Proceedings of the Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC 2021)

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120 articles
Proceedings Article

Development of Civics Caring Apps as an Effort to Character Students in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period

Mutiara Imtisyal Ammatulloh, Noviani Permana, Rizwan Firmansyah, Lussy Nur Sha’adah, Zahra Ihsani Izzatunnisa, Dwi Iman Muthaqin
This research presents an approach in cultivating and shaping the character of students at the elementary school level through Prototype Civics Caring (Character Building) Apps as an Android-based learning media that integrates learning models Value Clarification Technique (VCT) with games-based learning...
Proceedings Article

Alternative Affective Assessment of Civic Learning in Distance Learning During the Covid Pandemic 19

Patmisari Patmisari, Alil Rinenggo, Wibowo Heru Prasetiyo
The purpose of this paper is to provide an alternative assessment approach for teachers in civic learning so that it can be used as a reference for civic teachers to conduct the affective assessment. This research is included in the Library Research type of research. Data is obtained from various books,...
Proceedings Article

Online Learning and Character Education Problems During the Covid-19 Pandemic

(A Religious Education Lecturer’s Perspective)

Telly Delly Wua, Apeles Lexi Lonto, Mardan Umar
Character Education remains an educational priority in a variety of situations and conditions, including during the covid-19 pandemic. The urgency of character education cannot be ignored, especially in the midst of the development of technology and information that is increasingly advanced. Interaction...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Online Citizenship Education Learning on Student Motivation During the Coronavirus Pandemic (Covid-19)

Enandia Pandikar, Edy Sofyan
This research was motivated by the conditions of student learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, which affected the effectiveness of Civics education with online learning on student learning motivation of class X at SMAN 2 Padalarang. The formulation of the problem in this study; 1) How is the effectiveness...
Proceedings Article

The Establish of 21st Century Digital Skills for young people’s lived in the New Normal Era

Pitria Sopianingsih, Eva Precilia Lukman
This research is focused on the formation of 21st century digital skills for the younger generation in the new normal era. The skills in question are: communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and problem solving. To get a comprehensive picture of how digital skills in the 21st century make an...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Citizenship Education Teaching Materials Development in Increasing the Effectiveness of Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Dara Aprilla, Kokom Komalasari
Teaching materials are an important aspect in the learning process, because the teaching materials used are a source of knowledge that students accept. The problems that occur during online learning due to the Covid-19 pandemic make teachers need to innovate in choosing and using teaching materials so...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of the Kedirgantaraan Coaching Program in Fostering a Sense of Nationalism in Students

Devi Lia Pebrianti, Dasim Budimansyah
Nationalism in the younger generation has decreased due to the inclusion of various global views and the existence of framing that shows that the government is not being fair to citizens, causing distrust and diminishing the nationalism of the younger generation. This condition shows that there is a...
Proceedings Article

Internalization of Pancasila Values in the Tradition of the Serang Party

Jennyta Caturiasari, Srie Mulyani, Nonik Mahdarani
Pancasila as the ideology of the Indonesian state is a set of values that have been crystallized into a nation’s way of life. The issue of culture and national character is now in the public’s spotlight. The traditional ceremony of the Serang party is one of the regional cultures that is still applied...
Proceedings Article

Distance Learning of Pancasila and Civic Education During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Developing Student Discipline

Putri Utami Wijayati, Dadang Sundawa
The covid-19 pandemic experienced by Indonesians in 2020 has forced the government to close all schools and require learning from home using an online-based distance learning model. In this study aims to find out how distance learning in Pancasila and Civic Education learning is implemented and how students’...
Proceedings Article

Strengthening Character Education Through the Natural School Leadership Curriculum

Trio Saputra, Dasim Budimansyah
Character Education is one of the fields of study that is integrated in Citizenship Education. Every nation needs character education to maintain its existence as a nation, so character education is a very important formulation, especially in strengthening one’s identity as a nation. This study aims...
Proceedings Article

