Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on Education and Social Science (ACCESS 2020)

458 authors
Riyanto, Andra Ade
The Survey of Tendency in Learning Styles of Fifth Grade Elementary School Students in Cluster Three of Gunungsari Sub-Districts
Riyanto, Andra Ade
Khitanan in Javanese Society (Ringin Agung-Kediri Village): Anthropological Linguistic Study
Rizki, Khairur
Legal Protection for Consumers on the Circulation of Illegal Medicines in West Nusa Tenggara
Rosidah, R
Government Response to Handling Covid-19 Study Comparation: Lessons Learned from Taiwan and Indonesia
Rosyidah, Awal Nur Kholifatur
Thematic Learning: Are Primary School Teachers Ready to Integrate Mathematical Connections in Learning in Schools?
Rosyidah, Awal Nur Kholifatur
The Relationship between the Use of Macromedia Flash Based Learning Media and the Retention of Class IV Elementary School Students
Rusdiawan, R
Study on the Implementation of Internal Quality Assurance System on Standard Content, Process and Assessment During Corona Virus Disease-19
Rusdiawan, R
Teachers’ Ability on Language Devices and Social Objective of the Text in Text-Based Indonesian Language Learning at Junior High Schools Level in Mataram City
Rusnali, Nur Aisyah
The Tradition of Mappano’ Lolo as Ritual Communication of the Bugis Bone Community
Rusnan, R
The Model Regulation of Wawasan Nusantara as Indonesian Maritime Development Strategy Towards World Maritime Axis
Safaat, Muchamad Ali
The Dynamics of Organizing Institutions for the Resolution of Election Conflicts in Indonesia During 2005-2020 Period
Safiih, Abdul Rahman
The Effect of Tax Stimulus during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Improving the Performance of Taxpayers
Safruddin, S
Students’ Basic Movement Skills in Physical Education during the Online Learning
Saharudin, S
Language Classification of Traditional Medicinal Plants in the Sasak-Lombok Society
Sahidu, Hairunnisyah
Lecturers’ and Students’ Profiles and Perceptions on the Implementation of Online Learning Evaluations During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Sahidu, Hairunnisyah
The Use of Whatsapp Application in Learning Evaluation Activities During Covid-19 Pandemic
Sahidu, Hairunnisyah
Correlation of Online Learning Evaluation With Students’ Learning Outcomes in the Covid 19 Pandemic
Sahuddin, S
Development of Academic Speaking Communicative Tasks Model for Students of English Education
Sakti, Dwi Putra Buana
The Effect of Cross-Domain Social Support and Work-Family Conflicts
Salahuddin, M.
Policy-Thought Models to Create a Good Development and Local Governance
Santoso, Budi
The Analysis of Customer Satisfaction Post Covid-19
Sanusi, Gufran
Legal Consequences Due to Environmental Damage: A Study on Material Excavation and Processing Done by PT Tukad Mas in Bima City
Sapdiani, Ratih
Improving Writing Ability and Independent Learning Using Problem Based Learning (PBL) Assisted by Serial Image Media
Saputra, Agus
Metaphorical Expression of Meatball and the Naturalization of Meatball Conceptualization
Saputra, Agus
Deploying 4C of 21st Century Learning Based on Authentic Materials for Advanced Grammar Classes
Sari, Mega Puspita
Analysis of Student Perceptions about Online Lectures in Terms of Student Learning Styles: Study of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Sastrawan, S
Bina Keluarga Mandiri (Independent Family Development) on Implementing the Health Protocols in the Era of New Normal
Saufi, Akhmad
The Perception of Muslim Female Athletes Towards Formal Dress at Sand Volleyball Events
Sayuti, Rosiady Husaenie
The Influence of Pandemic Covid-19 on Small Business Enterprise in West Nusa Tenggara Province
Sentaya, I Made
Analysis of the Implementation of Character Education at Junior High School in Sumbawa Besar Regency
Setiadi, Dadi
The Achievement of National Education Standards of the Private Islamic Senior High School (Madrasah Aliyah) in West Lombok During the Period of Covid-19 Pandemic
