Proceedings of the Unima International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (UNICSSH 2022)
241 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Recky Harold Elby Sendouw, Theodorus Pangalila, Sjamsi Pasandaran, Vivi P. Rantung
Proceedings Article
A Conceptual Model of Thematic-Based Syllabus for Equivalent Elementary School Level (Paket A)
Misran Rahman
This study aims to develop a conceptual model of integrated thematic-based syllabus for Paket A, a non-formal education program equivalent to elementary school level in Indonesia. An adjustment from the original subject-based syllabus to thematic-based syllabus in regulation is evident, combined with...
Proceedings Article
Psychological Problems of Indonesian Students in Speaking German
Dewi Kartika Ardiyani, Rofiáh
Speaking skills are often a major problem for German learners in Indonesia because it is the most complex language skill. The purpose of this study is to find out the psychological problems experienced by German students in speaking. The data of this research are psychological problems in speaking German...
Proceedings Article
Accounting Competence, PLP Practice, and Digital Literacy Ability as Predictors of Student Readiness to Become Accounting Teachers in the Digital Technology Era
Han Tantri Hardini, Susanti, Mohammad Taufiq, Renny Dwijayanti
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of accounting competencies, PLP practices, and digital literacy skills on the readiness of students in the accounting education study program in the era of digital technology. This research was conducted on undergraduate students of Accounting Education...
Proceedings Article
Study Analysis of the Types of Emancipated Learning Activities
Universitas Negeri Semarang as Case Study
Tommi Yuniawan, Fathur Rokhman, Zaenal Abidin
Types of learning activities of emancipated learning (BKP MBKM) offered by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) and by Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) are varied. This research aims to analyze the students’ participation in each BKP MBKM. This research...
Proceedings Article
Blended Learning Model in Application of Limited Face to Face Learning: Its Influence on Student Learning Outcomes
Rizki Ramadani, Apri Nuryanto
The application of limited face-to-face learning (LFFL) is a policy that has been set by the government in the world of education to cope with the spread of the corona virus which until now This cannot be permanently eliminated, the application of LFFL must also be accompanied by the selection of the...
Proceedings Article
The Heutagogy Model of Learning Innovation in Increasing the Skill Needs of the Digital Era of Vocational Students
Andika Bagus Nur Rahma Putra, Sumarli, Tee Tze Kiong, Yoto, Eddy Sutadji, Anita Dwi Rahmawati
The Heutagogy Model of Learning Innovation in Increasing The Skill Needs of The Digital Era of Vocational Students. The digital technology-based heutagogy learning model characterizes the progress of implementing vocational education in a nation. This study aims to develop a heutagogy learning model...
Proceedings Article
An Explorative Study of the Gap in Access and Online Learning Facilities in Tomohon City Primary School
Herman Koessoy, Debie Kalalo, Rima Lolong, Maria Walukow, Haris Monoarfa, Marlin Mamuaja
The implementation of distance or online learning is hampered by challenges such as a lack of skills among teachers and other members of the teaching staff in the management of learning models, including the utilization of a variety of online learning instruments. The ongoing learning process at primary...
Proceedings Article
An Investigation of Additional Training and Self-development of Undergraduate Students
Setiyo Hartoto, Bayu Budi Prakoso, Awang Firmansyah, Satwika Arya Pratama
Curriculum upgrade gave a new hope during education process improvement. The implementation of the MBKM curriculum encourages universities to design educational processes that ensure a link and match of the learning process with the needs of employment. For this reason, the integration of the learning...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of Honorific Language Found in Comic Book the Ninja Hattori-Kun Serries 2
Marly C. A. Masoko, Indria Mawitjere
The variety of honorific language in Japanese is called keigo. Keigo is used to honor the interlocutor or a third person. Keigo is one of the characteristics of the Japanese language that is quite difficult to learn and use by Japanese language learners who speak Indonesian as their mother tongue. This...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Need for Strengthening Learning Skills of New Students in Post-pandemic Learning Based on Gender Perspective
Muslihati, Ahmad Yusuf Sobri, Nur Mega Aris Saputra, Achmad Miftachul ‘Ilmi, Nanda Alfan Kurniawan
Study skills are an important asset for students to achieve successful university studies. This study aims to compare differences in the learning readiness of new year students, both male and female. The research, which was conducted at the State University of Malang, involved 56 new semester students...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Socioeconomic Status, Parent’s Income Towards the Interest in Continuing Studies in Students of Tompaso Baru State High School South Minahasa Regency
Shelty Deity Meity Sumual
Families have a major and very important role in shaping students’ interest in determining the steps to be taken. The family is responsible for providing funds for educational needs. The average low income of parents is only enough to pay for daily life such as clothing and food which are basic needs,...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of National Men’s Sprinter Athlete Test Results in Preparation for the 2022 SEA Games
Rumini, Agus Widodo
A sprinter is a short-distance running athlete who has an ideal physical criterion profile, namely the type of athleticism. The sprinter’s ability to produce maximum speed is influenced by the physical, biomotor, physiological, and mental factors of the champion. This research is with a qualitative descriptive...
