Proceedings of the Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC 2021)

312 authors
AR, Endang Danial
Pancasila Literacy to Build Insightful Citizenship Civilization Environment in the Industrial Age 4.0
AR, Endang Danial
Saprahan Local Wisdom Melayu Sambas as a Source of Civil Learning
Abdulkarim, Aim
The Life Skills and Careers of Citizens in the Digital Age of Pancasila and Citizenship Education Curriculum Content
Abdulkarim, Aim
Civic Education Textbook Presentation of Seventh Grade Based on Cultural Literacy and Citizenship
Abdulkarim, Aim
Analysis of Gender Equality in the Civic Education Textbook in Indramayu High School
Abdulkarim, Aim
The Use of the VCT Model in Civic Education to Build the Moral Awareness of Students in the Global Era
Abdulkarim, Aim
Analysis of Civics Textbooks in Framework of the 21st Century Learning
Abdulkarim, Aim
The Model of Mobile Application-Based Learning in Social Sciences Learning to Enhance Students’ Digital Literacy
Abdurrahman, Royan
Online Learning in Civic Education to Increase Understanding of Human Rights Through Ebooks
Adawiah, Rabiatul
Environment-Based School Curriculum as a Character Forming Care Environment
Adriza, Adriza
Measurement Invariance of Religious Tolerance Across the Student Groups
Affandi, Idrus
The Effectiveness of Blended Learning With the Syncronous and Asyncronus System in Civic Education Courses
Affandi, Idrus
The Policy of Indonesian People’s Wave Party (Gelora) in Response to the Phenomenon of a Political Dynasty in Indonesia
Affandi, Idrus
Students’ Perceptions of the Use of Instagram Social Media as One of Generation Z’s Political Education Facilities
Affandi, Idrus
Implementation of Panca Dharma Satya in Student Character Education
Affandi, Idrus
The Volunteerism Actualization of the Young Generation During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Affandi, Idrus
Dynamic Political Thought of Muhammadiyah About Indonesian State
Agustina, Nurlela
Utilization of E-Commerce in the Industrial Era 4.0 for UPI Students in Strengthening the Economic Civics
Al Adawiyah, Khofifah
SOMEAH (Solidaritas Mental Health) Platform as an Effort to Increase Civic Disposition to Generation Z Mental Illness in the Digital Age
Al Muchtar, Suwarma
Moral and Character Rehabilitation of Drug’s Victims Through Moral-Spiritual Approach as an Effort to Build a Charactered Citizens
Al Muchtar, Suwarma
Pancasila Literacy to Build Insightful Citizenship Civilization Environment in the Industrial Age 4.0
Al Muchtar, Suwarma
Implementation of Citizenship Education (Community Civic) to Build Citizens Awareness in Developing Local Culture
Al Muchtar, Suwarma
Character Etiquette for Surfing in Cyberspace
Alashary, Muhammad Rochmat
Civic Education as a Means to Build Social Care Characters for Students with Disabilities
Alhudawi, Usman
The Role of the AMAN in Strengthening Citizenship Competencies of Indigenous People Regarding to Customary Land Rights
Alrakhman, Riza
Distant Education: Online Learning for Civic Education
Amalia, Riska
SOMEAH (Solidaritas Mental Health) Platform as an Effort to Increase Civic Disposition to Generation Z Mental Illness in the Digital Age
Amanah, Siti
The Role of the Community in Empowerment and Strengthening Citizenship Economy
Ammatulloh, Mutiara Imtisyal
Development of Civics Caring Apps as an Effort to Character Students in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period
Ananda, Azwar
Reconstruction from Models of Political Education for Beginners to Improve Political Literation: Learning from the Jambore Democracy Student Program
Ananda, Azwar
The Development of Higher Order Thinking Skills
Anggraeni, Leni
The Volunteerism Actualization of the Young Generation During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Anggraeni, Rini
The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Model Type MURDER Assisted by Interactive Quiz Media on Student Learning Outcomes
Anggraini, Diana Noor
The Model of Mobile Application-Based Learning in Social Sciences Learning to Enhance Students’ Digital Literacy
