Proceedings of the 1st Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities, Economics and Social Sciences (BIS-HESS 2019)

710 authors
Latifah, Nur Azizah
Sharecropping Agreement in Accordance with Maqasid Al-Syariah
Lestari, Artha Ayu
The Influence of Tax Comprehension, Tax Awareness and Tax Sanctions Toward Tax Obedience of SME’s
Lestari, Rani Dwi
Critique of Racism in the “Waktu Indonesia Timur” Program on NET TV
Lestari, Sri
Symbolic Efforts for Maintaining Anti-Communist Discourse on Matan Magazine
Lestari, Sri
Student’s Perception of English Learning by Using Rap Music Media
Lestariningsih, Eni
The Influence of Soft Skill Competence, Altruism, Team Work, and Innovative Work Behavior on the Quality of Human Resources in BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Levani, Yelvi
Prevalence and the Level of Knowledge Toward Cigarette Smoking Among Adult Male in Rural Area
Lianasari, Dewi
The Parents’ Parenting Patterns Who Work in Borobudur Temple Area with Development of Student Characters in Elementary Schools
Lianasari, Dewi
The Effect of REBT Group on Developing the Meaningfulness of Self Life
Lindasari, Nurmai
Yoga Pranayama Dhiirga Swasam with Sukhasana Position on Reducing Blood Pressure in the Elderly
Lumintuarso, Ria
The Impact of Physical Activity on Executive Functions Among Pre-schoolers
Lutfiyati, Heni
The Knowledge and Attitude of Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang Pharmacy Students on National Health Programs–a Descriptive Study
Sharia Retail Competitiveness and Consumers’ Behavior: Should Sharia Retail Capitalize Islam?
Madhakomala, R.
The Influence of Soft Skill Competence, Altruism, Team Work, and Innovative Work Behavior on the Quality of Human Resources in BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Policy Study of the Authorities Hegemony on 2013 Curriculum in Southeast Sulawesi
Madyawati, Lilis
Local Culture Games for Post-Disaster Trauma Healing in Early Childhood
Madyawati, Lilis
Improving Number Ability Through Demonstration Method in Children Aged 4–5 Years
Mahardhani, Ardhana Januar
Regional Cooperation in East Java Province, Indonesia: Selfishness and Necessity
Mahardhika, N A
Rhythmic Gymnastics Development to Increase Rough Motor Skills in Elementary School Student
Muhammadiyah and the Issue of Liberalism
Mangopo, Sisilia
The Meaning of Spaces in Toraja Traditional House
Manik, Jeanne Darc Noviayanti
The Effectiveness of On-Street Parking Fees in Pangkalpinang City
Identity Politic Contestation in the Public Sphere: A Steep Road of Democracy in Indonesia
Cognitive Capacity in Bajo’s Children
Mansyur, Firman Alamsyah
A Cognitive Semantics Analysis of Wolio Proverbs Related to the Human Body
Mardhatillah, Siti Ruhama
Implementing Environmental Economic Instruments in Indonesia: Constraints and Challenges
Mardiana, Tria
Developing Bamboo Fraction Media for Teaching Fractions in Elementary School Level
Mareta, Reni
An Analysis of Early Marriage Determinant and Its Impact on Women’s Reproduction Health
Mareta, Reni
Knowledge, Attitude, and Perception Toward Risk of HIV/AIDS: A Descriptive Study at Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
Margowati, Sri
Yoga Pranayama Dhiirga Swasam with Sukhasana Position on Reducing Blood Pressure in the Elderly
Masithoh, Robiul Fitri
The Effect of Diabetes Audio Visual Learning Method for Improving Medical Skills of Surgical Nursing
Masykuri, Edi Sunjayanto
Symbol Meaning and Dialectic Perspectives on Social Media
Maulana, Indah Dwi