Proceedings Article
Blended Learning and Computers Self-efficacy Towards Students Learning Outcomes
H Nurhikmah, Abdul Saman, Pattaufi, Sujarwo, Sella Mawarni
The impact of emerging technology on public education is significant. This technology can only be controlled by those who are highly competent and educated and technology has caused a lot of change in human life. The aim of the study was to examine the blended learning and computers self-efficacy towards...
Proceedings Article
Children’s Politeness in Digital Era
Ali Mustadi, Rizky Amelia
The language used by children no longer reflects a nation that upholds ethical and aesthetic values in this digital era. Many children have begun to erode their politeness values. Children speak freely without realizing and considering who they are talking to, so their language tends not to have the...
Proceedings Article
Coaches and Athletes Satisfaction Towards U-16 Sleman Volleyball Championship
Fauzi, Nur Choliz Majid, Nawan Primasoni
This study aims to determine the level of satisfaction of coaches and athletes towards the PBVSI U-16 Volleyball Championship program in Sleman Regency, so that later it can be an evaluation material for the PBVSI of Sleman Regency in organizing the upcoming U-16 Volleyball Championship. This is a quantitative...
Proceedings Article
Coherence of the Government’s Policy Agenda in the Elimination of Regional Honorary Teachers
(Critical Review of the Laws of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 2014 Concerning State Civil Apparatus)
Rahmat Teguh Santoso Gobel, Mohamamad Hidayat Muhtar, Zulkarnain Suleman, Muammar
Teachers in the scope of history in educating the nation’s life have been known as unsung heroes. Therefore, teachers are placed as the front line to foster and teach the next generation of science that will be the provision for the future. The predicate of the teacher as an unsung hero has become a...
Proceedings Article
The Use of the Word Taihen as an Adjective and Adverb in Japanese Sentences
Helena M. L. Pandi, Amelia G. Y. Sompotan
In this study, the use of the word taihen in Japanese sentences had difficulty in using the word taihen that appeared in Japanese sentences. This is because the word taihen belongs to two classes of words at once, namely fukushi (adjective) and keiyoushi (adverb). Therefore the author is interested in...
Proceedings Article
Cognitive and Psychomotor on University Student Study Outcome in Apparel Basic Pattern Making Using CAD
Ernawati, Nabila Tasrif, Feri Ferdian, Fran Serano Andres
Education has a final goal which is classified taxonomically as the cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains. This study aims to see how the cognitive and psychomotor domains of students and their relation to student learning outcomes in making fashion patterns using Computer Aided Design (CAD)....
Proceedings Article
Collaborative Governance in Developing Tourism Potential Through Tourism Villages
Kurnia Fitriana, Dyah Kumalasari, Suranto, Nursida Arif, Sutanto Putro, Danu Agustinova, Nur Wulansari, Riko Septiantoko
The development of tourism potential through collaborative governance is a post-COVID-19 economic recovery strategy carried out by stakeholders of the Sriharjo Tourism Village, Imogiri District, Bantul Regency. This paper aims to explain the collaborative governance process that occurs in the development...
Proceedings Article
Comparison of Coach Leadership, Parental Involvement, and Athletes’ Enjoyment in Indonesian and Malaysian Youth Training
Sigit Nugroho, Sulistiyono, Sumaryanto, Sumarjo, Ahmad Nasrulloh, Krisnanda Dwi Apriyanto
The implementation of training at a young age involves the role of coaches, parents, and students/athletes, but the quality of these roles in enjoying the training process has not been presently evaluated. Therefore, this study aims to determine the relationship between coach leadership, parental involvement,...
Proceedings Article
Comparison of Individual and Team-Based Project in Translating Anger Expression
Havid Ardi, Hamzah, Refnaldi, Raesa Savelia, Winda Siska P. Harahap
Anger is one of expressive acts that reflect the emotions. Anger sometimes involve cultural aspect which may cause problems in the translation. This study concerns with the comparison of translation techniques applied by students translator in translating Fight Club a novel written by Chuck Palahniuk....
Proceedings Article
Contextual Sociology Teaching Materials for High School Sociology Learning
Erianjoni Erianjoni, Deski Beri, Alfajri Yusra
The condition of teaching materials is good on concepts, principles, and attitudes in Sociology textbooks in senior high schools, which are not relevant to the context of students’ lives where sociology is taught, thus causing alienation for educators and students. So the sociology learning that is taught...
Proceedings Article
Contrastive Analysis of Joshi ‘No’ in Japanese and the Auxiliary Word ‘Pe’ in Malay-Manado
Indria Mawitjere, Marly Masoko
In learning Japanese as a foreign language, you often encounter various difficulties. One of the reasons is because the structure of the language is very different from Indonesian. Various ways were used by the teacher to bridge these differences, including by using the Malay-Manado language as the learner's...
Proceedings Article
Description of Bullying Behavior of High School Students in Bone Bolango District
Tuti Wantu
This type of research is a quantitative description, which is carried out in senior high schools in Bone Bolango District, especially in class X1 which consists of 83 students. The population is 829 students, the research sample is 10% of the total population or 83 students who are used as data sources...