Setiadi, Dadi
Study on the Implementation of Internal Quality Assurance System on Standard Content, Process and Assessment During Corona Virus Disease-19
Setiadi, Dadi
The Achievement of National Education Standard of Private Senior High School of Rural Area
Setianingsih, Sri
Measuring MSMEs’ Accounting Comprehension for Education of Financial Accounting Standard for MSMEs
Setiawan, Deni
Relations Between Parent’s Attention and Learning Motivation With Social Science Learning Outcome
Setiawan, Deni
Playdough Guidebook to Improve the Grade III Student’s Creativity
Setiawan, Deni
Comic Strip as Indonesian Tribes Diversity Lesson for Grade IV Students
Setiawan, Heri
Instrument Development on Character Value Assessment at Grade IV Elementary School Students
Setiawina, N. Djinar
The Effect of the Utilization of Village Fund on Family Welfare in Buleleng District, Bali
Silviani, Irma
Improving the Ability to Write Fantasy Stories and Motivation of Junior High School Students in Writing Fantasy Stories by Using the Discovery Learning Method Assisted by Animated Films
Sjah, Taslim
Relationship of Food Security and Land Ecology in West Lombok Regency
Sjah, Taslim
Supply Chain of Robusta Coffee in Gangga District, North Lombok Regency
Sjah, Taslim
Feasibility of Clove Farming in Gangga District North Lombok Regency
Sobari, Teti
Improving Writing Ability and Independent Learning Using Problem Based Learning (PBL) Assisted by Serial Image Media
Sobri, Muhammad
Students’ Basic Movement Skills in Physical Education during the Online Learning
Sobri, Muhammad
Learning Local Content of Cultural Arts Based on Local Genius of Sasak Culture in PGSD Students
Sood, Muhammad
Legal Protection for Consumers on the Circulation of Illegal Medicines in West Nusa Tenggara
Sridana, Nyoman
Analyzing the Ability of Mathematics Students as Prospective Mathematics Teachers on Multiple Mathematical Representation
Sridana, Nyoman
Development of Learning Model Based on Cognitive Processes in Mathematical Investigation
Suarni, Ni Ketut
Social Characteristics and Local Wisdom in Sasak Folklore: Reconstruction of the Development of Digital Story Books in Elementary Schools
Subarinah, Sri
Analyzing the Ability of Mathematics Students as Prospective Mathematics Teachers on Multiple Mathematical Representation
Subarinah, Sri
Development of Learning Model Based on Cognitive Processes in Mathematical Investigation
Sucihati, Roos Nana
The Orientation of Visitor Increasing and the Success of Promotional Innovations on Tourism Performance
Sucihati, Roos Nana
The Audiences’ Preferences on Advertisement Stimulus in Improving Brand Awareness: Shopee Baby Shark Version
Sudarsono, Agus
The Effect of Tax Stimulus during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Improving the Performance of Taxpayers
Sudika, I Nyoman
Texts of Literary Genres in Sasak Language: Preparation of Basic Materials for Local Contents in Sasak Language
Sugiarto, Sri
Development of Indonesian Language Teaching Book Based on Higher Order Thinking Skills for Department of Network Computer Engineering Students in Vocational School
Suharli, S
The Implementation of Social Studies Learning Model Based on Cultural Intelligence
Suhendra, Riadi
Development of Indonesian Language Teaching Book Based on Higher Order Thinking Skills for Department of Network Computer Engineering Students in Vocational School
Sujana, I Made
Deploying 4C of 21st Century Learning Based on Authentic Materials for Advanced Grammar Classes
Sujana, I Made
Designing Blended Learning for Teaching English Grammar at Higher Education
Sukardi, S
Innovation of Learning Social With LSLC to Develop Students’ HOTS Ability at Junior High School 14 Mataram
Sukarjo, S
Playdough Guidebook to Improve the Grade III Student’s Creativity
Sukarjo, S
Comic Strip as Indonesian Tribes Diversity Lesson for Grade IV Students
Sukirman, S
Deforestation and Disaster Mitigation: Policy Analysis for the Prevention and Enforcement of Forest Function Change in Bima
