Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Far East Con" (ISCFEC 2018)

736 authors
Solovev, D. B.
Development and Evaluation of Effectiveness of the Automated Method for Control of Goods Expiry Date in Trading Network
Solovev, D. B.
Formation of New Segments of the Market Through Quality Function Deployment of Innovative Production
Solovev, D. B.
Investment Prospects of the Region
Solovev, D. B.
Methodology of Assessment and Analysis of Regional Competitiveness Based on the Evolutionary Theory
Solovova, N.V.
“Job-Sharing” As A Form Of Work Organization
Solyanik, A.I.
Impact of Grid Tariffs on the Competitiveness of Distributed Generating Sources in the Regions of Russia
Somina, I. V.
Analysis of the Important Principles of the Innovation Strategies Implement of the Region for Improving its Investment Attractiveness
Somina, I. V.
Influence of the Infrastructure Support for the Innovative Development of the Region on the Efficiency of the Imlementation of Innovative Strategies
Sorokina, N. Y.
Strategic Prospects for the Development of the Coastal Regions of the Far East
Spiridonova, E. V.
Analysis of the Knowledge Level of University Entrants and Ways to Improve It
Spiridonova, E. V.
The Sources of Innovation Financing: a Conceptual Model for Adopting Managerial Decisions
Sribnyi, V. I.
Organizational and Methodological Algorithm of Studying Economic Space Development
Starikova, M.S.
Methodology of Assessment and Analysis of Regional Competitiveness Based on the Evolutionary Theory
Starodubtseva, I.
Government Order and its Significance in the Work of the Regional Cultural Establishments
Stepanova, E. V.
System Diagnostics Methods of Regional Sustainability Assessment
Stovba, A.
Strategic Planning of Social and Economic Development of Rural Territory of the Region on the Basis of Foresight Technologies
Stovba, E.
Strategic Planning of Social and Economic Development of Rural Territory of the Region on the Basis of Foresight Technologies
Strachkova, N.
Estimation of Crimean Tour Operating Innovation Level: Results of the Research
Strachkova, N.
New Approaches to the Branding of Tourism Destination
Strashko, E.
Influence Indicators of the Inequality of Human Development to the Human Development Index (HDI) of the World Countries
Strelnikova, N.V.
State Legal Regulation of Production and Use of Immunobiological Drugs in Russia
Strizhkova, L. A.
Imported Goods’ Demand Functions by the Main Areas of Use
Sukhoparova, A. V.
On the Issue of the Specifics of the Creation and Development of Start-Ups in Women Entrepreneur-Ship
Sukhorukov, V. D.
Human Capital and the Sphere of Values in the Conditions of Innovative Economy
Sushkova, I. A.
Modeling of the Balanced Strategy of Innovative Development of the Enterprises as Bases of Ensuring Economic Security of Russia
Svistunov, A. V.
Enhancing the Effectiveness of Control-Checking Activity of Tax Authorities
Svistunov, A.V.
Development Trends and Problems of Public-Private Partnership in the Field of District Heating
Svystun, M.
Implicit Representations About the Reputation Capital in the Company
Taburkin, V. I.
A Systematic Subject Field of Space Research
Tarasenko, V. V.
Accreditation of Governing Boards of Educational Organizations: Goal, Objectives, Implementation Mechanism
Tarasenko, Y. V.
Accreditation of Governing Boards of Educational Organizations: Goal, Objectives, Implementation Mechanism
Tarasov, M.
PAbout Problems and Trends of Labor and Capital Convergence
Tarasova, I. A.
The Modeling of Market Forces Influence on Innovation Performance
Tarasova-Sivtceva, O.
PAbout Problems and Trends of Labor and Capital Convergence
Tarynin, Y.
Turbulence and Entropy in Social and Economic Systems
Tatarovskaya, T.
Comparative Analysis of Public Associations of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Russia and Germany
Temnikova, L. B.
Interpersonal Trust as a Factor in the Formation of Social Capital
Terskaya, L. A.
Development of the System of Quality Indicators for Multi Apartment Building Surrounding Grounds
Testov, V.
Educational Robotics as a Factor in The Development of Polytechnic Education
Tikhonov, E. E.
Problems and Opportunities for Russian Business in the Transition to the Digital Economy
Timchuk, O.G.
Free Economic Zones as the Basement to Increase Innovation and Investment Activity of Economic Units
Timofeeva, T. S.
A Research of the Styles of Purchasing Behaviour in the Process of Choosing Loan Products
Tishina, L. I.
Imported Goods’ Demand Functions by the Main Areas of Use
Tkachenko, I.
Redistribution of Structural Positions of Stakeholders within The Framework of a Modern Industrial Park Structure
Tkacheva, J. V.
Scenarios Social and Economic Development of Districts
Tkacheva, J. V.
Crisis as a Factor of Economic Potential Reproduction of the Company
Toimentseva, I.A.
Strategic Development of Enterprises in the Freight Services Market
Tolcheeva, A. A.
The Disclosure of Intellectual Capital in Universities: Stakeholder Approach
Tolmacheva, S.V.
To a Question of Effective Management in the Sphere of Land Improvement by Local Government Bodies
Tonkikh, N.
Study on Strategic Priorities in Goods and Services Markets of a City With the Population Exceeding One Million on the Basis of SWOT-Analysis
Torbina, A.
