Proceedings of the Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC 2021)

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120 articles
Proceedings Article

Realizing the Philanthropy Movement Through Citizenship Education Learning at Independent Campuses

Agil Nanggala, Karim Suryadi
The study of Citizenship Education that accommodates efforts to realize the philanthropic movement in society is still lacking, even though the philanthropic movement reflects Citizenship Education, because it is dedicated, voluntary and humanitarian, especially after the implementation of an independent...
Proceedings Article

Three Methods of Online Learning in Studying Law for Students’ Critical Thinking: Which One is More Effective?

Agustinus Tampubolon, Margi Wahono, Pat Kurniati, Matang Matang, Wachid P
The pandemic condition for online learning of Civics Education created not only a challenge for students but also for teachers, material dealing with law for students in Senior High School was considered difficult because it contained only theory and concepts. This caused students to tend to be less...
Proceedings Article

Moral and Character Rehabilitation of Drug’s Victims Through Moral-Spiritual Approach as an Effort to Build a Charactered Citizens

Ahmad Qudsi, Suwarma Al Muchtar, Prayoga Bestari
The Surface problem of this research is the dangerous impact of the drug. The impact of drug use is not only limited to physical damage but also causes moral damage and the character of the drug victim. The morals and character of the Indonesian nation should have been passed on to adolescents but because...
Proceedings Article

Reconstruction from Models of Political Education for Beginners to Improve Political Literation: Learning from the Jambore Democracy Student Program

Al Rafni, Suryanef Suryanef, Azwar Ananda, Nurman. S
Jamboree democracy students is one of the programs from the Commission Electoral General (KPU) Padang in educating the students to understand the election and learning democracy in general. The program is attractive because that combines the activities of Political Education with the scouting activities....
Proceedings Article

The Role of Citizens Education in Forming The Character of Global Citizens

Amar Ma’ruf, Marzuki Marzuki
This study aims to find the character values of global citizens in civic education. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. There are two sources of data used in this study, namely primary data and secondary data. Primary data is obtained from respondents who are selected based on the intended...
Proceedings Article

Strengthening Digital Literacy to Develop Technology Wise Attitude Through Civic Education

Anisah Dwi Indah Sari, Karim Suryadi
This study aims to decide the strengthening of digital literacy in developing technology-wise attitudes through Civics. In the rapid development of technology, it requires people to understand the rules that govern the order in technology, such as social media. The technology literate generation must...
Proceedings Article

Designing Tolerance Learning in Higher Education to Prepare Students as Global Citizens

Asep Mahpudz, Anthonius Palimbong
One of the important aspects observed in the association of students in higher education today is the attitude of tolerance towards other people. At the Teaching and Education Faculty of Tadulako University, many students come from various ethnicities, religions, regions and have different language backgrounds....
Proceedings Article

Internalization of the Value of Political Education Through the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Approach in Citizenship Education Subjects in the Digital Era

Asep Nurjaman, Dasim Budimansyah
The Recent political developments in Indonesia, especially the political awareness of the younger generation who lack political education, became the initial concern of this research. This study aims to describe the process of internalizing the values of Political Education through the Contextual Teaching...
Proceedings Article

Pancasila Literacy to Build Insightful Citizenship Civilization Environment in the Industrial Age 4.0

Bali Widodo, Suwarma Al Muchtar, Endang Danial AR
Many factors can cause damage and environmental pollution. Natural damage can be caused by human factors. Human population and environmental problems cannot be separated. Human needs for food, fuel, shelter, and other needs as well as the increase in domestic waste have the potential to cause damage...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Blended Learning With the Syncronous and Asyncronus System in Civic Education Courses

Cahyono Cahyono, Endang Danial, Idrus Affandi, Iim Siti Masyitoh
The 21st century is one of the most rapid technological developments. With the term industrial revolution 4.0, it has driven various technological advances in various fields of life. The advancement of educational technology is one of the impacts of technological developments that occurred in the 21st...
Proceedings Article

Lessons for Citizens Regarding Government Efforts to Promote Covid-19 Vaccines: Responses and Challenges to Post-Pandemic Citizenship Education

Chris Apandie, Silvia Rahmelia
Presence of Covid-19 vaccine does not actually imply public consent and obedience to the government’s rule for vaccine injections. There are still citizens who do not follow this vaccination rule, especially in Indonesia there are many concerns about effectiveness of it’s vaccine. Disobedience of citizens...
Proceedings Article

Increasing Community Legal Awareness About the Implementation of Islamic Sharia Law in the City of Sabang in Civic Esucation Perspective

Desi Oktaviana, Prayoga Bestari
There needs to be public awareness in applying the rules of Islamic Shari’a that the rules are made for themselves and the surrounding community. Awareness is not only a cognitive thing but is related to the reality of behavior in the surrounding environment. Violations of Islamic Shari’a are still common...
Proceedings Article

