Wahyu Dwi
The Phenotype Characters Stability of Hybrid Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai) ♀ ‘Maduri’ and ♂ ‘Putri Delima’
Solihin, Dedy Duryadi
Activity of Ethanol-derived Fraction of Clove Leaves and Eugenol Compound as Antiaging Agent in the Yeast Model Organism Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Sondang, Yun
The Study Application of Water Hyacinth Biofertilizer Towards the Existence of Endophytic Bacteria in Maize Plant
Squires, Tom
Population and Habitat Use of the Critically Endangered Grey-Backed Myna (Acridotheres tricolor) in the One of Easternmost Protected Area in Java
Seed Micromorphology of Orthosiphon spp. and Its Relatives (Lamiaceae)
α-Glucosidase and α -Amylase Inhibitory Activities of Jambolan (Syzygium cumini (L.) SKEELS) Fruit and Seed
Sudomo, Aris
Effect of Seed Source Variation on Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels. Seedlings Growth in Ciamis District, West Java Province
Response of Soybean Lines to Drought Stress During Reproductive Phase
α-Glucosidase and α -Amylase Inhibitory Activities of Jambolan (Syzygium cumini (L.) SKEELS) Fruit and Seed