Proceedings of the 9th Asbam International Conference (Archeology, History, & Culture In The Nature of Malay) (ASBAM 2021)

344 authors
Nasmilah, Nasmilah
Applying Cultural–Based Narrative Text to Induce Metacognitive Reading Strategies of Proficient EFL Learners at English Department, Hasanuddin University Makassar
Nawir, M.
Four Transmission Patterns Traditional Ecological Knowledge (Tek) Cerekang People
Nensia, Nensia
Concepts and Practices of Religious Moderation in Kei Local Wisdom
Noerwidi, Sofwan
The Some Aspects of Forms and Raw Materials Wood Buildings at the Liyangan Site
Noor, Arba’iyah Mohd
An Anaylysis of Water Supply Cooperation Among Northern States in Malaysia, 1965-1981
Nugraheni, Paulina Eko
Decorative Motifs as Identity of Austronesian Speakers in South Minahasa: Preliminary Analysis of Decorative Patterns of Pottery at Lansot Site, Tomohon City, North Sulawesi Province
Nugrahini, Paulina
Burial System of Austronesia
Nugroho, Widyanto Dwi
The Some Aspects of Forms and Raw Materials Wood Buildings at the Liyangan Site
Nur, Muhammad
Simbuang Stone as a Symbol and Medium of Respect for the Ancestor of Toraja Nobleman
Nur, Muhammad
A Contextual Study on Mi’raje Manuscript of Tarekat Khalwatiyah Samman Community in Maros Regency
Nurhidayah, Asri M.
Re-Interpretation of Makassar’s Kingdom Space as Spices Route in Kappalak Tallumbatua Sinrilik Using Literary Geography
Nursamsani, Nursamsani
Indonesian Foreign Policy and Moderate Muslim Community Responses to the Taliban Recently Attained Regime
Osno, Medri
Transitivity Study: Riau Malay Characters in Gurindam 12 Raja Ali Haji
P, M. Amir
Denotational and Interactional Power of Speech in the Implementation of Customary Firmness
Paisal, Paisal
Concepts and Practices of Religious Moderation in Kei Local Wisdom
Pammu, Abidin
Applying Cultural–Based Narrative Text to Induce Metacognitive Reading Strategies of Proficient EFL Learners at English Department, Hasanuddin University Makassar
Pammuda, Pammuda
Procession of Making Holy Water for the Addinginging-Dinging Rituals in the Tenro Communities of Selayar Islands
Pasanrangi, Arga Maulana
Awakening the Mother Nature: The study of Motif-Index in Putri Tandampalik
Perwira, Reza
Local Wisdom of Indramayu Community in Transforming Islamic Values through Bujanggaan Tradition
Peseletehaha, Godlief A.
Women And Boat Rock Art: Maritime Route in the Southeast Maluku Islands, Indonesia
Pradjoko, Didik
A Lesson from the Past
Pratama, Henki Riko
Potential and Distribution of Archaeological Sites in North Bolaang Mongondow Region, North Sulawesi Province
Priswanto, Hery
The Some Aspects of Forms and Raw Materials Wood Buildings at the Liyangan Site
Purba, Jhon Rivel
Potential and Distribution of Archaeological Sites in North Bolaang Mongondow Region, North Sulawesi Province
Purwanti, Purwanti
Changes in Meaning of Terms on BNPN Social Media Poster in the Post-Covid-19 Period
Purwanti, Retno
The Influence of Hindu-Buddhist on Islamic Tombs in Palembang
Purwoko, Dwi
Transformation of Religious Extension during the Covid-19 Pandemic Campaigning for Religious Moderation in Society
R., Hasina Fajrin
Re-Interpretation of Makassar’s Kingdom Space as Spices Route in Kappalak Tallumbatua Sinrilik Using Literary Geography
Rahman, Abd Rasyid
Development of Islam in Indonesia Post-Independence
Rahman, Fathu
Four Transmission Patterns Traditional Ecological Knowledge (Tek) Cerekang People
