Proceedings of the 2nd Southeast Asian Academic Forum on Sustainable Development (SEA-AFSID 2018)

228 authors
Kuncoro, Anies T
The Epistemology of Fiqh-Science and Its Implementation in Contemporary Fiqh in Indonesia
Kusdarini, Eni
Strengthening Political Participation Through Education in Schools
Kustinah, Meina Woro
Effect of Leadership Style and Organization on Employee Through Job Satisfaction (Empirical Study on Five Construction Companies in Indonesia)
Kusumaningrum, Fitri Ayu
Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Internet Addiction Among College Students in Yogyakarta
Kusumaningrum, Fitri Ayu
Tadribat haramiyah Learning Material Design
Lestari, Puji
Job Satisfaction and Achievement of Maqasid Al-Sharia: A Case Study in Takaful Keluarga Yogyakarta
Financial Performance Competency Analysis of Sharia Micro Financial Institution and Its Relationship with Small and Medium Enterprise Development in Sumenep Madura
Limjirakan, Sangchan
Synergistic Indicators for Sustainable Consumption and Production and Sustainable Tourism
Effectiveness of Dessimination of Rahmatan Lil ‘Alamin Values Using Problem-Based Learning Methods on Ya Badi’ Dhikr and Ta’lim Assembly, Kalitirto, Berbah, Sleman, Yogyakarta
Understanding and Application of Sufism to Overcome Inner Conflict Among University Students
Lusiana, Elnovani
Understanding the Development of Children’s Education Caused by Parents Perception
Mani, La
Social Media in the Constituent Interaction and Mobility: Case Study in the 2017 Jakarta-Indonesia Governor General Election Campaign
Mani, La
The Existence of Relationship Management to the Customer Loyalty: A Case Study of Rejeki Smartfren Care Program Through Social Media Twitter
Mani, La
Women Construction Towards Cervical Cancer in Social Media: Case Study of Prevents Cervical Cancer Indonesian Coalition Instagram
Mani, La
Public Relations Activity to Shape Brand Awareness of Lounge and Bar in Jakarta
Mani, La
The Socialization Mechanism of Teach for Indonesia (TFI) as an Effort to Establish the Brand Awareness Organization
Mani, La
E-Commerce Communication: A Descriptive Study on Integrated Marketing Communication in Tokopedia, Indonesia
Mani, La
LEPMIDA Verbal Communication Strategy in Establishing Cooperation with the Local Government
Manuhutu, Khrisna Ariyanto
Proposing the Improvement of the Landscape Theory of Group Formation: New Replacement Factors
Factors Affecting Purchase Decisions: Horison Hotels West Java Area
Matondang, Riana Jogi Ahdareni
Citizen Journalism in the Age of Media Convergence
Maulida, Ira Siti Rohmah
The Concept of Discretionary Penalty and Compensation and Its Implementation in the Fatwas of National Sharia Board-Indonesian Ulema Council
Mayangsari, L.
