Proceedings of the Fourth Prasasti International Seminar on Linguistics (Prasasti 2018)

243 authors
Nurhayati, Dwi Astuti Wahyu
Suprasegmental Phonology Used in Star Wars: The Last Jedi Trailer Movie on Implying the Characters' Purpose and Emotion in General EFL Classroom
Nurhayatun, Wilda
Barodak and Construction of Sumbawanese Women
Nurkamto, Joko
Liability of Negotiation in the Procurement of Art Entertainment Services of Javanese Karawitan Tradition in Surakarta
Nuryantiningsih, Farida
Politeness and Impoliteness in Javanese Speech Levels
Pandanwangi, Wiekandini Dyah
Politeness and Impoliteness in Javanese Speech Levels
Prajoko, Dwi Aji
The Optimal Relevance of American Dream Metaphor Translation
Pratiwi, Vincensia Dian Ratna
Lexical Bundles in Indonesian and English Undergraduate Thesis Abstracts
Priyatiningsih, Nurpeni
Spiritual Quotient of Tingkeban Tradition in Javanese Culture
Pujiastuti, Rahayu
The Development of Indonesian Syntactic of Role Children Severe Hearing Impairment Preschool Age
Pulungan, Husniah Ramadhani
Language Transitivity of Angkola Farmer
Purbani, Widyastuti
Stylistic Pattern in Padmini Bannerjee's "the Goose Thieves" Short Story
Purnanto, Dwi
A Study on Code Choice by Female Chief of Village
Purnanto, Dwi
The Option Pattern of 'Ngrasani' (Gossiping) Code by Javanese Women in Social Interaction
Purnanto, Dwi
Ujung Tradition in Nuclear Family: Linguistics Expressions and Cultural Meanings Inside it
Purnanto, Dwi
Analyzing the Structure and the Texture of Japanese Advertisement (A Systemic Functional Linguistics Approach)
Purnanto, Dwi
Reflex Proto-Austronesia to Ambelau in West Central Maluku Group: the Effort to Test the Hipotesis Collins (1981)
Purnanto, Dwi
The Grammatical Structure of Discourse in the Notary Text
Purnanto, Dwi
The Speech Acts of Suggestion by Islamic Preachers (Da'i) in Dialogic Da'wah in the City of Surakarta
Purnanto, Dwi
Phatic Advice Giving of Javanese Youngsters in Friendship Domain as A Politeness Strategy to Tie a Union
Purwaningsih, Endang
Translation and Semantic Issues (A Translation Study of the Metaphor Text)
Puspani, Ida Ayu Made
Translating Indonesian Notarial Documents into English: Issues and Its Strategies
Puspani, Ida Ayu Made
Demetaphorization in the Translation of Meditation Text
Putrayasa, Ida Bagus
The Types of Sentence in the Essays of Grade VI Elementary School Students in Bali Province: A Syntactic Study
Putri, Inike Tesiana
Is There A Correlation Between Propaganda and Radical Actions?: A Critical Diiscourse Analysis
Rahayu, Ely Triasih
Japanese Honorific Language in Various Domains
Rahayu, Ely Triasih
The Phenomena of Brown and Levinson’s Politeness Strategies Implemented by the Tourism Actors in Kuta Beach Bali
Ramadhan, Risca Ariska
Rimpu and Symbolization of Female Identity in Bima Community
Ramadhan, Yusuf Firdaus
The Russian Morphosyntax of Loanwords in the Automotive Magazine ''Моmоэксперm'' (Motoekspert) December 2017 Edition
Ramendra, Dewa Putu
The Types of Sentence in the Essays of Grade VI Elementary School Students in Bali Province: A Syntactic Study
Reeve, David
Language and Values: Angkot and Bus Language Decoration in Ranah Minangkabau
Rese, Atmy
The Phenomenon of Culture Shock on Western People in Senggigi, West Lombok
Retnosari, Ira Eko
Code Mixing in the Student Presentation of PBSI UNIPA Surabaya
Riesky, Riesky
A Multimodal Analysis of Students' Commercial Copywriting
Rohmadi, Muhammad
Responses to Caring Speech Acts: The Politeness Strategies of Indonesian Students in Academic Activities
Rohmadi, Muhammad