Comparative Analysis of Methods for Assessing the Financial Condition of Small Organizations
Totskaya, I. V.
Strategy of the Partnership of University and Business Communities as a Factor of Sustainable Social and Economic Development of the Region
Toymentseva, I.A.
Strategic Supply Management in the Logistics Systems of Industrial Enterprises
Trofimova, C. V.
The Sources of Innovation Financing: a Conceptual Model for Adopting Managerial Decisions
Trofimova, V.I.
Modern Mechanisms of Efficient Forms of Rural Social and Economic Relations
Trop, T.
Factors of the Population's Credit Activity: Regional Features on the Example of the Russian Far East
Trush, E.
Development of Public Control Object-Subject Cooperation Methodology in Housing and Utility Complex on the Example of Tomsk Region
Tsareva, L.
Vocationally Relevant Physical Qualities, Psychophysiological Functions, and Their Variability with Students of Railway Transport Universities
Tsepelev, O. A.
Factors of Spatial Differentiation of Non-Observed Economy: Regional Aspect
Tsopa, N.
Formation of the Mechanism of Risk – Oriented Management of the Regional Investment – Construction Complex on the Basis of Forecasting
Tsukerman, V.A.
On Implementing the Strategy of Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian North and the Arctic
Tumali, L.E.
The Influence of the Accounting Method for Finished Products on Financial Accounting Assessment
Turgayeva, A. A.
Implementation Assessment of Government Support Measures for Small and Medium- Sized Entities in the Russian Federation (tax aspect)
Turkuletc, A. V.
Tendencies of State Management of the Russian Higher Education in the XXI Century
Turkulets, S. E.
Problems and Prospects of the Quality Management of Higher Education
Turkulets, S. E.
Tendencies of State Management of the Russian Higher Education in the XXI Century
Turkutyukov, V.B.
State Legal Regulation of Production and Use of Immunobiological Drugs in Russia
Tyrkba, Kh.V.
Russia's Investment Cooperation with ASEAN Countries
Tyurina, Y.
Internet as a Channel of Distance Education in the Context of Secondary Socialization
Udashkina, V.
Research of Student’ Profeeional Self-Determination: Problems and Challengers of Engineering Specialities
Ulyanova, E. F.
Interactive-Communicative Approach in the Paradigm of Engineering Personnel Training
Usanov, G. I.
Improvement of Forms and Methods of Labour Potential Formation in Komsomolsk’s Accelerated Economic Development Zone
Usanov, I. G.
Improvement of Forms and Methods of Labour Potential Formation in Komsomolsk’s Accelerated Economic Development Zone
Usheva, M.N.
Problems of Ensuring Economic Stability of Small Business in Russia and Bulgaria
Ustinova, N. G.
Synergetic Efficiency of the Economic System in the Conditions of Digital Economy Development: Conceptual Approach
Ustjuzhanina, I. A.
Peculiarities of Efficiency Assessment Methods Application for International Investment Projects
Vakhrushina, M. A.
The Disclosure of Intellectual Capital in Universities: Stakeholder Approach
Vasilyeva, E.R.
E-learning Environment as a Means for a Modern Engineer Training
Vavilina, A. V.
Optimization of Innovation Activity – Implementation Method of the Digital Economy
Vertakova, Y.
Monitoring of the State and Dynamics of the Development of the Digitalization of the Industrial Economy
Vinogradova, E.Yu.
Structurally-Functional Model of the Information System for Gas Transportation Company
Vinokurova, A.
Students’ Educational and Migration Strategies as a Factor of Formation of Human Capital of the Region
Vlasova, N.
Opportunism as a Characteristic of the Stakeholders’ Coordination in the Russian Higher Educational System
Vlasova, V. M.
Methodological Issues of the Study of Export Efficiency Based on the Example of Russia's Oil Industry
Vlasova, V. M.
Peculiarities of Efficiency Assessment Methods Application for International Investment Projects
Vlasova, Т.V.
Implementation of Optimizing Technologies for The Economic Security of Complex Manufacturing Systems
Volkov, N. A.
Structurally Functional Opportunities of a «Smart» Life-Support System
Volkova, A. G.
The Features of Strategic Analysis Under the Terms of the Turbulent External Environment
Volodkin, P.
Definition of Effective Use of Financial Leasing for an Automobile Enterprises
Vorob'eva, E.Yu.
On One Modern Approach in Economic-Mathematical Modeling
Vorokhobina, Y. V.
Problems and Opportunities for Russian Business in the Transition to the Digital Economy
Vysockaya, A. V.
Childhood in Russian Regions: Simulation of Socio-Economic Processes
Yakovenko, I.
Estimation of Crimean Tour Operating Innovation Level: Results of the Research
Yakovenko, I.
New Approaches to the Branding of Tourism Destination
Yakubova, T. N.
Optimization of Innovation Activity – Implementation Method of the Digital Economy
Yalmaev, R. A.
Tax Factor of Developing and Intensive Growth of the Shadow Economy
Yamshchikova, I.V.
Public Technological and Price Audit, Design and Survey Work as Part of the Price of Construction Products
Yarasheva, A.V.
Peculiarities of Borrower Behavior of Population in Russia
Yaremtchuk, S. V.
Life Satisfaction and Migration Intention of Youth
Yarlakabov, A.
Development of Low-Rise Investment-Construction Projects Based on the Principles of Public-Private Partnership