Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics, Management and Accounting (ICEMAC 2022)

126 authors
Agustin, Sinta
Effect of Firm Size and Capital Intensity on Tax Avoidance with Corporate Social Responsibility as Moderating Variables
Aktaviana, Nira
Influence Promotion and Quality Service to Visitor Satisfaction Object Sukabumi Mountain Hanging Bridge Tour, West Java
Al-daniah, Neng Anida
Blue Chip Stock Return and Risk Analysis
Alawiyah, Ucu Tuti
The Effect of Liquidity, Profitability and Leverage on Firm Value
Alzanah, Nurul Muhaimin
The Effect of Comprehensive Profit, Cash Flow and ROA Components on Stock Price in Financial Sector Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017–2021
Amelia, Atia
The Effect of Product Quality and Brand Image on Customer Loyalty at PT. Ultiface Selamet Nugraha
Amelia, Risa
Creative Economy Development Strategy Using the Penta Helix Method: Study of the Culinary Industry in Sukabumi City
Analysis of the Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction
Ana Yuliana Jasuni, M. M.
Maximum Profit Strategy on MSME DD Tape Uli in Selajambe Sukabumi Regency
Ana Yuliana Jasuni, M. M.
Blue Chip Stock Return and Risk Analysis
Anggraeni, Vivi
The Influence of Shopee’s Flash Sale Promotion and “Free Shipping” Tagline on the Buying Interest of Young People in Sukabumi City
Anggraini, Fanny
The Impact of Earning Management, Business Strategy, and Firm Life Cycle on Financial Distress, with State Owned Enterprises as a Moderating Variable of Listed Company in Indonesia Stock Exchange 2019–2022
Apriliani, Dinda
Decoration Services Business Development Strategy on “Wedding Design Bogor”
Apriliani, Lia Amalia
The Impact of Employment Contract Status on Work Satisfaction and Productivity at PT. Mersifarma TM
Ardea, Rida Julian
Effect of Return on Asset (ROA), Current Ratio (CR), Debt to Asset Ratio (DAR), and Firm Size on Company Dividend Policy
Ardhiyansyah, Andri
The Effect of Digital Marketing and E-Commerce on Increasing Sales Volume
Assopi, MRavi
The Effect of Financial and Non-financial Compensation on Performance Employees of PT. Glostar Indonesia
Awalia, Anisa
The Effect of Risk Management Implementation on Financial Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic (Case Study of Multifinance Companies Registered on the IDX)
Bahri, Nur Alim
Analysis of Differences in Financial Performance of PT Krakatau Steel Tbk Before and After Restructuring
Bahri, Nur Alim
Effect of Firm Size and Capital Intensity on Tax Avoidance with Corporate Social Responsibility as Moderating Variables
Bahri, Nur Alim
Analysis of the Application of Target Costing as a Production Cost Control System Empirical Study on CV Cahaya Gemilang Teknik
Bahri, Nur Alim
Implementation of Operational Audits in an Effort to Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Marketing Function
Bramasta, Rafikal Arsy
The Effect of Digital Marketing and E-Commerce on Increasing Sales Volume
Chaerunnisa, Rassya
SQC (Statistical Quality Control) Method Analysis of Quality Control in the Clothes Production Process
Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi
Attitude Toward the Influencer Towards Purchase Intention Through Social Media Engagement
Fadhilah, Nur Hidayah K.
Effect of Firm Size and Capital Intensity on Tax Avoidance with Corporate Social Responsibility as Moderating Variables
Fadhilah, Nur Hidayah K.
Analysis of Calculations, Deposits and Reporting of Value Added Tax on Logistics Service Companies
Fadhilah, Nur Hidayah K.
Implementation of Operational Audits in an Effort to Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Marketing Function
Fadhilah, Siti Hasna
Analysis of the Effect of Debt to Equity Ratio, Current Ratio, Total Asset Turnover, Net Profit Margin & Gross Profit Margin on Profit Growth
Fadhilah, Siti Hasna
Effect of Firm Size and Capital Intensity on Tax Avoidance with Corporate Social Responsibility as Moderating Variables
Fadlillah, Muhammad Irgi
Maximum Profit Strategy on MSME DD Tape Uli in Selajambe Sukabumi Regency
Farida, Hasni
Consumer Decision-Making Factors in Heavy Equipment Services Analysis CV. Rizky Fadillah
Faris, Riyan Mirdan
Compensation Relates to Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Faris, Riyan Mirdan
The Influence of Motivation on the Interest of Accounting Students to Join the Tax Brevet Program
Faris, Riyan Mirdan
The Influence of Employee Compensation and Status on Employee Turnover at PT. XYZ
Faturrohman, Taufik Fauzi
Creative Economy Development Strategy Using the Penta Helix Method: Study of the Culinary Industry in Sukabumi City
Firmansyah, Amdan
Influence Promotion and Quality Service to Visitor Satisfaction Object Sukabumi Mountain Hanging Bridge Tour, West Java
Fuadah, Nurul
Implementation of Operational Audits in an Effort to Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Marketing Function
Gumelar, Taofik M.