Proceedings Article
Developing Digital Teaching Materials Based on North Sumatra Local Culture for Beginners Level of BIPA
Maya Oktora, Yuni Khairina
The high interest of international students in learning the Indonesian language during the COVID-19 pandemic, which limits the arrival of students, has become the basis for developing digital BIPA teaching materials. The availability of digital teaching materials with English instruction and containing...
Proceedings Article
Developing Students’ Anti-corruption Attitudes and Characters to Improve the Quality of Highly Competitive Human Resources
Eko Handoyo
Excellent human resources and character determine the nation's competitiveness. Education is one of the fundamental strategies in preparing the human resources needed by the nation and state. Students as future leaders of the nation need to be provided with anti-corruption education so that later...
Proceedings Article
Development of a Learning and Professional Roadmap to Support Independent Learning at State University of Surabaya
Bachtiar S. Bachri, Himawan Wismandi, Karwanto Karwanto, Syamsul Shodiq, Joni Susilowibowo
Learning and Professional Development Institute (LPDI) State University of Surabaya is one of the State University of Surabaya environmental organizations that has duties and functions in fostering and improving learning and the profession, especially State University of Surabaya environmental educators...
Proceedings Article
Design of TPACK Model Based on Hybrid Learning at Science Learning in PGSD
Widdy H. F. Rorimpandey, Non Norma Monigir, Patriani Supit
TPACK supported Hybrid Learning combines the trained ability of lecturers with technology, pedagogy associated mastery of the material in an passing learning by combining learning face to face and e-learning. The aim of this analysis is to vogue the event of learning model of science with TPACK framework...
Proceedings Article
Development of Hot Springs Tourism Site in Lehi Village North West Siau District Sitaro Regency
Wilson Bogar
The research was carried out with the aim of analyzing and explaining the development of Hot Springs Tourism Site in Lehi Village, North West Siau District, Sitaro Islands Regency. This study uses a qualitative approach with the research subjects being the Head of Division and Head of the Tourism Promotion...
Proceedings Article
Development of Network-Based Popular Writing Teaching Materials
Siti Ansoriyah, Ines Nur Irawan
This study was aimed to produce network-based teaching materials for writing learning materials that were feasible to use. The teaching material was based on the explanation of the planning and initial development of written teaching materials using the network according to students and lecturers’ needs....
Proceedings Article
Development of the Basic Langga Movement Manual
Hartono Hadjarati, Arief Ibnu Haryanto
This study aims to develop an E-Book-Based Guidebook for Gorontalo Langga Martial Arts Movement. Gorontalo itself is a province located in Indonesia, precisely on the northern island of Sulawesi. This research uses research and development methods. The experimental subjects used in this research and...
Proceedings Article
Digitizing Education in Indonesia After the Pandemic
Melizubaida Mahmud, Rierind Koniyo
Education is actually a basic need for the formation of the ideal personality and character of an individual. The learning process that occurs in the curriculum changes and directs learning to transform from conventional to modern which aims to create an effective, efficient and change-oriented learning...
Proceedings Article
Does the COVID-19 Pandemic Affect the Transparency of Indonesian Industrial Companies in Managing Energy, Water, Carbon Emissions, and Wastes?
Heri Yanto, Dan Maryati
The COVID-19 pandemic affected Indonesia's economic growth which was marked by an economic growth of -2.1% in 2020. This economic contraction also affected the growth of industrial companies in Indonesia in the same year by -2.93%. These minus growths are also likely to reduce the transparency quality...
Proceedings Article
Education of Coastal Communities Using the Participatory Rural Apraisal Method for Increasing Participation as Agroedu-Tourism in Gorontalo District
Abdul Rahmat, Mira Mirnawati, Yakob Napu, Seriwati Ginting
Education based Public in empowerment economy is effort accelerate index development human. In the learning process public coast needed a the right method that is method Participatory Rural Appraisal, a frequent approach used in PRA there is two that is system Top Down and Bottom Up Planning. Study this...
Proceedings Article
Elementary School Teacher's Competencies in the Era of Technology Disruption
Mai Sri Lena, Netriwati, Eermayenti, Ulfah Putri Efendi, Ismaniar
This study aimed to discover teachers’ understanding of the competencies of teachers in the era of technology disruption, the competencies that Elementary schools have in the era of technology disruption, challenges that teachers face in mastering the competencies of teachers in the technological disruption...
Proceedings Article
Empowerment of Local Wisdom a Reflection of Saving the Environment in Bali Through Eco-Relegious Education
Ida Bagus Made Astawa
Globalization is believed to be one of the causes of the marginalization of local culture (local wisdom) owned by the Balinese people who are believed to have been able to protect their environment. This causes environmental damage in Bali to be felt to be growing and increasingly complex. As a reflection...
Proceedings Article
Entrepreneurship Education in Vocational High School: Does it Really Work?
