Proceedings of the 1st Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities, Economics and Social Sciences (BIS-HESS 2019)

710 authors
Nurhaeni, Ismi Dwi Astuti
Supply Chain Management Improvement Through Strategic Planning for Human Resources in the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Nurida, Annisa
Prevalence and the Level of Knowledge Toward Cigarette Smoking Among Adult Male in Rural Area
Nurjaman, Asep
The Implementation of Collaborative Urban Governance in City Without Slums Program (Kotaku) in Pasuruan, Indonesia
Nurmaya, Andi Lely
Effectiveness of Teacher Professionalism Development Through Self-Empowerment in Primary Schools
Nurmaya, Andi Lely
The Development of English Learning Model in Primary School Based on Local Wisdom of Buton
The Impact of Service Quality and Institutional Image on the Satisfaction and Loyalty of Master of Management Students
Application of Equity Principles in the Development of E-Commerce Taxes
Nuryadin, Cecep
The Development of English Learning Model in Primary School Based on Local Wisdom of Buton
Nuryadin, Deden
Policy and Economy Analysis on the Application of the Smart on Grid Actuator to Public Road Lighting in Magelang City
Nuryadin, Deden
Human Resource Productivity Development Strategy in the Regional Innovation Process
Oktaviani, Marista
Free Cash Flow, Size, and Earning Management
Oktradiksa, Ahwy
Job Performance, Expert Linear Class Evaluation Teacher Certified on Pedagogic and Professional Competencies
Onde, Mita Kasih Laode
Effectiveness of Teacher Professionalism Development Through Self-Empowerment in Primary Schools
Pamungkas, Mukhammad Yusuf Putra
The Implementation of Collaborative Urban Governance in City Without Slums Program (Kotaku) in Pasuruan, Indonesia
Pangestuti, Rayi Citra Ayu
Knowledge, Attitude, and Perception Toward Risk of HIV/AIDS: A Descriptive Study at Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
Pangestuti, Rayi Citra Ayu
The Knowledge and Attitude of Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang Pharmacy Students on National Health Programs–a Descriptive Study
Panggabean, Rosinta Ria
Determinants of Intellectual Capital Performance in Indonesian Manufacturing Companies
Panggabean, Rosinta Ria
Accuracy of Financial Distress Model Prediction: The Implementation of Artificial Neural Network, Logistic Regression, and Discriminant Analysis
Panggabean, Rosinta Ria
Firm Size, Financial Distress, Audit Quality, and Earnings Management of Banking Companies
Paramastri, Ia
The Impact of Physical Activity on Executive Functions Among Pre-schoolers
Pebrihariati, Sanidjar
Application of the Position Auction
Pinilih, Sambodo Sriadi
Various Level of Aggressive Behavior of Schizophrenia as a Basis of Criminal Responsibility
Pinilih, Sambodo Sriadi
The Relationship Between Ritual Activities and Tendency to Depression in Elderly
Prabowo, Bagya Agung
Reputation Oversight by the Sharia Supervisory Board Toward Wakalah Contract Application on Murabahah Financing
Prabowo, Muhammad Shidqon
Out of Court Intellectual Property Right Dispute Resolution
Pradana, Agrissto Bintang Aji
Capturing Multiple Intelligences Profiles of Muhammadiyah Junior High School Students
Prakasa, Satria Unggul Wicaksana
Legal Protection for Children with Disabilities as a Victim of Sexual Violence
Pramesthi, Diesyana Ajeng
Internal Control SME’s Role Over Their Competitive Advantage and Performance
Pramesti, Diesyana Ajeng
How Do Effective Digital Marketing and Brand Ambassador Stimulate Purchase Intention Today?
