Proceedings of the 2013 International Workshop on Computer Science in Sports

147 authors
Aaron, Stout
Quantitative Training of American Football Kickers Using Real-Time Sensing and Prediction
Alyssa, Schaefbauer
Quantitative Training of American Football Kickers Using Real-Time Sensing and Prediction
Bu, Weisong
Production and Application about TENNIS FLAT SERVE TEACHING SOFTWARE-Based on the High-Quality Goods Curriculum Platform
Cai, Honggai
Study on the Issues of the Integration of Computer and Networks into College English Teaching
Cao, Yunhua
Research and Application of Computer Multimedia Technology in Soccer Pass Tactics Theory Teaching
Chen, Ting
Research of Mathematical Modeling about Maximal Oxygen Uptake (VO max) Speculation through 3000m Run
Chen, Wen Pen
An Intelligent Management System for Aquaculture’s Environmental Monitoring and Energy Conservation
Chen, Xiaoxia
Internet of Things Technology-Based Manufacturing Inventory Management
Chen, You Shyang
Extracting Accident Event Aviso Rules by Soft Computing Techniques in the Healthcare Industry
Chen, Yu Ting
An Intelligent Management System for Aquaculture’s Environmental Monitoring and Energy Conservation
Cheng, Qilian
On the Cultivation of Innovative Sports Talents of Diligence and Wisdom——The Speed Evaluation on Laoyi the 100m Champion of 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games
Cheng, Yang
Research on Building Physical Education Evaluation Mechanism in Independent Colleges
Cole, Meyers
Quantitative Training of American Football Kickers Using Real-Time Sensing and Prediction
Cui, Meiling
Application of Vibration Testing Technology in Table Tennis Ball Land Point Location
Cui, Yuhong
The Sport Quality Indicator Weight Research of Taekwondo Athletes Based On Principal Component Analysis
Du, Jingtao
Research on the Index System of Specific Physical Fitness of College Women’s 5000m Athletes in Hebei Province
Duan, Yanhua
A Comparative Study of Mongolian Folk Songs Based on the Breathing Signals of Physiological Mechanism
Duan, Yanhua
The Research on Mandarin Chinese Consonants from Perspective of EPG
Duan, Yanhua
The Research on Articulation Places of Mandarin Chinese Consonants from Perspective of EPG
Duan, Yanhua
The Research on Uighur by Means of Electropalatograph
Ehren, Biglari
Quantitative Training of American Football Kickers Using Real-Time Sensing and Prediction
F., Sgrò
Analysis of Knee Joint Motion in Tennis Flat Serve Using Low-Cost Technological Approach
Feng, Xiang
Quality Management of Building Electric Engineering
Feng, Xiang
Thinking of High-Rise Buildings Design
Feng, Yusheng
Quantitative Training of American Football Kickers Using Real-Time Sensing and Prediction
Gao, Dongqing
Risk Analysis and Research on Early-Warning System of Sport under High Temperature and High Humidity Environment
Ge, Guohua
The Study on University “Highly Educated High Professional Titles” Teacher Joining Party Way in New Period
Guan, Gui
The Research of the Application of Pressure Teaching Method in Tennis Serving Teaching
Guo, Kaiqiang
Production and Application about TENNIS FLAT SERVE TEACHING SOFTWARE-Based on the High-Quality Goods Curriculum Platform
Guo, Milan
The Research of the Application of Pressure Teaching Method in Tennis Serving Teaching
Guo, Yanli
Quality Management of Building Electric Engineering
Guo, Yanli
Thinking of High-Rise Buildings Design
Guo, Zhe
Study on the Issues of the Integration of Computer and Networks into College English Teaching
Han, Lifei
Research of the Contextual Interference and Augmented Feedback on Golf Putting Skills
Han, Lifei
The Challenges, Opportunities and Countermeasures of Golf Clubs in China
He, Rong
Strategic Research on Staff Sports in Hebei Province and the Powerful Province in Sports as Well as Development of National Fitness-North China Pharmaceutical Group is Taken as an Example for The Large State-Owned Pharmaceutical Corporation
He, Yang
Grey Correlation Analysis of Decathlon Achievement of the World Elite Athletes Ashton James Eaton
Hong, Wenchang
Quanzhou Agricultural E-Commerce Platform Based on O2O Modes
Hu, Caifeng
Analysis of IT Applications in Sport
Hu, Hua
Feature Analysis of the Social Media
Huang, Changmei
Grey Correlation Analysis of Decathlon Achievement of the World Elite Athletes Ashton James Eaton
Huang, Changmei
Multi-dimensional Characteristics Analysis of Decathlon Champion Achievement of Modern Olympic Game
Jacob, Kantor
Quantitative Training of American Football Kickers Using Real-Time Sensing and Prediction
Jiang, Huabei
Survey and Analysis of Wushu Sanda Development Status Based on SPSS Statistics
Jiang, Huahei
The Sport Quality Indicator Weight Research of Taekwondo Athletes Based On Principal Component Analysis
Jing, Zhihui
Survey into the Curricular Reform of “Sports and Health” and Its Implementation Status--Citing as an Example Five High Schools in Mianyang city in Sichuan Province of China
Jing, Zhihui
Several Theoretical Problems about the Traditional Sports Industry of Minority Nationalities in China
Kaili, Binu
The Research on Uighur by Means of Electropalatograph
Lee, Jinyong
The Transformation of Media Reporters in the Perspective of New Media: from Traditional to Versatile