Proposing the Improvement of the Landscape Theory of Group Formation: New Replacement Factors
Tadribat haramiyah Learning Material Design
Mone, Johana Brigitha
Challenges of Sustainability in Radio Broadcasting Towards a Media Convergence Era by Marketing Public Relations Activities to Create Awareness of Prambors Radio in Indonesia
Mudjiono, Imam
The Urgency of Edutainment in Islamic Education Learning
Muhammad, Fauzi
E-Commerce Transactions: A Sharia Economic Perspective
Mukharram, Tamyiz
Deradicalization of Religion Understanding Among Senior High School Students in Metro City, Lampung Province, Indonesia
Mukharrom, Tamyiz
Polygamy in Muslim Countries: A Comparative Study in Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, and Indonesia
Munir, Moch Agus
Educational Design for Alpha Generation in the Industrial Age 4.0
Mursitama, Tirta Nugraha
Integrating Business Strategy and Sustainability Development of the Society: A Case of Aqua Company in Indonesia
Mustofa, Imam
Deradicalization of Religion Understanding Among Senior High School Students in Metro City, Lampung Province, Indonesia
Mutaalimah, Siti
The Effect of Price, Product Quality and Religiosity on Purchasing Behavior of Halal-Labeled Sariayu Beauty Products
Muthmainah, Fatihatul
Understanding and Application of Sufism to Overcome Inner Conflict Among University Students
Muthoharoh, Intan
The Role of Waste Recycle by Banking System to Economic Empowerment in Indonesia: A Case of Study of Bank Sampah Matahari Madiun
Muttaqien, Dadan
Measuring the Mosque-Based Disaster Philanthropy
Nataliia, Zhukova
Compositional Means for Shaping Modern Crimean Tatar Hotel and Restaurant Business Facilities
The Effects of Social Media, Email Marketing, Website, Mobile Applications Towards Purchase Intention - Consumer Decisions
Ningrum, Laras Laksita
Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Internet Addiction Among College Students in Yogyakarta
Nizar, Muchamad Coirun
The Epistemology of Fiqh-Science and Its Implementation in Contemporary Fiqh in Indonesia
Nudin, Burhan
Educational Design for Alpha Generation in the Industrial Age 4.0
Nugroho, Anton Priyo
The Impact of Halal Label and Social Support on Purchasing Behavior of Imported Instant Noodles
Nugroho, Anton Priyo
The Effect of Price, Product Quality and Religiosity on Purchasing Behavior of Halal-Labeled Sariayu Beauty Products
Nurozi, Ahmad
Polygamy in Muslim Countries: A Comparative Study in Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, and Indonesia
Nuryanta, Nanang
Urgency of Decision-Making Theory in Practical Leadership Process: Case Study at Faculty of Islamic Studies, Islamic University of Indonesia Yogyakarta
Pasir, Supriyanto
The Influence of Rois as an Agent of Religious Rituals
Patra, Aditya Kumar
Assessment of Dispersion, Retention Time and Fraction of PM10-20, and PM0.23-1 in Iron Ore Mines
Permana, Aditya
Integrating Business Strategy and Sustainability Development of the Society: A Case of Aqua Company in Indonesia
Praptiningsih, Novi Andayani
Implementation of Communication Among the Divorced Women on Remarriage in Indonesia
Pratama, M. Ridho
Financial Performance of Islamic and Conventional Mutual Funds in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Pratiwi, Yuanita Wahyu
Salatiga 1870s – 1930s: Institutionalization of Structural Inequality in the Age of Free Competition
Pringgenies, Dileanis
The Alun-Alun Karimunjawa as Economic Space in the Coastal City as Alun-Alun in the City Center in Java
Purwanto, Muhammad Roy
Morality and Justice in the Islamic Economics
Purwanto, Muhammad Roy
Deradicalization of Religion Understanding Among Senior High School Students in Metro City, Lampung Province, Indonesia
Purwanto, Muhammad Roy
Polygamy in Muslim Countries: A Comparative Study in Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, and Indonesia
Purwanto, Muhammad Roy R
Islamic Philanthropy and Civil Society Development Solutions in Indonesia
Pusparini, Martini Dwi
Job Satisfaction and Achievement of Maqasid Al-Sharia: A Case Study in Takaful Keluarga Yogyakarta
Pusparini, Martini Dwi
Financial Performance of Islamic and Conventional Mutual Funds in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Puspita, Viriena
Marketing Communications Strategy and Brand Sustainability of Toyota Astra Motor Indonesia
Puspita, Virienia
The Socialization Mechanism of Teach for Indonesia (TFI) as an Effort to Establish the Brand Awareness Organization
Putranto, Trias Septyoari
Factors Affecting Purchase Decisions: Horison Hotels West Java Area
Putri, Dinda Agustina
The Existence of Relationship Management to the Customer Loyalty: A Case Study of Rejeki Smartfren Care Program Through Social Media Twitter
Putri, Dinda Agustina
The Implementation of Integrated Marketing Communication Tools to Create Brand Awareness of the Use of Telkomsel TCash Sticker in Jabotabek Jabar Area
Putri, Handayani Dwi
The Existence of Relationship Management to the Customer Loyalty: A Case Study of Rejeki Smartfren Care Program Through Social Media Twitter
Putro, U.S.
