Proceedings of the 1st International Conference Of Education, Social And Humanities (INCESH 2021)

231 authors
Abidin, Nurul
Arabic Language Learning Design Through Smart Apps Creator Applications
Absantik, Putri Hilmiyah Fahirah
Application Interactive Learning Media in Macromedia Flash 8 to Improve Learning Outcomes of Fiqh Lesson
Adi, Kusworo
Detection of Student Learning Styles Using the Index of Learning Style
Affandi, Idrus
Citizenship Education Challenges in Border Areas: A Case Study in Sebatik Island, Nunukan Regency, North Kalimantan Province
Development of The Entrepreneurship Mentoring Model with The Great Technopreneur Principles for UMKM Affected by Covid-19 in Gunungkidul Regency
Agiyanto, Ucuk
Law Etiquette; The Paradigm of Legal Protection
Agustina, Isna Fitria
Gender Responsive Implementation in Village Government
Akbar, Ahmad Fadly Rahman
The Development on Material Aspect of Mobile Learning Media Laboratorium Tafsir Sains (Labtafsin)
Alamin, Nurul Salis
Application Interactive Learning Media in Macromedia Flash 8 to Improve Learning Outcomes of Fiqh Lesson
Amini, Hanifah
The Development on Material Aspect of Mobile Learning Media Laboratorium Tafsir Sains (Labtafsin)
Anam, Saeful
Living Qur’an Curriculum Development for Gifted Student in Primary School
Online Learning Implementation with Digital Media in Elementary School
Andriyanti, Erna
Building Students’ Character in an ICT-based Learning; Does it matter? ICT, Character Education, and Listening Instruction
Anwar, Heru Saiful
Understanding of Islamic Worldview as Basis for Islamization of Science
Anwar, Saiful
Anger and Control in Islamic Education
Apriza, Berta
The Use of Think Pair Share Model to Improve Stundents’ Skill in Writing Persuasive Paragraph at Elementary Teacher Education of Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi Academic Year 2020/2021
Arifin, Syamsul
Arabic Language Learning Design Through Smart Apps Creator Applications
Arnab, Sylvester
The Most Contributing Factor on Indonesian Early Primary Students Resilience During Pandemic COVID-19
Arsyad, Arfan
Collaborative Problem-Solving Instrument for Assessing Student’s Problem-Solving Ability: Initial Development and Validation
Ashari, Riza
Application Interactive Learning Media in Macromedia Flash 8 to Improve Learning Outcomes of Fiqh Lesson
Asiyah, Siti
Phonology and Pronunciation Improvement (Students’ Perspective)
Asmaroini, Ambiro Puji
Implementation of Constructivist Learning in Online Learning at the PPKn Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo Study Program
Asmaroini, Ambiro Puji
Analysis of Online Learning Policy for Citizenship Education Subject Teachers in Digital Literacy Development
Aulia, Ratu
The Actualization of Civic Education in Strengthening Youth Generation State Defense Spirit
Azzahro’, Rana
Maintaining Students’ Extrinsic Motivation in Online Learning: Teachers’ Problem
Establishment of Student Entrepreneur Characters in Elementary School During the Covid-19
Baqi, Safiruddin Al
Understanding of Islamic Worldview as Basis for Islamization of Science
Barella, Yusawinur
Emergency Remote Teaching Practices in the Perspective of Cognitive Load of Multimedia Learning Theory
Basori, Muchamad Adam
Anger and Control in Islamic Education
Bastian, Helmy
Wayang Pegon: The Way Malang People Embrace Differences
Budiman, Agus
Application Interactive Learning Media in Macromedia Flash 8 to Improve Learning Outcomes of Fiqh Lesson
Cahyono, Hadi
Implementation of Constructivist Learning in Online Learning at the PPKn Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo Study Program
Cahyono, Hadi
Development of The Entrepreneurship Mentoring Model with The Great Technopreneur Principles for UMKM Affected by Covid-19 in Gunungkidul Regency
Cahyono, Hadi
The Implementation of Homeland Loving Education Character by the Students of Civic Education Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo
Chasanatun, Tri Wahyuni
Fitting Scientific Approach Teaching Models to Higher Order Thinking Skill: Problematic in Indonesian Language Classes at Schools in Madiun
Ciptaningrum, Dyah Setyowati
Building Students’ Character in an ICT-based Learning; Does it matter? ICT, Character Education, and Listening Instruction
Claudia, Vinsca Sabrina
Humanical Values and Enviromental Values in the Folklore at the Region Bringin District, Ngawi Regency Literary Ecocritic Approach
Damayanti, Vismaia S
The Implementation of Local Wisdom-Based Audio-Visual Media to Improve Cultural Literacy in Elementary Schools
Darda, Abu
The Influence of Religiosity on the Resilience of Class 1 Students Intensive at the Darussalam Gontor Ponorogo Modern Islamic Boarding School
Darmawan, Cecep
The Actualization of Civic Education in Strengthening Youth Generation State Defense Spirit
Darmawan, Cecep
Citizenship Education Challenges in Border Areas: A Case Study in Sebatik Island, Nunukan Regency, North Kalimantan Province
Zoya Herawati’s Authorship: Is It Agency and Construction of Canon Literary Reproduction?