Pramesti, Paramita
The Analysis of Resilience of Young Successful Entrepreneur
Pramita, Yulinda Devi
Analysis of Network Model Determinant on Tourism SMEs Performance
Pramono, Muhammad Fajar
Sharecropping Agreement in Accordance with Maqasid Al-Syariah
Prasetyo, Andjar
Policy and Economy Analysis on the Application of the Smart on Grid Actuator to Public Road Lighting in Magelang City
Prasetyo, Andjar
The Impact of Institutional Strategies in the Innovation Process on the Community Behavior and Local Government in Magelang City
Prasetyo, Andjar
Human Resource Productivity Development Strategy in the Regional Innovation Process
Pratiwi, Eko Kurniasih
The Impact of Balai Sakinah ‘Aisyiyah Programs on Increasing Women Empowerment
Pratiwi, Eko Kurniasih
Perception of Non-Muslim Religious Leaders to Islamic Financial Institutions
Pratiwi, Endang Tri
Calculation Analysis of Batako Press Production Cost in CV. Batako Anugerah Baubau, Indonesia
Prawitasari, Saptya
Assessment and Risk Mitigation of Arabica Ijen Coffee Supply Chains
Pribadi, Prasojo
Perceptions, Knowledge, Attitudes of Non-Health Students About Medicines
Pribadi, Prasojo
Knowledge, Attitude, and Perception Toward Risk of HIV/AIDS: A Descriptive Study at Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
Pribadi, Prasojo
The Knowledge and Attitude of Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang Pharmacy Students on National Health Programs–a Descriptive Study
Pribadi, Prasojo
The Evaluation of Narcotic and Psychotropic Reporting Systems (SIPNAP)
Prihastiwi, Wiwik Juwarini
The Analysis of Resilience of Young Successful Entrepreneur
Prijayanti, Dian
Web-Based Monitoring Information System for Scholarship Holder
Priyanto, Sigit
Knowledge, Attitude, and Perception Toward Risk of HIV/AIDS: A Descriptive Study at Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
Pudail, M
The Effect of Religiosity and Social Influence on the Intention to Use Sharia Banks in Aceh Singkil Regency
Purnanto, Arif Wiyat
The Parents’ Parenting Patterns Who Work in Borobudur Temple Area with Development of Student Characters in Elementary Schools
Purnaweni, Hartuti
Regional Cooperation in East Java Province, Indonesia: Selfishness and Necessity
Purnomo, Rochmat Aldy
Increasing Digital Sharia Banking Transactions in Completing Society Needs via EDC Machine and Laku Pandai (Personal Agent)
Purnomo, Rochmat Aldy
Dynamic Level of SMES E-Commerce Readiness Level: An Empirical Investigation in Indonesia
Purnomo, Sapta Hadi
The Impact of Service Quality and Institutional Image on the Satisfaction and Loyalty of Master of Management Students
Purwandari, Septiyati
Library Management in the Implementation of School Literacy Movement in Primary Schools
The Effect of Religiosity and Social Influence on the Intention to Use Sharia Banks in Aceh Singkil Regency
Purwanto, Heri
Self-Defeating Work Behavior in Wood Industry: An Empirical Investigation
Moral Profile of Adolescent in Kedu Region, Indonesia
The Effect of REBT Group on Developing the Meaningfulness of Self Life
Puspita, Dewi Ayu
Audit-Based Risk Management Toward Anti-Corruption
Puspitasari, Ika
Effect of Counseling Guidance in Improving Process of Student Learning Achievement
Putra, Dizyi Orlando
The Importance of User Experience Analysis in the Design of an Education Information System Application
Putra, Muhammad Rizal Ardiansah
Identity Politic Contestation in the Public Sphere: A Steep Road of Democracy in Indonesia
Putranto, Agus
Beyond Excessive Risk-Taking Behavior in Village- Owned Enterprises
Putri, Diah Kartika
The Evaluation of Narcotic and Psychotropic Reporting Systems (SIPNAP)
Putri, Intan Mutiara
Public Support of Exclusive Breastfeeding in Women Workers
Putri, Sheila Andita
