Proceedings of the 9th Asbam International Conference (Archeology, History, & Culture In The Nature of Malay) (ASBAM 2021)

344 authors
Hasanuddin, Hasanuddin
Tomb Architecture
Hasibuan, Paradongan
Arrest Authority by Police Investigators and BNN Investigators on Narcotics Crimes
Hasjim, Munira
Directive Speech Acts of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) in Politics Interview
Hasjim, Munira
Implicature in Political Campaign for the Local Government Leader Elections of Province South Sulawesi Governor and Deputy Governor for the Period 2018 - 2023
Hasjim, Munirah
The Existence of Virtual Theater Performances of Pandemic Era
Hasrah, Mohd Tarmizi
The Migration of Non-Local Communities and Effects on Language Ecosystem in Baling, Kedah: Historical and Linguistic Evidence
Hasrianti, Hasrianti
Landscape of Pre-Islamic Beliefs: The Rise of Agriculture and Bugis Diaspora
Hastianah, Hastianah
From Ujungpandang to Rotterdam: Transfer Power and Name of Fort Based on Lontara
Hasyim, Husain
Four Transmission Patterns Traditional Ecological Knowledge (Tek) Cerekang People
Hasyim, Muhammad
The Ethnic Identity: The Genesis and Its Dynamics (The Case of Bugis)
Hasyim, Muhammad
Symbolic Interaction in Reading Hoaxes About Covid-19 Shared on Social Media
Herianah, Herianah
Utilization of Archaic Dictions in Buginese Song Lyrics in Globalization Era
Herianah, Herianah
Linguistic Deviation in the Novel of Sayat-Sayat Sunyi By S. Gegge Mappangewa
Herianah, Herianah
Pattern and Meaning of Buginese People Naming as Cultural Mark
Hermanto, Hermanto
Satu Tungku Tiga Batu: The Model of Religious Moderation in Fak-Fak Regency, West Papua
Herwanto, Eko
The Industry and Iron Trade on Barito Watershed in 17th-19th Century AD
Hidayah, Ati Rati
The Main Issues in Archaeological Resources Management Based on Indigenous Community in Central Sumba District
Hidayat, Herry Nur
Tradition and Industry
Hidayatulloh, M. Taufik
Transformation of Religious Extension during the Covid-19 Pandemic Campaigning for Religious Moderation in Society
Hijjang, Pawennari
The Hand-Print Tradition of the Community from Maros Karst
I., Jerniati
Utilization of Archaic Dictions in Buginese Song Lyrics in Globalization Era
Ihsan, Nur
Burial System of Austronesia
Ihsan, Nur
Decorative Motifs as Identity of Austronesian Speakers in South Minahasa: Preliminary Analysis of Decorative Patterns of Pottery at Lansot Site, Tomohon City, North Sulawesi Province
Ilham, Ilham
Practicality of Academic Supervision Module on Distance Training for Madrasah Supervisors
Ilyas, Husnul Fahimah
Genealogy of Moderate Islam at DDI Pattojo Islamic Boarding School of Soppeng
Ilyas, Husnul Fahimah
The Encounter of Customs and Religion in Cultivating Religious Moderation in Bugis
Inagurasi, Libra Hari
Pottery of Fort Kuta Lubuk, Non-European Goods in European Fort
Inayah, Sitti Syahar
Genealogy of Moderate Islam at DDI Pattojo Islamic Boarding School of Soppeng
Indarwati, Indarwati
Directive Speech Acts of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) in Politics Interview
Indrajaja, Agustijanto
The Relative Dating and Art Style of the Dwārapāla Statues of the Adan-Adan Temple
Irmayani, Irmayani
Personal Pronouns in Bidayuhic Language at the West Kalimantan, Indonesia – Sarawak, Malaysia Borderland
Irmayani, Irmayani
Malay Poetry as Media of Zodiac Explaination and Its Relation in Manuscript ’Abi@ Ma‘syari al-Falakiyyi al-Kabi@r
Irwani, Irwani
Covid-19 Health Protocol
Ismail, Muhammad Uzair
Turco-Persian Influence in the Islamic Art of the Malay Archipelago
Isnan, Fathurrahman Nur
Exploring Students’ Critical Thinking Skills and their Performance in Writing Argumentative Essay
Israpil, Israpil
Strengthening Religious Moderationin Local Culture Through Community Leaders Perspectivein Jeneponto District
Izmya, Hasna Maimuna
The Utilization of Sultan Ground: Reflection of Asymmetrical Decentralization Reinforced by the Sultanate of Yogyakarta
Jamal, Daeng Haliza Daeng
Megalithic Culture in Luak Jempol
Jerniati, Jerniati
Pattern and Meaning of Buginese People Naming as Cultural Mark