Mathematical Problem Solving in Terms of Digital Literacy Ability
Dinata, Berta
The Mewarei Kindship System in Lampung Pepadun
Dinata, Karsoni Berta
Mathematical Problem Solving in Terms of Digital Literacy Ability
Efianingrum, Ariefa
The Implementation of Homeland Loving Education Character by the Students of Civic Education Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo
Ekawati, Dany Putri
Building the Value of Mining Company Through a Financial Fundamental Theory Approach: Experience in Indonesia
Ekayanti, Arta
Analysis of Students’ Learning Independent During Online Learning (During the Covid-19 Pandemic)
The Role of Parents in Motivating the Children in Online Learning of Candimas 3 Public Elementary School North Lampung in Covid-19 Pandemic
Endang Danial, AR
Internalizing the Value of Pancasila Local Wisdom Based on the Saprahan Tradition Strengthening the Character of the Nation
Fadhli, Muhibuddin
The Most Contributing Factor on Indonesian Early Primary Students Resilience During Pandemic COVID-19
Fadlillah, M.
The Concept of a Cultural Playground for Implementing Patriotism in Early Childhood
Faozanudin, Muslih
Optimizing Human Resources Development in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0
Farahiba, Ayyu Subhi
Development of Learning Media Based Android “Tretan BIPA” for Cultural Learning Materials in BIPA Interest Class of Indonesian Language and Literature Education Program, Trunojoyo Madura University
Febriansyah, Ferry Irawan
The Urgency of the Prenuptial Agreement as an Early Marriage Agreement
Firmansah, Defi
The Teacher’s Efforts to Train a Small Percentage of Unemployed Student’s Self-sufficiency in Facing a Normal New Life in SLB C Pertiwi Ponorogo
Ginting, Daniel
Emergency Remote Teaching Practices in the Perspective of Cognitive Load of Multimedia Learning Theory
Guswantoro, Hari
The Teacher’s Efforts to Train a Small Percentage of Unemployed Student’s Self-sufficiency in Facing a Normal New Life in SLB C Pertiwi Ponorogo
Haris, Ikhfan
Collaborative Problem-Solving Instrument for Assessing Student’s Problem-Solving Ability: Initial Development and Validation
Internalizing the Value of Pancasila Local Wisdom Based on the Saprahan Tradition Strengthening the Character of the Nation
Hastuti, Betaria
The Most Contributing Factor on Indonesian Early Primary Students Resilience During Pandemic COVID-19
Hidayah, Yayuk
Contribution of Citizenship Education in Developing Civic Skills to Face 4.0 Era During the Pandemic in Indonesia
Hidayat, Arief
Detection of Student Learning Styles Using the Index of Learning Style
Indiantoro, Alfalachu
The Urgency of the Prenuptial Agreement as an Early Marriage Agreement
Indriastuti, Niken Reti
The Students’ Strategies to Engage with Extensive Reading
Indriastuti, Niken Reti
Maintaining Students’ Extrinsic Motivation in Online Learning: Teachers’ Problem
Irawan, Windo Dicky
Mathematical Problem Solving in Terms of Digital Literacy Ability
Irawan, Windo Dicky
The Mewarei Kindship System in Lampung Pepadun
Irianto, Koento P.N.