The Implementation of Collaborative Urban Governance in City Without Slums Program (Kotaku) in Pasuruan, Indonesia
Mauliddah, Nurul Laili
Income Inequality in East Java Province
Mawardi, Imam
Superior Local Content Curriculum Development Management of Al Firdaus Islamic Elementary School
Mawardi, Imam
The Headmaster’s Policy in Establishing Partnerships for Improving Private Vocational Schools Quality
Mawardi, Imam
Management for the Development of Mosque-Based Religious Characters
Mawardi, Imam
A Model of Friendly and Tolerant Community-Based School Mosque Management: Strategy Analysis and Empowerment
Mazid, Sukron
Papua’s Vertical Conflict in 2019: Existence of Free Papua Movement and United Nations Response
Medias, Fahmi
Waqf Financing Model Through Crowdfunding Platform: An Indonesian Perspective
Medias, Fahmi
Muhammadiyah Waqf Land Empowerment Model in Magelang
Medias, Fahmi
Perception of Non-Muslim Religious Leaders to Islamic Financial Institutions
Capturing Multiple Intelligences Profiles of Muhammadiyah Junior High School Students
Miswanto, Agus
Al-Haram Law Discovery Process in Indonesian Ulama Perspective: A Study of Abdul Hamid Hakim’s Thoughts
Miswanto, Agus
Gender Equality Rights Discourse in Indonesia: Muhammadiyah Reading Models
Mochklas, Mochamad
The Effect of Leadership Style and Financial Incentives on Employee Performance
Mochklas, Mochamad
Tax Planning in Efforts to Minimize Tax Payable PPh Article 21: Case Study at PT Telkom Kandatel Surabaya
Mochklas, Mochamad
The Effect of Brand Image Perception and Product Quality Toward the Interest to Buy Consumer Pre-Pay IM3 Ooredoo
Mochklas, Mochamad
Free Cash Flow, Size, and Earning Management
Monaya, Elisa
National Examination as a Discourse: Perspective on Socio-Anthropology of Education
Mualim, Maulana
Javanese Sex Spirituality on Serat Nitimani Written by Raden Harya Suganda (1887 AD)
Mubarok, Sofi
Islamic International Relations as a Potential Tool to Indonesia’s Soft Power Diplomacy
Mubin, Nurul
Social Advance of Rural Society and the Role of Islamic Economy
Mudawaroch, Roisu Eny
The Physical Quality of Local Chicken Eggs (Gallus Gallus Domesticus) in the Traditional Markets of Purworejo Regency, Central Java
Mufanti, Restu
Learners’ Attitude Toward the Implementation of Standardized Test of Academic English Proficiency Test
The Role of Entrepreneurial Leadership and ICT in Encouraging Competitive Advantage in SME’s
How Islamic Education Impacts Personal Life of Student of Senior High School?
Mujtaba, Imam
The Parents’ Parenting Patterns Who Work in Borobudur Temple Area with Development of Student Characters in Elementary Schools
Mukhtar, Mukhneri
The Influence of Personality, Conflict and Trust on Commitment of Duties of Principal Public Elementary Schools in DKI Jakarta Province
Muliawanti, Lintang
Intercultural Communication in Borobudur Homestay Village
Muljono, Pudji
Online Social Support Communication of Breastfeeding Mothers on Facebook Group
Mulyaningsih, Tri
Dynamic Level of SMES E-Commerce Readiness Level: An Empirical Investigation in Indonesia
Mulyono, Resha Dwi Ayu Pangesti
Developing Positive Risk Management Culture in Public Sector: Case Study in Sunrise of Java
Munjilah, Wiji
The Effect of Baby Massage Toward the Development of Three Months Baby
Murniningsih, Rochiyati
Analysis of Network Model Determinant on Tourism SMEs Performance
Murniningsih, Rochiyati
The Role of Entrepreneurial Leadership and ICT in Encouraging Competitive Advantage in SME’s
Social Identity of Santri: A Case Study in Politics
Muthmainah, Rahmita Nurul