Tri Kurniawati, Tanri Abeng
Entrepreneurship education aims to create knowledgeable and skilled entrepreneurs. They can create jobs and reduce unemployment. This requires entrepreneurship education with a good quality. One of the learning quality analysis techniques is by using SEEQ with 9 indicators such as learning/value, instructor...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Students’ Learning Engagement in the Implementation of Blended Learning
Niko Sudibjo, H. G. Retno Harsanti
The rapid development of technology encourages the integration of technology in education, one of which is online learning. However, online learning, especially synchronous learning has a weakness which is the lack of interaction and students’ learning engagement. Therefore, the blended learning scheme...
Proceedings Article
Examining the Teaching of Ki Hajar Dewantara and Its Relevance for Merdeka Belajar in the 21st Century
Siti Masitoh, Wagino
The concept of merdeka belajar (freedom to learn) and an independent campus was launched by the Minister of Education and Culture in 2020. Through the independent learning curriculum, it is hoped that students will be able to explore their nature (according to Ki Hajar) so that they can become independent...
Proceedings Article
Exploring the Potential of Entrepreneurial Students Through Entrepreneurial Characteristics and Dispositions
Mareyke Sumual Gilly, Marlya Tiwow
This study generally aims to analyze and provide empirical evidence of entrepreneurial self-tension that exists in a person and the expertise of managing a business, which a person has for students. On that basis, this research seeks to explore and describe the potential of entrepreneurship through the...
Proceedings Article
Financial Literacy and Behavioral Bias of Individual Investors: Empirical Research in Indonesia
Andhi Wijayanto, Siti Ridloah, Kris Brantas Abiprayu, Made Virma Permana, Ascariena Rafinda
Financial literacy and behavioural biases are critical factors that influence investment-decision making individual investors. This study aims to identify financial literacy relationships and behavioural biases (overconfidence, representativeness, and illusion of control) which can lead to irrational...
Proceedings Article
Flexible Learning Containing Language Attitude
Indonesian Language Learning Strategies During the Covid-19 Pandemic
I. Putu Mas Dewantara, I. Made Sutama, I. Nyoman Yasa
The development of a positive attitude towards the Indonesian language is the goal of Indonesian language course in universities. Discourses related to flexible learning with language attitudes took place during the COVID-19 pandemic. The objectives of this study are (1) to describe the design of flexible...
Proceedings Article
Gesi and Numeracy in Let’s Read Books
Level 1
Kisyani Laksono, Endah Budi Rahaju, Zulaikhah Abdullah, Ahmad Bayu Prastyo, Raras Tyasnurita
This observe targets to identify equality of gender, social inclusion (gesi), numeracy in study stage 1; become aware the ebook with the hints. The research used is qualitative. The records assets come from five books within the Indonesian language let’s read stage 1. The analysis uses gender equality...
Proceedings Article
Group Guidance Using the Gestalt Approach in Reducing Adolescent Aggressive Behavior
Firman Firman, Zikry Latupasjana Ersya
The high level of student aggressiveness encourages the provision of guidance and counseling services to help overcome these problems, one of which is group guidance services with a gestalt approach. This study aims to reveal the effectiveness of group guidance with the Gestalt approach in reducing student...
Proceedings Article
Growing Leadership Model for Improving Teaching Staff Professionalism Services Towards World Class University
Tommi Yuniawan, Fathur Rokhman, Sri Rejeki Urip, Muhamad Burhanudin, Eko Raharjo
World Class University is one of the obstacles facing higher education. Nowadays, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendibudristek) has eight Key Performance Indicators (IKU) for higher education that are aligned with a variety of indicators applied by world-class ranking...
Proceedings Article
Guidance and Counseling Referral System Initiative
Miftakhul Jannah, Umi Anugerah Izzati, Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, Himawan Wismanadi
This study aims to examine the development of a referral system for optimizing the services of the Character Development Center and Counseling Guidance and Psychology Service Center. This type of research uses research and development methods using a descriptive procedural model. Participants in this...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Socio Economic Parent on Using Digital Media in Early Childhood
Puji Yanti Fauziah, Yoyon Suryono, Soni Nopembri, Arumi Savitri Fatimaningrum, Erma Kusumawardani, Michael Chia, Terence Hua
Technological advancements entering the industrial era 4.0 bring changes to all aspects of human life including children especially in their use of social digital media. This study aims to examine the effect of parents’ education level and economic level on their children’s use of digital media in early...
Proceedings Article
How Do Parenting, Parent Education and Family Income Effect on the Cognitive Development of Toddlers?
Yuliana, Afifah Nur Hasanah, Mentari Larashinda
Children who are raised in good parenting have the possibility to develop optimally, even though their parents’ education and family income is low. This study aims to analyze the effect of parenting, parental education and family income on the cognitive intelligence of toddlers. This research method...
Proceedings Article
How Much Interest are Students in Langga as a Local Content?
Ruslan, Hartono Hadjarati, Arief Ibnu Haryanto
Langga is a traditional martial art located in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia. This study aims to survey students’ interest in learning the traditional Langga martial arts. The sample of this study is the sample in this study as many as 200 male and female junior high school students who were taken through...