Jusdi, Andi
Distribution and Spreading of the Underwater Archaeological Sites in the Selayar Waters
Kaharuddin, Kaharuddin
The Maritime Lexicon of Indonesian Proverbs as a Guide in the Dynamics of Cultural and National Life
Kalsum, Nila
Tomb Architecture
Kamajaya, Putra
The Publication of the Results of Archaeological Research Through Comics and Animated Movies
Karim, Bisyri Abdul
Manuscript as a Source of Cultural and Spiritual Inspiration
Karim, M. Said
Arrest Authority by Police Investigators and BNN Investigators on Narcotics Crimes
Karim, Syahrir
Political Interpretation of the Muslim Youth Migration Movement in Makassar City
Kartika, Dwi Indah
The Spice Route from Arabic, Europe and China to Jayakarta toward Batavian Cuisine: Revitalization of Batavian Local Wisdom Values through Batavian Culinary Gastronomy
Kartika, Yunita
The Spice Route from Arabic, Europe and China to Jayakarta toward Batavian Cuisine: Revitalization of Batavian Local Wisdom Values through Batavian Culinary Gastronomy
Kasnowihardjo, Gunadi
Direction and Orientation of Prehistoric Graves: New data from the North Coast of Java
Khaerana, A.ST. Aldilah
Buginese Arranged Marriage in Mappasitaro Movie
Khaerana, A.St. Aldilah
From Ujungpandang to Rotterdam: Transfer Power and Name of Fort Based on Lontara
Khairas, Eri Ester
Term of Address to Differentiate Familiarity in Sundanese
Khalid, Muhammad
The Utilization of Sultan Ground: Reflection of Asymmetrical Decentralization Reinforced by the Sultanate of Yogyakarta
Khalikin, Ahsanul
Transformation of Religious Extension during the Covid-19 Pandemic Campaigning for Religious Moderation in Society
Kila, Syahrir
A Contextual Study on Mi’raje Manuscript of Tarekat Khalwatiyah Samman Community in Maros Regency
Kurniaty, Kurniaty
A Study of Technical Terms in Shipping Science
Kurniawan, Muhammad Fadhly
The Existence of Virtual Theater Performances of Pandemic Era
Latjuba, Ade Yolanda
Community Perception of Sustainable Tourism Destination Management and Development
Lewa, Inriati
Reflection of the Pasang Ri Kajang in Settlements Traditional Communities Kajang Bulukumba Regency
Lewa, Inriati
Issue of Reconciliation: A Case in Makassar Sinrilik Kappalak Tallumbatua Oral Literature
Lubna, Syarifah
Personal Pronouns in Bidayuhic Language at the West Kalimantan, Indonesia – Sarawak, Malaysia Borderland
Lukman, Lukman
Directive Speech Acts of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) in Politics Interview
Lustyantie, Ninuk
Exploring Students’ Critical Thinking Skills and their Performance in Writing Argumentative Essay
Mahmud, M. Irfan
The Hand-Print Tradition of the Community from Maros Karst
Makmur, Makmur
Tomb Architecture
Makmur, Makmur
From Ujungpandang to Rotterdam: Transfer Power and Name of Fort Based on Lontara
Makmur, Makmur
Women And Boat Rock Art: Maritime Route in the Southeast Maluku Islands, Indonesia
Maknun, Tadjuddin
Implicature in Political Campaign for the Local Government Leader Elections of Province South Sulawesi Governor and Deputy Governor for the Period 2018 - 2023
Mansi, La
Strengthening Religious Moderationin Local Culture Through Community Leaders Perspectivein Jeneponto District
Mansyur, Syahruddin
Landscape of Pre-Islamic Beliefs: The Rise of Agriculture and Bugis Diaspora
Mappaselleng, Nur Setiawati
Manuscript as a Source of Cultural and Spiritual Inspiration
Marsuki, Ria Riski
The Comparative Analysis of Cultural Aspect in the Idioms of Zodiac Animals in Indonesian and Chinese Language
Marzuki, Angga
The Dissemination of Moderate Islam in Digital Campus
Marzuki, Irfanuddin W
The Publication of the Results of Archaeological Research Through Comics and Animated Movies
Marzuki, Irfanuddin Wahid
The Pattern of Minahasa Chinatown Settlement in Colonial Era: Urban Archaeology Study
Mas’ud, Zubair
Characteristics of Beanembala Naguhi Cave Prehistoric Site 2 in Yuruf Village, Yaffi District, Keerom Regency, Papua Province
Megawati, Lydia
The Sultanate of Bima in the Fragments of Islamic Civilization in the Archipelago
Mokodongan, Annita I.