Analysis of the Effect of Debt to Equity Ratio, Current Ratio, Total Asset Turnover, Net Profit Margin & Gross Profit Margin on Profit Growth
Gumelar, Taofik M.
Effect of Return on Asset (ROA), Current Ratio (CR), Debt to Asset Ratio (DAR), and Firm Size on Company Dividend Policy
Halim, Luthfi Widianto
Analysis of Calculations, Deposits and Reporting of Value Added Tax on Logistics Service Companies
Halimah, Nur
Compensation Relates to Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Handiantyo, Novardha
Role of Business Networks and Digital Platform Capability on Organizational Resilience and Performance of Property Companies in Indonesia
Hartanto, Prasetyo
Peer-Review Statements
Hartanto, Prasetyo
Attitude Toward the Influencer Towards Purchase Intention Through Social Media Engagement
Analysis of the Effect of Debt to Equity Ratio, Current Ratio, Total Asset Turnover, Net Profit Margin & Gross Profit Margin on Profit Growth
The Effect of Financial Performance and Company Size on Company Value with Corporate Social Responsibility and Good Corporate Governance as Moderation Variables
Effect of Firm Size and Capital Intensity on Tax Avoidance with Corporate Social Responsibility as Moderating Variables
Hendranastiti, Nur Dhani
The Impact of Earning Management, Business Strategy, and Firm Life Cycle on Financial Distress, with State Owned Enterprises as a Moderating Variable of Listed Company in Indonesia Stock Exchange 2019–2022
Hidayatulloh, Rohmat
Maximum Profit Strategy on MSME DD Tape Uli in Selajambe Sukabumi Regency
Hurriyati, Ratih
Attitude Toward the Influencer Towards Purchase Intention Through Social Media Engagement
Irfan, Muhammad Nur
Analysis of the Influence of Entrepreneurial Orientation, Learning Orientation, and Dynamic Capability on Strategic Flexibility and SMEs Performance
Iskandar, Yusuf
Creative Economy Development Strategy Using the Penta Helix Method: Study of the Culinary Industry in Sukabumi City
Jaman, Ujang Badru
The Effect of Digital Marketing and E-Commerce on Increasing Sales Volume
Junaedi, Asep
The Effect of Digital Marketing and E-Commerce on Increasing Sales Volume
Juniansyah, M. Andri
The Influence of Shopee’s Flash Sale Promotion and “Free Shipping” Tagline on the Buying Interest of Young People in Sukabumi City
Juniansyah, M. Andri
Analysis of the Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction
The Impact of Employment Contract Status on Work Satisfaction and Productivity at PT. Mersifarma TM
The Effect of Product Quality and Brand Image on Customer Loyalty at PT. Ultiface Selamet Nugraha
Khoerunnisa, Indri
Influence Promotion and Quality Service to Visitor Satisfaction Object Sukabumi Mountain Hanging Bridge Tour, West Java
Kusumastuti, Ratih Dyah
Analysis of the Influence of Entrepreneurial Orientation, Learning Orientation, and Dynamic Capability on Strategic Flexibility and SMEs Performance
Lazuardini, Amanna Dzikrillah
Decoration Services Business Development Strategy on “Wedding Design Bogor”
Lestari, Ayu Novita
The Influence of Shopee’s Flash Sale Promotion and “Free Shipping” Tagline on the Buying Interest of Young People in Sukabumi City
Lestari, Napa
Analysis of Differences in Financial Performance of PT Krakatau Steel Tbk Before and After Restructuring
Lita Aprianti, Tya
The Effect of Funding Source on Profitability of BPR
The Effect of Influencers and Product Quality on Buying Decisions of Brand B. Second
Manurung, Melani Pardomuan
The Influence of Service Quality on Customer Loyalty of PT. Olympindo Primadana Bekasi Branch, Sukawangi Unit
Masita, Riadah
Stock Liquidity Listed on IDX Main Board During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Maulana, Fuji
Consumer Decision-Making Factors in Heavy Equipment Services Analysis CV. Rizky Fadillah
Melani, Elita
Analysis of the Effect of Debt to Equity Ratio, Current Ratio, Total Asset Turnover, Net Profit Margin & Gross Profit Margin on Profit Growth
Munggaran, Dicky Galih
Attitude Toward the Influencer Towards Purchase Intention Through Social Media Engagement
Musapa, Muhammad