Proceedings Article
Human Resource Management for Vocational Programs Based on Recruitment and Selection Patterns
Abdul Hafidz, Weni Rosdiana, Gading Gamaputra
The Human Resources Vocational Program (HR) consists of administrative officers. State Administrative Employees consist of permanent state administrative employees and non-civil servants, non-permanent administrative employees, and contract employees. The ratio of the need for administrative officer...
Proceedings Article
Identifying of Talented Students at Elementary Schools Using Volleyball’s Talent Identification
Nining Kusnanik, Fransica Januarumi, Muhammad, Afifan Yulfadinata, Novadri Ayubi, Pujijuniarto, Johni Lumba, Albertus Fenanlampir
Volleyball is an interesting sport that can be played by many people in the world. Recently, volleyball matches have become an interesting spectacle that can be seen directly or through television program or youtube channels. Therefore, it is necessary to search for talented volleyball players. The purpose...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of EoREA’S Model for Child Independence Development:
A Study at Preschool Institutions in the Post-covid-19
Nelva Rolina
The purpose of this study was to describe the implementation of the Ergonomic of Reggio Emilia Approach (EoREA)’s Model in developing the child independence in the post-covid-19 era. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Sources of data used in this study are informants (teachers and principals),...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Evaluation of the Inclusion Elementary School Program in Sleman Regency Yogyakarta
Ibnu Syamsi
This research aims to evaluate the program, and factually describe the institutions, curriculum, workforce, student affairs, infrastructure, and financing, in the implementation of inclusive primary schools. Data collection techniques use questionnaires, interviews, observations, testing, and documentation....
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Inclusive Education Policies to Create Learning Equality
Indah Prabawati
Education is a supporting aspect and plays a major role in determining the success of a nation’s achievement. Although the education sector is a very important sector, the distribution of education is an unresolved problem such as the availability of educational services for persons with disabilities...
Proceedings Article
Implications of MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka) on Teacher and Non-teacher Program
Mochamad Nursalim
This article aims to describe the implementation of MBKM, including supporting factors, inhibiting factors, and identification of solutions for implementing MBKM for implementing teacher and non-teacher education. Based on the analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that 1) In FIP Unesa, the MBKM...
Proceedings Article
IMPRECI: Guiding Model Innovation Produces Reflective Teachers in Elementary Schools
Faisal, Abil Mansyur, Muliawan Firdaus
This study aims to describe the good practice of reflective mentoring using the IMPRECI (Introduction, Modelling, Practice, Reflection, & Innovation) model as an effort to produce reflective teacher candidates in elementary schools. The IMPRECI model encourages practitioners to continue to make continuous...
Proceedings Article
Politeness on the Speech Act of Request and Refusal of Indonesian Trainees/Jisshusei in Japan (An Awareness on Japanese Politeness)
Rina Supriatnaningsih, Lisda Nurjaleka, Silvia Nurhayati
Japanese language politeness is essential for being understood by Japanese language students and people who work in Japan, such as Indonesian trainees (Jisshusei) currently in Japan. Recognizing Japanese politeness utterances by trainees will help facilitate harmonious relationships for speakers. Moreover,...
Proceedings Article
Information and Communication Technology-Based Learning Management in Improving Learning Quality Services in the Digital Era
Arifin, Sulkifly, Syarif Ramadhan Yusuf
This article examines about management of information and communication technology-based learning in improving the quality of learning services in the Digital Age that aims to for know: (1) Planning of learning based on information and communication technology, (2) Implementation of learning based on...
Proceedings Article
Innovation in the Teaching and Learning of English for Physical Education Department
Hanisah Hanafi
The model of teaching English in the university setting tends to be taught conventionally, focusing on grammar tasks as what students have always previously encountered since secondary school. It then turns out that such a model of teaching and learning English rarely prepares students for what they...
Proceedings Article
Inquiry Model Utilization on Android-Based Learning Media
Baharuddin, Muhammad Dominique Mendoza, Olnes Yosefa Hutajulu, Hesti Febriasari
The transformation of education in Indonesia requires various components of education to work together in the intellectual life of the nation. Lecturers are one of the determinants and implementers of education that are proclaimed by the government. Thus, it can be concluded that lecturers have a central...
Proceedings Article
Insider Trading in Indonesian Legal Settings
Isye Junita Melo, Joupy G. Z. Mambu, Arthur Novy Tuwaidan
Besides giving birth to a new phenomenon that provides many benefits to the economy, the development of the capital market has also led to the emergence of various forms of white-collar crime that have the potential to harm society at large. In contrast to crimes in general which have the potential to...
Proceedings Article
Integrating Research in Practice Teaching Program Efforts to Prepare Agile Graduates Through FBS Teaching
I. Made Sutama, I. Putu Mas Dewantara
The efforts to implement the mandate of Ministry of Education Regulation Number 3 of 2020 apart from encouraging and facilitating students to participate in flagship Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program are also carried out by Higher Education Institutions, including Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha...