Internalization of the Value of Religious Characters on Students in Civic Education Learning in SMP Negeri 2 Manado

Julien Biringan, Rylien Felicia Limeranto, Maxi Ventje Keintjem
This study aims to describe the internalization of the value of religious characters on students in the Civic Education learning activities in SMP Negeri 2 Manado. The approach used was qualitative in the descriptive data, and the study was focused on the process of internalizing the value of religious...
Proceedings Article

Character Education Through Zoom Cloud Meeting in Distance Learning to Improve Digital Ethnics in Civic Education Learning (Case Study in SMP Al-Fath BSD)

Zepi Khomara, Sapriya Sapriya
Now the world of education indonesia is faced with challenges that must be solved in the learning process. From teachers samapi many students are less able to maximize digitization and banayak complaints obtained due to the adaptation process of learning acceptance from face-to-face models and distance...
Proceedings Article

The Model of Mobile Application-Based Learning in Social Sciences Learning to Enhance Students’ Digital Literacy

Aim Abdulkarim, Neiny Ratmaningsih, Diana Noor Anggraini, Pitria Sopianingsih
In education 4.0 dynamically required to create media, method, and educational material that is increasing digital literacy. The adaptation of digital literacy movement can be integrated with curriculum and the digital learning system. So that, we have to develop mobile application-based learning model...
Proceedings Article

Environmental Law Enforcement Based on Local Wisdom Banjarmasin City Community to Realize Sustainable Environmental Awareness

Harpani Matnuh, Dedy Ari Nugroho
Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is the motto of the state, that represents the diversity and unity of the nation. Indonesia’s diversity is a pride that contains challenges. Banjarmasin as one of the regions in Indonesia, has different characteristics from various aspects. Geographically, Banjarmasin city at an...
Proceedings Article

Excellence Ethnic Characters in Strengthening the Country National Values Identity: An Experience of Indonesia

Carolina Lasambouw, Ediana Sutjiredjeki, Neneng Nuryati
Each country has specific values as the country’s identity, which generally lay in the basic description of the country’s historical background, socio-cultural conditions, and shared values and dreams. In Indonesia, the values of state identity are inside the Five Fundamental Principles known as Pancasila....
Proceedings Article

Local Wisdom in Banjarese Culture Perspective

Wahyu Wahyu
Local wisdom belongs to the local community. This local wisdom is lived, practiced, taught and passed on from one generation to another which at the same time forms the pattern of everyday human behavior, both towards fellow humans and towards nature. Local wisdom is noble values that are believed to...
Proceedings Article

Reconstruction of the Process of Legal Education in Shaping the Character of Children in Conflict with Law

Yayang Furi Furnamasari, Susan Fitriasari
Juvenile delinquency is one of the complex and comprehensive social problems, which my head of the pace of development because the problem can be detrimental to the safety, peace, and security both spiritual and physical or social life directly or indirectly. Therefore, legal education through both formal...
Proceedings Article

Education for Citizens in the New Era: Challenges and Opportunities in Realizing Constitutional Rights

Sjamsi Pasandaran, Deitje Adolfien Katuuk
This study examines the challenges and problems in the context of fulfilling the constitutional rights of citizens’ education in the new era. The purpose of this study is to identify challenges and opportunities as well as efforts to develop education for citizens in fulfilling their constitutional rights...
Proceedings Article

Perceptions of Coastal Communities on Environmental Based Civic Culture

Mariatul Kiptiah, Wahyu Wahyu
Coastal communities are a group of people who live together inhabiting coastal areas to form and have a distinctive culture related to their dependence on the use of coastal resources. The understanding of coastal communities in civic culture is that civic culture is an idea related to the moral or ethical...
Proceedings Article

Environment-Based School Curriculum as a Character Forming Care Environment

Rabiatul Adawiah
In the education system, the curriculum has a very strategic role in realizing quality schools. A good curriculum will create a quality school, and a quality school will provide education according to the needs of the community. One need that is felt to be very urgent is the formation of attitudes and...