Value of Local Wisdom in the Pillars of Cianjur Culture

Dina Indriyani, Kokom Komalasari, Elly Malihah, Susan Fitriasari
Indonesia has a variety of local wisdom that lives and develops in the community. Local wisdom that lives and develops in the community is formed through a long and crystallized process in the form of customary law, belief and culture. Therefore, local wisdom can be interpreted as a norm that is practiced...
Proceedings Article

Responding the Constraints of Building Student-Teacher-Parent Relationships to Improve Student’s Civic Disposition Phenomenological Studies in Civic Education Online Based Learning

Dwi Asih Triska Wardhani, Susan Fitriasari
Online learning provides a new pattern of relationships between students, teachers, and parents. There are various obstacles in building the right new relationship patterns. So that student’s civic disposition have many challenges to improve. This article aims to explore how teachers, students, and parents...
Proceedings Article

The Effort to Preserve the Art of Reyog Kendang as a Local Wisdom in Tulungagung Regency

Erika Novitasari, Iim Siti Masyitoh
The flow of globalization brings many influences in various dimensions of life. One of them is in terms of culture. In the midst of the rise of foreign cultures that enter, as good citizens must always maintain the existence of our own regional culture. Art is the result of human culture that must be...
Proceedings Article

Strengthening Digital Citizenship Through Digital-Based Civics Learning

Ernawati Simatupang, Abdul Azis Wahab
The development of the world of technology has had a major influence and impact on human life, especially in the world of education and the main users are high school students, where the function of technology is not only seen as a tool but also as a support for successful teaching and learning. Therefore,...
Proceedings Article

Youth Voters’ Behavior in Pilkada to Realize Civic Skills (Study of Description of Medan State University Students’ Perceptions in the 2020 Medan Mayor Election)

Fahmi Khalehar, Cecep Darmawan, Prayoga Bestari
The behavior of youth voters in Pilkada to realize Civic Skills is an interesting study in looking at the involvement of citizens (youth) in political and government life, especially in Pilkada in city government areas. This study aims to identify and describe and explore students’ perceptions of voter...
Proceedings Article

Digital Mind Mapping Learning Model to Increase Student Creativity

Fajar Bagja Gumilar Winata, Rahmat Rahmat
This study aims to empirically test the effectiveness of civic education learning using digital mind mapping learning model to the creativity of learners. The sample of this study is students of class XI Science 1 Majalengka 1 Senior high school as an experimental class. This study uses quantitative...
Proceedings Article

The Life Skills and Careers of Citizens in the Digital Age of Pancasila and Citizenship Education Curriculum Content

Farid Firdaus, Aim Abdulkarim
The article considers the rapid developments in information technology today, make all areas of life becomes all-digital, that eventually leads to a new era, which is the digital age. In this digital age, young citizens need to have life skills and careers to adapt with the competition and challenges...
Proceedings Article

Organizational Leadership Management Through Pancasila Values in Character Building

Farid Wajdi
The purpose of this study is to describe the management of organizational leadership through the values of Pancasila in character building in students of the Pancasila and Citizenship Education study program for the 2020 academic year USN Kolaka, which participates in the student association as its organization....
Proceedings Article

Pandemic Pedagogy

Struggle and Dilemma Pancasila and Civics Education Teacher in Serving Students’ Right to Learn

Fatimah Fatimah
To face the COVID-19 crisis, the Ministry of Education and Culture launched a Freedom of Learning policy which was strengthened by local government policies and the local education office as a policy to fulfill the right to education, including the right to obtain learning. However, teachers of Pancasila...
Proceedings Article

Measurement Invariance of Religious Tolerance Across the Student Groups

Feniawati Darmana, Adriza Adriza, Achmad Bachrudin
Study on the measurement of religious tolerance between two student groups was the analysis on the reliability and the validity of the combined groups, but the analysis result was still doubt because whether the measurement qualities are equivalent to cross the student groups or not. Concept of the religious...
Proceedings Article

Internalization of Character Education in Civic Education Learning Based on Multiple Intelligence

Fera Amalia Rabbani, Muhammad Halimi
This study aims to understand the concept of multiple intelligence-based learning that defines that different intelligences having by each individual, multiple intelligences itself is seen by researchers as possible in the application of character education because it has the characteristics of autonomy...
Proceedings Article

Social and Cultural Conditions of Communities Around Mining Areas (Potential Conflicts Around Tokatindung Mining Area)

Ferdinand Kerebungu, Siti Fathimah, Sanita Carolina Sasea
Social conflict is a social phenomenon that is often observed in co-life and the cause of occurrence can be caused by various problems that are happening in society. Such conditions are not desired by many people, but because of the situation and conditions that exist in a society that causes social...
Proceedings Article

The National Tolerance of Z Generation

Fikri Fauzi Ma’mur, Rahmat Rahmat
This research is motivated by the concept of national tolerance fostered early on by the nation’s founders, especially the youth oath fighters have begun to erode, evidenced by the many cases of intolerance that occur among adolescents (Gen-Z). This study aims to find out how the concept of national...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Citizenship Education (Community Civic) to Build Citizens Awareness in Developing Local Culture

