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188759 articles

The Ideal State Policy Design: A Dialogue on Sustainability of National Development

Martuli Martuli, I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayan, Agus Riwanto
The objective of this research endeavor is to initiate a discourse concerning the most effective structure for establishing the State Policy Guidelines (GBHN), with the ultimate goal of guaranteeing the sustained feasibility of domestic progress. By means of a conceptual framework and a normative legal...

Corporate Social Responsibility Based on Islamic Culture

Nur Anisah, Eko Ganis Sukoharsono, Roekhuddin, Syaiful Iqbal, Nur Anisah
The purpose of this interpretive qualitative research is to identify how a company in Jombang Indonesia interprets and implements Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) according to Islamic culture. The data were collected through surveys, interviews, and documentation and analyzed using an ethnographic...

Public Ideologies

A Critical Discourse Analysis of Sexual Violence Regulation in Indonesian Universities on Online News Sites

Laily Rahmatika, Markhamah, Atiqa Sabardila
In recent times, the government’s news regulation toward sexual violence in the university has got attraction among different parties. This issue has triggered biased responses on various online platforms. Such every person who responds brings ideologies that have been their own belief in determining...

The Effect of Using Online Learning Media and Learning Styles Towards Marine Cadets Learning Motivation

Ardhiana Puspitacandri, Sutoyo Sutoyo
The study aims to determine the interaction of web-based learning media used and the student learning styles in influencing learning motivation during the distance learning process during the pandemic. The research population was cadets of Surabaya Merchant Marine Polytechnic in the second semester....

Exploring Multimodal Studies in the Classroom

Reny Rahmalina, Aceng Ruhendi Syaifullah, Muh. Ardian Kurniawan, Wawan Gunawan
Due to the increasing diversity of cultures and languages in today’s classrooms, more and more studies continue to explore various methods, media, and modalities for the sake of harnessing the academic and linguistic strengths of students. In an attempt to apprehend the empirical landscape of the evolving...

Ethnomathematics Activities in Kain Timur Making (The Moi Tribe Mas Kawin Tradition, Sorong City, West Papua)

Jonathan Fredrik, Budiyono, Siswanto
The mathematical ability of students according to PISA 2018 data is still lacking, one of the reasons is that mathematics learning currently tends to be conventional and lacks contextual. One way is to integrate culture and mathematics in the learning process based on local wisdom. Ethnomathematics is...

The Effect of City Branding on Tourism Business Through City Image as a Moderating Variable

Imelda Regina Pellokila, Damianus Sonny Lamoren, Reyshandy Otemusu
This study aims to test the hypothesis that city branding is an effective way to increase tourism business through city image. In addition, city branding is also seen as a process of building a positive image to attract tourists and increase revenue for tourism business ventures. In other words, city...

Ambiguity of the Position of Directors of State-Owned Enterprises (Persero): Achievements of Profits and Allegations of Corruption

Hasrul Benny Harahap, Hikmahanto Juwana, Mahmul Siregar
The management of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in Indonesia has special characteristics. While business entities SOEs (Persero) are directed to seek profit in order to increase the national economy. However, venture capital SOEs derived from separated state assets provides space for SOEs (Persero)...

Integrating Social Cognitive and Social Capital Theory in Using Telemedicine in Pandemic Period

Andri Rianawati, Flora Ramona Sigit Prakoeswa, Zainul Mustofa, Cita Rosita Sigit Prakoeswa, Aza Rosmala
During the Covid-19 outbreak, the usage of telemedicine has increased. This study has a goal to see how the integration of social cognitive and social capital theory affects users’ inclinations to use telemedicine during pandemic turbulence. Individual relationships and social structure are discussed...

Development of Forest Imagery in English Poems

Wenhui Hu
Forest is considered the roots of the British and is also the roots of the British and the most common imagery in poetry. This paper examines the forest as imagery shifts meanings from the paleolithic age to the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the romanticism age, and the modernism. The meanings help people...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Extract Concentration of Robusta Coffee (Coffea canephora) Husk Extract and Cooking Temperature on Quality Characteristics of Hard Candy

Irmaziza Citraningrum, Anjar Ruspita Sari, Annie Mufyda Rahmatika, Iman Sabarisman, Satria Bhirawa Anoraga
Coffee is a popular commodity in practically every country, and demand is growing. Coffee processing produces more than 50% by-products, the majority of which is coffee husk (48%). It includes phenolic content and caffeine, as well as antioxidants in the range of 60.25%, making it a potential functional...

