Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Creative Media, Design and Technology (REKA 2018)

195 authors
Nadi, Chici Yuliana
Handling Abstraction in Chemistry with Animation
Naharani, Eri
A Comparison Study between Natural and Synthetics Fiber Cloth to Construct Uniqueness of Hand Painting Fashion Fabric
Narendra, Asnurul Novia
The Persistence of Traditional Gender Roles in Online Shopping App Advertisement
Natadjaja, Listia
Professional vs. Amateur: How Self-Made Videos Help Students Learn
Negara, I Nengah Sudika
Packaging Design Of Betutu Chicken Special Merchandise From Bali
Ng, Perng Jeu
A Malaysian Folklore Game Design As A Tool Of Culture Preservation And Entertainment: Toyol
Novitasari, Desi
Line Art Making Method Made from Batik Patchwork
Nugrahani, Rahina
Visual Art Learning in Virtual Community: A Study of Collaborative Learning in Hijabographic Community
Nurcahyanti, Desy
Glass Painting Art Learning Model by Utilizing Video to Improve Community’s Appreciation and the Creativity of Creative Industry Actors
Oladele Muniru, Idris
Internet of Speech: A Conceptual Model
On, Low Kok
Meanings and Symbols in The Decorative Motifs and Patterns of Sinudot and Lapoi of The Kimaragang’s Costume
Osipyan, Hasmik
Internet of Speech: A Conceptual Model
Panuwun, Djoko
Transformation Of Forms And Functions Of Javanese Traditional House In Kauman Surakarta
Panuwun, Djoko
Ethnic Nuances on Etching Glass Arts as Aesthetic Elements of Interior in Surakarta
Pawestri, Titi Ayu
Analysis of Genius Loci Concept Implementation on The Go Green Glintung Thematic Kampong in Malang City
Pawestri, Titi Ayu
Study of The Malangan Batik through Motifs Composition with Shape Grammar Technique and Color Composition Selection (Case Study: The Druju Batik)
Art on Paper, How Journalist Covers Art Creativity (Technology Impact on Journalism Culture in Culture Journalism)
Pei Jun, Wong
An Innovative Self-Feed Product For Elderly Arthritis With Hand Disability
Plank, Ulrich Martin
Tempora Mutantur, nos et Mutamur in Illis (Times Change, and We too are Changed with Them.)
Purnama Jati, Arwin
Utilization of building facade as a messenger medium in Semarang trading area, Pekojan street at night
Purnama Jati, Arwin
Exhibition Design Affordance to Provide New Visitor’s Experience in Museum Ullen Sentalu Yogyakarta
Purwaningrum, Lu'lu'
The Effect of Adding a Permanent Base and Removing an Oval Hole on a Therapy Table for Autistic Children
Purwantoro, Agus
The Changes of the Symbolic World in Gamelan
Puspitasari, Citra
The Analysis of Integration between Hijab Concept and Fashion in Indonesia
Putri, Debri Haryndia
Analysis of Genius Loci Concept Implementation on The Go Green Glintung Thematic Kampong in Malang City
Putri, Debri Haryndia
Study of The Malangan Batik through Motifs Composition with Shape Grammar Technique and Color Composition Selection (Case Study: The Druju Batik)
Rachman, Ariani
The Development of Karo Souvenir Design Inspired by Padung-padung
Rahmaan Mohd Yassin, Hafeezur
Experiment On Abaca Fiber And Its Implementation In Product Making
Razali, Mohd Asrizal
The role of experiential learning in creative design appreciation among TDS students at Taylor’s University
Razali, Mohd. Asrizal
Adapting Culturally Responsive Teaching to Enrich Experiential Learning in a Malaysian Graphic Communication Design Classroom
Rini Octavia, Ercilia
Creative Strategy Of Documentary Films To Embrace College Students Viewers
Rini Octavia, Ercilia
The Existence Of Radio As Advertising Media In Indonesia Within The Internet Era
Rizali, Nanang
Arts, Designs, and Textile Craft Art
Rudiyanto, Ganal
Art Styles Comparison Between Jepara of Central Java and Bali
Saat, Mohammad Khizal
Optimize The Placement Of Print Advertisement And Signage By Anamorphic Illusion
Sabran, Kamal
The Art of Silat: Mapping the Trajectory Lines for Hidden Symbols
Sachari, Agus
Concept of Spirituality on Designing Fashion Products in Bali
Sakti, Citra Syukma Bayu
Increasing Selling Power and Brand Identity of Typical Food Snack in Kelurahan Kranggan through Packaging Design
Salehuddin, Adam Bin Mohd
Interactive Art as a Medium of Speech
Saraswati, Ratih Dian
Utilization of Used-Goods as an Environmental Aesthetics Tourist Attraction Case Study: Kampong Pelangi, Semarang
Sari, Ni Luh Desi In Diana
Packaging Design Of Betutu Chicken Special Merchandise From Bali
Structuralism Approach: Symbolism Of Traditional Batik Pattern Of Javanese Traditional Clothes In Surakarta
Sefina Samosir, Ridha
Mobile Multimedia Stop Drugs Tutorial Development
Design Development of The Batik Majapahit : The Legacy of the Past and Present Creativity
Ethnic Nuances on Etching Glass Arts as Aesthetic Elements of Interior in Surakarta
Sofiana,, Yunida
Environmentally Friendly Material Characteristics Applied to Interior and Furniture
Studyanto, Anung B
Exploration Design Development Borobudur Chair Based on Perspectional of Industrial Furniture in Surakarta