Hamdi Abdullah Hasibuan, Suwarma Al Muchtar, Iim Siti Masyitoh
This study is based on the existence of a local culture that is increasingly experiencing degradation, slowly being replaced by technology. Interesting against traditional local cultures that are displaced by the technology is modern, practical, and attractive. So that people care less about their own...
Proceedings Article

Development of Digital Citizenship Model Based on Digital Literacy of Students in High School During the Covid-9 Pandemic in Bandung Indonesia

Endang Danial, Susan Fitriani, Dede Iswandi, Thoriq Abdul Azis, Hesty Khoirusnaini
The dependence of students learning with digital technology media is strong to access various information, both at school and at home, alone or with friends. Students are young citizens who strategically determine their nation in the future. Their digital literacy degree is highly requested to access,...
Proceedings Article

Saprahan Local Wisdom Melayu Sambas as a Source of Civil Learning

Hasmika Hasmika, Endang Danial AR
This study aims to examine the relationship between the local wisdom of the Saprahan tradition of the Malay community in Sambas Regency which has the potential as a vehicle for Civics learning resources. This is based on the fact that the local wisdom of the Saprahan tradition reflects good values as...
Proceedings Article

Religious Moderation in the Framework of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika in Indonesia

I Komang Widyana, I Made Darsana, I Gede Arya Juni Arta
Indonesia is an archipelago consisting of various ethnicities and religions. Where Pancasila as the nation’s ideology states that the state is based on the One Godhead, which means that every religion in Indonesia has the same belief in One God. This meeting point is what unites multicultural life. Unity...
Proceedings Article

Building Civic Responsibility and Democratic Attitudes of Students in Learning Pancasila and Civic Education

Irfan Virgiawan, Dadang Sundawa
During the covid-19 pandemic, the space for activity was restricted by the government of almost all country in the world, including educational activities in Indonesia which had turned into online learning. This is a problem, especially in the application of character education for students in building...
Proceedings Article

Youth National Identity

Masalili Textile Weaving: Nusantara’s Masterpiece for the World

Irma Irayanti
Weaving textile is one of the regional identities, which is local wisdom that needs to be preserved. The wide variety of weaving textiles signifies and characterizes the diversity of cultures that exist in the Nusantara. Preserving traditional weaving textile is one of the efforts to foster a love of...
Proceedings Article

Civic Education Textbook Presentation of Seventh Grade Based on Cultural Literacy and Citizenship

Ismi Sujastika, Aim Abdulkarim
The purpose of this study was to develop a civic education textbook presentation of seventh grade Based on Cultural Literacy and Citizenship. The background of this research is the importance of cultural and civic literacy skills that must be possessed by students. Cultural literacy and citizenship are...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Multicultural Values in the Interaction of Transmigration Communities Through “Malakok” in Nagari Sungai Sirah Silaut

Isnarmi Moeis, Junaidi Indrawadi, Cici Nur Azizah, Roni Priyoga Putra
Minangkabau, is one of the largest ethnic groups in Indonesia that has uniqueness in the context of a multicultural society. In this ethnic, there is a tradition that unites immigrants and indigenous tribes by entering migrants into one of the existing tribes, called Malakok. The life of the immigrant...
Proceedings Article

Supervision of Learning in Online Learning Perspective in the Pandemic Era of Covid 19

Jaenem Jaenem, Zulkifli Zulkifli
Physical separation between teacher and learner activities and no face-to-face presence are the characteristics of the online learning system that must be implemented by the teachers during the covid 19 pandemic. Therefore, the implementation of learning supervision carried out by the principals is focused...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Thematic Praxis Module in Children’s Literature Prose learning Based on Nationalism Character in Elementary School

Kurniasih Kurniasih, Dwi Heryanto, Faisal Sadam Murron
This paper studies the development of thematics modules of children’s literature in character-based prose learning in elementary school. This study was motivated from several empirical facts where in recent years, the degradation of national identity and moral value becomes evident. From those concerns,...
Proceedings Article

Blended Learning System in Civic Education Courses to Develop Humanity Literacy

Kusnadi Kusnadi, Sapriya Sapriya, Dasim Budimansyah, Abdul Aziz Wahab
Humanity literacy is the end of data and technology literacy because 21st century learners are human resources who are literate with data and technology and can use them for a nobler life. Civic Education has a central role in building the quality of education in Indonesia, especially the development...
Proceedings Article

Character Etiquette for Surfing in Cyberspace

Endrise Septina Rawanoko, Kokom Komalasari, Suwarma Al Muchtar, Prayoga Bestari
This article tries to find a formula for building a civilization with the character through education. The method used is literature study as part of a quantitative approach to research. As a result, three things need to be further developed in the world of character education for surfing in cyberspace,...
Proceedings Article

The Involvement of Social Media as a Discourse Social Tasikmalaya Residents for the Implementation of the Local Election in the Pandemic Period