Expressive Feedback Functions in the Conversation of the Radio Visitation Programs
Rokhman, Fathur
Analysis of Types of Ecolexicon Expression in Conservation News Text in Mass Media: Ecolinguistics Perspective
Rosyda, Raden
Grammatical Cohesion in article "A Student Activist Gives Jokowi A Yellow Card"
Rozimela, Yenni
Inserting Spoken Language in Grammar Teaching Material Based on Interactive Mulimedia
Rusanti, Ni Putu
Gay Language in Bali (Sociolinguistics Study on Homosexual and Bisexual Men in Bali)
Rustono, Rustono
Analysis of Types of Ecolexicon Expression in Conservation News Text in Mass Media: Ecolinguistics Perspective
Sabardila, Atiqa
Meaning of Invitation and Prohibition Modality in Quran Translation Texts and Their Connection with Character Education
Sajarwa, Sajarwa
French Narrative Discourse and its Translation in Indonesian
Samodra, Maria Caroline
Lexical Bundles in Indonesian and English Undergraduate Thesis Abstracts
Santosa, Gunawan Budi
Language Education and Education Challenges in the Mondial Era
Santosa, Riyadi
The Role of Ergative Clauses in Developing Narrative Genre: A Case Study of A Detective Novel Entitled Angels and Demons by Dan Brown
Santosa, Riyadi
Evaluating Attitudes in News Text: Appraisal in Critical Discourse Study
Santosa, Riyadi
Vulgar and Obscene Terms in Indonesian Song Lyrics (The Reflection Language Creativity)
Santosa, Riyadi
Language Transitivity of Angkola Farmer
Santosa, Riyadi
Transitivity of Personification Clauses in the Novel 'And the Mountain Echoed' by Khalled Hosseini
Santosa, Riyadi
Speech and Politeness Disclosure Take Repentence in the Interaction of Students-Teacher
Santosa, Riyadi
Complaints of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Hong Kong to Their Husband Behaviors
Santosa, Riyadi
The Impact of Translation Technique on Politeness Strategies in Giving Advice
Santosa, Riyadi
Techniques for Medical Dictionary Translation
Santosa, Riyadi
Translation Quality of Expressive Speech Acts : An Implementation of Bald on Record Impoliteness in the Translation Novel "The Silkworm"
Setiarini, Ni Luh Putu
Collocation Errors by Indonesian EFL Learners: Types of Errors, Translation Techniques, and Causes of Errors
Setiawan, Setiawan
Language and Identity: Promoting Dolly's Community Identity through Language Use
Sholichah, Iva Riyadhus
Stylistic Pattern in Padmini Bannerjee's "the Goose Thieves" Short Story
Soedarso, Soedarso
Language and Identity: Promoting Dolly's Community Identity through Language Use
Sofiah, Nia Kurnia
The Phonetic Adaptations of Russian Loanwords in Мир ФанTасTики (Mir Fantastiki) for the Cinematography
Sofiah, Nia Kurnia
The Russian Morphosyntax of Loanwords in the Automotive Magazine ''Моmоэксперm'' (Motoekspert) December 2017 Edition
Sofiah, Nia Kurnia
The Loan Translation Adaptation of the Character Names in the Novel ?"арри ПоTTер и Филосо?"ский Камень (Garri Potter i Filosofskij Kamen’) into the Russian Language
Soniawati, Siti Eka
Assesing Speech Production Based on Interference Picture Naming and Games for Children
Stovia, Anggita
An Analysis on Forms and Context of the Word "When" in Japanese Language
Subroto, H.D. Edi
Vulgar and Obscene Terms in Indonesian Song Lyrics (The Reflection Language Creativity)
Sudipa, I Nengah
Speech Characteristics of Indonesian Caregivers Towards Elderly in Japan
Sudipa, I Nengah
Meaning of Terms in the Translation of Animal Science Texts
Sudipa, I Nengah
Demetaphorization in the Translation of Meditation Text
Sugianto, Alip