Proceedings Article
Jigsaw Cooperative Model: Solution for Active Soccer Practice Learning
I. Wayan Artanayasa, I. Gede Suwiwa, Hendra Mashuri
This study aims to determine the impact of the application of the jigsaw cooperative learning model on students' soccer playing skills. The research method uses experimental research. The research population is all students who program soccer courses. The research sample was taken using a random...
Proceedings Article
Kabela as Local Content Enrichment for a Non Traditional Choreography at Gorontalo
Riana Diah Sitharesmi, Helman Manay
The Kabela is a dance as one of cultural treasures in the area of Tomini Bay, which reflects the noble values of the traditions of the people who own it: Bolaang Mongondow. Behind the ephemeral form and nature, it is necessary to investigate more deeply the rules and essential values, so that the understanding...
Proceedings Article
Learning by Laughing: The Use of Ethnic Humor in Increasing Students’ Multicultural Awareness in Indonesia
This study investigates the effectiveness of ethnic humor in increasing students’ multicultural awareness. As a form of discourse, humor possesses distinctive textual property and towering persuasive force, encouraging the implied message more understandable and pleasing at once. Besides, humor appreciation...
Proceedings Article
Learning Finance, Financial Literacy and Financial Technology as Predictors of Student Financial Behavior in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era
Susanti, Han Tantri Hardini, Vivi Pratiwi, Moh. Danang Bahtiari
This study aims to determine the effect of learning finance, financial literacy and financial technology on students’ personal financial behavior in the era of the covid 19 pandemic. This type of research is a quantitative descriptive study using 180 students as research samples. Data collection techniques...
Proceedings Article
Learning Design in the Aftermath of COVID-19: Lessons from Online and Hybrid Learning During the Pandemic
Ahmad Nurkhin, S. Martono, Ngabiyanto, Kusumantoro, Hengky Pramusinto
Various designs of online learning, such as full online and hybrid learning, were used during the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has subsided, and the government has decided to implement offline education in schools and colleges. This study aims to analyze students’ and lecturers’ experiences with online...
Proceedings Article
Link and Match Education in Indonesia: Implementation of New Policies? Effectiveness of Education Policy Implementation in Indonesia
Kardoyo, Lola Kurnia Pitaloka
Undergraduate unemployment in Indonesia is increasing in number every year. Seeing this phenomenon, the Indonesian Ministry of Education immediately updated the education policy and implemented it. The current new policy seeks to find links and matches for educational curricula with the needs of the...
Proceedings Article
Looking into the Role of Dynamic Assessment in English Grammar Mastery of Indonesian EFL Learners
Syafi’ul Anam, Suvi Akhiriyah, Henny Dwi Iswati
Dynamic Assessment (DA) is known as an alternative assessment through which learners are helped to enhance performance beyond their current ability. Although the concept of DA has been widely introduced by experts, the it is still rarely put in practice by many educators, in particular, in the Indonesia...
Proceedings Article
Maqashid Sharia Performance Determinants Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia
Agung Yulianto, Muhammad Ihlashul’amal, Heri Yanto, Surya Raharja
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the number of SSB members, the education level of the SSB, the frequency of SSB meetings, profit sharing financing, and qardh financing on the performance of maqashid sharia. Measurement of the performance of maqashid sharia in this study uses the...
Proceedings Article
Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) Curriculum Design in Arabic Language Education Study Program
Hanik Mahliatussikah, Singgih Kuswardono
The majority of Arabic Education Study Programs in Indonesia have not implemented the MBKM curriculum and still need practical examples of how to apply it. Implementation of MBKM curriculum in this study program in order to improve human resources to face the era of disruption and to prepare future generations...
Proceedings Article
Metaphor and Women’s Struggle in Tegalan Ethnic Story
Rahayu Pristiwati, Prembayun Miji Lestari, Dyah Prabaningrum
The dominating patriarchal culture that domesticates women faces challenge when clashed with the reality that women in struggle require to step out from the domestic domain to fight for their own independence. Aiming to elaborate the particular phenomenon, the study intended to describe and analyze the...
Proceedings Article
Monitoring and Evaluation of Lectures During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period as a Part of Education Quality Assurance
Bertha Yonata, Guntur Trimulyono, Wahyu Budi Sabtiawan, Dian Savitri, Nugrahani Primary Putri, Enny Susiyawati, Fida Rachmadiarti, Madlazim
One of the tasks of the three pillars (Tri Dharma) of Higher Education is Education which includes learning. Learning is one part that must get attention with clear quality assurance because it has been stated in Article 1 Point 20 of the Law. No. 20 concerning the 2003 National Education System. In...
Proceedings Article
Multi-discipline Approach to Improve the Role of Higher Education in Disaster Risk Reduction: Case Study in Unesa
Madlazim, Nurhasan, B. Yulianto, Suprapto, A. Hariyanto, Sujarwanto, Diana Rahmasari, M. Nurul Fahmi
Although the government has established the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) and the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), the involvement of Higher Education and other agencies is crucial, given the vast territory of Indonesia, which consists of 17,000 islands with diverse geographical...
