Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Banking, Accounting, Management and Economics (ICOBAME 2020)

264 authors
Mangku, I Ketut
Determinants of Company Capital Structure
How are the Underground Economy Levels in Indonesia?
Marlien, R.A.
Analysis of Factors Affecting Consumer’s Purchase Intention Impact on Customer Behavior Outcomes
Marselina, Apriana
Comparison of Enterprise Framework Architecture in Msmes Manufacturing Sector
Marselina, Apriana
The Impact of Waste Management on Tourism Sustainability in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai Regency in 2019
The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility as a Moderator on the Effect of Profitability and Company Size on Tax Aggressiveness
Masdjojo, Gregorius Nasiansenus
Mixed Methods Study to Explore the Portrait of Micro and Small Enterprises in Semarang City During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Maskur, Ali
The Effect of Customer Experience and Service Quality on Satisfaction in Increasing Loyalty
Ma’sum, Muhammad Ali
Identification of Southeast Asian Banking Performance
Megawati, Wenny
The Effectiveness of National Economic Stimulus as a Countercyclical Policy of Covid-19 Outbreak
Determinants of Poverty in Indonesian Provinces
Muharam, Harjum
Bank Performance in Profitability Dimensions: What External Factors and Why Does It Affect?
Muharam, Harjum
Covid-19 Pandemic: Vulnerability to the Households Financial
Mulyono, Agus
Empowering Coconut Farmer Community for Poverty Alleviation in Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta: A Study of Triple Helix Model
Munfa’ati, Diah
Managerial Performance Based on Participation Budgetary, Islamic Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment
Murdiyanto, A
The Role of Organizational Culture as Moderating Variable in the Influence of Person-Organization Fit and Job Characteristics on Performance
Mursid, Ali
Predicting Customer Satisfaction and Customer-Company Identification in Enhancing Halal Restaurant Loyalty: Service Encounters Perspective
Muthofa, H.
The Effect of Moderation of Organizational Culture on the Relationships on Job Satisfaction and Work Motivation Towards Employee Performance (Studies on Employees of the National Search and Rescue Agency in Semarang City)
Nabhan, Faqih
Managerial Performance Based on Participation Budgetary, Islamic Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment
Najmudin, Mohamad
The Influence Social Media, Product Quality and Price Perception on Culinary Product Purchase Decisions in the Era of Pandemic Covid-19
Najmudin, Mohamad
Do Purchase Strategy and Relational Embeddedness Affect Customer Responsiveness on Fashion Manufactures in Yogyakarta
Nandhya, Adhika Nirwan
The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Share Prices and Trade Volume of Shares in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Nawatmi, Sri
Determinants of Poverty in Indonesian Provinces
Noe, Maria Lusia Viany
Building an Intention Model Using the Grab Health Application During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Novia, Shinta Agustin Tri
E-Wallet in Technology Readiness Index Perspectives and Technical Support
Nugroho, Arief Himmawan Dwi
The Effectiveness of Pentagon Fraud in Detecting Fraudulent Financial Reporting: Using the Beneish Model in Manufacturing Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
Nugroho, Joko Purwanto
Assessing the Financial Performance of English Football Clubs: Arsenal and Manchester City
Nurhayati, Ida
Mixed Methods Study to Explore the Portrait of Micro and Small Enterprises in Semarang City During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Nursiningsih, Fami
Financial Performance of Retail Industry Before and After E-Commerce Booming in Indonesia: A Study of Altman Z-Score Model
Telecommunication Tower Retribution Contribution Against the Original Regional Income of Kulonprogo Regency (2015-2019)