Rahmawati, Anis
Transitivity Study: Riau Malay Characters in Gurindam 12 Raja Ali Haji
Ramadani, Yusti
Political Interpretation of the Muslim Youth Migration Movement in Makassar City
Ramadhani, Rezky
Buginese Arranged Marriage in Mappasitaro Movie
Ramadhani, Rezky
Awakening the Mother Nature: The study of Motif-Index in Putri Tandampalik
Ramli, Ramli
Exploring Students’ Critical Thinking Skills and their Performance in Writing Argumentative Essay
Ramli, Zuliskandar
Prehistoric Archeology in Baling, Kedah: A Review of Chronology, Cultural Evolution and Environment
Ramli, Zuliskandar
Analysis on the Composition of Ancient Brick in Telagajaya Village, Batujaya Temple Complex, West Java, Indonesia
Ramli, Zuliskandar
The Influence of the Environment on the Construction of Candi
Ramli, Zuliskandar
Turco-Persian Influence in the Islamic Art of the Malay Archipelago
Ramli, Zuliskandar
Megalithic Culture in Luak Jempol
Ramli, Zuliskandar
Local Genius/Knowledge in Science and Technology in the Context of Early Malay Kingdoms in Peninsula Malaysia and Borneo
Ratnawati, Ratnawati
Transitivity Study: Riau Malay Characters in Gurindam 12 Raja Ali Haji
Ratnawati, Ratnawati
Re-Interpretation of Makassar’s Kingdom Space as Spices Route in Kappalak Tallumbatua Sinrilik Using Literary Geography
Rema, I Nyoman
The Utilization of the Dorobata Terrace, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara
Rema, Nyoman
The Main Issues in Archaeological Resources Management Based on Indigenous Community in Central Sumba District
Reslawati, Reslawati
Transformation of Religious Extension during the Covid-19 Pandemic Campaigning for Religious Moderation in Society
Rismayanti, Rismayanti
The Existence of Virtual Theater Performances of Pandemic Era
Riyanto, Sugeng
The Some Aspects of Forms and Raw Materials Wood Buildings at the Liyangan Site
Rosadi, Muhamad
Local Wisdom of Indramayu Community in Transforming Islamic Values through Bujanggaan Tradition
Rosmawati, Rosmawati
Distribution and Spreading of the Underwater Archaeological Sites in the Selayar Waters
Rosmawati, Rosmawati
Simbuang Stone as a Symbol and Medium of Respect for the Ancestor of Toraja Nobleman
Rosmawati, Rosmawati
Archaeological Heritage of Ancient Tomb as Evidence of Early Islamic Civilization in the Makassar Etnic Region, Jeneponto South Sulawsi, Indonesia
Rosmiaty, Rosmiaty
Applying Cultural–Based Narrative Text to Induce Metacognitive Reading Strategies of Proficient EFL Learners at English Department, Hasanuddin University Makassar
Rusli, Rismawidiawati
Karaeng Pattingalloang and the Advancement of Makassar in Seventeen Century (1636 – 1654)
Rustamawat, Rustamawat
Potential and Distribution of Archaeological Sites in North Bolaang Mongondow Region, North Sulawesi Province
Rusyaid, Rusyaid
Satu Tungku Tiga Batu: The Model of Religious Moderation in Fak-Fak Regency, West Papua
Sabara, Sabara
Concepts and Practices of Religious Moderation in Kei Local Wisdom
Sahib, Harlinah
Denotational and Interactional Power of Speech in the Implementation of Customary Firmness
Sahraeny, Sitti
Applying Cultural–Based Narrative Text to Induce Metacognitive Reading Strategies of Proficient EFL Learners at English Department, Hasanuddin University Makassar
Sahraeny, Sitti
Denotational and Interactional Power of Speech in the Implementation of Customary Firmness
Sahroni, Ade
Tomb Architecture
Said, Ikhwan M.
