Proceedings of the International Conference, Integrated Microfinance Management for Sustainable Community Development (IMM 2016)
52 authors
- Afif, M.
- Determinants Analysis The Importance of Accounting, Quality of Financial Statements, and Implementation of "Financial accounting standards for entities without public accountability (SAK ETAP)" on SME Fostered by PT. Telkom TBK
- Agustina, Susanti
- Marketing of Cilembu Sweet Potato Seeds in the Cybernetics Era through the Content of Dongeng Hui Cilembu
- Airinda, N.
- Community Local Wisdom of Kasepuhan Community at Mount Halimun in Conserving Natural Resources and Environment
- Ardiansyah, Muhammad
- Development Models and Strategy of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in South Sulawesi
- Bekker, J.C.M de
- The Riches in Various Data Banks on Poverty: A Comparative Study on the Assessment of Poverty Measurements around the Globe
- Darana, Sjafril
- Indigenous Knowledge, World View and Institution for Sustainable Community at Mappi Regency of West Papua
- Dawan, Taslim
- Indigenous Knowledge, World View and Institution for Sustainable Community at Mappi Regency of West Papua
- Effendi, Nury
- Industrial Concentration and Price-cost Margin of the Micro and Small Enterprises In the Indonesian Food and Beverages Industry
- Erwina, Wina
- Marketing of Cilembu Sweet Potato Seeds in the Cybernetics Era through the Content of Dongeng Hui Cilembu
- Erwina, Wina
- Analysis of Integrated Microfinance Management E-Information based Search Engine
- Erwina, Wina
- Rurukan Hajat Golong: An Economic Model of Community Resilience in Rancakalong Sumedang, West Java - Indonesia
- Febrian, Erie
- Crowd Funding: Financial Service for Unserved Crowds in Indonesia
- Febriyanti, Maya
- Indigenous Medical Knowledge for Integrated Public Health Development: A New Way to Reduce Poverty in West Java
- Firmansyah, Egi
- Islamic Banks Concern with the Poor and Micro Businesses: An Evaluation on their Al Qard Hasan (Beautiful Loan)
- Harahap, Junardi
- Waduk Jatigede: Microfinance, Rich And Poor, Poverty And Local Wisdom
- Hidajat, Taofik
- Crowd Funding: Financial Service for Unserved Crowds in Indonesia
- Indiastuti, Rina
- Industrial Concentration and Price-cost Margin of the Micro and Small Enterprises In the Indonesian Food and Beverages Industry
- Indika, Deru
- Rural Tourism Development using Ecotourism as a Model of Community Empowerment in Cireundeu Indigenous Village, Cimahi, West Java
- Konaah, Oon
- BMT Al-Ishlah Cirebon as Model of Islamic Financing for Poverty Reduction and Development
- Kramadibrata, M.
- Community Local Wisdom of Kasepuhan Community at Mount Halimun in Conserving Natural Resources and Environment
- Kramadibrata, M.
- Indigenous Knowledge, World View and Institution for Sustainable Community at Mappi Regency of West Papua
- Mulyani, Sri
- Determinants Analysis The Importance of Accounting, Quality of Financial Statements, and Implementation of "Financial accounting standards for entities without public accountability (SAK ETAP)" on SME Fostered by PT. Telkom TBK
- Nidar, Sulaeman
- Poor Women Empowerment Service Through Microfinance Grameen Bank System (Case Study of Koperasi Mitra Dhuafa /Komida)
- Nidar, Sulaeman
- Crowd Funding: Financial Service for Unserved Crowds in Indonesia
- Patria, Kinanti Z
- Islamic and Conventional Banks Stability: A Comparative Analysis
- Prijana, M.
- Rurukan Hajat Golong: An Economic Model of Community Resilience in Rancakalong Sumedang, West Java - Indonesia
- Primiana, Ina
- Crowd Funding: Financial Service for Unserved Crowds in Indonesia
- Purnagunawan, Muhammad
- Industrial Concentration and Price-cost Margin of the Micro and Small Enterprises In the Indonesian Food and Beverages Industry
- Rakhmiyati, Sri
- Analysis of Integrated Microfinance Management E-Information based Search Engine
- Riyadi, Slamet
- Poor Women Empowerment Service Through Microfinance Grameen Bank System (Case Study of Koperasi Mitra Dhuafa /Komida)
- Rum, Irlan
- Islamic and Conventional Banks Stability: A Comparative Analysis
- Santoso, Teguh
- Islamic and Conventional Banks Stability: A Comparative Analysis
- Sari, Rora
- Using OVOP Concept to Achieve Economic Sustainability in the Creative Industry
- Sasongko, M.
- Poverty and Child Labor: Are Children as the Economic Resource of the Household?
- Setiawan, Maman
- Industrial Concentration and Price-cost Margin of the Micro and Small Enterprises In the Indonesian Food and Beverages Industry
- Setiawati, Rike
- Spiritual Intermediation in Islamic Microfinance: Evidence from Indonesia
- Sihaloho, Estro
- Microfinance Practice In Bataknese Traditional Wedding Party
- Simamora, Niko
- Microfinance Practice In Bataknese Traditional Wedding Party
- Siregar, Adiatma
- Pendamping Desa (Village Mentor) as A Community Manager: A Case Study of the Role of Pendamping Desa in Empowering Community and Local Institution Through Communication Approach in the Province of Riau-Indonesia
- Susanti, Raini
- Increasing the Health of the Disadvantaged Indonesians through the Dana Sehat (Health Funding) Program as a Contribution to Integrated Microfinance Management
- Sutanto, Harry
- Competitive Strategy Based on Transformation and Dynamic Capabilities in Resulting Business Performance of Islamic Microfinance Institutions
- Swaningrum, Ayu
- Poverty And Sustainable Community Development in Indonesia
- Venus, Antar
- Microfinance Communication for Group Saving and Loan Sustainability. A case study of Tabur Puja Scheme in Posdaya, Jakarta
- Venus, Antar
- Pendamping Desa (Village Mentor) as A Community Manager: A Case Study of the Role of Pendamping Desa in Empowering Community and Local Institution Through Communication Approach in the Province of Riau-Indonesia
- Vonika, Nike
- Rural Tourism Development using Ecotourism as a Model of Community Empowerment in Cireundeu Indigenous Village, Cimahi, West Java
- Wediawati, Besse
- Spiritual Intermediation in Islamic Microfinance: Evidence from Indonesia
- Wijayanti, Febry
- Poverty and Child Labor: Are Children as the Economic Resource of the Household?
- Wiliandri, Ruly
- Pension Program for Informal Workers: Finding out Indigenous Knowledge based Alternative Model of Pension
- Witono, Andika
- Microfinance Communication for Group Saving and Loan Sustainability. A case study of Tabur Puja Scheme in Posdaya, Jakarta
- Wiyanti, Dede
- Agroforestry and Mobile Local 'Bank' System (Bank Kuriling) in Cianjur, West Java
- Yulianti
- Analysis of Integrated Microfinance Management E-Information based Search Engine
- Yulina, Henly
- Community Local Wisdom of Kasepuhan Community at Mount Halimun in Conserving Natural Resources and Environment