Proceedings of the 2019 1st International Conference on Engineering and Management in Industrial System (ICOEMIS 2019)

209 authors
Adani, Jauharah Hasna Dzakiyyah
An Effective Scheme of a Depth Sensor Set Up for a Real-Time Ergonomics Assessment by the Gesture Confidence Level
Aeni, Nur
The Impact Of Motivation, Work Satisfaction And Compensation On Employee's ProductivityIn Coal Companies
Agripina, Hadyanawati
Farmer’s Work Posture Analysis Affected Musculoskeletal Disorders
Aisha, Atya
Mental Workload Evaluation of Machining Tool Operators in Manufacturing SMEs
Aisha, Atya
Comparison of Job Evaluation Methods: Implications for the Salaries Design in Publishing Company
Aisyah, Siti
Quality Development Of Bar Chocolate Products Based On Consumer Preferences: Case Study On SMEs
Aisyah, Siti
Identification Of Lean, Agile, Resilient, And Green (Larg) Practices On Agro Industry Indonesia
Aisyah, Siti
Performance Improvement Of Injection Pump Machines Based On Overall Equipment Effectiveness: Case Study In Oil Company
Alimudin, Darso
Performance Improvement Of Injection Pump Machines Based On Overall Equipment Effectiveness: Case Study In Oil Company
Amrullah, Haidar Natsir
Human Error Probability of Grinding Operation in Fabrication and Construction Company Using Fuzzy HEART Method
Amrullah, Haidar Natsir
Assessment Of Worker Posture In Herbicides Production And Break Time Determination Using OCRA Index Method
Andriono, Djoko
Solving Office Ergonomics Problem Using Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA)
Anggraeni KK, Ika
Redesigning Customer Satisfaction Measurement Instrument Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making Perspective
Anna, Ika
Effect Ratio of Milkfish Payus with Tapioca Flour and Proportion of Water to Organoleptic, Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Fish Crackers
Annisa, Rulli
Effect Ratio of Milkfish Payus with Tapioca Flour and Proportion of Water to Organoleptic, Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Fish Crackers
Anugraha, Rino
Optimizing Milling Process Parameters of Bovine Horns forMaximizing Surface Quality and Minimizing Power Consumption
Anugraha, Rino
Enhancing Thermal-Shock Reliability of a Sleeveless Power Inductor Assembly upon Reflow Soldering
Anugraha, Rino Andias
An Effective Scheme of a Depth Sensor Set Up for a Real-Time Ergonomics Assessment by the Gesture Confidence Level
Ariati, Ratna
Planning of Green & Smart Campus Design in Jakarta with Case Study of Early Energy Audit at UNSADA Faculty of Economics Building
Ariefiani, Mila
Human Error Probability of Grinding Operation in Fabrication and Construction Company Using Fuzzy HEART Method
Arsyifa, Yasmine
Analysis of Simulation in Supply Chain Management Based on System Dynamics and SCOR Model (a Case Study : Newspaper Industry)
Arvitrida, Niniet Indah
Simulation Study of Collaborative Inventory Management for Seasonal Products by Incorporating Newsvendor and Buyback Contract
Ashari, Luqman
Human Error Probability of Grinding Operation in Fabrication and Construction Company Using Fuzzy HEART Method
Asrianti, Tifa
Planning of Green & Smart Campus Design in Jakarta with Case Study of Early Energy Audit at UNSADA Faculty of Economics Building
Astuti, Amalia
Identifying Waste Cooking Oil Chains to Become an Energy Resource: Study Case in Yogyakarta
Awibowo, S.
IoT Integrated Assembly Line - a conceptual model development for car toys assembly line
Awibowo, S.