Developing Bamboo Fraction Media for Teaching Fractions in Elementary School Level
Mu’ammar, Muhammad Arfan
Course Book Analysis of “Islamic Studies and Character Based on the Curriculum 2013” for Grade X in the Perspective of Character Education of the National Education Standard
Mu’ammar, Muhammad Arfan
Multicultural and Citizenship: Reconstruction of Indonesia Islamic Thought
Nadhira, A’yun
Zakat Analysis of Freelancer Profession
Naila, Ishmatun
Training Elementary Students’ Collaborative and Entrepreneurship Skills Using Science Student Worksheet Based on Project Learning
Rumah Kreatif Wadas Kelir as a model of Colportage that Improves the Prosperity of the Community Based on Religious Literacy
Character Education Based on Children’s Education Jurisprudence
Nasrullah, Dede
Calgary Family Intervention Model Approach in Choosing Healthy Snack as Preventive Behaviour of Food Born Disease on Children in Surabaya
Nasrullah, Dede
Change of Attitude, Behaviour in Choosing Healthy Snacks Through Health Education with Educative Game Media of Monopoly About Healthy Snacks for Children of School Age
Nasution, Adelia Desrin
Waqf Financing Model Through Crowdfunding Platform: An Indonesian Perspective
Intersectionality of Gender and Religious Politics in the Humanitarian Discourse of Ayat-Ayat Cinta Film
Nazar, Asrul
Wolio’s Oral Literary Form the Character of Millennial in Buton Islands
Nazar, Asrul
The Internal Reconstruction of the Phonemes Proto Busoa Language
Negara, Achmad Husaen Sastra
Religious Character as the Main Base of Education in Indonesia
Negara, Julius Galih Prima
Enterprise Architecture Design Strategies for UGK Using TOGAF ADM
Nimasari, Elok Putri
Learners’ Attitude Toward the Implementation of Standardized Test of Academic English Proficiency Test
Nisa, Choirun
How Do Effective Digital Marketing and Brand Ambassador Stimulate Purchase Intention Today?
Ni’mah, Siar
Conception of Religion Teacher in Bugis Makassar Cultural Context
Nofiasari, Tri
Characteristics of Child Birthing Women and Fetal Outcome in Postdate Pregnancy
Noviasari, Dilli Trisna
Application of Equity Principles in the Development of E-Commerce Taxes
Novikasari, Ifada
Learning Values Model in Early Childhood Education: A Case of a Nature School in Central Java, Indonesia
Papua’s Vertical Conflict in 2019: Existence of Free Papua Movement and United Nations Response
Nufus, Achmad Busrotun
Papua’s Vertical Conflict in 2019: Existence of Free Papua Movement and United Nations Response
Nur, Makmur Jaya
Da’wah in Form of Ukhuwah Islamiyah
Nur, Muh. Azhar
Analysis of Law Discourse Through Van Dijk Model Approach
Nur, Triasesiarta
Accuracy of Financial Distress Model Prediction: The Implementation of Artificial Neural Network, Logistic Regression, and Discriminant Analysis
Nuraini, Paramita
The Influence of E-Counselling Application on the Students’ Counselling Interest
Nuraini, Paramita
Study of Correlation Between the Interest of Counselling Through E-Counselling Application and Students’ Self-Disclosure
Nuraini, Paramita
The Effectiveness of Group Counselling with Monopoly Game Media to Improve the Students’ Self-Confidence
Nurcahyani, Yusi Dwi
Hormonal Contraception, Nutritional Status and Thyroid Function’s Women in an Iodine Replete Area
Nurdiarti, Rosalia Prismarini
Critique of Racism in the “Waktu Indonesia Timur” Program on NET TV
Nurhadi, Rofiq
Symbol Meaning and Dialectic Perspectives on Social Media
Nurhaeni, Ismi Dwi Astuti
The Synergy Among Stakeholders in Management of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUM Desa)