Lisda Nurul Romdoni, Karim Suryadi
Corona Virus Disease 2019 or what we usually call Covid-19 has currently hit the country of Indonesia, with the transmission of the virus that is rapidly spreading. This is because humans get threats that can affect their health. Not only that, this virus can also affect social, economic and political...
Proceedings Article

Building A Citizens Education Learning Community Through Online Collaborative Learning

Listyaningsih Listyaningsih, Maya Mustika Kartika Sari, Nur Siami Fitriawati, Dhinendra Choirum Min Alfi Syach, Reri Febriana Umbas
Advances in technology have changed the way learning has been done so far. In the midst of the covid-19 pandemic, forcing all parties to use the internet in various ways, including in the world of education. The learning process carried out so far with face-to-face has turned into online learning. Citizenship...
Proceedings Article

The Role of the Nation’s Identity Courses Towards Historical Value of Karawang City

Lusiana Rahmatiani
This study aims to describe the role of the nation’s identity courses in the historical value of karawang city. The fading of the identity of the nation is reflected in the young behavior of the nation such as hedonist, feudal, and individualist nature in various areas of life covering the political,...
Proceedings Article

Developing Character in Students Based on Conservation Values, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Masrukhi Masrukhi, AT. Sugeng Priyanto, Supriyanto Supriyanto, Margi Wahono
Universitas Negeri Semarang, which has a vision as a conservation-oriented university with international reputation which was declared in 2010, has an important role in the context of developing the character of its students. The meaning of conservation itself, which does not only have a physical connotation,...
Proceedings Article

Student Indicator of Social Media Addiction That Lead to Conflict

Matang Matang, Bunyamin Maftuh, Elly Malihah, Ilham Hudi
Students are now known as the second generation digital native who is very familiar with social media. This generation was born and grew as social media became more established. Massive use in addition to generational characteristics, the COVID-19 pandemic has become an alternative to various purposes...
Proceedings Article

Students’ Perception Towards Pancasila and Civic Education Learning Based on Living Values Education

Maya Kusmayanti, Kokom Komalasari, Tubagus Saputra
Learning Pancasila and Civic Education based on Living Values Education is a positive innovation step as an attempt to strengthen the values of life so that students will have anti-radicalism attitude. The aim of this study is to find out how students perceive the learning of Pancasila and Civic Education...
Proceedings Article

Strengthening the Organization of the Aliansi Indonesia Damai in Internalizing Peace Values

Muchsidin Ichwal, Sapriya Sapriya
The values of peace in society face challenges with the existence of various cases of radicalism and terrorism in society, this is because there are people who want the community to be in a state of conflict and the spread of teachings that are misused for the benefit of the group. This study used a...
Proceedings Article

Building Digital Citizenship Literacy Skills Through 21st Century Skill-Based Civics Learning with Information Media and Technology Skills

Muhamad Saleh, Kokom Komalasari, Sapriya Sapriya, Iim Siti Masyitoh
The era of the 21st century currently brings very rapid changes and has a significant impact on all aspects, including in the world of education, especially learning activities. Components and skills that exist in the 21st century consist of critical thinking and problem-solving skills, creativity and...
Proceedings Article

The Policy of Indonesian People’s Wave Party (Gelora) in Response to the Phenomenon of a Political Dynasty in Indonesia

Muhammad Ali Hanafi, Idrus Affandi
This study aims to find out the policy of Gelora Party in response to the phenomenon of a political dynasty in Indonesia. A political dynasty in Indonesian cannot necessarily be prohibited because it is the right of each individual or group. However, a political dynasty impacts negatively on society...
Proceedings Article

Civic Education as a Means to Build Social Care Characters for Students with Disabilities

Muhammad Rochmat Alashary, Dadang Sundawa
Education for children with special needs or persons with disabilities is indeed very important, because it supports their belief in attending education levels according to the level of intelligence they have. As for the instrument regarding education guarantee for all groups without exception, in fact...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Gender Equality in the Civic Education Textbook in Indramayu High School

Nunung Nurjanah, Aim Abdulkarim, Kokom Komalasari, Prayoga Bestari
The content of the Civic Education textbook based on gender equality is important and relevant to study, considering that Civic Education is oriented to realizing democratic values and human rights, including the right to equal treatment without discrimination on the basis of gender. The purpose of this...
Proceedings Article

Utilization of E-Commerce in the Industrial Era 4.0 for UPI Students in Strengthening the Economic Civics

Nurlela Agustina, Dadang Sundawa
This research is motivated by advances in the digital world that have brought significant transformations to the economic system. Changes in the order of life in the economic aspects brought about by the digital world provide various opportunities for citizens to build their citizenship economy. Economic...
Proceedings Article