The Effect of Ability, Motivation, Discipline, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance an Empirical Study on PT. Sung Chang Indonesia
Do Purchase Strategy and Relational Embeddedness Affect Customer Responsiveness on Fashion Manufactures in Yogyakarta
E-Wallet in Technology Readiness Index Perspectives and Technical Support
Nuryanto, Imam
The Behavior of Purchasing Domestic Herbal Products Among Indonesians During the Covid 19 Era
Nusantara, Agung
Determinants of Poverty in Indonesian Provinces
Oktaviani, Rachmawati Meita
Profitability, Liquidity, Size, Reputation of Public Accounting and Timeliness Reporting Financial Statement: An Analysis of Manufacturing Company Overview in Indonesia
Paranita, Ekayana Sangkasari
The Influence of Investment Motivation and Financial Literacy on Interest in Investing During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Parera, Helena Rosalina
The Impact of Waste Management on Tourism Sustainability in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai Regency in 2019
Penu, Yustina Paulina
Analysis of Leading Smes Determination in Ende Districts and Its Sustainability Status in the Pandemic Era of Covid 19
Permatasari, Santi
Hygiene Factor Analysis and Employee Satisfaction PT. PLN West Flores Area in Ende
Poerwati, Rr. Tjahjaning
The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility as a Moderator on the Effect of Profitability and Company Size on Tax Aggressiveness
Prabowo, Rokh Eddy
The Role of Moderation of Organizational Culture on the Effect of Motivation and Compensation on Employee Performance
Prabowo, Tri Jatmiko Wahyu
Examining Community Trust to the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia
Pramana, Arisudana Yoga
Determinants of Company Capital Structure
Prasetyo, Banu
Innovation as a Determinant Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic (Qualitative Study on “Beckrem – Bebek Rempah Semarangan”)
Pratama, Saputra Putra
Development Strategy of Environmentally Friendly Based for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise
Pratiwi, Ratih
Denial-Resistence-Exploration-Commitment, a Consumer Behavior Switch During Covid-19
Priyono, B.S.
The Role of Organizational Culture as Moderating Variable in the Influence of Person-Organization Fit and Job Characteristics on Performance
Pujiastuti, Natalia Sari
Innovation as a Determinant Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic (Qualitative Study on “Beckrem – Bebek Rempah Semarangan”)
Puryandani, Siti
The Effect of Financial Knowledge, Financial Behavior, and Religiosity on Personal Financial Distress in the Millenial Generation (Case Study in the Community of Semarang City)
Puryandani, Siti
The Influence of Cash Flow, Leverage and Profitability on Investment Decisions in Financial Distress Companies (All Companies Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange of 2017-2019)
Puspitasari, Dewi
Aligning Tax Incentives and Purchasing Behavior for Consumers of Environment-Friendly Products
Puspitasari, Elen
Relevance of Top Management Support, Personal Capabilities, Formalisation of Information System Development on the Performance of Accounting Information Systems at Expedition Companies
Putra, Pamungkas Satya
The Method of Assistance Carried Out by Corporate Social Responsibility Funding Companies
Putra, Pamungkas Satya
Management of Legal Aid the Challenges in Guarding Law and Justice
Putra, Rian Aditya
Analysis of Competency, Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and Teacher Performance of Vocational High School Taman Karya Madya Teknik Kebumen
Putri, CindyNoviani
Analysis of Factors Affecting Consumer’s Purchase Intention Impact on Customer Behavior Outcomes
Putri, Sonia Nanda Aprilia
The Influence of Cash Flow, Leverage and Profitability on Investment Decisions in Financial Distress Companies (All Companies Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange of 2017-2019)
Putri, Wika H.
