Proceedings of the Seventh Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics, Business and Management, Accounting and Entrepreneurship (PICEEBA 2021)
223 authors
- Thendean, James
- Generational Difference in Perceptions of Tax Fairness and Attitudes Towards Compliance During Pandemic COVID-19
- Tjahjadi, Teresia Devita
- Generational Difference in Perceptions of Tax Fairness and Attitudes Towards Compliance During Pandemic COVID-19
- Trimurni, Rahmadhyah
- The Influence of Information Technology Application, Work Environment and Competence on Job Performance: Job Satisfaction as Mediator
- Trinanda, Okki
- Marketing to Millennials:
- Ulumiyah, Ainun
- Development of Mobile Learning Media Based on Articulate Storyline 3 to Support Independence Learning of Vocational High School Students in the New Normal Era
- Vernanda, Willy Aldi
- Consumer Intention to Adopt E-Money
- Viverita
- The Impact of Investor Types on the Stock Return Volatility During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
- Viverita, Viverita
- Cross-country Spillover Through Government Bond Market in Emerging East Asia: The Effect of Covid-19
- Wahid, Reza Nur
- The Use of Digital Economy Learning Media in the VUCA Era: A Literature Review
- Wardi, Yunia
- The Influence of Transformational Leadership and Organizational Commitments on Employee Performance in Uptd Samsat Padang
- Wardi, Yunia
- The Influence of E-Learning and Work Culture on Lecturer Performance with Knowledge Sharing as Mediation
- Wardi, Yunia
- The Effect of Compensation, and Job Satisfaction on Work Motivation for Honorary Teachers at SD Negeri Lubuk Basung District
- Wirawan, Ikhsan
- Analysis of Factors Affecting the Unemployment Rate of Educational Labor in Indonesia
- Yasri
- The Influence of Security and Electronic Word of Mouth (E-Wom) on Consumer Purchase Decision on the Tokopedia Buying and Selling Site with Trust as an Intervening Variable in the City of Padang
- Yasri
- The Effect Transformational Leadership, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Culture on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB): Organizational Commitment as an Intervening Variable
- Yeni, Intan Putri
- Determinants of Job Opportunities by Level of Education in Indonesia
- Yohana, Adela
- Earning Managements on Islamic Banks and Conventional Bank: How They Are Different in Ownership Structure
- Yosefina
- The Effect Transformational Leadership, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Culture on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB): Organizational Commitment as an Intervening Variable
- Yulhendri
- The Effect of Learning Factors and Social Capital Factors on Self Efficacy Factors of Prospective Economic Teacher Students in Padang City
- Yulhendri
- Development of Android Based Mobile Learning as a Media for Economic Learning in Senior High School
- Yulhendri
- Project-Based Learning Model Towards Students’ P21 Skills in the 21st Century:
- Yulhendri
- Blended Learning: Online and Recorded Video as Innovative Strategy to improve 21 Century Skills for Pre-Service Teacher
- susanti, Dessi
- Local Culture Based Instructional Materials as an Effort to Develop Students’ Character