Controlling Hoax of Covid-19: Capturing Moral Messages from Social Events

Oksiana Jatiningsih, Windita Mei Bella Averina, Miftakhul Hidayah
The corona 19 virus pandemic requires everyone to understand and realize how each individual has an important role in controlling the spread. Learning from home policies, working from home, social distancing, or not going home before Eid, which are proclaimed by the government will only be perceived...
Proceedings Article

Contextual Teaching Learning in the Development of a Student’s Environmental Care Attitude During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Paloma Humana, Rahmat Rahmat
The world of education is one of the vital assets for the progress of a nation, which is currently being hampered by the Covid-19 pandemic, so that teaching and learning activities in schools have changed drastically into online learning from their respective homes. This is a challenge in itself for...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Higher Order Thinking Skills

Assessment Instrument for Online Learning Civic Education

Pebriyenni Pebriyenni, Muslim Muslim, Sumarni Sumarni, Azwar Ananda
This research purposed to conduce the Higher Order Thinking Skills test instrument. The instrument was displayed into a valid and reliable questionnaire to obtain information from XI grade student’s HOTS on Civics Education subject. The research was settled at Universitas Bung Hatta Padang. It was adapted...
Proceedings Article

Developing Expected Learning Outomes for the Bachelor of Business Administration Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Prince of Songkla University

Phathara-on Wesarat, Rudsada Kaewsaeng-on, Daranat Tansui, Kanyaprin Tongsamsi, Parichard Benrit, Warrapojn Panrod, Nursahida Useng
Educational standards are extremely important to educational sector worldwide because they could be used to ensure that all students attain their educational goals. To reach high educational standards, expected learning outcomes should not only be clear, measurable, and achievable, but also should reflect...
Proceedings Article

Digital Racism: A New Form of Racism, A Threat to the Integrity of the Nation

Pipi Karmila, Dasim Budimansyah
Media transformation and interaction through digital space born in the circle of globalization, encourage Indonesians to become a digital society by relying on their interactions through cyberspace. Advances in information and communication technology provide convenience in people’s lives. However, it...
Proceedings Article

Realizing Social Capital Gain Through Civic Engagement: Lessons for Indonesia’s Decentralization

Prama Wiratama, Didik Gunawan Suharto, Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni
This review aims to elaborate on the importance of social capital in handling the COVID-19 pandemic and rise discussion of social capital in the context of Indonesia’s decentralization. Based on the recommendations of this review, it is expected that Indonesia’s government can accomplish the ideals of...
Proceedings Article

Analysis Management Policy of Laboratory School in Indonesia University of Education

Prayoga Bestari
This research analyzes the management policy of the laboratory school of the University of Education in Indonesia, which aims to provide students with educational services, as well as a practical place for future professional teachers and a practical development place for various educational innovations....
Proceedings Article

Students’ Perceptions of the Use of Instagram Social Media as One of Generation Z’s Political Education Facilities

Radifa Hudia, Idrus Affandi
Based on the mandate of the law, women can be active in politics at least 30%. However, in fact, since 1955-2014, the 30 percent female participation rate has not even been fulfilled. Therefore, it is important to find a breakthrough for political education. And one of them uses social media Instagram...
Proceedings Article

Revitalization of State Defense Through Military Operations Other Than War “Civic Mission” During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Ratu Aulia, Cecep Darmawan
This study aims to determine the revitalization of state defense through Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW) “Civic Mission” during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the COVID-19 pandemic has spread throughout the world and Indonesia. This pandemic has made the awareness of defending the country more...
Proceedings Article

SOMEAH (Solidaritas Mental Health) Platform as an Effort to Increase Civic Disposition to Generation Z Mental Illness in the Digital Age

Renita Wildy Hernanda, Ane Rahma Sapitri, Khofifah Al Adawiyah, Riska Amalia, Dwi Iman Muthaqin
Indonesia is one of the countries prone to mental illness. Mental disorders can occur due to several factors such as genetic, environmental, and social. The mental health of citizens is an integral part of the health and welfare aspects of the state, it is also closely related to the development of the...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Rain Water Harvesting Movement on Social Care of Citizens

(Case Study at Harapan Jaya Kalidoni Housing in Palembang)

Reta Luciani, Dasim Budimansyah
This study aims to determine the effect of rain water harvesting movement on citizens’ social care. Citizen participation rain water harvesting movement, citizen social care are mutually sustainable aspects. Citizen participation in managing and preserving the environment can have a positive impact on...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Panca Dharma Satya in Student Character Education

(Case Study in Student Activity Unit of Mahawarman Student Regiment Battalion XI Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)

Reza Adriantika Suntara, Idrus Affandi
This study discusses the implementation of Panca Dharma Satya as an ideological concept that is the basis for implementing the life of the Student Regiment organization. The research was conducted at the Student Activity Unit Student Regiment Mahawarman Battalion XI Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia....
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Emotional Intelligence, Moral Intelligence and Intellectual Intelligence on Characters Caring for the Environmental School Students in the Perspective of Civic Education