Development of Information Support System (ISS) Application for Organization Performance Improvement: Case in Tyre Manufacturer and Air Transport Company
Azzahra, Nabila
Designing Classification Models of Patron Visits to an Academic Library using Decision Tree
Baruna, I Made Setia
Worker Ergonomics Surveillance in Industrial Environments Based on Parallel Computing on Face Camera Using OpenCV and CUDA
Basuki, Ari
Resilience Measurement of SMEs Batik Sampang in Dealing with Natural Disasters
Chen, Yuh-Wen
Building a Predictive Model to Estimate NOx Emission Pollutant of Backhoe Equipment
Cholissodin, Imam
Worker Ergonomics Surveillance in Industrial Environments Based on Parallel Computing on Face Camera Using OpenCV and CUDA
Chumaidiyah, Endang
Marketing Strategy Analysis of Arca Industry as Furniture Business Using the QSPM Method
Dalulia, Primahasmi
Redesigning Customer Satisfaction Measurement Instrument Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making Perspective
Darmawan, Vertic
Building a Predictive Model to Estimate NOx Emission Pollutant of Backhoe Equipment
Dewanti, Astri Putri
Standard of Green Industry with Green Industry in Go Public Cement Industry
Dewi, Medianti Arifia
Investigating Student Intention to support the Green Laboratory Program Using the Pro-environmental Reasoned Action Model: A case study from Bandung, Indonesia
Dewi, Sri Murni
The Effect of Pile Reinforcement To Bearing Capacity On Design Physical Modelling Of Residual Slope
Dhadhari, Cahyaning Wulan
Assessment Of Worker Posture In Herbicides Production And Break Time Determination Using OCRA Index Method
Dwi Pambudi, Erwin
Redesigning Customer Satisfaction Measurement Instrument Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making Perspective
Eka, Apsari
Farmer’s Work Posture Analysis Affected Musculoskeletal Disorders
Ekhsan, Muhamad
The Impact Of Motivation, Work Satisfaction And Compensation On Employee's ProductivityIn Coal Companies
Erliana, Ken
Solving Office Ergonomics Problem Using Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA)
Erliana, Ken
The Work Posture Evaluation at Assembly Work Station in MSEs of Silver Jewelry Handicraft with the REBA Method
Eunike, Agustina
Minimizing Corrective Maintenance Cost through Spare Parts Classification and Inventory Control
Fahlevi, Mochammad
The Impact Of Motivation, Work Satisfaction And Compensation On Employee's ProductivityIn Coal Companies
Fajar P, Aang
Redesigning Customer Satisfaction Measurement Instrument Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making Perspective
Fajrina, Fildzah
Enhancing Thermal-Shock Reliability of a Sleeveless Power Inductor Assembly upon Reflow Soldering
Farhan, Muhammad
Designing Classification Models of Patron Visits to an Academic Library using Decision Tree
Fauziah, Rantri
Decision Making Support in Developing Entrepreneurship Tenants of Uai Incubator Bussiness
Febriyanti, Erna
Parameter Optimization of Tray Dryer Machine Endless Chain Pressure (ECP) with Taguchi Method at PT PN VIII Purwakarta
Fillie, Sahr
Simulation Study of Collaborative Inventory Management for Seasonal Products by Incorporating Newsvendor and Buyback Contract
Firdiansyah, Rizal
Solving Office Ergonomics Problem Using Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA)
Hajji, Apif
Building a Predictive Model to Estimate NOx Emission Pollutant of Backhoe Equipment
Hajji, Apif Miftahul
Designing Classification Models of Patron Visits to an Academic Library using Decision Tree
Hamzah, Fais
Human Error Probability of Grinding Operation in Fabrication and Construction Company Using Fuzzy HEART Method
Handayani, Anik Nur
Designing Classification Models of Patron Visits to an Academic Library using Decision Tree
Handayani, Dwi
Application of Grey Teory Method for Halal Food Risk Assessment Based on the Traceability System in Food Supply Chain
Handayani, Henny
Spatial Planning of Renewable Energy-Based Minapolitan Region
Handayani, Nurlaila
Identification of Risk Event of Mushroom Supply Chain in Langsa City by SCOR Method
Handayani, Nurlaila
Choosing Alternative Managements of Solid Waste from Tofu Producing Small and Medium Enterprises in East Aceh District by Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Handoko, Lukman
Human Error Probability of Grinding Operation in Fabrication and Construction Company Using Fuzzy HEART Method
Hanggara, Fuad Dwi
Development Of Business Strategy Through Blue Ocean Strategy Model (BOS) (Case Study: Resto X, Batam)
