Proceedings of the Fourth Prasasti International Seminar on Linguistics (Prasasti 2018)

243 authors
Abdullah, Wakit
Language Choice in Female Dormitory of the Boarding School of Islam Al-Mukmin Ngruki
Abdullah, Wakit
Visualization of Spiritual Values on Relief Kunjarakarna at Jago Temple, a Visual Semiotics Study
Abdullah, Wakit
Ujung Tradition in Nuclear Family: Linguistics Expressions and Cultural Meanings Inside it
Abdullah, Wakit
Local Knowledge and Wisdom in the Javanese Salvation of Women Pregnancy ‘Mitoni’: An Etholinguistic Perspective
Abdullah, Wakit
Bombongan: Expressive Speech Act Ethnic Java of Panaragan in the Art of Reyog (An Etnopragmatic Study)
Abdullah, Wakit
Speech and Politeness Disclosure Take Repentence in the Interaction of Students-Teacher
Amalia, Rosaria Mita
Grammatical Cohesion in article "A Student Activist Gives Jokowi A Yellow Card"
Ana, I Wayan
Translating Indonesian Notarial Documents into English: Issues and Its Strategies
Anam, Moh. Khoirul
Thai and Indonesian English Students' Problems in Pronouncing English Fricative and Affricate Sounds: A Case Study in IAIN Kediri
Andriyani, Anak Agung Ayu Dian
The Phenomena of Brown and Levinson’s Politeness Strategies Implemented by the Tourism Actors in Kuta Beach Bali
Anis, Muhammad Yunus
The Strategies for Minimizing the Linear Dislocation between Arabic-Javanese Translation of Islamic Moral Ethic Books
Ardi, Havid
The Impact of Translation Technique on Politeness Strategies in Giving Advice
Artawa, I Ketut
The Variation of English Verb Phrases in English Cookbook
Aryana, Ida Bagus Putra Manik
The Types of Sentence in the Essays of Grade VI Elementary School Students in Bali Province: A Syntactic Study
Aryani, I Gusti Agung Istri
Meaning of Terms in the Translation of Animal Science Texts
Aryawibawa, I Nyoman
Adults' Representations of Balinese Universal Quantifiers
Atmawati, Dwi
Influence of Societal Factor on the Emergence of Language Variants: the Study of Indonesia Language Use in Javanese Society
Azyyati, Nurina
Debating A Minimum Marriageable Age for Girl in Indonesian Marriage: A Semiotic Study
Basri, Muhammad Muinudinillah
Meaning of Invitation and Prohibition Modality in Quran Translation Texts and Their Connection with Character Education
Beratha, N. L. Sutjiati
Speech Characteristics of Indonesian Caregivers Towards Elderly in Japan
Budiarsa, I Made
Translating Indonesian Notarial Documents into English: Issues and Its Strategies
Budiarsa, Made
Speech Characteristics of Indonesian Caregivers Towards Elderly in Japan
Budiharjo, Bayu
Google, Translate This Website Page-Flipping through Google Translate's Ability
Budiyono, Sri
Language Education and Education Challenges in the Mondial Era
Burhanuddin, Burhanuddin
Reflex Proto-Austronesia to Ambelau in West Central Maluku Group: the Effort to Test the Hipotesis Collins (1981)
Chalimah, Chalimah
Evaluating Attitudes in News Text: Appraisal in Critical Discourse Study
Dhanawaty, Ni Made
Meaning of Terms in the Translation of Animal Science Texts
Dharmawan, Ruben
Techniques for Medical Dictionary Translation
Djatmika, Djatmika
Structures of Teen-Lit Stories Written by Indonesian Teenage Authors
Djatmika, Djatmika
Evaluating Attitudes in News Text: Appraisal in Critical Discourse Study
Djatmika, Djatmika
Vulgar and Obscene Terms in Indonesian Song Lyrics (The Reflection Language Creativity)
Djatmika, Djatmika
Teacher Non-Verbal Behaviour as Part of Multimodal Interaction to Children With Autism
Djatmika, Djatmika
Language Transitivity of Angkola Farmer
Djatmika, Djatmika
The Option Pattern of 'Ngrasani' (Gossiping) Code by Javanese Women in Social Interaction
Djatmika, Djatmika
Ujung Tradition in Nuclear Family: Linguistics Expressions and Cultural Meanings Inside it
