Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Public Art and Human Development ( ICPAHD 2021)

347 authors
Sun, Yayu
The Connectedness Between Society Response and the Stress of Adolescents with Non-Suicidal Self-Harm Behavior
Sun, Zhi Hui
Cultivation Pattern for Design Talents in Vocational and Technical Colleges Under the View of Rural Vitalization
Sun, Ziyi
The Results of Poverty Alleviation Work in Practice in Huangpi District, Wuhan
Tan, Fu
Analysis of the Importance of Construction Management at Solar Power Station in the UK
Tan, Yize
How Media Influence the Intergroup Relationships Between LGBT and the Non- LGBT Community in China
Tang, Ni
Analysis on the Effectiveness of the “Three-Exemption” Policy Aimed at Promoting Unpaid Blood Donation in Zhejiang
Tavsel, Mina
A Literature Review on Fans’ Identity Construction
Tian, Ruilin
Analysis of High School Students’ Academic Stress During the Covid-19 Epidemic
Tian, Runyi
The Reference Significance of Hollywood IP Exploration and Transformation
Tong, Leqi
Evaluation of Different Brain Imaging Technologies
Tu, Yicheng
Application of Face Recognition Technology
Wan, Ting
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on China’s Overseas Industrial Zones and the Countermeasures
Wan, Ting
China’s Policy Option for Participation in Governance of International Digital Trade Rules Under the Background of COVID-19 Pandemic
Wang, Chaoyu
The Effect of Mindfulness Meditation on Academic Performance of Students
Wang, Chenlinyang
Analysis of How Sex Education in Asia is Expressed in the Media
Wang, Enru
The Controversy Over the Use of Prozac Because of Side Effects
Wang, Haoran
Traditional Energy and Renewable Energy: The Differences and Transitions
Wang, Honglin
Lithium Battery, About Its History, Future Development, Environmental Impact and System Economics
Wang, Keyang
Comparison of Ancient Greek Art and Ancient Roman Art
Wang, Lily
How Does the Arts During the Cold War Reflect the Ideologies of the Two Superpowers?
Wang, Luying
How Does VLOG Affect Young Consumers’ Purchase Intention?
Wang, Shiyu
The Application of Convolutional Neural Network in Malware Images Classification
Wang, Tianhui
The Spread of League of Legends
Wang, Tianyu
A Review of the Genetic Effects on Appetite Regulation: An Obesity Perspective
Wang, Xibiao
Role of Mental Health in Producing Health Disparities
Wang, Xingyu
The Factors That Exacerbate Women’S Experience of Stigma in the Workplace
Wang, Xinyi
An Analysis of the Reasons Why Confucianism Became an Orthodox Thought in the Han Dynasty
Wang, Xueli
The Impact of the New Media on Sex Education of Chinese Parents Having on Their Children
Wang, Yancheng
How Did Religion Consolidate the Rule of Ancient Kingship: Take the Roman Empire as an Example
Wang, Yingnuo
The Maintenance of Celestial Burial in Ngari Tibetan Area: Theoretical Debates and the Interview Study
Wang, Yixuan
Relations between ER Stress, UPR and Cancer Biology
Wang, Yizhen
Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health
Wang, Yueqiang
PCSK1 Variants and Obesity: Relationship in Different Population
Wang, Yunhan
The Factors That Exacerbate Women’S Experience of Stigma in the Workplace
Wang, Yuran
Reform of International Organizations in an Era of Chinese and US leadership
Wang, Zhuoxuan
Rethinking on the Historical Evaluation of Qin Shihuang Based on Shiji
Wang, Ziheng
The Impact of Covid-19 on Adolescent’s Anxiety
Wang, Ziqi
The Relationship Between Boredom Proneness and Recessive Truancy
Wen, Xuanxin
The Influential Factors of Antisocial Personality Disorder
Wu, Jiahua
Mental Illness and Mass Shootings: A Quantitative Treatment of Risk Factors and Mitigation Strategies
Wu, Jiayi
Ways of Reducing Stress to Improve Children’s Eyewitness Testimony
Wu, Jinjin
A Comparison of Gender Equality Education Curriculum in Primary School in China and Finland
Wu, Shenyi
The Connectedness Between Society Response and the Stress of Adolescents with Non-Suicidal Self-Harm Behavior
Wu, Xinyu
Discussion on the Texture Beauty of Yuzhou Daily Jun Porcelain and the Design of Derivatives
Wu, Yuchen
The Relationship Between Aristotle and Alexander the Great
Wu, Yue
Rethinking About the Environment Issue
Wu, Zongjian
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on China’s Overseas Industrial Zones and the Countermeasures
Wu, Zongjian
China’s Policy Option for Participation in Governance of International Digital Trade Rules Under the Background of COVID-19 Pandemic
XING, Cheng
The Research on the Infantry of the Tang Dynasty
Xia, Yu
Research on the Lung Cancer in China and the Possible Solutions
Xiao, Jian
Research on the Influence of Chinese Aesthetics on Fashion Design
Xiao, Jian
Research on the Application of Virtual reality Technology in Manchu Architecture Protection
Xiao, Tianrui
The Development Process of Education and Training Institutions in China