Potential and Distribution of Archaeological Sites in North Bolaang Mongondow Region, North Sulawesi Province
Muda, Khadijah
Burial System of Austronesia
Muda, Khadijah Tahir
Decorative Motifs as Identity of Austronesian Speakers in South Minahasa: Preliminary Analysis of Decorative Patterns of Pottery at Lansot Site, Tomohon City, North Sulawesi Province
Muda, Khadijah Thahir
Distribution and Spreading of the Underwater Archaeological Sites in the Selayar Waters
Muda, Khadijah Thahir
Archaeological Heritage of Ancient Tomb as Evidence of Early Islamic Civilization in the Makassar Etnic Region, Jeneponto South Sulawsi, Indonesia
Muda, Khadijah Thahir
Coastal Environment and Ancient Tomb Damage: A Case Study of The Tomb of the King and Hadat Banggae at Majene West Sulawesi Indonesia
Muhaimin, Aghust
The Dissemination of Moderate Islam in Digital Campus
Muhammadun, Muhammadun
The Dissemination of Moderate Islam in Digital Campus
Mujiningsih, Erlis Nur
Women, Electric Trains, and Emancipation
Mujizatullah, Mujizatullah
A Contextual Study on Mi’raje Manuscript of Tarekat Khalwatiyah Samman Community in Maros Regency
Mulyadi, Aldi
Landscape of Pre-Islamic Beliefs: The Rise of Agriculture and Bugis Diaspora
Mulyadi, Yadi
Distribution and Spreading of the Underwater Archaeological Sites in the Selayar Waters
Mulyadi, Yadi
Potential and Distribution of Archaeological Sites in North Bolaang Mongondow Region, North Sulawesi Province
Mulyadi, Yadi
Tomb Architecture
Mulyadi, Yadi
Characteristics of Beanembala Naguhi Cave Prehistoric Site 2 in Yuruf Village, Yaffi District, Keerom Regency, Papua Province
Mundzir, Chaerul
Religious Moderation Values in The COVID-19 Vaccine Phenomenon in Indonesia
Mursyid, Andi Miftahul Maulidil
The Encounter of Customs and Religion in Cultivating Religious Moderation in Bugis
Musayyedah, Musayyedah
Re-Interpretation of Makassar’s Kingdom Space as Spices Route in Kappalak Tallumbatua Sinrilik Using Literary Geography
Muslim, Abu
A Contextual Study on Mi’raje Manuscript of Tarekat Khalwatiyah Samman Community in Maros Regency
Mu’jizah, Mu’jizah
Spices Trade and Social-Political Conflict at Molucca in the Literature
Nasir, Muhammad Nu’man Mohd
Prehistoric Archeology in Baling, Kedah: A Review of Chronology, Cultural Evolution and Environment
Nasir, Muhammad Nu’man Mohd
The Influence of the Environment on the Construction of Candi
Nasir, Syarif Hidayat
Satu Tungku Tiga Batu: The Model of Religious Moderation in Fak-Fak Regency, West Papua