Strategies to Increase MSME Income to Maintain Business Continuity in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 (Study on Food and Beverage MSMEs in Sukabumi Regency)
Nasution, Yasmine
Impact of Institutional Pressure, Entrepreneurial Orientation, and Organizational Performance on the Livestock Industry in Indonesia: Role of Collaboration as a Mediator
Nuraeni, Ani
The Effect of Financial and Non-financial Compensation on Performance Employees of PT. Glostar Indonesia
Nuraeni, Neni
Consumer Decision-Making Factors in Heavy Equipment Services Analysis CV. Rizky Fadillah
Nuraulia, Siti
The Effect of Financial and Non-financial Compensation on Performance Employees of PT. Glostar Indonesia
Nurdian, Tuti
Implementation of Operational Audits in an Effort to Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Marketing Function
Strategies to Increase MSME Income to Maintain Business Continuity in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 (Study on Food and Beverage MSMEs in Sukabumi Regency)
Analysis of the Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction
Paulina, Elin
The Effect of Liquidity, Profitability and Leverage on Firm Value
Prijadi, Ruslan
Role of Business Networks and Digital Platform Capability on Organizational Resilience and Performance of Property Companies in Indonesia
Purba, Febroni Wanda
Impact of Institutional Pressure, Entrepreneurial Orientation, and Organizational Performance on the Livestock Industry in Indonesia: Role of Collaboration as a Mediator
Purba, Sofia Purnamasari
The Influence of Employee Compensation and Status on Employee Turnover at PT. XYZ
Pusparini, Elok Savitri
Women Workers Career Development Challenges and Strategies: An Explorative Study
Puspita, Adinda Ajeng
The Effect of Comprehensive Profit, Cash Flow and ROA Components on Stock Price in Financial Sector Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017–2021
Puspita, Septiana Rachma
Exploring the Factors that Contribute to the Success of Digital Companies in Indonesia: A Study of Entrepreneurial Orientation, Strategic Agility, and Business Model Innovation
Putra, Bagja Rahma
The Effect of Risk Management Implementation on Financial Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic (Case Study of Multifinance Companies Registered on the IDX)
Ramadanti, Sifa
The Impact of Employment Contract Status on Work Satisfaction and Productivity at PT. Mersifarma TM
Rasyid, Huzaifah Ar
Analysis of the Effect of the ESG Score on Bank Profitability in the ASEAN Region (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Philippines) Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Resfitasari, Efi
Effect of Return on Asset (ROA), Current Ratio (CR), Debt to Asset Ratio (DAR), and Firm Size on Company Dividend Policy
Riany, Meutia
The Effect of Financial Performance and Company Size on Company Value with Corporate Social Responsibility and Good Corporate Governance as Moderation Variables
Riany, Meutia
Effect of Firm Size and Capital Intensity on Tax Avoidance with Corporate Social Responsibility as Moderating Variables
Riany, Meutia
Implementation of Operational Audits in an Effort to Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Marketing Function
Riany, Meutia
The Influence of Motivation on the Interest of Accounting Students to Join the Tax Brevet Program
Rijqia, Reja
Attitude Toward the Influencer Towards Purchase Intention Through Social Media Engagement
Risyanti, Chitra Nur
The Effect of Financial Performance and Company Size on Company Value with Corporate Social Responsibility and Good Corporate Governance as Moderation Variables
Riyanti, Ririen Setiati
Stock Liquidity Listed on IDX Main Board During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Rokhim, Rofikoh
The Effect of Funding Source on Profitability of BPR
Rosyidah, Dania Meida
Effect of Firm Size and Capital Intensity on Tax Avoidance with Corporate Social Responsibility as Moderating Variables
Rusdiansyah, Nurul
Effect of Firm Size and Capital Intensity on Tax Avoidance with Corporate Social Responsibility as Moderating Variables