Proceedings of the First Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics, Business and Management, Accounting and Entrepreneurship (PICEEBA 2018)
243 authors
- Listihana, Wita Dwika
- The Effect of Marketing Mix on Satisfaction and Its Impact on Hotel Customer Loyalty in Pekanbaru-Riau
- Lubis, Tona Aurora
- The Marketing Model and Human Resources Management Strategies to Achieve Competitive Advantage of Grocery Stores
- Ludfi, Riswan
- The Influence of Intellectual Capital on Corporate Value through Financial Performance
- Ma'ruf, Muhammad Imam
- Characteristics of the Consumption Pattern of Household’s Small Businesses (Socio-Economic and Demographic Perspectives)
- Magdalena, Maria
- The Effect of Auditing Quality and Independent Board of Commissioners on Financial Performance of Property and Real Estate Companies in Indonesia
- Marna, Jean Elikal
- The Difference of Learning Outcome in Economic Lesson (Using of Cooperative Learning Strategy “the Learning Cell Type” and Expository Strategy in Learning Process in Tenth Grade Student of SMKN 1 Payakumbuh)
- Marta, Joan
- The Potency of Sea Fishery in West Sumatra
- Marwan, Marwan
- The Analysis of Vocational Students’ Work Readiness in Pariaman and Padang Pariaman
- Marwan, Marwan
- Factors comprising Motivation to Participate in Shadow Education in West Sumatera
- Marwan, Marwan
- Factors Determining Learning Difficulties in Taxation Course at Politeknik Negeri Padang
- Marwan, Marwan
- The Influence of Organization Participation and Learning Styles on Students’ Academic Achievement
- Marwan, Marwan
- The Influence of Teachers’ Role and Motivation on Basic Accounting Learning Outcomes at Vocational High Schools
- Marwan, Marwan
- The Influence of Learning Maturity, Self-confidence, Learning Facilities, and Achievement on Students’ Interest to be A Teacher
- Marwan, Marwan
- The Effect of Tutorial Video Use and Prerequisite Skills on Students’ MYOB Accounting Performance
- Marwan, Marwan
- The Labor Force Participation Rate, Export, and The Educational Investment Impact for The Economic Growth in Riau
- Marwan, Marwan
- The Impact of Board Director’s Entrepreneurship and Members’ Participation on Cooperatives’ Performance
- Masdupi, Erni
- The Influence of Liquidity, Leverage and Profitability on Financial Distress of Listed Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia
- Masdupi, Erni
- Effect of Education, Promotion Position And Conflict in Organization on Motivation of Country Civil Work Aparting in Regional Financial Area (B.Keuda) West Sumatera Province
- Masdupi, Erni
- The Relationship between Brand Experience, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: Brand Trust as The Intervening Variable
- Maulana, Arief
- Antecedents of Employee Organizational Commitment at Public Sector Organizations in West Sumatra
- Megasari, Rizza
- Collaboration of Teachers and Parents through Game-based Simulation and Contextual Games to Cultivate Savings Interest in SD Sumbersari III Kota Malang
- Megawati, Megawati
- Antecedents of Employee Organizational Commitment at Public Sector Organizations in West Sumatra
- Muhammed, Nurul Aini
- Integrated Reporting Based on Maqasid Al-Shariah: A Proposed Framework for Islamic Non-Profit Organizations
- Muhardiansyah, Muhardiansyah
- Does Increasing Central Government Transfer Improve Local Government Performance? A Case of Aceh Provincial Government
- Mukhlis, Imam
- A Competitiveness Analysis of Economic Sector in Tuban Regency, East Java
- Mulyani, Erly
- The Acceptance and Use of E-Learning System Among Accounting Lecturers in State and Private Universities in Padang: An Empirical Study Based on UTAUT Model
- Murdy, Khairi
- The Analysis of Factors Affecting Dividend Payout Ratio in Manufacturing Companies Listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange
- N, Arizal
- The Effect of Marketing Mix on Satisfaction and Its Impact on Hotel Customer Loyalty in Pekanbaru-Riau
- NR, Erinos
- Green Intellectual Capital and Financial Performance of Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia
- Nazeri, Nornabila Mohd
- WhatsApp Acceptance and Behavioral Intention to Use among Non-Nursing Staff in Selected Hospitals at Melaka
- Ningrum, Isra Dwi
- The Influence of Organization Participation and Learning Styles on Students’ Academic Achievement
- Ningsih, Andria
- How to Increase the Income of Cocoa Farmers through the Development of Cocoa Products?