Anggraini, Riska Dewi
The Transformation of the Value of Piil Pesenggiri Local Wisdom in Building Harmony Between Natives and Immigrants
Apandie, Chris
Lessons for Citizens Regarding Government Efforts to Promote Covid-19 Vaccines: Responses and Challenges to Post-Pandemic Citizenship Education
Aprilla, Dara
Implementation of Citizenship Education Teaching Materials Development in Increasing the Effectiveness of Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Arta, I Gede Arya Juni
Religious Moderation in the Framework of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika in Indonesia
Aulia, Ratu
Revitalization of State Defense Through Military Operations Other Than War “Civic Mission” During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Aulia, Sarah Raudlatul
Analysis of Civic Skill in the Student Exchange Program Merdeka Belajar - Kampus Merdeka Policy
Averina, Windita Mei Bella
Controlling Hoax of Covid-19: Capturing Moral Messages from Social Events
Azis, Thoriq Abdul
Development of Digital Citizenship Model Based on Digital Literacy of Students in High School During the Covid-9 Pandemic in Bandung Indonesia
Azizah, Cici Nur
The Implementation of Multicultural Values in the Interaction of Transmigration Communities Through “Malakok” in Nagari Sungai Sirah Silaut
Bachrudin, Achmad
Measurement Invariance of Religious Tolerance Across the Student Groups
Baeihaqi, Baeihaqi
Legal Covariance Model: Volkgeist-Based Legal Learning Design in Civic Education in the New Normal Era
Baeihaqi, Baeihaqi
Strengthening Legal Knowledge Through E-Legal Basic Learning Methods
Baeihaqi, Baeihaqi
Law-Related Education Framework in Civic Education Learning in the New Normal Perspective
Benrit, Parichard
Developing Expected Learning Outomes for the Bachelor of Business Administration Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Prince of Songkla University
Bestari, Prayoga
Moral and Character Rehabilitation of Drug’s Victims Through Moral-Spiritual Approach as an Effort to Build a Charactered Citizens
Bestari, Prayoga
Increasing Community Legal Awareness About the Implementation of Islamic Sharia Law in the City of Sabang in Civic Esucation Perspective
Bestari, Prayoga
Youth Voters’ Behavior in Pilkada to Realize Civic Skills (Study of Description of Medan State University Students’ Perceptions in the 2020 Medan Mayor Election)
Bestari, Prayoga
Character Etiquette for Surfing in Cyberspace
Bestari, Prayoga
Analysis of Gender Equality in the Civic Education Textbook in Indramayu High School
Bestari, Prayoga
Analysis Management Policy of Laboratory School in Indonesia University of Education
Biringan, Julien
Internalization of the Value of Religious Characters on Students in Civic Education Learning in SMP Negeri 2 Manado
Budimansyah, Dasim
Internalization of the Value of Political Education Through the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Approach in Citizenship Education Subjects in the Digital Era
Budimansyah, Dasim
Blended Learning System in Civic Education Courses to Develop Humanity Literacy
Budimansyah, Dasim
Digital Racism: A New Form of Racism, A Threat to the Integrity of the Nation
Budimansyah, Dasim
The Effect of Rain Water Harvesting Movement on Social Care of Citizens
Budimansyah, Dasim
The Influence of Emotional Intelligence, Moral Intelligence and Intellectual Intelligence on Characters Caring for the Environmental School Students in the Perspective of Civic Education
Budimansyah, Dasim
Distant Education: Online Learning for Civic Education
Budimansyah, Dasim
The Use Mobile Learning in Higher Education: What Were the Cause of Student’s Satisfaction on Civic Education Learning Use
Budimansyah, Dasim
Implementation of SPADA in General Civic Education Courses in Developing Student Creativity
Budimansyah, Dasim
Implementation of the Kedirgantaraan Coaching Program in Fostering a Sense of Nationalism in Students
Budimansyah, Dasim
Strengthening Character Education Through the Natural School Leadership Curriculum
