Proceedings of the Unima International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (UNICSSH 2022)

719 authors
Yulianto, Agung
Maqashid Sharia Performance Determinants Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia
Yulianto, B.
Multi-discipline Approach to Improve the Role of Higher Education in Disaster Risk Reduction: Case Study in Unesa
Yulianto, Bambang
Similarity and Dissimilarity of Culture Between Indonesia-Thailand as a Context of Foreign Language Teaching
Yuniarta, Gede Adi
Transformation of Green Accounting Implementation Aspects Prior to and During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Yuniarta, Gede Adi
Understanding Solidarity in Cooperative Lessons to Become Stronger and Independent
Yuniawan, Tommi
Study Analysis of the Types of Emancipated Learning Activities
Yuniawan, Tommi
Growing Leadership Model for Improving Teaching Staff Professionalism Services Towards World Class University
Yusra, Alfajri
Contextual Sociology Teaching Materials for High School Sociology Learning
Yustisia, Henny
Literature Review: Study of the Relevance of the Mining Vocational Education Curriculum in the Preparation of the MBKM
Yusuf, Ali
The Role of the Giri Mulya Study Group Community for Increasing Community Empowerment
Yusuf, Syarif Ramadhan
Information and Communication Technology-Based Learning Management in Improving Learning Quality Services in the Digital Era
Zain, Ita Mardiani
Preparing Basic Competencies and Skills for Students by Developing Critical Thinking Skills
Zainul, Rahadian
Validity of Guided Discovery Learning-Based Content Learning System to Improve Learning Outcomes in Acid-Base Materials
Zakaria, Jaffry
Sensor-Based Main Mover Muscle Control Device Design for Physical Education Learning
Zalindro, Ade
Physical Fitness of Active and Passive Smokers
Zarki, Rudi
Physical Fitness of Active and Passive Smokers
Physical Fitness of Active and Passive Smokers
Zid, Muhammad
Smart Class as a Culture Learning Resource in the Tourism Village of Cisaat
‘Ilmi, Achmad Miftachul
Analysis of the Need for Strengthening Learning Skills of New Students in Post-pandemic Learning Based on Gender Perspective