Analysis of Education Sector Policies During the Covid 19 Pandemic: A Literature Review
Isnandar, Aries
Law Etiquette; The Paradigm of Legal Protection
Izziyana, Wafda Vivid
The Urgency of the Prenuptial Agreement as an Early Marriage Agreement
Mathematical Problem Solving in Terms of Digital Literacy Ability
Karsoni, Juhardi Basri
The Mewarei Kindship System in Lampung Pepadun
Kasmiyati, Etty
The Development of Learning Models I Am Proud of Indonesia in My Waterland (Abita Learning) to Improve Understanding the Rights of Obligations and Attitudes Thinking Critical Students in Sman 8, Depok City
The Most Contributing Factor on Indonesian Early Primary Students Resilience During Pandemic COVID-19
Khotimah, Khusnul
The Development of Electronic Teaching Materials for Learning ICT on Language Teaching During Covid-19 Pademic
Khurriyah, Nurul
Zoya Herawati’s Authorship: Is It Agency and Construction of Canon Literary Reproduction?
Development of “Pa Asik” Flashcard Gaming Media as a Prevention of Physical Violence in Children 4-6 Years in Dki Jakarta
Kristantiya, Triambodo Andi
Leadership Study in Managing Social Capital in Flood Disaster Management in Madiun District
Kristiana, Dian
Parents’ Roles in STEAM Learning in Early Childhood
Kuning, Dewi Sri
The Role of Parents in Motivating the Children in Online Learning of Candimas 3 Public Elementary School North Lampung in Covid-19 Pandemic
Kurniati, Pat
The Development of Learning Models I Am Proud of Indonesia in My Waterland (Abita Learning) to Improve Understanding the Rights of Obligations and Attitudes Thinking Critical Students in Sman 8, Depok City
Laksana, Sigit Dwi
Improving Students’ Metacognitive Ability Through Multisensory Learning in Primary Schools
Larasati, Endang
Mobilizing Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) Through Affirmative Development Policies in Rural Areas
Lestari, Nurcholif Diah Sri
Exploring Mathematics Education Students Presentation Skills in Differential Equation Assignment Through Online Learning
Lestariningrum, Anik
Management and Sustainability Challenges of Early Childhood Education Institutions in Pandemic Era
Linarsih, Andini
Emergency Remote Teaching Practices in the Perspective of Cognitive Load of Multimedia Learning Theory
Lukitasari, Marheny
Exploring Mathematics Education Students Presentation Skills in Differential Equation Assignment Through Online Learning
Maghfiroh, Ana
Building Students’ Character in an ICT-based Learning; Does it matter? ICT, Character Education, and Listening Instruction
Maghfiroh, Ana
Maintaining Students’ Extrinsic Motivation in Online Learning: Teachers’ Problem
Maghfiroh, Ana
Phonology and Pronunciation Improvement (Students’ Perspective)
Mahardhani, Ardhana Januar
The Urgency of Interregional Cooperation for the Development of New Areas: Studies in Indonesia
Mahardhani, Ardhana Januar
Strengthening Student National Insight Through Kemuhammadiyahan Courses
Mahendra, Yasinta
The Use of Think Pair Share Model to Improve Stundents’ Skill in Writing Persuasive Paragraph at Elementary Teacher Education of Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi Academic Year 2020/2021
Mahon, Dominic
The Most Contributing Factor on Indonesian Early Primary Students Resilience During Pandemic COVID-19
Building Students’ Character in an ICT-based Learning; Does it matter? ICT, Character Education, and Listening Instruction
The Implementation of Homeland Loving Education Character by the Students of Civic Education Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo
Efforts of the Language Village Forum in Strengthening the Disciplinary Character of Course Participants During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Mathematical Problem Solving in Terms of Digital Literacy Ability
Meilasari, Venty
Thinking Process of Skeptical Students on Hoax