Hardiningtyas, Dewi
Worker Ergonomics Surveillance in Industrial Environments Based on Parallel Computing on Face Camera Using OpenCV and CUDA
Hari, Purnomo
Farmer’s Work Posture Analysis Affected Musculoskeletal Disorders
Hariyanto, Samsudin
Solving Office Ergonomics Problem Using Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA)
Hariyanto, Samsudin
The Work Posture Evaluation at Assembly Work Station in MSEs of Silver Jewelry Handicraft with the REBA Method
Hartono, R
Implementation Concept of Industry 4.0 to Manufacturing Industry in Indonesia in Order to Optimize Supply Chain Management
Application of Grey Teory Method for Halal Food Risk Assessment Based on the Traceability System in Food Supply Chain
Heryanto, Rainisa
Determination of Distribution Route using Linear Programming Model (Case Study at Washing Jeans Company)
Ikasari, Niura
Supply Chain Performance Measurement using Hybrid SCOR Model and System Dynamics
Imami, Amrullah Paksi
Design Of Rolled Conveyor Using Rational Product Development Method
Iqbal, Muhammad
Investigating Student Intention to support the Green Laboratory Program Using the Pro-environmental Reasoned Action Model: A case study from Bandung, Indonesia
Iqbal, Muhammad
An Effective Scheme of a Depth Sensor Set Up for a Real-Time Ergonomics Assessment by the Gesture Confidence Level
Iqbal, Muhammad
Optimizing Milling Process Parameters of Bovine Horns forMaximizing Surface Quality and Minimizing Power Consumption
Irwan, Muhammad
Marketing Strategy Analysis of Arca Industry as Furniture Business Using the QSPM Method
Ishak, Aulia
Design Of Electronic Supply Chain Management Information System In PT XYZ
Ishak, Aulia
Rubber Spare Parts Supplier Selection Model Using Artificial Neural Network: Multi-Layer Perceptron
Ishak, Aulia
Supplier Selection Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS)
Izzuddin, Ahmad
Defects Tracking Matrix for Plywood Industry Production based on House of Quality
Jaqin, Choesnul
Quality Development Of Bar Chocolate Products Based On Consumer Preferences: Case Study On SMEs
Jaqin, Choesnul
Identification Of Lean, Agile, Resilient, And Green (Larg) Practices On Agro Industry Indonesia
Jaqin, Choesnul
Performance Improvement Of Injection Pump Machines Based On Overall Equipment Effectiveness: Case Study In Oil Company
Jatmiko, Hapsoro Agung
Wheelchair’s Design Development for Disabled People in Yogyakarta, Using Quality Function Deployment Method
Jufriyanto, Moh.
Standard of Green Industry with Green Industry in Go Public Cement Industry
Juliani, Widia
Application of Six Sigma Method with DMAI Approach in Railway Manufacturing Company
Kartikasari, Vetty
Redesigning Customer Satisfaction Measurement Instrument Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making Perspective
Kautsar, Fuad
Solving Office Ergonomics Problem Using Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA)
Route Determination Method to Minimize Distribution Cost and Total Time Balance by Using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm
Kurniawan, I
IoT Integrated Assembly Line - a conceptual model development for car toys assembly line
Kusuma, Artha
Online Travel Agency Channel Pricing Policy based on Dynamic Pricing Model to Maximize Sales Profit Using Nonlinear Integer Programming Approach
Kusuma, L.
Indonesia Sea Toll Strategy Framework Directive: Innovative and Participatory Decision-Making Methods Towards the World Maritime Axis
Larasati, Aisyah
Designing Classification Models of Patron Visits to an Academic Library using Decision Tree
Larasati, Aisyah
Building a Predictive Model to Estimate NOx Emission Pollutant of Backhoe Equipment
Linarti, Utaminingsih
Identifying Waste Cooking Oil Chains to Become an Energy Resource: Study Case in Yogyakarta
Lubis, Marina
Design Improvement At Shearing And Tandem Cold Milling Process Of Full Hard 0,2 X 914 Mm Products In Steel Manufacturing With Six Sigma Method
Mahardika, Aal
Building a Predictive Model to Estimate NOx Emission Pollutant of Backhoe Equipment
Majid, M.
Indonesia Sea Toll Strategy Framework Directive: Innovative and Participatory Decision-Making Methods Towards the World Maritime Axis
Malawat, Dwi Rama
Worker Ergonomics Surveillance in Industrial Environments Based on Parallel Computing on Face Camera Using OpenCV and CUDA
Manti, Yuka
Indonesia Sea Toll Strategy Framework Directive: Innovative and Participatory Decision-Making Methods Towards the World Maritime Axis