Djatmika, Djatmika
Analyzing the Structure and the Texture of Japanese Advertisement (A Systemic Functional Linguistics Approach)
Djatmika, Djatmika
The Phenomena of Brown and Levinson’s Politeness Strategies Implemented by the Tourism Actors in Kuta Beach Bali
Djatmika, Djatmika
Liability of Negotiation in the Procurement of Art Entertainment Services of Javanese Karawitan Tradition in Surakarta
Djatmika, Djatmika
Complaints of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Hong Kong to Their Husband Behaviors
Djatmika, Djatmika
Responses to Caring Speech Acts: The Politeness Strategies of Indonesian Students in Academic Activities
Djatmika, Djatmika
The Optimal Relevance of American Dream Metaphor Translation
Djatmika, Djatmika
Translation and Semantic Issues (A Translation Study of the Metaphor Text)
Djatmika, Djatmika
The Impact of Translation Technique on Politeness Strategies in Giving Advice
Djatmika, Djatmika
Techniques for Medical Dictionary Translation
Djatmika, Djatmika
Translation Quality of Expressive Speech Acts : An Implementation of Bald on Record Impoliteness in the Translation Novel "The Silkworm"
Ekasani, Kadek Ayu
The Variation of English Verb Phrases in English Cookbook
Ferdianto, Setyangga Achmad
Parikan in Ludruk's Kidungan (An Ethnolinguistics Study)
Futih, Febriarni Fatiha Falahallaily
Meaning of Invitation and Prohibition Modality in Quran Translation Texts and Their Connection with Character Education
Hafizh, Muhammad Al
Verbal Abuse in Multiracial Communication: a Sociolinguistics Perspective
Handayani, Khaerunisyah Risma
The Loan Translation Adaptation of the Character Names in the Novel ?"арри ПоTTер и Филосо?"ский Камень (Garri Potter i Filosofskij Kamen’) into the Russian Language
Hariri, Tatang
Analyzing the Structure and the Texture of Japanese Advertisement (A Systemic Functional Linguistics Approach)
Hartati, Hartati
An Analysis on Forms and Context of the Word "When" in Japanese Language
Haryanto, Sigit
Ujung Tradition in Nuclear Family: Linguistics Expressions and Cultural Meanings Inside it
Hentihu, Ika Farihah
Visualization of Spiritual Values on Relief Kunjarakarna at Jago Temple, a Visual Semiotics Study
Hermawan, Gede Satya
The Japanese Numeral Quantifiers: An Error Analysis of Student Writings (Sakubun)
Ilham, Ilham
The Evolution of Booster on the Assertive Speech Act Used in Two Decades Version of Translation
Indratmo, Aloysius
The Local Wisdom Behind the Intelligence of Javanese Sexual Text in Traditional Javanese Literature (An Ethnolinguistic Review)
Indrawati, Ni Luh Ketut Mas
The Variation of English Verb Phrases in English Cookbook
Indrowaty, Sri Aju
Analyzing the Structure and the Texture of Japanese Advertisement (A Systemic Functional Linguistics Approach)
Irawati, Dyah Cita
Psychoacoustic Study: Mapping of Language Deviation in Down Syndrome Children
Isada, Novita Laily Fariana
The Phonetic Adaptations of Russian Loanwords in Мир ФанTасTики (Mir Fantastiki) for the Cinematography
Jufrizal, Jufrizal
Inserting Spoken Language in Grammar Teaching Material Based on Interactive Mulimedia
Kristina, Diah
Multimodal Branding of Indonesian Online Promotional Discourse in Hospitality Industries
Kristina, Diah
Gender Bias in Textbooks and Test Items of English Language Learning in the Indonesian Context
Kristina, Diah
The Evolution of Booster on the Assertive Speech Act Used in Two Decades Version of Translation
Kulup, Luluk Isani
The Strategy of Avoidability in the Skill Based on Students Participants Study Program for Educational Languages and Literature Indonesia PGRI University Adi Buana Surabaya
Kurnia, Ermi Dyah
Parikan in Ludruk's Kidungan (An Ethnolinguistics Study)
