Proceedings of the International Congress of Indonesian Linguistics Society (KIMLI 2021)

156 authors
Putikadyanto, Agus Purnomo Ahmad
Presentation Culture in the Digital Age: Online Identity Representation on Social Media
Putikadyanto, Agus Purnomo Ahmad
Representation of Students’ Politeness During Online Learning: A Case Study at IAIN Madura
Putra, Ida Bagus Rai
Subordinative Clause with Lemun Marker in Sasak Language
Rahman, Fathu
Prefix Patterns of Toraja: Case Study of Sumarorong Language
Rakhmawati, Ani
Unen-Unen as a Javanese Proverb on Social Media: Lexical Meaning and Its Significance as a Means of Cultural Inheritance
Retnosari, Ira Eko
Humour in Gus Mus’s Speeches
Revita, Ike
Syntactic-Pragmatic Analysis of the Utterance of the Students to Their Lecturers Via Whatsapp
Rijadi, Arief
Tolerant Speech in Multicultural Community Communication
An Analysis of the First Language Interference in Speaking English of Sixth Semester Students of English Education Study Program of IAIN Bengkulu
Safii, Moh.
Discourse Analysis of Metri Wayang Gandrung Oral Tradition
Said, Ikhwan M.
Revealing the Meaning of Angel Napoleon (pomacanthus xanthometopon)
Said, Ikhwan M.
Flora and Fauna in the Perspective of the Bajo Maritime Language and Culture Studies Language
Said, Ikhwan M.
The Competence of Non-Current Aphasic Patients on Language Modality Mastering (Repeat, Reading, and Writing) in Word Formation
Said, dan Ikhwan M.
The Use of Verbal Language in Wardah Cosmetic Advertising
Relationship Tolaki Language and Taloki Language
Sari, Ratna
Verbal Communication of Indonesian Language in Students with Intellectual Disabilities at SDLBN 1 Kabupaten Maros
Sawaki, Yusuf
Possessors as Subjects and Objects: Different Ways of Possessors Act as Subject and Object Arguments on Verbs in the Languages of Papua
Setiawati, Eti
Linguistic Landscape as a Means of Reinforcing Character Education for Senior High School Students
Sitoto, Simon
Symbolic Meanings in the Ritual Speech of Pattomateang Ceremony of Towani Tolotang Community in Ampatita Village, Sidrap Regency, South Sulawesi: An Anthropolinguistic Study
Sitoto, Simon
A Cross-Cultural Communication in the Chant of Osong in “Rambu Soloq” Death Ceremony of Torajan Culture
The Use of Verbal Language in Wardah Cosmetic Advertising
Sudana, Dadang
Hate Speech and Blasphemy on Social Media in Indonesia: Forensic Linguistic Studies
Sudarno, Sudarno
Semantic Analysis of Government Regulations of South Sulawesi on Health Protocols During the Pandemic Covid-19
Sudipa, I Nengah
The Names of Traditional Minahasan Food as Immune Booster in the Covid-19 Pandemic
Actor and Patient in Javanese and Indonesian Imperative Clauses
Sulastri, Tetet
Translation Equivalence of text “Soushiki ni Kan Suru Manaa” Through Machine Translation (Google Translate)
Suluh, Sallolo
Etnolech Determination of Toraja Community Kinship in a Foreign Land
Suparno, Darsita
Compound Words in Arabic Mechanical Term
Suryatin, Eka
Maanyan Language Internal Innovation
Susanto, Susanto
Analysing Forensic Speaker Verification by Utilizing Artificial Neural Network
Sutama, Putu
The Historicity of The New Bali Lexicon and Formation Projection of Unda-Usuk Bahasa
Suwarni, Andi
The Students’ Talk on Politeness and Impoliteness Interaction in Classroom
Syahid, Agus
Hate Speech and Blasphemy on Social Media in Indonesia: Forensic Linguistic Studies
Tahir, M. Dalyan
Discourse Forming Elements Bugis Language Humor: The Study of Oral Discourse To Liseé
Tambunan, Tambunan
Generative Phonology of Landawe Language
Tanduk, Rita
Etnolech Determination of Toraja Community Kinship in a Foreign Land
Taufiqurrahman, Febri
Discourse Analysis of Metri Wayang Gandrung Oral Tradition
Thayyib, Magfirah
Verbal Categories of Tae’ Language and Cognitive Models of Luwu People
Udayana, I Nyoman
Detransitivization Strategy and the Indonesian Middles
Umajjah, Tajirah
Flora and Fauna in the Perspective of the Bajo Maritime Language and Culture Studies Language
Usman, Herlina
Utilization of the Corpus in Depicting Impoliteness in Indonesian on Social Media
Sociolinguistic Demension of the Use of Beu Particles in Sunda Fiction Stories
Wardhani, Aditya
The Vitality of the Malayu Language on the Island of Lombok
Wardhani, Yani’ah
Compound Words in Arabic Mechanical Term
Wati, Erna
An Analysis of the First Language Interference in Speaking English of Sixth Semester Students of English Education Study Program of IAIN Bengkulu
Widyatmoko, Edelleit Rose
Myths in “Rokok Jablai”: Men’s Taste?
Wijaya, Herman
Safir-Whorf Hypothesis in Covid-19 Isolation Policy
Yannuar, Nurenzia
Walikan in the Linguistic Landscape of Malang: The Rise of a Local Youth Language
Preservation and Significant Values of Cultural Heritage of the Tomb Complex of King Hadat Banggae in Ondongan, Majene Regency, West Sulawesi
Changes in the Utilization of the Proto-Historical Landscape, Soppeng Regency, Indonesia
Yusuf, Yusri Muhammad
Revealing the Meaning of Angel Napoleon (pomacanthus xanthometopon)
Zakaria, Zakaria
Prefix Patterns of Toraja: Case Study of Sumarorong Language
Students’ Attitudes Towards Indonesian Varieties and Other Languages: A Case Study in Tangerang
Zalmansyah, Achril
Maanyan Language Internal Innovation
Zulkhaeriyah, Zulkhaeriyah
Measuring the Vitality of Konjo Language in South Sulawesi Province of Indonesia
da Costa, Romilda Arivina
The Deteriorating Register on Papalele Women Profession