Supplying 2C (Critical and Creative Thinking) Basic Concept as an Effort to Build the Ventures of Vocational School Students in Product Design
Putro, Hijrah Eko
Mind Mapping Strategy in Integrative Information Services to Improve Student Career Plan
Putro, Rizki Listyono
Dynamic Level of SMES E-Commerce Readiness Level: An Empirical Investigation in Indonesia
Qomariah, Nurul
The Impact of Service Quality and Institutional Image on the Satisfaction and Loyalty of Master of Management Students
Qomariyah, Laili
The Mediating Effect of Intrapreneurship on Concept of Employee Performance
Rachmaniyah, Nanik
Stimulus-Response Analysis of Spatial Behaviour Pattern in Hospital Public Waiting Room
Rachmawati, Murni
The Meaning of Home in Perception of Elderly
Rachmawati, Umi
Scientific Approach-Based Textbooks Evaluation: A Content Analysis of English Textbooks on Reflective Teaching in Indonesia
Rahardjo, Mugi
Quality Management System Implementation in Certified Children’s Toy Industries: The Level of Application, Motives, and Constraints
Rahayu, Anggi Andriani
Cooperative Tax: Regulation, Implementation, and Expectation of Legal Avoidance
Rahayu, Heni Setyowati Esti
What Predisposing Factors Affect Nurses’ Islamic Behavior?
Rahayu, Riski Fetra
Educational Game Snakes and Ladders Toward Children Social Development Pre-School Aged in Kindergarten
Rahman, Hardianto
The Development of Character Education Model Based on School Culture
Rahman, Hardianto
Conception of Religion Teacher in Bugis Makassar Cultural Context
Rahmat, Taufik
The Contribution of Agricultural Sectors on Economic Growth in West Java Province
Rahmatika, Annas Kurnia
Analysis of Buying in Papringan Market of Temanggung
Rahmawati, Dwi
Translation Process of Verbal to Graph Representation: Transitional Representation
Rahmawati, Puji
The Parents’ Parenting Patterns Who Work in Borobudur Temple Area with Development of Student Characters in Elementary Schools
Rahmawati, Y
Rhythmic Gymnastics Development to Increase Rough Motor Skills in Elementary School Student
Ramadhan, FM
Legal Protection of Customers in Credit Agreements with Collateral of Land Rights
Ramadhan, Faais Mufaasir
Implementation of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Principle in Handling Traffic Crimes that Result in Minor Injuries
Retnaningdiah, Dian
Perception of Craftswomen Toward Stagen-Based Innovation Products
Religious-Socialistic Analysis of Land Ownership in Muslim Countries
Rifa’i, Afga Sidiq
How Islamic Education Impacts Personal Life of Student of Senior High School?
Rif’ati, Eva Faza
Risk Control Analysis of Distribution Operations in LPG Storage Using Fault Tree Analysis Method
Rimbawan, Andhika Yuli
Legal Protection for Hospitals in Providing Health Services for Patients and Their Family
Riniati, Wa Ode
The Annexation of “Repeated Listening and Role Play Technique” to Improve the Students’ Ability
Riswandi, Budi Agus
Patent Holders for Government-Funded Research in Indonesia: What are the Consequences?
Robbaniyah, Jihan
Calgary Family Intervention Model Approach in Choosing Healthy Snack as Preventive Behaviour of Food Born Disease on Children in Surabaya
Rodiah, Siti
Knowledge Management and Scope of Balanced Scorecard on Competitive Advantages and University Performance
Stimulus-Response Analysis of Spatial Behaviour Pattern in Hospital Public Waiting Room
Rohmad, Ali
Revitalization of Islamic Education Teachers in the Development of Student Personality
Rohmah, Nikmatur
Gender, Attitude, and Behavior of Drinking and Smoking in Teenagers
Rohman, Abdul
The Impact of External Audit in Corporate Financial Distress
Rohmawati, Wiwin
Anemia Incidence in a Third Trimester Pregnant of Adolescent Pregnancy
An Analysis of Early Marriage Determinant and Its Impact on Women’s Reproduction Health