Research on Phased Teacher Training System in Engineering Education

Xuanli Wu, Ruonan Wang, Xuejun Sha, Chenguang He
As an important aspect in the construction of “Emerging Engineering Education”, the major accreditation of engineering education has received more and more attention from colleges and universities in recent years, and the construction of teacher training system is an important guarantee for the effective...

Classification and Function of Lexicon in Toponyms in the Western Lembang Fault Area

Anthropological Linguistics Study

Mahmud Fasya, Eri Kurniawan, Undang Sudana, Dini Gilang Sari, Rahmawati Rahmawati
Many facts show that toponyms can portray the closeness of humans to the surrounding nature. In this context, the relationship between humans and the surrounding nature can also form local knowledge. This research aims to reveal the classification and function of the lexicon in local knowledge-based...

Implementation of Land Acquisition of Customary Property Rights for Sustainable Tourism Development in the Tri Hita Karana Philosophy

Ida Ayu Tannia Dhamayanti Manuaba, I Dewa Ayu Sinta Ary Ramaswari, I Wayan Kartika Jaya Utama
The most challenging issue for the government to comprehend and address is happiness, and Tri Concept Hita Karana, which is addressed to those impacted by freedom and the government, offers a solution. In the idea of acquiring land with the community, socio-religious activities take on value. By employing...

The Effect of Land Transportation Educational Game (GETAR) Based on Computer Assisted Instructional (CAI) on Cognitive Ability of Children with Intellectual Disabilities

Rizqi Fajar Pradipta, Ryadi, Husein Fuat Imanudin, Ilham Afrizal Chusna
Mild mentally retarded children are children with intellectual disabilities who can still be developed academically. As one aspect that can be developed, namely, the ability to recognize land transportation. The use of learning media in the form of Land Transportation Educational Games in Indonesian...

Research on Innovation and Development of Ideological and Political Education in Tibet-Related Areas Focusing on Xi Jinping’s Thought on the Rule of Law

Jing An
The requirements of ideological and political education in Tibet-related areas are great unity and grand coalition and solve the problem of the will of the people and strength, providing a profound understanding of the importance and necessity of ideological and political education in Tibet-related areas...

Boosting Speaking Skills: Using Duolingo in English Language Instruction

Yelsa Dearestiani, Abdul Rohman, Widi Syahtia Pane
This study investigated how Duolingo can help students speak better. This study focused on 31 eighth-graders at SMP Negeri 35 Samarinda in 2022. The study used Classroom Action Research (CAR) and quantitative data analysis. The mean speaking score was calculated from pre- and post-test quantifiable data....
Proceedings Article

Study on Long-Term Performance of C80 Manufactured Sand High Performance Concrete

Yong Hu
By testing the resistance to chloride ion penetration and dry shrinkage performance combined with microscopic analysis, the effects of different machine-made sand mud powder content, silica fume and nano-SiO2 content on the long-term performance of machine-made sand high-performance concrete were studied....
Proceedings Article

Adding Latex And Fly Ash In Asphalt Concrete - Wearing Course Mixture

Ibrahim Ibrahim, Arfan Hasan, Ika Sulianti, Rahmad Hidayat Saputra, Dimitri Yulianti, Anna Elvaria, Feby Rizky Amanda, Ikhsania Irna Ningsih
The road surface layer must be able to withstand the loads and be resistant to changes in conditions and the surrounding environment, so good-quality pavement mix planning is required. Latex as an additive is expected to improve the characteristics of road pavement, while fly ash from coal contains pozzolan...

Local Economic Development Status Mapping (LED) in Srigonco Village, Malang Regency

Hadi Sumarsono, Bagus Shandy Narmaditya, Putra Hilmi Prayitno, Lutfi Asnan Qodri
Local Economic Development (LED) revitalization aims to change the views of the Central Government, Regional Governments, Non-Governmental Organizations, and the community so that Local Economic Development (LED) becomes an economic instrument based on local resources to improve the welfare of local...