Xiao, Yao
The Effectiveness of Celebrity Involvement on Fans Behavior
Xiaoli, Fan
Community Public Art Design Practice from the Perspective of Ecological Aesthetics - The Example of Railway Three Village in Chongqing
Xie, Diyu
Changes of the Tibet Ritual: A Case Study of Tibet Religion Ritual’s Changes
Xie, Jingyi
Suggested Modification of Previous Published Log-Incidence Mathematical Model of Breast Cancer Incidence
Xie, Tianyou
CO₂ Capture by Applying Porous Carbon
Xie, Xingjian
Analysis on the Serious Adverse Effects Caused by Dietary Supplements
Xie, Yuxin
Effective Organization Management in Multinational Corporations: In the Context of Collectivism and Individualism
Xin, Gao
An Analysis of the Current Situation of Employment Under the Impact of COVID-19 and Its Countermeasures -- Based on the Survey of Qingdao City
Xing, Wang Xing
Research on the Red Relics Site Display Based on the Angle of Spatial Narrative Transformation
Xiong, Boxuan
Study on the New Clique’s View of Roosevelt’s New Deal’s Impact on the Great Depression in the United States
Xiong, Lixiongyu
Analysis on the Treatment of Gray Matter Heterotopia Epilepsy
Xiong, Siqi
Relations between ER Stress, UPR and Cancer Biology
Xu, Han
The Consciousness of Death and the Extreme Loyalty — An Exploration of Hagakure from the Perspective of Body
Xu, Huiqi
Effect of Early Attachment on Psychological Development
Xu, Jinhao
On the Connotation of Herodotus’s Text
Xu, Meng
Fantasies of World Order: Why Did the US Invade Iraq in 2003?
Xu, Yiran
The Effectiveness of Celebrity Involvement on Fans Behavior
Xu, Yuening
The Maintenance of Celestial Burial in Ngari Tibetan Area: Theoretical Debates and the Interview Study
Xu, Zhengjun
Reform of International Organizations in an Era of Chinese and US leadership
Xu, Zhongmou
Elderly People in Urban China
Xu, Ziyuan
Significance of Disease in Modern Society and the Psychological State of Human Facing Disease
Xuan, Keran
A Review of Structural Abnormality in Schizophrenia
Xue, Chen
To Which Extent the Red Terror Affects People in Soviet Union The Red Terror: Necessary Policy or Intentional Murders?
Xue, Litong
Research on Urban Environmental Protection Measures-Takeing Shanghai as an Example
Xue, Tianqi
To What Extent Do the Upbringing Context and Parenting Affect the Academic Performances of Students?
Xue, Wanrong
The Associations Between Artistic Creativity and Resilience Among High School Female Students in Beijing
Yang, Che
A Case Study of Media Influence on Public Attitudes Towards Celebrities
Yang, FengYu
The Differences and Similarities of Different Philosophers on Tackling the Trolley Dilemma
Yang, Hao
Is Germany a Leader in EU? An Examination Trough Its Environmental Policies and Actions
Yang, Shaobo
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on China’s Overseas Industrial Zones and the Countermeasures
Yang, Shaobo
China’s Policy Option for Participation in Governance of International Digital Trade Rules Under the Background of COVID-19 Pandemic
Yang, Siyuan
The Resurrection, Renewal and Reconstruction of Order of the Ancient Egyptian Syed Festival from the Perspective of Transitional Ritual
Yang, Tianzhi
The Inevitability of the Civil War: The Popularis and the Optimates
Yang, Xiaojun
Study on the Development Path of Urban-rural Economic Integration from the Perspective of Inclusive Green Development: A Case Study of Shanxi, Shaanxi and Henan Region in the Middle Reaches of the Yellow River
Yang, Yuwen
The Causes of Social Anxiety Disorder in the Different Developmental Stages
Yanhui, Tian
Research on the Teaching Model of Curriculum Thought and Politics Based on the Core Ideological and Political Literacy of Military Cadets
Ye, HongYan
The Influence of the Growth Environment on the Online Loan Consumption Behavior of College Students — Takes Three Universities in Dezhou as an Example
Yin, Yue
Are Sexual Double Standards Related to the Proportion of the Opposite Sex in the Environment?
Yin, Ziran
What Contribution Does Bioinformatic Analysis Perform in the Advancement of Conventional Biochemical Research
Yu, Guo
Under What Social Demand and Pressure Did the Existence of Sex Workers Rise From?
Yuan, Weiqi
Analysis on the Source of Vitality of the Public Space of Citizen Center
Yun, Huaiyue
How Does Beliefs Work as a Barrier Affecting Consumer’s Attitude Towards Luxury Brand’s Consumption
ZHAI, Yibo
Construction of Legitimacy in Neo-Confucianism
Zeng, Wanting
Ethical Issues of Human Chip Implantation Technology
Zhang, Bingkuan
The Impact of Negative News on Athletes’ Performance on the Field
Zhang, Bingzi
Issues in Language Teaching from the Perspective of Chinese-English Language Differences
Zhang, Birong
The Manifestations, Causes and Influences of Economic Inequality in the Roman Empire from the 4th to the 5th Centuries