Proceedings of the Mathematics and Science Education International Seminar 2021 (MASEIS 2021)

154 authors
Purwanto, Andik
Student’s Written Communication Skills in Learning Physics Using Virtual Lab-Based Video Tutorials
Purwianingsih, Widi
Investigating the Effect of Authentic Research Project-Based Laboratory Work on Creative Thinking, Attitudes and Scientific Work Skills of High School Students
Putri, Desy Hanisa
Electronic Module Development Based Scaffolding on Static Electricity
Putri, Desy Hanisa
Students’ Responses About Using E-Module for Physics Practicum in Pandemic Era
Putri, Desy Hanisa
Student’s Written Communication Skills in Learning Physics Using Virtual Lab-Based Video Tutorials
Rahmi, Ayu
Science Process Skills of Pre-service Teacher Through Inorganic Chemistry Practicum Activities
Risdianto, Eko
The Effectiveness of Augmented Reality (AR)-Based Blended Learning Models to Increase the Creativity of Prospective Educators
Rochintaniawati, Diana
Investigating the Effect of Authentic Research Project-Based Laboratory Work on Creative Thinking, Attitudes and Scientific Work Skills of High School Students
Romundza, Febby
Analysis of Mathematic Literacy Ability of Junior High School Student Using Android-Based Mobile Learning Media in the Time Covid-19 Pandemic
Ruyani, Aceng
The Study of Behavior Heosemys Spinosa on the Ex-Situ Conservation Area of Bengkulu University
Ruyani, Aceng
Project-Based Learning: Animal Diversity Survey in Turtle Conservation Area at Bengkulu University
Sakti, Indra
Implementation of PCT (Paper Chromatography Techniques) Practicum Media on Student Learning Outcomes on Mixed Separation Materials
Samitra, Dian
Project-Based Learning: Animal Diversity Survey in Turtle Conservation Area at Bengkulu University
Santoso, Santoso
Development of Student Critical Thinking Skills Through Inquiry Learning in Cell Metabolism Material (Study of Literature Study Analysis)
Sardjono, Ratnaningsih Eko
Connecting Students’ Critical Thinking Skills with Conceptual Knowledge in Learning the Organic Compounds Stability by Using Marvin Sketch as a Tools to Adjust the Era of Society 5.0
Setiadi, Tri Irama
Study on the Use of Plants in Balinese Ethnicity in Bengkulu as an Alternative Source of Learning Plant Taxonomy Based on Local Wisdom
Siska, Jumiati
Mathematics Learning with MMP Development
Sospolita, Nadya
The Results of Using the Zoom Application on Mathematical Representation Ability of Junior High School Students
Sucipto, Hadi
Electronic Module Development Based Scaffolding on Static Electricity
Suharno, Ayu Sekarsari
Validation and Reliability of Strategy Instrument Test the Firing Line with Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning Modified (POGIL) on Problem Solving Abilities and Mathematical Representation of Junior High School Students
Sukarso, A. A.
Investigating the Effect of Authentic Research Project-Based Laboratory Work on Creative Thinking, Attitudes and Scientific Work Skills of High School Students
Sumardi, Hari
Prediction Farmer Exchange Rate Comparative Method of Analysis Holth-Winters Smoothing and Seasonal ARIMA
Sumardi, Hari
The Results of Using the Zoom Application on Mathematical Representation Ability of Junior High School Students
Sundaryono, Agus
The Study of Behavior Heosemys Spinosa on the Ex-Situ Conservation Area of Bengkulu University
Susanta, Agus
Validation and Reliability of Strategy Instrument Test the Firing Line with Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning Modified (POGIL) on Problem Solving Abilities and Mathematical Representation of Junior High School Students
Susanta, Agus
Increasing the Students’ Understanding of Analyzing Data Through Project-Based Learning
Electronic Module Development Based Scaffolding on Static Electricity
Sutarno, Sutarno
Student’s Written Communication Skills in Learning Physics Using Virtual Lab-Based Video Tutorials
Sutrisno, Sutrisno
Rapid Artificial Diagnostic Test in Intelligent Teacher Assistant System (ITAS) to Identify Misconceptions on Kinematics
Syafmen, Wardi
Analysis of Mathematic Literacy Ability of Junior High School Student Using Android-Based Mobile Learning Media in the Time Covid-19 Pandemic
Syafri, Fatrima Santri
The Effectiveness of Using Mathematics Books in Islamic Studies for Students of Tadris Mathematics Study Program
Uliyandari, Mellyta
Implementation of PCT (Paper Chromatography Techniques) Practicum Media on Student Learning Outcomes on Mixed Separation Materials
Umaro, Septika A.
Development of Integrated Blog-Based Teaching Materials of Dyestuffs Adsorption to Improve Students’ Literacy in Chemistry
Unaida, Ratna
Examining Junior High School Student’s Self-efficacy of Literacy and Numeracy
Unaida, Ratna
Perception of Prospective Teachers to the Needs of ICT in Chemical Learning in the Age of Digital Transformation
Utari, Tria
Student Problem Solving Skill in Linear Algebra Subjects Based on Polya Solving Steps
Vatresia, Arie
Fuzzy Subtractive C-Means for Teacher Distribution Analysis
Wibowo, Tri Haryanto
Analysis of Student Responses to the Application of the Project Based Learning (PJBL) Model in the Introduction to Solid State Physics Course
Widiarti, Yetti
The Effect of Blended Learning Model with Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Approach on Concept Understanding and Mathematics Problem Solving Ability of Students of Junior High School 11 Bengkulu City
Analysis of Giving Quizzes on Mechanics Lectures Through E-Learning
Design of Basic Physics Practicum Module Using Augmented Reality
Widodo, Ari
Investigating the Effect of Authentic Research Project-Based Laboratory Work on Creative Thinking, Attitudes and Scientific Work Skills of High School Students
Implementing the Powerpoint 2010 and Phet Simulation Media with Modification of Reciprocal Teaching Approach in Inorganic Chemistry Materials
Yani, Ariefa Primair
Project-Based Learning: Animal Diversity Survey in Turtle Conservation Area at Bengkulu University
Yennita, Yennita
Analysis of the Questioning Ability of Biology Education Students Based on Cognitive Level in Plant Morphology Course
Yensy, Nurul Astuty
Increasing the Students’ Understanding of Analyzing Data Through Project-Based Learning
Yolika, Winda
The Study of Behavior Heosemys Spinosa on the Ex-Situ Conservation Area of Bengkulu University
Study on the Use of Plants in Balinese Ethnicity in Bengkulu as an Alternative Source of Learning Plant Taxonomy Based on Local Wisdom
Yunita, Widia
The Effectiveness of Augmented Reality (AR)-Based Blended Learning Models to Increase the Creativity of Prospective Educators
Yustisia, Nova
The Effectiveness of Augmented Reality (AR)-Based Blended Learning Models to Increase the Creativity of Prospective Educators
Analysis of Giving Quizzes on Mechanics Lectures Through E-Learning
Design of Basic Physics Practicum Module Using Augmented Reality
Zamzaili, Zamzaili
The Influence of Anxiety and Perception on Mathematics Learning on Understanding the Concepts of Students of Class VIII Junior High School 16 Bengkulu City
Zukmadini, Alif Yanuar
Study on the Use of Plants in Balinese Ethnicity in Bengkulu as an Alternative Source of Learning Plant Taxonomy Based on Local Wisdom