Teacher’s Understanding of National Assessment in Christian Education at Bakiruk Middle School, Malacca Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province

Frans Pantan, Priskila Issak Benyamin
The National Assessment is the decision of the Minister of Education, Nadiem Makarim, to update the education evaluation system in Indonesia. This decision was just made in the Merdeka Learning program in 2019. However, has the socialization of this National Assessment been implemented thoroughly throughout...
Proceedings Article

Performance Test of Shallot Dehuller Machine (Type BEJE PB 01)

Annisa Nur Ichniarsyah, Linda Liswanti, Titis Pury Purboningtyas, Yul Harry Bahar, Nawangwulan Widyastuti
Shallot is widely used in daily life. Its demand tends to increase even though Indonesia is still facing global pandemic due to Covid-19 outbreak. Before processing, its outer layer should be removed. However, it is time and energy consuming. Therefore, a shallot dehuller machine with theoretical capacity...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Using Digital Magazines “Sobat Busui” Against Mother's Knowledge About Breastfeeding

Dina Isfentiani, Alfin Nihayatul Islamiyah, Dwi Purwanti, Kharisma Kusumaningtyas
Breast milk is best food babies. In this era information technology is developing very rapidly, this brings changes in society. It is possible that breastfeeding mothers also use Android-based media to access information on the internet about breastfeeding. The purpose to analyze the effect of using...
Proceedings Article

A Deep CNN-Based Approach Felicia Proposed for Identifying Medicinal and Edible Plants in the Western Ghats Region

Anagha Bharadwaj, Srinidhi Kulkarni, R. Bharath Kumar
Ayurvedic plants, which contain active compounds are used to treat various health conditions. On the other hand, edible plants contain essential nutrients that are required for our body’s proper functioning and can aid in preventing chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Numerous...

The Role of Political Connections, Cash Holdings, and Public Ownership in Improving Lq45 Company Performance on the Indonesia Stock Exchange

Mahatma Kufepaksi, Hidayat Wiweko, Ririn Nafisa Ulfa
Successful companies would manage their performance very well. Previous research found that there are many factors affecting the company's performance such as dividend policy, financing policy, investment policy, size of the firm, intellectual capital and so on. This study aims to determine the...
Proceedings Article

Design and Implementation of Traffic Big Data Super Correlation System

Yan Yupeng, Ke Jiang, Cheng Jianpeng
In order to make full use of traffic big data resources and meet the comprehensive management needs of traffic management departments for traffic congestion, accidents and violations, a traffic big data super correlation system based on Knowledge Graph is designed and implemented. The system is based...

Raising Star During Pandemic: K-Pop Fans as Actor in Indonesia Digital Activism

Amelia Syfa
During the pandemic, Indonesia has a new actor in digital activism, namely K-pop fans. Participating in digital activism is actually nothing new for K-pop fans in Indonesia. Before the pandemic, the Gejayan Memanggil action was also enlivened by K-pop fans in voicing the action on Twitter to become a...
Proceedings Article

Air Flow Simulation Through the Stack of Onions During Storage Using Computational Fluid Dynamics

Ira Ayuningsih, An N. F. Rahmah, Devi Priyanti, Joko N. W. Karyadi, Bayu Nugraha
The storage of ‘perishable’ horticultural products, such as onions (Allium cepa L.), must be equipped with an even air distribution. Uniform airflow in the product stack is important for quality maintenance. However, the air velocity in most of the storage space used in each part of the product stack...

Assessment of Financial Performance Using Market Value Added (MVA) Methods Company PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk Period 2019–2021

Nadila Halfa Aulia, Sri Murwanti
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the financial performance of PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk for 2019–2021 as determined by the Market Value Added (MVA) approach. This research type is Quantitative Research; this research’s population consists of industrial manufacturing firms in the Fast Moving...