Proceedings Article
Training to Strengthen Middle School Teacher Competence in Learning Children with Special Needs: Needs Analysis
Pujaningsih, Rochmat Wahab, Sari Rudiyati, Rafika Rachmawati
The existence of students with special needs in public junior high schools in various provinces in Indonesia since the affirmation route for New Student Admission (PPDB) policies with special needs in the last two years has not been widely supported. In general, this is due to the unprepared ability...
Proceedings Article
On Looking Scrambled Game in English Spelling Teaching
Nitha Vera Frelly Liando, Devilitio Prasetyo Tatipang
Scramble Game is a challenging vocabulary games, this game is designed to practice spelling and learn new words. This research aims to identify the effectiveness of using Scramble Task in increasing students’ mastery of English spelling. The researchers use the first class of Junior High School which...
Proceedings Article
Online Consulting Service System Design
Umi Anugerah Izzati, Miftahul Jannah, Bachtiar Bachri, Himawan Wismanadi
In everyday life, every individual has experienced problems. The increasing variety of problems in daily life makes every individual need consulting service with the psychologist profession. However, not all individuals who need consulting services are willing to get face-to-face services. In this regard,...
Proceedings Article
Optimization of Children's Character Education Against Bullying
Julisa Aprilia Kaluku, Apripari, Avelia Rahmah Y. Mantali
Based on the provisions in Law Number 35 of 2014 of Amendments to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection, the educational unit environment, children are required to obtain protection from acts of physical, psychological, sexual violence, and other crimes that carried out by educators, education...
Proceedings Article
Optimizing the Digital Education Technology in Learning Management System Design During and Post-Covid-19 Pandemic in Society 5.0
Audy Kenap, Eddy Kembuan, Elni Usoh, Henri Tondo, Rusman Nurjaman
The use of digital devices has increased since the global pandemic was officially declared by the world health agency
on March 11, 2020. The increase in the use of digital devices is marked by an increase in internet use by up to 40% where virtual
services and activities are urgently needed during...
Proceedings Article
Parenting Patterns in Instilling Islamic Religious Values at the Nurul Hikmah Orphanage in Padang
Rengga Satria, Ahmad Rivauzi, Sakinah Saklaili, Erni Gusniwar
The most important thing that we must pay attention to in educating children is the cultivation of Islamic religious values. The Nurul Hikmah Orphanage has succeeded in instilling the ideals of Islam in the children of the orphanage. The purpose of this research is to describe the methods of applying...
Proceedings Article
Parents’ Roles in Character Building of Children with Cerebral Palsy
Nurhastuti, Cherli Dwi Tayuni, Jehan Nabela Oktaviani
This research focuses on the parents’ roles in the character building of children with cerebral palsy. Parents’ roles in shaping their children’s character are important. This research aims to investigate the roles of parents in the character building of children with cerebral palsy. This research used...
Proceedings Article
Pattern of Fulfillment of Education Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Indonesia in Inclusive Education Regulation (Critical Study of Law Number 20 of 2003 Concerning the National Education System)
Zamroni Abdussamad, Mohamad Hidayat Muhtar
The fulfillment of the right to education for persons with disabilities has been guaranteed in the 1945 Constitution Article 31 paragraph (1) which states that every citizen has the right to education. This phrase in principle places the entirety of Indonesian citizens without exception getting the right...
Proceedings Article
Application of Snakes and Ladders Game Media in Dance Learning
Wida Rahayuningtyas, Lina Putri Kusuma Ningtyas
Efforts to preserve cultural diversity in the field of education is to include art education in the curriculum. Art education with the term cultural arts subjects covers 4 fields of art, namely dance, music, fine arts, drama arts and skills. Learning the art of dance is one of the lessons that uses motion...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of the PBL Model in High and Low Grade Elementary Schools
Cosmas Poluakan, Deetje Katuuk, Norma Monigir, Norita Ratulangi, Junus Brek, Agustin Dwi Paramitha
Research has been carried out with the aim of comparing the effectiveness of the implementation of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model in elementary schools (SD). The use of PBL is a recommended model in the Professional Teacher Education Program, especially preparing professional teacher...
Proceedings Article
Teacher Professional Development Through Writing Scientific Papers
Professional teacher has four competencies, namely (a) pedagogical competence, (b) cognitive competence, (c) personality competence, and (d) social competence. Among the four competencies of the professional teacher, our most emphasis is competence in learning management. That is, a professional teacher...
Proceedings Article
Perceptions of Early Marriage in Junior High School Students in Rural Areas
Muhammad Azinar, Alfiana Ainun Nisa, Puput Ediyarsari
Early marriage (less than 19 years old) has a very serious impact on both the mother and the child being born. Grobogan Regency is an area in the province of Central Java, most of which is rural. The prevalence of women getting married and pregnant at an early age in this region is very high, reaching...