- Nofrizal, Nofrizal
- The Effect of Marketing Mix on Satisfaction and Its Impact on Hotel Customer Loyalty in Pekanbaru-Riau
- Noor, Mohd Nazri Mohd
- Relationship Marketing in Insurance Industry: A Systematic Analysis of Literatures
- Nor, Khalijah Mohd
- Investigating the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance among Academic Administrative Management Group at Mara University of Technology (UiTM) Southern Zone Campuses, Malaysia
- Novera, Dwinda
- Effect of Education, Promotion Position And Conflict in Organization on Motivation of Country Civil Work Aparting in Regional Financial Area (B.Keuda) West Sumatera Province
- Nurjaman, Kadar
- Accountability in Local Government: Leadership and Organizational Culture when SPI becomes The Moderating Variable
- Nurjanah, Rahma
- The Analysis of Factors Influence The Production Structure in Sumatera Province
- Octavia, Ade
- Profile and Development Model of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Jambi Province (Through Superior Commodities Approach)
- Oknaryana, Oknaryana
- The Difference of Learning Outcome in Economic Lesson (Using of Cooperative Learning Strategy “the Learning Cell Type” and Expository Strategy in Learning Process in Tenth Grade Student of SMKN 1 Payakumbuh)
- Oktalia, Depni
- The Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Persistence on The Income of Small-Scale Peyek Snack Entrepreneurs in Padang
- Pahlawan, Ryan
- Household Expenses after An Increased in Basic Tariff of Electricity in Pekanbaru
- Patrisia, Dina
- The Effect of the Locus of Control, Financial Knowledge and Income on Investment Decisions
- Putri, Dewi Zaini
- The Potency of Sea Fishery in West Sumatra
- Rachmawati, Dian
- Collaboration of Teachers and Parents through Game-based Simulation and Contextual Games to Cultivate Savings Interest in SD Sumbersari III Kota Malang
- Rahman, Afrah Hayati Abdul
- Relationship Marketing in Insurance Industry: A Systematic Analysis of Literatures
- Rahmani, Lisa
- A Competitiveness Analysis of Economic Sector in Tuban Regency, East Java
- Rahmi, Elvi
- The Analysis of Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Teacher Candidates
- Rahmiati, Rahmiati
- The Influence of Perceived Risk and Perceived Ease of Use on Consumer’s Attitude and Online Purchase Intention
- Rahmidani, Rose
- The Influence of Organization Participation and Learning Styles on Students’ Academic Achievement
- Rahmidani, Rose
- Innovation Strategy of ‘Silungkang Songket' as the World Heritage
- Ramli, Nathasa Mazna
- Integrated Reporting Based on Maqasid Al-Shariah: A Proposed Framework for Islamic Non-Profit Organizations
- Rasyid, Rosyeni
- The Influence of Locus of Control and Financial Knowledge to Employee Investing Decision PT. Pertamina (Persero) Branch of Padang
- Rasyid, Rosyeni
- Effect of Education, Promotion Position And Conflict in Organization on Motivation of Country Civil Work Aparting in Regional Financial Area (B.Keuda) West Sumatera Province
- Rasyid, Rosyeni
- The Effect of the Locus of Control, Financial Knowledge and Income on Investment Decisions
- Riani, Novya Zulva
- The Potency of Sea Fishery in West Sumatra
- Saferdin, Wan Aisyah Amni Wan Mohamad
- Investigating the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance among Academic Administrative Management Group at Mara University of Technology (UiTM) Southern Zone Campuses, Malaysia
- Safri, Muhammad
- The Development of Competitive Strategy for Prospective Export Commodities in Jambi
- Safri, Muhammad
- An Investment Analysis Based on Main Commodities and The Effect of Licensing System, Availability of Manpower, and Economic Growth on Investment Realization in Jambi
- Sakarji, Siti Rosnita
- Investigating the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance among Academic Administrative Management Group at Mara University of Technology (UiTM) Southern Zone Campuses, Malaysia
- Samudin, Nor Maslia Rasli
- Customer Service Approach on Determinants of Marriage Satisfaction
- Saputro, Muhammad Sindhu Danu
- The Effect of Halal Tourism on Customer Satisfaction
- Sari, Erini Junita
- Factors Affecting Consumers Behavior of Coventry University Students Towards Fast-Fashion Industry
- Sari, Filma Alia
- The Influence of Teachers’ Role and Motivation on Basic Accounting Learning Outcomes at Vocational High Schools
- Sari, Indah Kumala