Construction Service Competence Test and Training Center (CSCTTC): Small Business Unit Based on the Potential and Intellectual Creativity of the University
Putri, Wika Harisa
Aligning Tax Incentives and Purchasing Behavior for Consumers of Environment-Friendly Products
Putri, Wika Harisa
E-Wallet in Technology Readiness Index Perspectives and Technical Support
Rachmawati, Lutfika
Improving Knowledge Sharing Through Idealized Influence Leadership Case from Private Universities in Central Java Indonesia
Radja, Melky
Comparison of Enterprise Framework Architecture in Msmes Manufacturing Sector
Raharti, Rini
Optimization of Regional Revenue Through Tourism Sector for Improving Own Source Revenue of Yogyakarta City
Raharti, Rini
Pooled Data Analysis of Tourism Industry in Special Region of Yogyakarta
Rahayu, Kusmaryati D
Work From Home: The Role of Work Engagement on Productivity During Covid-19 Corona Pandemic a Study in Teachers and Lectures in Yogyakarta Province and City Nears Yogyakarta
Rahayu, Kusmaryati Dwi
The Influence of Human Development Index Components on Economic Growth in DIY
Rahayu, Nugroho Tulus
Covid-19 Pandemic: Vulnerability to the Households Financial
Rahayu, Siti
Youtube Contents Effect on Destination Visit Intentions an Empirical Study in Indonesia
Rahmawati, Aninda Rizqy
Financial Distress A Case Study of Indonesia
Rahmawati, Fitri
The Role of Competence in Improving Employee Performance Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDES) in Kulon Progo Regency
Reniati, Reniati
Importance Performance Analysis of Halal Tourism Destination in the Province of Bangka Belitung Archipelago
Reo, Hermanus
Analysis of Application of e-SPT PPh 21/26 to the Number of Taxpayers, Tax Receipts, and Number of Users of e-SPT PPh 21/26 Period 2012-2015
Respatiningsih, Hesti
The Impact of E-Commerce on the Marketing Performance of MSMEs During the Covid19 Pandemic Mediated by Competitive Advantage
The Effect of Ability, Motivation, Discipline, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance an Empirical Study on PT. Sung Chang Indonesia
Ridwan, Ridwan
Impact Assessment of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Indonesian Tourism
Ridwan, Ridwan
Analysis of Tourism Demand Cointegration from China to Indonesia
Rijanti, Tristiana
The Role of Moderation of Organizational Culture on the Effect of Motivation and Compensation on Employee Performance
Rizal, Alimuddin
The Effect of Moderation of Organizational Culture on the Relationships on Job Satisfaction and Work Motivation Towards Employee Performance (Studies on Employees of the National Search and Rescue Agency in Semarang City)
The Effectiveness of National Economic Stimulus as a Countercyclical Policy of Covid-19 Outbreak
Ronald, Andreas
The Determining Factors of Local Own-Source Revenue of Tourism Sector in DIY
Rozak, Hasan Abdul
Improving Knowledge Sharing Through Idealized Influence Leadership Case from Private Universities in Central Java Indonesia
Runanto, Dedi
The Role of Competence in Improving Employee Performance Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDES) in Kulon Progo Regency
Analysis of Budget Shifts and Realization of School Finances During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Purworejo Regency in 2020
Sagajoka, Estherlina
Classification of Sector That Triggers Economic Growth in Ende District During 2015-2019 Period
Financial Performance of Retail Industry Before and After E-Commerce Booming in Indonesia: A Study of Altman Z-Score Model
Saksono, Yanuar
The Effect of Financial Conditions and Audit Opinions on Local Government Performance
Santosa, Agus Budi
Determinants of Poverty in Indonesian Provinces
Saputra, Darman
Building Potentials of Permis and Rajik Villages as Ecotourism Villages in South Bangka Regency
Construction Service Competence Test and Training Center (CSCTTC): Small Business Unit Based on the Potential and Intellectual Creativity of the University
Sari, Santy Permata
Tourist Visit in the Era of Covid 19: Does it Impact on the Economy of Local Communities in Bena Tourism Village?
Sarnowo, Henry
Financial Performance of Retail Industry Before and After E-Commerce Booming in Indonesia: A Study of Altman Z-Score Model
Sarnowo, Henry
Analysis of Tourism Demand Cointegration from China to Indonesia
Sarwoko, Sarwoko
Impact Assessment of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Indonesian Tourism
Sarwoko, Sarwoko
Analysis of Tourism Demand Cointegration from China to Indonesia
Se, Hyronimus
The Effectiveness of Village Fund Cash Block Grants (BLT) for the Poor Society Affected by the Covid-19 in Nangapanda District Ende Regency
Sedho, Yuliana
Analysis of Leading Smes Determination in Ende Districts and Its Sustainability Status in the Pandemic Era of Covid 19
Selvi, Evi
The Method of Assistance Carried Out by Corporate Social Responsibility Funding Companies
Setianan, Andreas Ronald
Aligning Tax Incentives and Purchasing Behavior for Consumers of Environment-Friendly Products
Setiawan, Mulyo Budi
Investment and Government Expenditure and Investment Economic Growth in Central Java, Indonesia