Proceedings Article
Physical Activity and Its Relation to Academic Performance Among University Students
Agus Hariyanto, Anindya Mar’atus Sholikhah, Yetty Septiani Mustar, Bayu Agung Pramono, Shidqi Hamdi Pratama Putera
Correlation between physical activity and academic performance needs further investigation. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the association between those variables in university students. The data for this cross-sectional study were gathered from a convenience sample of students from Universitas Negeri...
Proceedings Article
Physical Potential of Students’ Portfolio for the Class of 2020
Hariadi Siad
The purpose of the study was to determine the physical potential of the 2020 portfolio students of the Physical Education and Health study program, Faculty of Sport and Health, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, through the ability of maximum oxygen volume (VO2 max). This research includes experimental research...
Proceedings Article
Political Education Strategy for Millennial Voters in Higher Education
Nuvazria Achir, Erman I. Rahim
This paper aims to produce concepts in the form of normative and theoretical ideas based on facts regarding the role of the millennial generation as novice voters who are faced with the 5.0 era as the evolutionary era of human civilization, where the community is expected to be able to solve social challenges...
Proceedings Article
Preparing Basic Competencies and Skills for Students by Developing Critical Thinking Skills
Wiwik Sri Utami, M. Turhan Yani, Ita Mardiani Zain, Iya Setyasih
This paper was conducted to examine the preparation of competency and ability debriefing of students with the development of critical thinking skills. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of critical thinking skills in preparing competent and highly skilled graduates who are ready to enter...
Proceedings Article
Preparing Quality Millennial Generation Through Anticipating Political Education
Al Rafni, Suryanef Suryanef
The political education, has given so far to the millennial generation, has not showed a new paradigm according to its era and the results have not been optimal. This has implications for their substantive participation in the political environments. For this reason, new ways are needed so that they...
Proceedings Article
Preventing Mega-Machines: Cultivating Hope in Education
Rizqy Cahyo Utomo, A’yunin Akrimni Darojat
Telltales of a heavily industrialized, modern education system had been forecasted a century ago, as we are slowly approaching the Mega-Machines fabled in Lewis Mumford’s The Myth of the Machine from 1976. As we presently challenged with urgency on how to transform education from task-based to human-based...
Proceedings Article
Principal’s Performance on Implementation of Online Learning Policy During COVID-19 Pandemic; An Evaluation and Development
Ngabiyanto, Ahmad Nurkhin, Kemal Budi Mulyono, Iwan Hardi Saputro, Didi Pramono, Asep Purwo Yudi Utomo
This study aims to describe the results of evaluating the performance of school principals in implementing online learning policy during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study also develops a model for evaluating school principals’ performance within the framework of online learning. The researchers used the...
Proceedings Article
Problem-Based Learning: An Ideal Model for Enhance Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Higher Education
Soeryanto, Wahyu Dwi Kurniawan, Sudirman Rizki Ariyanto, Muhammad Yandi Pratama
This study aims to analyze the effect of online problem-based learning (OPBL) on students’ critical thinking skills. This research is quasi-experimental research with a sample of 59 students who are taking research methodology courses. There are two classes that are used as research subjects, where the...
Proceedings Article
Promoting the Development of Student’s Epistemic Cognition
Ika Andrini Farida
In this disruptive era students need to master skills of acquiring new knowledge. Like scientist new knowledge is acquired by coordinating theories with evidence or usually called as scientific thinking. The capability of scientific thinking is determined by the epistemic development. Students must have...
Proceedings Article
Reconstruction of a Religion-Based Education Policy Model as Local Character Strengthening in the City of Padang
Suryanef Suryanef, Al Rafni, S. Nurman
Religion-based education policy models are often a problem when implemented in an area. Different from another city, Padang’s policy of religion-based education became the Superior program for the Mayor. It became one of the determining factors for his election for the next period. This study wants to...
Proceedings Article
Relationship of Self-efficacy and Social Support with Burnout Academic at University Economics Education Students the State of Manado that is Conducting Online Lectures
Sophia Pongoh, Listriyanti Palangda
This study aims to determine the relationship between self-efficacy and social support with academic saturation in Economic Education students at Manado State University who are conducting online lectures. This research approach is a quantitative approach with the type of correlational research. The...
Proceedings Article
The Relevance of the PJKR Study Program Curriculum with Graduate Competencies: An Alumni Perspective
Hedi Ardiyanto Hermawan, Ahmad Rithaudin
This study aims to examine the relevance of the PJKR Study Program curriculum to the competence of graduates based on an alumni perspective. This research is a description study using survey methods. The subjects of this study were alumni of PJKR study program students who graduated in the range of 2013–2018....
Proceedings Article
Religious Values Internalization of Indonesian and Malaysian Literary Novels as Educational Media to Strengthen Local Culture for Culture-Community (A Sociological Literature Studies)
Haris Supratno, Darni, Resdianto Permata Raharjo
Indonesian and Malaysian literary novels contain many religious values that can be used as media for moral education for the community, especially the millennial generation whose attitudes, behavior, and speech are currently irrelevant with religious values and morals. So that, their attitudes and behavior...