Directive Speech Acts of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) in Politics Interview
Said, Muhammad Basir
The Hand-Print Tradition of the Community from Maros Karst
Saiful, Andi Muhammad
The Landscape of Austronesian Speakers in South and West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Salam, Salam
Linguistic Deviation in the Novel of Sayat-Sayat Sunyi By S. Gegge Mappangewa
Saleh, Firman
The Metaphor of the Cosmos in the Cenninrara of Bugis Community
Saleh, Firman
The Comparative Analysis of Cultural Aspect in the Idioms of Zodiac Animals in Indonesian and Chinese Language
Saleh, Firman
Expression and Social Convention in “Pappaseng Kajaolaliddong” for the Millennial Generation of the Buginese In Bone Regency, South Sulawesi
Salhuteru, Marlyn
Women And Boat Rock Art: Maritime Route in the Southeast Maluku Islands, Indonesia
Salleh, Norashikin
Reflections on the Contributions of the Palace, the Sultanate Palace and the Kings of the Archipelago
Samsuduha, St.
Manuscript as a Source of Cultural and Spiritual Inspiration
Saputra, M. Ali
Concepts and Practices of Religious Moderation in Kei Local Wisdom
Saraka, Erwin U.
Coastal Environment and Ancient Tomb Damage: A Case Study of The Tomb of the King and Hadat Banggae at Majene West Sulawesi Indonesia
Sardi, Ratno
The Landscape of Austronesian Speakers in South and West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Sari, Rosnita
Community Perception of Sustainable Tourism Destination Management and Development
Sari, Vivi Sandra
The Publication of the Results of Archaeological Research Through Comics and Animated Movies
Satria, Oga
Local Wisdom of Indramayu Community in Transforming Islamic Values through Bujanggaan Tradition
Satrio, Satrio
The Utilization of the Dorobata Terrace, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara
Sauman, Yunus
Prehistoric Archeology in Baling, Kedah: A Review of Chronology, Cultural Evolution and Environment
Serliana, Serliana
Covid-19 Health Protocol
Siregar, Evy I.
Term of Address to Differentiate Familiarity in Sundanese
Siregar, Sondang Martini
Distribution of Archaeological Sites on the Fluvial Landscape of Musi River
Siswayanti, Novita
Character Education of Female Syahbandar Nyai Ageng Pinatih Gresik
Sofyan, Andi Muhammad
Arrest Authority by Police Investigators and BNN Investigators on Narcotics Crimes
Somba, Nani
Landscape of Pre-Islamic Beliefs: The Rise of Agriculture and Bugis Diaspora
Soraya, A. Inayah
Awakening the Mother Nature: The study of Motif-Index in Putri Tandampalik
Soraya, Andi Inayah
Buginese Arranged Marriage in Mappasitaro Movie
Soselisa, Hermien L.
Women And Boat Rock Art: Maritime Route in the Southeast Maluku Islands, Indonesia
Suarbhawa, I Gusti Made
The Main Issues in Archaeological Resources Management Based on Indigenous Community in Central Sumba District
Subair, Muhammad
Karaeng Pattingalloang and the Advancement of Makassar in Seventeen Century (1636 – 1654)
Sudardi, Bani
Tradition and Industry
Sudarmono, Sudarmono
The Utilization of Sultan Ground: Reflection of Asymmetrical Decentralization Reinforced by the Sultanate of Yogyakarta
Sudirman, Eka Pratiwi
Changes in Meaning of Terms on BNPN Social Media Poster in the Post-Covid-19 Period
Sukaesih, Ina
Term of Address to Differentiate Familiarity in Sundanese
Sukandar, Sri Chiirullia
Characteristics of Beanembala Naguhi Cave Prehistoric Site 2 in Yuruf Village, Yaffi District, Keerom Regency, Papua Province
Sulissusiawan, Ahadi
Environmental Lexicon in the Pantun of Iban Kapuas Hulu West Kalimantan
Sunarningsih, Sunarningsih
Gravestone Typology and Landscape of Sultan Banjar’s Tomb
Supratman, Supratman
Four Transmission Patterns Traditional Ecological Knowledge (Tek) Cerekang People
Supriyati, Yetti
Exploring Students’ Critical Thinking Skills and their Performance in Writing Argumentative Essay
Suriadi, Andi
The Policy of Land Reclamation Use of Coastal Dike Development in Jakarta Bay