Cahyono, Cahyono
The Effectiveness of Blended Learning With the Syncronous and Asyncronus System in Civic Education Courses
Caturiasari, Jennyta
Internalization of Pancasila Values in the Tradition of the Serang Party
Danial, Endang
The Effectiveness of Blended Learning With the Syncronous and Asyncronus System in Civic Education Courses
Danial, Endang
Development of Digital Citizenship Model Based on Digital Literacy of Students in High School During the Covid-9 Pandemic in Bandung Indonesia
Danial, Endang
Online Learning in Civic Education to Increase Understanding of Human Rights Through Ebooks
Danial, Endang
The Role of the Community in Empowerment and Strengthening Citizenship Economy
Darmana, Feniawati
Measurement Invariance of Religious Tolerance Across the Student Groups
Darmawan, Cecep
Youth Voters’ Behavior in Pilkada to Realize Civic Skills (Study of Description of Medan State University Students’ Perceptions in the 2020 Medan Mayor Election)
Darmawan, Cecep
Revitalization of State Defense Through Military Operations Other Than War “Civic Mission” During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Darmawan, Cecep
The Role of Non-Governmental Organization as a Civil Society in Corruption Supervision
Darmawan, Cecep
Intervention of State Defense Efforts in Civic Education Through Animation Learning Media
Darsana, I Made
Religious Moderation in the Framework of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika in Indonesia
Dwiputra, Sefta Nugraha
Boarding School Character Development for Character Discipline and Responsibility
Fajar, Wildan Nurul
Dynamic Political Thought of Muhammadiyah About Indonesian State
Fathimah, Siti
Social and Cultural Conditions of Communities Around Mining Areas (Potential Conflicts Around Tokatindung Mining Area)
Fatimah, Fatimah
Pandemic Pedagogy
Fauzi, Akhmad
Independent Learning in the Covid-19 Pandemic
Fauzi, Akhmad
Development of Student Ecological Intelligence Through the Implementation of Ecopedagogy
Firdaus, Farid
The Life Skills and Careers of Citizens in the Digital Age of Pancasila and Citizenship Education Curriculum Content
Firmansyah, Rizwan
Development of Civics Caring Apps as an Effort to Character Students in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period
Fitriani, Susan
Development of Digital Citizenship Model Based on Digital Literacy of Students in High School During the Covid-9 Pandemic in Bandung Indonesia
Fitriasari, Susan
Value of Local Wisdom in the Pillars of Cianjur Culture
Fitriasari, Susan
Responding the Constraints of Building Student-Teacher-Parent Relationships to Improve Student’s Civic Disposition Phenomenological Studies in Civic Education Online Based Learning
Fitriasari, Susan
The Transformation of the Value of Piil Pesenggiri Local Wisdom in Building Harmony Between Natives and Immigrants
Fitriasari, Susan
Analysis of Students’ Digital Citizenship Practices on Distance Learning Activities During Pandemic Covid-19
Fitriasari, Susan
Independent Learning in the Covid-19 Pandemic
Fitriasari, Susan
Analysis of Civic Skill in the Student Exchange Program Merdeka Belajar - Kampus Merdeka Policy
Fitriasari, Susan
Development of Student Ecological Intelligence Through the Implementation of Ecopedagogy
Fitriasari, Susan
Implementation of SPADA in General Civic Education Courses in Developing Student Creativity
Fitriasari, Susan
Reconstruction of the Process of Legal Education in Shaping the Character of Children in Conflict with Law
Fitriawati, Nur Siami
Building A Citizens Education Learning Community Through Online Collaborative Learning
Furnamasari, Yayang Furi
Reconstruction of the Process of Legal Education in Shaping the Character of Children in Conflict with Law
Halimi, Muhammad
Internalization of Character Education in Civic Education Learning Based on Multiple Intelligence
Halimi, Muhammad
The Utilization of Mobile Learning “Be One” in the Pancasila and Civics Subject
Halimi, Muhammad
Boarding School Character Development for Character Discipline and Responsibility