Rhindra Puspitasari, Dasim Budimansyah, Sapriya Sapriya, Rahmat Rahmat
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of: emotional intelligence, moral intelligence, and intellectual intelligence on the environmental care character of elementary school students in Temanggung district in the perspective of civic education, both partially and simultaneously. This type...
Proceedings Article

Using Problem Based Learning Based Online Learning to Improve Senior High School Students Problem Solving Skills

Rifda Indrawsari, Rahmat Rahmat
This study focuses on the results of testing online-based problem learning model in senior high school students to improve students’ problem solving skills in Civic education. It is expected that from this study, students can think critically on the issues discussed in civics learning both through the...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Civics Teachers in Implementing Entrepreneurship-Based Distance Learning in Shaping the Character of Students at SMPN 12 Bandung

Rina Mariana, Sapriya Sapriya
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought significant impact on all aspects of human life in the world. Almost all governments across the world implement policy to stop activities outside the house and switch it to activities at home, which is also known as ‘stay at home.’ The field of education, which is also...
Proceedings Article

Civic Virtue Development in Social and Economic Fields Through Social Entrepreneurship

Rina Susanti, Karim Suryadi
The purpose of this study is to examine efforts to foster civic virtue in the social and economic fields through social entrepreneurship. This study uses a qualitative approach with a systematic literature review (SLR) study method. Sources of information collected in this paper were obtained from various...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Model Type MURDER Assisted by Interactive Quiz Media on Student Learning Outcomes

Rini Anggraeni, Kokom Komalasari
This study aims to determine the effect of cooperative learning model, mood, understand, recall, detect, expand, review assisted by interactive quiz on student learning outcomes. Since the pandemic has spread throughout the world, it has had an impact on various fields, including in the field of learning...
Proceedings Article

The Transformation of the Value of Piil Pesenggiri Local Wisdom in Building Harmony Between Natives and Immigrants

Riska Dewi Anggraini, Susan Fitriasari
The Indonesian nation is a pluralistic nation. These characteristics are manifested in an atmosphere of harmonious community life due to the development of tolerance marked by mutual cooperation, thus forming an identity in a certain tribe. One of them is the philosophy of life that developed in Lampung...
Proceedings Article

The Utilization of Mobile Learning “Be One” in the Pancasila and Civics Subject

(A Case Study of Grade 8 Students at Baleendah 1 Junior High School)

Risna Lestari, Muhammad Halimi
The spread of the COVID-19 virus has a direct impact on various LIFE aspects, one of which is the education sector. The efforts to prevent the COVID-19 virus in educational settings are performed through online learning activities from home. The development of information and communication technology...
Proceedings Article

The Volunteerism Actualization of the Young Generation During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Risti Nur Rohmawati, Idrus Affandi, Leni Anggraeni
The increase in Covid-19 cases in Indonesia is at a very worrying level. Seen from the booming number of Covid-19 patients in various hospitals. Covid-19 is a common problem that must be immediately resolved, therefore the participation of all elements is needed, not only the regional central government...
Proceedings Article

Distant Education: Online Learning for Civic Education

Riza Alrakhman, Dasim Budimansyah, Sapriya Sapriya
This paper examines online learning in civic education using distance education. Online learning has become more rapid when Corona Virus Disease 19 (COVID 19) hit Indonesia. Online learning demands efficiency for educators and students to develop independent studying. Using technology for educational...
Proceedings Article

Developing Legal Conscious Behavior on Implementing Protocol of Health Covid-19 in Pekanbaru

Roby Rahman, Dadang Sundawa, Iim Siti Masyitoh
Coronavirus 2019 or COVID-19 is a pandemic that has resulted in high mortality rates in various parts of the world. Good knowledge about the COVID-19 pandemic and clean and healthy living behavior as an effort to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 is important to implement. This study will examine...
Proceedings Article

Online Learning in Civic Education to Increase Understanding of Human Rights Through Ebooks

Royan Abdurrahman, Endang Danial
This research is motivated by the lack of use of media in learning. In the world of education now there have been various advances in the field of technology to support the learning process so that it becomes easier to digest, but along with this progress, it is not directly proportional to the ability...
Proceedings Article


The Moral Root of ‘Urang Banjar’ for Banua Ethno Citizenship from the Pancasila Perspective

Sarbaini Sarbaini
The discourse on citizenship from the Indonesian perspective is hardly heard, let alone seriously discussed. Even more sad is the results of the study on Citizenship in Indonesia, citizens are often understood as something that is treated as subordinate. Are there no moral roots that underlie Pancasila-based...
Proceedings Article

Boarding School Character Development for Character Discipline and Responsibility

Sefta Nugraha Dwiputra, Muhammad Halimi
This study discusses the role of boarding schools in character building discipline and responsibility. Many problems are related to the character of discipline and responsibility, such as not complying with rules such as traffic regulations, physical distancing regulations during the pandemic. This researcher...
Proceedings Article

The Use of the VCT Model in Civic Education to Build the Moral Awareness of Students in the Global Era