Optimization of Peptone Production from Soybeans

Rochmaningsih, Kun Harismah, Akida Mulyaningtyas
Soybeans are the most popular source of vegetable protein for the people of Indonesia, having protein content ranging from 35%–38%. In the protein analysis of 100 mesh size soybean powder using the Kjeldahl method with the Kjeltec 2100 Distilling Unit, the protein content is 35.95. The high protein content...

Application of SERVQUAL Model in Patient Satisfaction Survey

Wei Liu, LIU Xiaohang
The influx of private capital into China’s medical market forces the reform of public hospitals to improve service quality and patient satisfaction. However, there is no valid satisfaction survey approach. SERVQUAL model’s widespread use has shown that it objectively measures customer satisfaction. This...

Tackling the Intellectual Property Issues Relating to Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) – Lessons from the Republic of Korea

Farizah Mohamed Isa, Mardiah Hayati Abu Bakar, Sarah Munirah Abdullah, Mohd Shaufiq Abdul Latif
A Non- Fungible Token or an NFT is described as a digital certificate representing ownership of, or rights to a unique digital asset, where the ownership is recorded on a non-centralized blockchain (a digital ledger of transactions that is not owned by the state or authoritative bodies). Common examples...

A Literature Review on Risk-Based Premium: Interest Income Versus Moral Hazard

Geodita Woro Bramanti, Ninditya Nareswari, Aang Kunaifi, Muhammad Saiful Hakim
The function of the deposit insurance is to guarantee depositors fund to stabilize the banking industry. However, the higher the percentage of the insurance can increase moral hazard which in the long run causes instability in the banking industry. The application of a risk-based premium and a limited...
Proceedings Article

Application Research on Smart City Traffic Management System Based on Deep Learning Algorithm

Xiaofei Hu, Lu Yu, Xiaofang Guo, Xinting Zhang
This study is aimed at addressing key challenges in smart city traffic management systems: traffic flow prediction and congestion point identification, through the development of a deep learning model that integrates Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), and Graph Neural...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Modified Palm Kernel Meal Utilization to Replacing Corn in The Diets Based on Intestinal Quality and Metabolizable Energy

Ernanda Sofi, Sjofjan Osfar, Muharlien Muharlien, Adli Danung Nur, Saraswati Sinta Ayu
The research conducted to investigated the effect of modified palm kernel meal containing α-β-mannanase to replacing corn in the diets based on nutrient digestibility and intestinal morphology. Twenty hybrid ducks [(Pekin x Khaki Campbell)] aged 52 days (unsexed) with 1623.3 ± 162.17 g BW were divided...

A Comparative Study on the Application of Internet of Things in Smart Farming for Monitoring the Farming

H. Anwer Basha, Arul Mary Rexy, L. N. Jayanthi
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a game-changing piece of technology that promises to have far-reaching repercussions for a variety of business sectors. The fact that it is able to bestow intelligence on commonplace items has important ramifications for both the present and the future of the industries...

Positivity at the Workplace: Organisational Citizenship Behaviour as a Mediator of the Transformational Leadership - Employee Turnover Dyad

Hong-Leong Teh, Shwu-Shing Ng, Yong-Hooi Lim, Tun-Pin Chong, Yen-San Yip, Ka-Fei Lai
Employee turnover is a costly affair, as it can cost up to five times more to hire a new employee than to maintain a current one. Although previous studies highlight transformational leadership as a means to reduce employee turnover, there are insufficient studies that examine the mediating effect of...

Bridging Cultures: Fostering Sustainable Livelihoods and Tourism in Ao Naga Heritage

Limatula Ozukum, V. K. Aswathy
The Ao Naga people, deeply rooted in their cultural heritage, are adeptly navigating the complexities of modernity by embracing sustainable practices that combine traditional wisdom with contemporary methods. The article examines key aspects of their sustainable livelihood strategies, including organic...

Pentahelix Model Collaboration in Tourism Industry Development Policy in Pesawaran Regency

Dian Kagungan, Noverman Duadji, Intan Fitri Meutia
The long-term goal of this research is to produce a model Penta helix collaboration in tourism development in the village of Harapan Jaya, Way Ratay District, Pesawaran Regency. The method used in this study is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach, primary data collected through interviews...

