Proceedings of the International Conference, Integrated Microfinance Management for Sustainable Community Development (IMM 2016)

52 authors
Afif, M.
Determinants Analysis The Importance of Accounting, Quality of Financial Statements, and Implementation of "Financial accounting standards for entities without public accountability (SAK ETAP)" on SME Fostered by PT. Telkom TBK
Agustina, Susanti
Marketing of Cilembu Sweet Potato Seeds in the Cybernetics Era through the Content of Dongeng Hui Cilembu
Airinda, N.
Community Local Wisdom of Kasepuhan Community at Mount Halimun in Conserving Natural Resources and Environment
Ardiansyah, Muhammad
Development Models and Strategy of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in South Sulawesi
Bekker, J.C.M de
The Riches in Various Data Banks on Poverty: A Comparative Study on the Assessment of Poverty Measurements around the Globe
Darana, Sjafril
Indigenous Knowledge, World View and Institution for Sustainable Community at Mappi Regency of West Papua
Dawan, Taslim
Indigenous Knowledge, World View and Institution for Sustainable Community at Mappi Regency of West Papua
Effendi, Nury
Industrial Concentration and Price-cost Margin of the Micro and Small Enterprises In the Indonesian Food and Beverages Industry
Erwina, Wina
Marketing of Cilembu Sweet Potato Seeds in the Cybernetics Era through the Content of Dongeng Hui Cilembu
Erwina, Wina
Analysis of Integrated Microfinance Management E-Information based Search Engine
Erwina, Wina
Rurukan Hajat Golong: An Economic Model of Community Resilience in Rancakalong Sumedang, West Java - Indonesia
Febrian, Erie
Crowd Funding: Financial Service for Unserved Crowds in Indonesia
Febriyanti, Maya
Indigenous Medical Knowledge for Integrated Public Health Development: A New Way to Reduce Poverty in West Java
Firmansyah, Egi
Islamic Banks Concern with the Poor and Micro Businesses: An Evaluation on their Al Qard Hasan (Beautiful Loan)
Harahap, Junardi
Waduk Jatigede: Microfinance, Rich And Poor, Poverty And Local Wisdom
Hidajat, Taofik
Crowd Funding: Financial Service for Unserved Crowds in Indonesia
Indiastuti, Rina
Industrial Concentration and Price-cost Margin of the Micro and Small Enterprises In the Indonesian Food and Beverages Industry
Indika, Deru
Rural Tourism Development using Ecotourism as a Model of Community Empowerment in Cireundeu Indigenous Village, Cimahi, West Java
Konaah, Oon
BMT Al-Ishlah Cirebon as Model of Islamic Financing for Poverty Reduction and Development
Kramadibrata, M.
Community Local Wisdom of Kasepuhan Community at Mount Halimun in Conserving Natural Resources and Environment
Kramadibrata, M.
Indigenous Knowledge, World View and Institution for Sustainable Community at Mappi Regency of West Papua
Mulyani, Sri
Determinants Analysis The Importance of Accounting, Quality of Financial Statements, and Implementation of "Financial accounting standards for entities without public accountability (SAK ETAP)" on SME Fostered by PT. Telkom TBK
Nidar, Sulaeman
Poor Women Empowerment Service Through Microfinance Grameen Bank System (Case Study of Koperasi Mitra Dhuafa /Komida)
Nidar, Sulaeman
Crowd Funding: Financial Service for Unserved Crowds in Indonesia
Patria, Kinanti Z
Islamic and Conventional Banks Stability: A Comparative Analysis
Prijana, M.
Rurukan Hajat Golong: An Economic Model of Community Resilience in Rancakalong Sumedang, West Java - Indonesia
Primiana, Ina
Crowd Funding: Financial Service for Unserved Crowds in Indonesia
Purnagunawan, Muhammad
Industrial Concentration and Price-cost Margin of the Micro and Small Enterprises In the Indonesian Food and Beverages Industry
Rakhmiyati, Sri
Analysis of Integrated Microfinance Management E-Information based Search Engine
Riyadi, Slamet
Poor Women Empowerment Service Through Microfinance Grameen Bank System (Case Study of Koperasi Mitra Dhuafa /Komida)
Rum, Irlan
Islamic and Conventional Banks Stability: A Comparative Analysis
Santoso, Teguh
Islamic and Conventional Banks Stability: A Comparative Analysis
Sari, Rora
Using OVOP Concept to Achieve Economic Sustainability in the Creative Industry
Sasongko, M.
Poverty and Child Labor: Are Children as the Economic Resource of the Household?
Setiawan, Maman
Industrial Concentration and Price-cost Margin of the Micro and Small Enterprises In the Indonesian Food and Beverages Industry
Setiawati, Rike
Spiritual Intermediation in Islamic Microfinance: Evidence from Indonesia
Sihaloho, Estro
Microfinance Practice In Bataknese Traditional Wedding Party
Simamora, Niko
Microfinance Practice In Bataknese Traditional Wedding Party
Siregar, Adiatma
Pendamping Desa (Village Mentor) as A Community Manager: A Case Study of the Role of Pendamping Desa in Empowering Community and Local Institution Through Communication Approach in the Province of Riau-Indonesia
Susanti, Raini
Increasing the Health of the Disadvantaged Indonesians through the Dana Sehat (Health Funding) Program as a Contribution to Integrated Microfinance Management
Sutanto, Harry
Competitive Strategy Based on Transformation and Dynamic Capabilities in Resulting Business Performance of Islamic Microfinance Institutions
Swaningrum, Ayu
Poverty And Sustainable Community Development in Indonesia
Venus, Antar
Microfinance Communication for Group Saving and Loan Sustainability. A case study of Tabur Puja Scheme in Posdaya, Jakarta
Venus, Antar
Pendamping Desa (Village Mentor) as A Community Manager: A Case Study of the Role of Pendamping Desa in Empowering Community and Local Institution Through Communication Approach in the Province of Riau-Indonesia
Vonika, Nike
Rural Tourism Development using Ecotourism as a Model of Community Empowerment in Cireundeu Indigenous Village, Cimahi, West Java
Wediawati, Besse
Spiritual Intermediation in Islamic Microfinance: Evidence from Indonesia
Wijayanti, Febry
Poverty and Child Labor: Are Children as the Economic Resource of the Household?
Wiliandri, Ruly
Pension Program for Informal Workers: Finding out Indigenous Knowledge based Alternative Model of Pension
Witono, Andika
Microfinance Communication for Group Saving and Loan Sustainability. A case study of Tabur Puja Scheme in Posdaya, Jakarta
Wiyanti, Dede
Agroforestry and Mobile Local 'Bank' System (Bank Kuriling) in Cianjur, West Java
Analysis of Integrated Microfinance Management E-Information based Search Engine
Yulina, Henly
Community Local Wisdom of Kasepuhan Community at Mount Halimun in Conserving Natural Resources and Environment