Li, Chunpeng
The Business Model Discussion of Shopping Rebate Network
Li, Chunpeng
The Micro-Blog Marketing Application Research in Taobao Shop
Li, Dan
Analysis of IT Applications in Sport
Li, Gaohua
The Research of Relationship Between BMI Classification and Physical Function of Male College Students
Li, Haixia
Research on CCD Image Feature Extraction Algorithm Based on MATLAB
Li, Lun
Research on Constraints and Countermeasures for the Development of Outdoor Sports Tourism in Hubei Province
Li, Wenzhong
Research and Application of Computer Multimedia Technology in Soccer Pass Tactics Theory Teaching
Li, Yan
Research on Training Status and Countermeasure of Strength and Conditioning Coaches in China
Li, Yan
Overall Optimization Research on Curriculum System and Teaching Contents Oriented with Competence-based Golf Management
Li, Yan
Necessity of Professional Access to Strength and Conditioning Coaches in China
Li, Yan
Research on Current Situation of Rural Sports Public Service in Hebei Province
Li, Yan
Strategic Research on Staff Sports in Hebei Province and the Powerful Province in Sports as Well as Development of National Fitness-North China Pharmaceutical Group is Taken as an Example for The Large State-Owned Pharmaceutical Corporation
Li, Yang
Athlete’s Psychological Barriers in Competition Cause Analysis and Countermeasures Research
Liao, Yangang
Analysis of Team Construction of Sport Management Talents in the “Twelfth Five-year” Plan
Lin, Danjing
The Micro-Blog Marketing Application Research in Taobao Shop
Lin, Ding
Feature Analysis of the Social Media
Liu, Meiqin
Construction of China's Agricultural Virtual Logistics Information Service Platform
Liu, Xiangdong
Brief Investigation on Inheritance of Sports Intangible Cultural Heritage about the New Curriculum Reform in Physical Education
Liu, Xiaowei
Survey into the Curricular Reform of “Sports and Health” and Its Implementation Status--Citing as an Example Five High Schools in Mianyang city in Sichuan Province of China
Liu, Xiaowei
Several Theoretical Problems about the Traditional Sports Industry of Minority Nationalities in China
Liu, Xuan
A Comparative Study of Mongolian Folk Songs Based on the Breathing Signals of Physiological Mechanism
Liu, Xuan
The Research on Articulation Places of Mandarin Chinese Consonants from Perspective of EPG
Liu, Yu
Risk Assessment of Hip-Hop Dance and Cheerleading Athlete’s Daily Training Based on FMEA
Liu, Yuanhai
The Research of the Application of Pressure Teaching Method in Tennis Serving Teaching
Lu, Peng
The Experimental Study of Teaching games for Understanding in College Football Teaching
M., Lipoma
Analysis of Knee Joint Motion in Tennis Flat Serve Using Low-Cost Technological Approach
Ma, Ning
The Lip Position Analysis of the Main Consonant /w/ in Tibetan Xiahe Dialect
Mei, Yanhua
The Research on Uighur by Means of Electropalatograph
Mou, Shan wu
Innovating the Launch Mode of Sunshine Sports & Improving Students’ Practice Abilities on PE—— A Case Study of Yan’an University
Mou, Shanwu
The Development Trend of School Sports in China from the Teaching Goal of the Previous Primary and Middle School Sports
Oliveira, Leandro
Ontology-Based Personalized Dietary Recommendation for Weightlifting
P., Mango
Analysis of Knee Joint Motion in Tennis Flat Serve Using Low-Cost Technological Approach
Qin, Zhiming
The Sport Quality Indicator Weight Research of Taekwondo Athletes Based On Principal Component Analysis
Qin, Zhiming
Survey and Analysis of Wushu Sanda Development Status Based on SPSS Statistics
Qing, Lan
The Integration of GPS and GIS in Orienteering Training Monitoring and Control System Based on MapX
R., Schembri
Analysis of Knee Joint Motion in Tennis Flat Serve Using Low-Cost Technological Approach
Rong, Jing
Research of the Contextual Interference and Augmented Feedback on Golf Putting Skills
Rong, Jing
The Challenges, Opportunities and Countermeasures of Golf Clubs in China
S., Nicolosi
Analysis of Knee Joint Motion in Tennis Flat Serve Using Low-Cost Technological Approach
Santibutr, Nonchai
Ontology-Based Personalized Dietary Recommendation for Weightlifting
Shan, Guanfei
The Design of Disturbances Rejection Controller for Decoupling Internal Model Control System of Non-Square Processes
Shao, Xueyun
Reflection on Development Process of Chinese Golf
Shen, Weihua
Multi-dimensional Characteristics Analysis of Decathlon Champion Achievement of Modern Olympic Game
Shen, Xiaole
Changes in Body Composition of Students after 16 Weeks Tennis Training
Shi, Wensheng
Discussion on Development of Three-Dimensional Cross Fast Break On the Basis of Cross Offense
Song, Wei
The Challenges, Opportunities and Countermeasures of Golf Clubs in China
Sun, Hai
Risk Assessment of Hip-Hop Dance and Cheerleading Athlete’s Daily Training Based on FMEA
Sun, Lihong
The Influence of Motivation on Ego Depletion in College Athletes
Sun, Wei
Risk Assessment of Hip-Hop Dance and Cheerleading Athlete’s Daily Training Based on FMEA
Tumnark, Piyaporn
Ontology-Based Personalized Dietary Recommendation for Weightlifting
Wang, Changdai
Research and Application of Computer Multimedia Technology in Soccer Pass Tactics Theory Teaching