Studyanto, Anung B
Design Development of The Batik Majapahit : The Legacy of the Past and Present Creativity
Su Sean, Hon
Experiment On Abaca Fiber And Its Implementation In Product Making
Suardana, I Wayan
“Ajeg Bali” Discourse In Dynamics Of Craft Of Ceremonial Tools In Bali
Sudana, I Wayan
Method Of Designing Ornaments On Karawo Textiles In Gorontalo
Sudarisman, Irwan
Exploration Of Themes And Design Concepts As A Communication Form In Architecture
Suherlan, Yayan
Packaging Development Center And Creative Industry As The Supporting Factors Of Msmes To Compete In The Global Market
Sulistyono, IF.Bambang
Transformation Of Forms And Functions Of Javanese Traditional House In Kauman Surakarta
Sulistyono, If. Bambang
Exploration Design Development Borobudur Chair Based on Perspectional of Industrial Furniture in Surakarta
Suparno, T. Slamet
Method Of Designing Ornaments On Karawo Textiles In Gorontalo
Supartha, I Made
“Ajeg Bali” Discourse In Dynamics Of Craft Of Ceremonial Tools In Bali
Surnomo Adi, Sigit
Tri Pramana As Visual Communication Design Approach
Suryani, Virginia
Identity Value of Reformation Era Strives on the Sign-system of Trisakti University Campus
Sutopo, Hadi
Mobile Multimedia Stop Drugs Tutorial Development
Syamsiyah, Sri
Art on Paper, How Journalist Covers Art Creativity (Technology Impact on Journalism Culture in Culture Journalism)
Tan, Yun Yi
Social Media to Enhance Design Practices: Exploring the Learning Experience of Undergraduate Design Students
Taufiq, Akbar
Representation of the Glorious Era of Majapahit Through the Choice of Characters in Visual Novel Game Designs
Teguh Widodo, Sahid
The Changes of the Symbolic World in Gamelan
Tjiang, Felix Sulistio
Hologram Technology as Interactive Space Design in Tugu Pahlawan Museum Surabaya
Tri Marutama, IGN
Tri Pramana As Visual Communication Design Approach
Visual Art Learning in Virtual Community: A Study of Collaborative Learning in Hijabographic Community
W. Herlambang, Rudi
Tri Pramana As Visual Communication Design Approach
Wahed, Wan Juriah Emeih Binti
Visual Art Learning in Virtual Community: A Study of Collaborative Learning in Hijabographic Community
Wardani, Winny Gunarti Widya
Representation of the Glorious Era of Majapahit Through the Choice of Characters in Visual Novel Game Designs
Wibawanto, Wandah
Visual Art Learning in Virtual Community: A Study of Collaborative Learning in Hijabographic Community
Wibowo, Ari
Line Art Making Method Made from Batik Patchwork
Widayat, Rahmanu
Exploration Design Development Borobudur Chair Based on Perspectional of Industrial Furniture in Surakarta
Widiantoro, Bayu
Utilization of building facade as a messenger medium in Semarang trading area, Pekojan street at night
Widiantoro, Bayu
Exhibition Design Affordance to Provide New Visitor’s Experience in Museum Ullen Sentalu Yogyakarta
Widiastuti, Theresia
The Disappearance of Kopohan Batik from the Javanese Society Life
Widyamurti, Nidyah
Up-Cycle Of Plastic Opp Laminate; From Waste Into Handicraft Products Raw Material
Widyamurti, Nidyah
Packaging Development Center And Creative Industry As The Supporting Factors Of Msmes To Compete In The Global Market
Wiemar, Rosalinda
The Variety of The Entrances Changes of Rumah Gadang Minangkabau
Student Mobile Attendance Application Using QRCode and Integrated with SSO at Universitas Sebelas Maret
Student Mobile Attendance Application Using QRCode and Integrated with SSO at Universitas Sebelas Maret
Wirasari, Ira
The Study of The Meaning of Body Language and Perceptions of Audience Garuda Indonesia Television Commercials Hands Version
Wong, Annie Kai Sze
Engaging Pre-schoolers in a Musical Experience: A SCAMPER Technique Study
Wulandari, Esti
Tri Pramana As Visual Communication Design Approach
Wulandari, Esty
Visual Media To Campaign The Sexual Health For Teenagers (Study Case Using Visual Media To Inform Health Reproduction For Teenager In Solo)
Yassin, Hafeezur Rahmaan Mohd
An Innovative Self-Feed Product For Elderly Arthritis With Hand Disability
Yip, Jinchi
Adapting Culturally Responsive Teaching to Enrich Experiential Learning in a Malaysian Graphic Communication Design Classroom
Yuen, May Chan
Engaging Pre-schoolers in a Musical Experience: A SCAMPER Technique Study
Yunidar, Dandi
What Drives The Riders Do Personalizing Activity Toward Their Motorbike?
Yusri, Nurliana
Hikayat Sang Kancil and Buaya: an Interactive Animation
Yuwono, Elisabeth Christine
A Typography Study of Negotiation and Identity at Dolly
Zaidi Azraai, Nur
The Art of Silat: Mapping the Trajectory Lines for Hidden Symbols
Zuhairi, Ahmad
Principles and the Understanding of Service Innovation in Design Education
Zuhudi, Nurul Wahidah Mahmud
Design Recognition & Significant: A Finding On Consumers’ Feedback On Halal Logo
Zulaikha, Ellya
A Comparison Study between Natural and Synthetics Fiber Cloth to Construct Uniqueness of Hand Painting Fashion Fabric