- The Impact of Board Director’s Entrepreneurship and Members’ Participation on Cooperatives’ Performance
- Sari, Jusmanila Mustika
- Labor Competitiveness in Digital Economy: A Systematic Review of College Graduates
- Sari, Novita Eka
- The Marketing Model and Human Resources Management Strategies to Achieve Competitive Advantage of Grocery Stores
- Sari, Vita Fitria
- Comics as an Alternative Learning Media for Introductory Accounting Course
- Sarianti, Rini
- The Effects of Work-Family Conflict on Turnover Intention of Banks’ Employees in Padang with Burnout as The Mediating Variable
- Satrianto, Alpon
- Pull Factors Affecting The Jobseekers Decision to Do Urbanization
- Satrianto, Alpon
- Fiscal and Monetary Policy, Output and Price in Indonesia: An Effectiveness Approach
- Savitri, Rizdhianty
- The Marketing Model and Human Resources Management Strategies to Achieve Competitive Advantage of Grocery Stores
- Sebrina, Nurzi
- The Determinant Factors Comprising Students’ Performance in The Digital Era
- Selviani, Selviani
- The Influence of Learning Maturity, Self-confidence, Learning Facilities, and Achievement on Students’ Interest to be A Teacher
- Sentosa, Sri Ulfa
- The Analysis of Vocational Students’ Work Readiness in Pariaman and Padang Pariaman
- Sentosa, Sri Ulfa
- Analyzing The Entrepreneur Process of Motivation, Resource Allocation, and Institutional for Poor Households in Rural West Sumatera
- Sentosa, Sri Ulfa
- Analysis Determinants of Labor Supply for Married Woman in West Sumatra
- Sentosa, Sri Ulfa
- The Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Persistence on The Income of Small-Scale Peyek Snack Entrepreneurs in Padang
- Serly, Vanica
- The Determinant Factors Comprising Students’ Performance in The Digital Era
- Serly, Vanica
- Understanding The Influence of Motives, Preparedness, and Expectations on Accounting Students’ Performance: An Indonesian Study
- Setiawan, Mia Angelina
- The Economy Crisis and Financial Performance
- Siwi, Menik Kurnia
- The Impact of Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic Learning Styles on Economics Education Teaching
- Sofya, Rani
- The Implementation of Team Games Tournament to Improve Students' Problem-Solving Skill (Quasi Experiment With Blended Learning Strategy)
- Suhery, Suhery
- Analysis of Service Quality Dimensions on Customer Satisfaction at Semen Padang Hospital
- Suhery, Suhery
- The Effect of Work Motivation Dimension on the Performance of Employees of PT. Gapura Angkasa of Minangkabau International Airport Padang
- Sulastri, Sulastri
- The Internalization and Implementation of Minangkabau Alternative Leadership Values for Formal and Informal Leaders in Padang
- Susanti, Dessi
- Innovation Strategy of ‘Silungkang Songket' as the World Heritage
- Susanti, Febsri
- The Effect of Auditing Quality and Independent Board of Commissioners on Financial Performance of Property and Real Estate Companies in Indonesia
- Susanti, Reni
- The Effect of Fighting Spirit, Confidence and Motivation Towards Students Readiness for Work
- Susanti, Yuliza
- The Influence of Locus of Control and Financial Knowledge to Employee Investing Decision PT. Pertamina (Persero) Branch of Padang
- Susanti, Yuliza
- The Effect of the Locus of Control, Financial Knowledge and Income on Investment Decisions
- Sutiyem, Sutiyem
- Analysis of Service Quality Dimensions on Customer Satisfaction at Semen Padang Hospital
- Sutiyem, Sutiyem
- The Effect of Work Motivation Dimension on the Performance of Employees of PT. Gapura Angkasa of Minangkabau International Airport Padang
- Syah, Muhammad Fahmi Johan
- Social Disloyalty and Modesty in The Teachers’ Career Development in The Digital Era
- Syahrizal, Syahrizal
- Emotion Regulation and Service Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: Moderating Role of Gender
- Syamwil, Syamwil
- The Effect of Fighting Spirit, Confidence and Motivation Towards Students Readiness for Work
- Syofriani, Syofriani
- The Effect of Tutorial Video Use and Prerequisite Skills on Students’ MYOB Accounting Performance
- Syofyan, Efrizal
- Factors Determining Learning Difficulties in Taxation Course at Politeknik Negeri Padang
- Syofyan, Efrizal
- The Effect of Tutorial Video Use and Prerequisite Skills on Students’ MYOB Accounting Performance
- Syofyan, Efrizal
- The Development of Learning Model Based on Research and Relevance Journal for Postgraduate Students’ Scientific Publications of Economics Postgraduate Program