Shelvy Oktavia S, Aim Abdulkarim
This study aims to provide an overview of the use of the VCT (Value Clarification Technique) model in Civic Education to foster students’ moral awareness. In the current global era, there are many moral crises experienced by students caused by a lack of moral awareness. The design used in this study...
Proceedings Article

Cultural Shock and Distance Learning Solutions in Pancasila and Citizenship Education to Build Ideal Citizens

Jamaludin Jamaludin, Shofia Nurun Alanur S
Cultural shock is a condition that can cause environmental confusion with a new culture, which can lead to negative emotions. This situation occurred in the Civics learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic. Learning Pancasila and Civics are expected to be a bridge to form ideal citizens who have...
Proceedings Article

The Role of the Community in Empowerment and Strengthening Citizenship Economy

(Case Study in KWSLP Community at the City of Palu, Central Sulawesi)

Siti Amanah, Endang Danial
Economic growth is closely related to the welfare of society where it is said that a prosperous society is a society that has a better life. This means that all the needs of the community are met properly, without any shortcomings. Problem. The problems in social welfare that are developing today show...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Non-Governmental Organization as a Civil Society in Corruption Supervision

Sri Rahayu, Cecep Darmawan
The case of corruption in Indonesia has become a very crucial problem, which threatens various sectors of life, one of which is in government. Various efforts have been made by the government, including the establishment of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). However, it is not enough to establish...
Proceedings Article

Hybrid Learning in Civic Education During Pandemic Covid-19 in International School

Sri Maesaroh, Iim Siti Masyitoh
One of the challenges in civic education during the pandemic Covid-19 for students is learning lost. Learning lost is students loss focus and motivation when participating in learning activities because face to face learning was replaced by distance learning. This is due the fact that distance learning...
Proceedings Article

Transformation of a Character Learning Culture for Students in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era

Supriyanto Supriyanto, Masrukhi Masrukhi
Education as a process of cultural transformation means a form of cultural inheritance from one generation to another. The purpose of this study was to examine how the transformation of the character learning culture among students in the Covid-19 pandemic era. The method used in this study used a qualitative...
Proceedings Article

Activation of the Role of Tetrahelix to Strengthen Students’ Awareness in Learning During Pandemic

Rahmat Rahmat, Sapriya Sapriya, Sri Wahyuni
Online learning. is one of the educational transformations during the pandemic as an effort to narrow the spread and transmission of the Covid-19 virus. However, the consequences of changes without the readiness of various parties, have led to the emergence of an educational crisis that has an impact...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Civics Textbooks in Framework of the 21st Century Learning

Syukron Saputra, Aim Abdulkarim
The goal of this study is to have a better understanding of Civics Class X texts in the context of the 21st Century Learning Framework. Students in the 21st century are expected to have a variety of abilities, critical thinking and problem solving, creativity and invention, communication, and cooperation...
Proceedings Article

Character Building of Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic Through Civic Education Learning

Theodorus Pangalila, Darmawan Edi Winoto
The Covid-19 pandemic that hit all countries globally has had a significant impact on education. Online learning at home brings fundamental problems for students, especially in shaping the character building of students. The purpose of this study was to determine how to improve student character through...
Proceedings Article

Values of Local Wisdom in the Traditional of Tepung Tawar

Tri Utami, Hasmika Hasmika
The Indonesian nation is a nation that has a diversity of religions, ethnicities, races, cultures, customs and traditions that are spread throughout Indonesia. Indonesia’s diversity is a wealth as well as a blessing that must be maintained and preserved for the Indonesian people. The tepung tawar tradition...
Proceedings Article

The Role of the AMAN in Strengthening Citizenship Competencies of Indigenous People Regarding to Customary Land Rights

Usman Alhudawi, Iim Siti Masyitoh
The vulnerability to taking over the living areas of indigenous peoples has led to efforts to increase the potential of citizenship in addressing the issue of communal land in their territories. This study aims to examine the role of Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN) in relation to efforts to...
Proceedings Article

Dynamic Political Thought of Muhammadiyah About Indonesian State

Wildan Nurul Fajar, Idrus Affandi, Karim Suryadi, Dadang Kahmad
This study focused on dynamic problems of Muhammadiyah political thoughts about Indonesian State. Moreover, this study aimed to analyze and describe the development of Muhammadiyah political thoughts about Indonesian State therefore it would be able to develop the structures or parts of Civic Education...
Proceedings Article

Promoting the Values of Pancasila for Elemntary School Through Interactive Learning Media: Responding to Challenges and Responses of Citizenship Education in a Pandemic Covid-19

Yayuk Hidayah, Suyitno Suyitno, Meiwatizal Trihastuti
The purpose of this study was to analyze and study about promoting the values of Pancasila for Elementary Schools through interactive learning media. This study was also carried out to answer the challenges and responses of Citizenship Education in the Covid-19 pandemic. This research was literature...
Proceedings Article

Intervention of State Defense Efforts in Civic Education Through Animation Learning Media