Sukri, S
Texts of Literary Genres in Sasak Language: Preparation of Basic Materials for Local Contents in Sasak Language
Sukri, S
Language Classification of Traditional Medicinal Plants in the Sasak-Lombok Society
Sukri, S
Teachers’ Ability on Language Devices and Social Objective of the Text in Text-Based Indonesian Language Learning at Junior High Schools Level in Mataram City
Sulhaini, S
The Perception of Muslim Female Athletes Towards Formal Dress at Sand Volleyball Events
Sulhaini, S
Consumer Behavior Towards Foreign Versus Local Products and Brands: Future Research Directions
Sulindra, I Gusti Made
Analysis of the Implementation of Character Education at Junior High School in Sumbawa Besar Regency
Sumantri, Syarif
Develop English Electronic Module for Tourism Through Analysis of Learner’s and Context
Sumardi, Lalu
Using Local Wisdom to Foster Community Resilience During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Study in the Sasak Community, Indonesia
Sumarno, S
Preparing Independent Golden Millennial Generation Through Character Education
Sunarsi, Denok
Design of Information System Buddhist Identity Card in Riau Province Using Java Programming Language
Suniantara, Dewa Kadek
Feasibility of Clove Farming in Gangga District North Lombok Regency
Suparman, Lalu
The Effect of Ethical Leadership and Workplace Spirituality on the Implementation of Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitments
Suprianto, S
The Audiences’ Preferences on Advertisement Stimulus in Improving Brand Awareness: Shopee Baby Shark Version
Suprianto, Suprianto
Implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Policies During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Suryani, Embun
Open Innovation in Service Industry
Suryani, Erma
The Implementation of Social Studies Learning Model Based on Cultural Intelligence
Suryanti, Ni Made Novi
Child Labor Exploitation in the Tourism Industry on the Island of Lombok
Suryanti, Ni Made Novi
Innovation of Learning Social With LSLC to Develop Students’ HOTS Ability at Junior High School 14 Mataram
Sutanty, Marisa
Utilization of E-Commerce to Increase the Selling Value of MSMEs in Sumbawa Regency During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Suud, S
Child Labor Exploitation in the Tourism Industry on the Island of Lombok
Suwardji, S
Community Empowerment in Rehabilitation of Forests and Critical Lands on the Sekaroh Area
Suyanu, S
Teachers’ Ability on Language Devices and Social Objective of the Text in Text-Based Indonesian Language Learning at Junior High Schools Level in Mataram City
Syabuddin, S
Texts of Literary Genres in Sasak Language: Preparation of Basic Materials for Local Contents in Sasak Language
Syafari, Zainudin
An Analysis of the Use of Diction on Covid-19 News in
Syafruddin, S
Development of Learning Media for Educational Games Based on Adobe Flash in Biology
Syafruddin, S
Child Labor Exploitation in the Tourism Industry on the Island of Lombok
Syafruddin, S
The Orientation of Visitor Increasing and the Success of Promotional Innovations on Tourism Performance
Syahrial, Edy
Deploying 4C of 21st Century Learning Based on Authentic Materials for Advanced Grammar Classes
Syahrial, Edy
Designing Blended Learning for Teaching English Grammar at Higher Education
Syam, Syahrianti
The Tradition of Mappano’ Lolo as Ritual Communication of the Bugis Bone Community
Syamsiar, S
Causes of Divorce in Ternate City, North Maluku
Syamsuddin, S
Management Model of PD Wawo to Increase the Welfare of the People in Bima West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia
Syamsuddin, S
Legal Consequences Due to Environmental Damage: A Study on Material Excavation and Processing Done by PT Tukad Mas in Bima City
Syamsuriansyah, S
The Influence of Religiosity and Local Philosophy on Nurse Performance: A Case Study of Government Hospital
Syihabuddin, S
Transmigration Regional Multicultural Society, Analysis of Reading Literacy in Sumbawa Districts