Bombongan: Expressive Speech Act Ethnic Java of Panaragan in the Art of Reyog (An Etnopragmatic Study)
Sugini, Sugini
Teacher Non-Verbal Behaviour as Part of Multimodal Interaction to Children With Autism
Suhartono, Suhartono
Gender Bias in Textbooks and Test Items of English Language Learning in the Indonesian Context
Sukmawati, Nur Rizky
Pragmatic Skills of Sasak Language Speakers: A Case Study in a Sasak Speech Community
Sulaiman, Mohammed Zain
Applying the Cultural-conceptual Translation Model in the Commercial World of Tourism Promotion
Sumarlam, Sumarlam
A Study on Code Choice by Female Chief of Village
Sumarlam, Sumarlam
Language Choice in Female Dormitory of the Boarding School of Islam Al-Mukmin Ngruki
Sumarlam, Sumarlam
Visualization of Spiritual Values on Relief Kunjarakarna at Jago Temple, a Visual Semiotics Study
Sumarlam, Sumarlam
The Option Pattern of 'Ngrasani' (Gossiping) Code by Javanese Women in Social Interaction
Sumarlam, Sumarlam
Transitivity of Personification Clauses in the Novel 'And the Mountain Echoed' by Khalled Hosseini
Sumarlam, Sumarlam
Reflex Proto-Austronesia to Ambelau in West Central Maluku Group: the Effort to Test the Hipotesis Collins (1981)
Sumarlam, Sumarlam
The Grammatical Structure of Discourse in the Notary Text
Sumarlam, Sumarlam
The Phenomena of Brown and Levinson’s Politeness Strategies Implemented by the Tourism Actors in Kuta Beach Bali
Sumarlam, Sumarlam
Liability of Negotiation in the Procurement of Art Entertainment Services of Javanese Karawitan Tradition in Surakarta
Sumarlam, Sumarlam
Speech and Politeness Disclosure Take Repentence in the Interaction of Students-Teacher
Sumarlam, Sumarlam
Complaints of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Hong Kong to Their Husband Behaviors
Sumarlam, Sumarlam
Responses to Caring Speech Acts: The Politeness Strategies of Indonesian Students in Academic Activities
Sumarlam, Sumarlam
Adjacency Pairs and Implicature of Utterances President Joko Widodo in the Episode of Di Balik Dinding Istana of the Mata Najwa TV Program
Sumarlam, Sumarlam
Expressive Feedback Functions in the Conversation of the Radio Visitation Programs
Sumarlam, Sumarlam
Phatic Advice Giving of Javanese Youngsters in Friendship Domain as A Politeness Strategy to Tie a Union
Sumarna, F. X.
Speech and Politeness Disclosure Take Repentence in the Interaction of Students-Teacher
Sumarti, Sumarti
The Fulfilment of Student's Deficiency Need by Teacher's Directive Speech Act Strategy
Sunarti, Iing
The Fulfilment of Student's Deficiency Need by Teacher's Directive Speech Act Strategy
Sundari, Sundari
The Local Wisdom Behind the Intelligence of Javanese Sexual Text in Traditional Javanese Literature (An Ethnolinguistic Review)
Suparwa, I Nyoman
Demetaphorization in the Translation of Meditation Text
Surjowati, Ribut
The Use of Discourse Markers in EFL Students' Essay Writing
Surono, Surono
Address Terms Across Cultures: A Sociopragmatic Analysis
Suryani, Adi
Language and Identity: Promoting Dolly's Community Identity through Language Use
Susandi, Ni Kadek Ary
Gay Language in Bali (Sociolinguistics Study on Homosexual and Bisexual Men in Bali)
Susanti, Ratna
Responses to Caring Speech Acts: The Politeness Strategies of Indonesian Students in Academic Activities
Susanti, Ratna
Adjacency Pairs and Implicature of Utterances President Joko Widodo in the Episode of Di Balik Dinding Istana of the Mata Najwa TV Program
Susanti, Rizky Mega
Assimilation Process of Prefixes in the Sasak Language (Study of Generative Phonology)
Susini, Made
Demetaphorization in the Translation of Meditation Text