Yoana Ade KusumahWitanto, Cecep Darmawan
An understanding of the awareness of State Defense will lead to a cautious attitude in citizens, namely by carrying out early detection and early warning and being able to monitor, observe, observe various developing problems so that potential threats cannot be realized even though citizens are aware...
Proceedings Article

Legal Covariance Model: Volkgeist-Based Legal Learning Design in Civic Education in the New Normal Era

Dadang Sundawa, Dwi Iman Muthaqin, Kanigara Hawari, Baeihaqi Baeihaqi
Legal education as a body of knowlagde of civic education plays an important role in community development. This is because the law forms habits in the community. In the new normal era, the development of legal awareness is carried out online/blended learning. The reason is the situation and condition...
Proceedings Article

Strengthening Legal Knowledge Through E-Legal Basic Learning Methods

Dwi Iman Muthaqin, Baeihaqi Baeihaqi
This article examines the importance of conducting effective learning for non-law faculty students who study law comprehensively. The problem that occurs is during the covid-19 pandemic where lectures are required to be carried out online. The learning process carried out by lecturers to students in...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Students’ Digital Citizenship Practices on Distance Learning Activities During Pandemic Covid-19

Devita Puspa Sari, Sapriya Sapriya, Susan Fitriasari
This paper describes how students practice digital citizenship in distance learning conditions during the covid-19 pandemic. The position of technology changed the foundation of education that was initially done face-to-face switching to online learning activities. This situation certainly requires a...
Proceedings Article

Students’ Entrepreneurial Intelligence Development Through Program Mahasiswa Wirausaha(PMW) at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Syaifullah Syaifullah, Dwi Iman Muthaqin, Nisrina Nurul Insani, Pitria Sopianingsih, Elda Dwi Pratiwi
Currently, the number of unemployed young people, including university graduates, is still very high. To reduce the number of unemployed, the government launched the National Entrepreneurship Movement (GKN) with the hope that the new workforce will no longer rely on the availability of existing jobs...
Proceedings Article

Podcasts: Media to Increase Student Learning Motivation

Nisrina Nurul Insani
Students in learning experience obstacles in carrying out their rights and obligations due to the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Online learning set by the government as an educational emergency actually has another impact in the learning process. Students have difficulty carrying out online...
Proceedings Article

Independent Learning in the Covid-19 Pandemic

Susan Fitriasari, Akhmad Fauzi
The COVID-19 pandemic demands that learning be carried out through online learning so that it requires educators to be more able to create spiritual nuances. Online learning requires educators to be as creative as possible to create a fun learning media so that online learning is not saturating. Online...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Civic Skill in the Student Exchange Program Merdeka Belajar - Kampus Merdeka Policy

Susan Fitriasari, Nisrina Nurul Insani, Dede Iswandi, Sarah Raudlatul Aulia
Civic skills need to be possessed by students to improve their quality in facing the challenges of the global world. Today’s problems, such as unemployment and poverty, occur due to low student civic skills. Civic skills cannot develop if students are not given the opportunity to develop them. Therefore,...
Proceedings Article

The Use Mobile Learning in Higher Education: What Were the Cause of Student’s Satisfaction on Civic Education Learning Use

Restu Adi Nugraha, Dasim Budimansyah
In the 21st-century competency framework, one of the indicators that can support competence is media information and technology. Higher education in Indonesia has been able to provide E-Learning (EL) experiences to their students, but not many use platform mobile tools. The use of digital media in the...
Proceedings Article

Law-Related Education Framework in Civic Education Learning in the New Normal Perspective

Baeihaqi Baeihaqi, Kokom Komalasari
The COVID-19 pandemic has implications for the provision of education through online distance learning or blended learning. The implementation of education through balanced learning is carried out by limiting the number of students, checking temperature, washing hands with soap and running water, using...
Proceedings Article

Transforming the Local Wisdom Values of the Cireundeu Indigenous Peoples in Enhancing Civic Culture

Iim Siti Masyitoh, Sri Maesaroh
One of globalization impact are disorganization and cultural lag against the indigenous of values in society prominent against indigenous of society. Cireundeu indigenous of society is one of indigenous society in West Java which has specific features among indigenous society which has been being preserve...
Proceedings Article

Development of Student Ecological Intelligence Through the Implementation of Ecopedagogy

Akhmad Fauzi, Susan Fitriasari, Dwi Iman Muthaqin
The issue of environmental damage is a serious problem that must be resolved immediately and must be considered from a small scope but has a large influence, as in the field of education can be applied through the implementation of the ecopedagogy to develop students’ ecological intelligence. This study...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of SPADA in General Civic Education Courses in Developing Student Creativity

Dede Iswandi, Dasim Budimansyah, Kokom Komalasari, Susan Fitriasari
Creativity is a difficult field of study, which gives rise to different views, the difference lies in the definition of creativity, the criteria for creative behavior, the creative process, the relationship between creativity and intelligence, the characteristics of creative people, the relationship...