The Efforts of President Emmanuel Macron in Making Islam de France

Thahirah, Djoko Marihandono, Danny Susanto
This article discusses the efforts made by Emmanuel Macron to integrate French Muslims to French society. Each European government, including French, has tried to integrate Muslim population to their respective country’s society. Islam is the second biggest religion in France in terms of its followers....

Multimedia Based English Vocabulary Lesson in The Elementary School: A Classroom Action Research (CAR) Approach

Abdul Wahid, Seny Luhriyani, Riny Jefri
English vocabulary mastery in elementary school is considered low, proven by students’ shared understanding of English. Teaching English vocabulary to children is not an easy problem. If taught by force, it can cause children to become bored quickly. For the results of learning English better, the teacher...

Accounting Conservatism and Earnings Management: Moderating Effect of the Corporate Life Cycle

Wahid Hartam, Etik Kresnawati
Accounting conservatism is a principle that calls for a high degree of verification before a company can make a legal claim to any profits. This principle is not intended to manipulate the amount or timing of reporting financial figures. Theoretically, it should be able to suppress management’s opportunistic...
Proceedings Article

Determining Optimal New Waste Disposal Facilities Location by Using Set Covering Problem Algorithm

Rizki Agam Syahputra, Andriansyah, Prima Denny Sentia, Riski Arifin
The inadequacy of an appropriate location and quantity of Temporary Disposal Facility or TPS in Subulussalam city has caused the municipal waste to be disposed in an arbitrary disposal site that mostly lacks the appropriate norm. In response to the necessity to improve waste management issues in the...

Production effects by form changes of autonomous decentralized FMSs with mind

Hidehiko Yamamoto, Kakeru Yokoi, Takayoshi Yamada
Pages: 295 - 298
In autonomous decentralized FMS, the number of agents and constant installation position has been studied in previous studies. Therefore, in this study, we are considering to change the position of the warehouse and the number of AGVs to redesign the factory form and evaluate the changes in the production...

Discriminating Between Exponential and Lindley Distributions

V. S. Vaidyanathan, A Sharon Varghese
Pages: 295 - 302
In literature, Lindley distribution is considered as an alternate to the exponential distribution. In the present work, a methodology is developed to discriminate between exponential and Lindley distributions based on the ratio of the maximum likelihoods. Asymptotic distribution of the test statistic...

Trust of Virtual Agent in Multi Actor Interactions

Halimahtun M. Khalid, Liew Wei Shiung, Voong Bin Sheng, Martin G. Helander
Pages: 295 - 298
Trust is crucial when integrating virtual agents in human teams. Our study investigated the combined use of psychological and physiological measures in predicting human trust of agents undertaking social tasks. The psychological measures comprised trust scores on ability, benevolence and integrity. The...

Twisted Volterra equation

Sergei D. Silvestrov
Pages: 295 - 299
In this paper an extension of the q-deformed Volterra equation associated with linear rescaling to the general non-linear rescaling is obtained.

On Linear and Non-Linear Representations of the Generalized Poincaré Groups in the Class of Lie Vector Fields

Wilhelm Fushchych, Renat Zhdanov, Victor Lahno
Pages: 295 - 308
We study representations of the generalized Poincaré group and its extensions in the class of Lie vector fields acting in a space of n + m independent and one dependent variables. We prove that an arbitrary representation of the group P(n, m) with max {n, m} 3 is equivalent to the standard one, while...

The Relationship Between Women Household Activity Hours and the Wage Gap Between Men and Women

Shengtong Wan, Yujie Li, Yi Ren
This research paper is aimed to find the correlation between women’s household activities hours and the gender wage gap. We gathered data from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistic (BLS) and the World Bank. In this paper, we considered serval independent variables to control the data, in order to get the most...

i-Maties: Indonesian Translation on an Instrument for Teachers Attitudes Towards Inclusive Education

Khofidotur Rofiah
A cross-cultural study has been performed for decades to enhance inclusive education across diverse cultures and groups. However, even with instruments explicitly built for cross-cultural research, researchers encounter translation challenges from the source language to the target language. Thus, translation...