Proceedings of the Seventh Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics, Business and Management, Accounting and Entrepreneurship (PICEEBA 2021)

223 authors
Thendean, James
Generational Difference in Perceptions of Tax Fairness and Attitudes Towards Compliance During Pandemic COVID-19
Tjahjadi, Teresia Devita
Generational Difference in Perceptions of Tax Fairness and Attitudes Towards Compliance During Pandemic COVID-19
Trimurni, Rahmadhyah
The Influence of Information Technology Application, Work Environment and Competence on Job Performance: Job Satisfaction as Mediator
Trinanda, Okki
Marketing to Millennials:
Ulumiyah, Ainun
Development of Mobile Learning Media Based on Articulate Storyline 3 to Support Independence Learning of Vocational High School Students in the New Normal Era
Vernanda, Willy Aldi
Consumer Intention to Adopt E-Money
The Impact of Investor Types on the Stock Return Volatility During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Viverita, Viverita
Cross-country Spillover Through Government Bond Market in Emerging East Asia: The Effect of Covid-19
Wahid, Reza Nur
The Use of Digital Economy Learning Media in the VUCA Era: A Literature Review
Wardi, Yunia
The Influence of Transformational Leadership and Organizational Commitments on Employee Performance in Uptd Samsat Padang
Wardi, Yunia
The Influence of E-Learning and Work Culture on Lecturer Performance with Knowledge Sharing as Mediation
Wardi, Yunia
The Effect of Compensation, and Job Satisfaction on Work Motivation for Honorary Teachers at SD Negeri Lubuk Basung District
Wirawan, Ikhsan
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Unemployment Rate of Educational Labor in Indonesia
The Influence of Security and Electronic Word of Mouth (E-Wom) on Consumer Purchase Decision on the Tokopedia Buying and Selling Site with Trust as an Intervening Variable in the City of Padang
The Effect Transformational Leadership, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Culture on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB): Organizational Commitment as an Intervening Variable
Yeni, Intan Putri
Determinants of Job Opportunities by Level of Education in Indonesia
Yohana, Adela
Earning Managements on Islamic Banks and Conventional Bank: How They Are Different in Ownership Structure
The Effect Transformational Leadership, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Culture on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB): Organizational Commitment as an Intervening Variable
The Effect of Learning Factors and Social Capital Factors on Self Efficacy Factors of Prospective Economic Teacher Students in Padang City
Development of Android Based Mobile Learning as a Media for Economic Learning in Senior High School
Project-Based Learning Model Towards Students’ P21 Skills in the 21st Century:
Blended Learning: Online and Recorded Video as Innovative Strategy to improve 21 Century Skills for Pre-Service Teacher
susanti, Dessi
Local Culture Based Instructional Materials as an Effort to Develop Students’ Character