Kustinah, Kustinah
Speech Act Analysis on Walt Disney Film Entitled 'Frozen' (A Pragmatic Study)
Kusuma, Invandri
Passive and Antipassive Voice Ergative Type of Nusantara Language
Kusumaningsih, Dewi
Vulgar and Obscene Terms in Indonesian Song Lyrics (The Reflection Language Creativity)
Kusumastuti, Fenty
Analyzing Address Forms in Chinese and Javanese: A Comparative Study
Laila, Malikatul
The Study of Sub-Genre Initiation in Indonesia Lawyers Club Discussion
Lestari, Prembayun Miji
The Option Pattern of 'Ngrasani' (Gossiping) Code by Javanese Women in Social Interaction
Mahmud, Erlina Zulkifli
Strategies in Translating Minangkabau Cultural Words in the Land of Five Towers 'Negeri Lima Menara', Fuadi's Novel
Malik, Njaju Jenny
The Phonetic Adaptations of Russian Loanwords in Мир ФанTасTики (Mir Fantastiki) for the Cinematography
Malik, Njaju Jenny
The Russian Morphosyntax of Loanwords in the Automotive Magazine ''Моmоэксперm'' (Motoekspert) December 2017 Edition
Malik, Njaju Jenny
The Loan Translation Adaptation of the Character Names in the Novel ?"арри ПоTTер и Филосо?"ский Камень (Garri Potter i Filosofskij Kamen’) into the Russian Language
Mardikantoro, Hari Bakti
Analysis of Types of Ecolexicon Expression in Conservation News Text in Mass Media: Ecolinguistics Perspective
Markhamah, Markhamah
Meaning of Invitation and Prohibition Modality in Quran Translation Texts and Their Connection with Character Education
Marlina, Reni
Reading Ability Analysis of Mandarin Language in Pontianak Junior High School VIII Grade Students
Marmanto, Sri
Language Choice in Female Dormitory of the Boarding School of Islam Al-Mukmin Ngruki
Marmanto, Sri
Phatic Advice Giving of Javanese Youngsters in Friendship Domain as A Politeness Strategy to Tie a Union
Merlyna, Putu Dewi
Speech Characteristics of Indonesian Caregivers Towards Elderly in Japan
Muhammad, Hujaefa H.
Reflex Proto-Austronesia to Ambelau in West Central Maluku Group: the Effort to Test the Hipotesis Collins (1981)
Muljani, Sutji
The Grammatical Structure of Discourse in the Notary Text
Murti, Bayu Dewa
The Role of Ergative Clauses in Developing Narrative Genre: A Case Study of A Detective Novel Entitled Angels and Demons by Dan Brown
Mustikawati, Diyah Atiek
A Study on Code Choice by Female Chief of Village
Nababan, M.R.
The Role of Ergative Clauses in Developing Narrative Genre: A Case Study of A Detective Novel Entitled Angels and Demons by Dan Brown
Nababan, M.R.
The Optimal Relevance of American Dream Metaphor Translation
Nababan, M.R.
Translation and Semantic Issues (A Translation Study of the Metaphor Text)
Nababan, M.R.
The Impact of Translation Technique on Politeness Strategies in Giving Advice
Nababan, M.R.
Techniques for Medical Dictionary Translation
Nababan, M.R.
Translation Quality of Expressive Speech Acts : An Implementation of Bald on Record Impoliteness in the Translation Novel "The Silkworm"
Nababan, M.R.
The Evolution of Booster on the Assertive Speech Act Used in Two Decades Version of Translation
Nadra, Nadra
The Terms of Wedding Tradition in Minangkabau Isolect in Nagari Pariangan and Its Development
Ngalim, Abdul
Meaning of Invitation and Prohibition Modality in Quran Translation Texts and Their Connection with Character Education
Nila, Shafa Firda
Mayor's Puns on Instagram: Classification and Function of Puns in Ridwan Kamil's Instagram Account
Ningsih, Tri Wahyu Retno
Psychoacoustic Study: Mapping of Language Deviation in Down Syndrome Children
Nugroho, Miftah
The Speech Acts of Suggestion by Islamic Preachers (Da'i) in Dialogic Da'wah in the City of Surakarta
Nurdiyani, Netty
Complaints of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Hong Kong to Their Husband Behaviors