Proceedings of the First Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics, Business and Management, Accounting and Entrepreneurship (PICEEBA 2018)
243 authors
- Syofyan, Efrizal
- Factors Influencing Capital Expenditure Achievement in West Sumatra
- Syofyan, Rita
- The Impact of Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic Learning Styles on Economics Education Teaching
- Talib, Nashrah
- WhatsApp Acceptance and Behavioral Intention to Use among Non-Nursing Staff in Selected Hospitals at Melaka
- Taqwa, Salma
- The Determinant Factors Comprising Students’ Performance in The Digital Era
- Tasman, Abel
- The Influence of Liquidity, Leverage and Profitability on Financial Distress of Listed Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia
- Thabrani, Gesit
- Total Quality Management, Dynamic Capabilities, and Competitive Advantages: Mediating Effect of Innovation
- Triani, Mike
- How to Increase the Income of Cocoa Farmers through the Development of Cocoa Products?
- Trinanda, Okki
- Marketing to “Z Generations”: An Analysis of West Sumatera’s Youth Decision Factors When Buying Modern Snacks &Minangkabau Traditional Snacks
- Trismiyanti, Dessy
- Analysis of Service Quality Dimensions on Customer Satisfaction at Semen Padang Hospital
- Trismiyanti, Dessy
- The Effect of Work Motivation Dimension on the Performance of Employees of PT. Gapura Angkasa of Minangkabau International Airport Padang
- Usnimar, Usnimar
- The Economic Development Model in Supporting The Economy of Pariaman Regional Area
- Utomo, Sugeng Hadi
- A Competitiveness Analysis of Economic Sector in Tuban Regency, East Java
- Wahdania, Ayu
- Emotion Regulation and Service Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: Moderating Role of Gender
- Wardi, Yunia
- The Effect of Halal Tourism on Customer Satisfaction
- Wardi, Yunia
- The Influence of Islamic Tourism on Word of Mouth about Tourism in West Sumatera
- Warman, Adi
- Analysis Determinants of Labor Supply for Married Woman in West Sumatra
- Waruwu, Selfin Kristianti
- Factors Influencing Capital Expenditure Achievement in West Sumatra
- Widayat, Prama
- Household Expenses after An Increased in Basic Tariff of Electricity in Pekanbaru
- Widayat, Widayat
- E-Consumer Behavior: The Roles of Attitudes, Risk Perception on Shopping Intention-Behavior
- Widjaja, Sri Umi Mintari
- Collaboration of Teachers and Parents through Game-based Simulation and Contextual Games to Cultivate Savings Interest in SD Sumbersari III Kota Malang
- Willian, Rohman
- The Marketing Model and Human Resources Management Strategies to Achieve Competitive Advantage of Grocery Stores
- Yahya, Muhammad
- Social Disloyalty and Modesty in The Teachers’ Career Development in The Digital Era
- Yasri, Yasri
- The Effect of Service Quality, Product Quality and Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty of Bank Nagari Main Branch Padang
- Yasri, Yasri
- The Impact of Brand Experience and Brand Trust on Brand Engagement: The Mediating Effect of Brand Satisfaction
- Yasri, Yasri
- An Analysis on Brand Image and Switching Intention of Flight Companies’ Customers with Word of Mouth (WOM) as The Intervening Variable
- Yollanda, Yollanda
- The Influence of Islamic Tourism on Word of Mouth about Tourism in West Sumatera
- Yonita, Riza
- The Effect of Job Satisfaction and Perceived Organizational Support on Organizational Commitment of Banks’ Employees in Padang
- Yoserizal, Yoserizal
- Analysis of Service Quality Dimensions on Customer Satisfaction at Semen Padang Hospital
- Yulhendri, Yulhendri
- The Influence of Organization Participation and Learning Styles on Students’ Academic Achievement
- Yulhendri, Yulhendri
- The Development of Learning Model Based on Research and Relevance Journal for Postgraduate Students’ Scientific Publications of Economics Postgraduate Program
- Yuliyasti, Rahmi
- The Relationship between Brand Experience, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: Brand Trust as The Intervening Variable
- Yulmardi, Yulmardi
- Analysis of Individual Characteristics, Transmigration Aspects and Transmigrant Employment Structures (Study in ex-Transmigration Villages within Jambi Province)
- Yurniwati, Yurniwati
- Green Intellectual Capital and Financial Performance of Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia
- Yusof, Mohd Azmil Mohd
- WhatsApp Acceptance and Behavioral Intention to Use among Non-Nursing Staff in Selected Hospitals at Melaka
- Zolkapli, Nurhafizah Mohd
- Customer Service Approach on Determinants of Marriage Satisfaction
- Zona, Mega Asri
- The Internalization and Implementation of Minangkabau Alternative Leadership Values for Formal and Informal Leaders in Padang
- Zona, Mega Asri
- Antecedents of Employee Organizational Commitment at Public Sector Organizations in West Sumatra
- Zuelseptia, Sonya
- The Influence of Perceived Risk and Perceived Ease of Use on Consumer’s Attitude and Online Purchase Intention
- Zulfanetti, Zulfanetti
- Profile and Development Model of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Jambi Province (Through Superior Commodities Approach)
- Zulgani, Zulgani
- The Analysis of Factors Influence The Production Structure in Sumatera Province
- Zulkifli, Zulkifli
- The Economic Development Model in Supporting The Economy of Pariaman Regional Area
- Zulvia, Dewi
- The Effect of Auditing Quality and Independent Board of Commissioners on Financial Performance of Property and Real Estate Companies in Indonesia
- Zulvia, Yolandafitri
- The Role of Core Value, Character and Entrepreneur Leadership towards Successful Entrepreneur