Proposing the Improvement of the Landscape Theory of Group Formation: New Replacement Factors
Effects of Islamic Brand Personality, Service Quality, Customer Motives and Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty in Sharia Banks of Jambi City Under the Perspective of Tawhidi String Relation
Rahayu, T
Managing Health-Promoting School for Sustainability Development
Rahman, Muhammad Taufiq
Understanding the Development of Children’s Education Caused by Parents Perception
Rahman, Subhan M A
E-Commerce Transactions: A Sharia Economic Perspective
Rahmi, Awliya
High School Debate: Elevating Students Critical Thinking into Hoax Prevention
Job Satisfaction and Achievement of Maqasid Al-Sharia: A Case Study in Takaful Keluarga Yogyakarta
Financial Performance of Islamic and Conventional Mutual Funds in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Riza, Julianne Kamelia
Khulu’ as Evidence of Women Equality Right in Islam
Rukayah, R Siti
The Alun-Alun Karimunjawa as Economic Space in the Coastal City as Alun-Alun in the City Center in Java
Sadmoko, Nadira Kinanti
Women Construction Towards Cervical Cancer in Social Media: Case Study of Prevents Cervical Cancer Indonesian Coalition Instagram
Sadmoko, Nadira Kinanti
LEPMIDA Verbal Communication Strategy in Establishing Cooperation with the Local Government
Santi, May Rizdiana
Media Group Strategy to Change the Mindset of Multitasking Ability in the Era of Media Convergence: Case Studies in, Metro TV, and Media Indonesia
Saputra, Kurniawan Dwi
Ihsan-Based Character Education
Sari, Eka Wulan
Challenges of Sustainability in Radio Broadcasting Towards a Media Convergence Era by Marketing Public Relations Activities to Create Awareness of Prambors Radio in Indonesia
Sari, Tri Puspito
Marketing Public Relations Program (MPR) for Creating the Brand Image of PELNI Jakarta Hospital
The Political Ethics of Khalil Bishri in Al-Durr Al-Rambani
Sastrodinomo, Kasijanto
The Resistance Towards the Kedung Ombo Dam Construction of 1985-1991
Shofia, Gusti Khairina
Impact of Macroeconomy and Jakarta Islamic Index on Net Assets Value of Islamic Mixed Mutual Funds
Sholeh, Muhammad Muhtar Arifin
The Model of Developing School Culture Based on Strengthening Religious Characters
Ibn Thufail’s Thought in Hayy ibn Yaqzhan: Psychological Reflection of Soul Development
Sholihah, Hidayatus
Islamic Philanthropy Development Model Based on Management of Waqf Treasure Improvement on the Mosques of the Northern Seaboard of Java
Shomad, Bukhori Abdul
Implementing Islamic Leadership Values in Pancasila
Siahaan, Yonathan Anggian
Measuring Level of Information and Communication Technology Literacy of University Students in Indonesia
Public Relations of Tangerang City Government to Realize the City Branding Through Tangerang Live Program
Sjoraida, Diah Fatma
Village Community Opinion to Selection of Single Regional Candidates
Sobaya, Soya
Role of Government in Keeping Price Stability Through Pure Market Operation From an Islamic Economic Perspective
Urgency of Decision-Making Theory in Practical Leadership Process: Case Study at Faculty of Islamic Studies, Islamic University of Indonesia Yogyakarta
Srisusilawati, Popon
Impact of Macroeconomy and Jakarta Islamic Index on Net Assets Value of Islamic Mixed Mutual Funds
Subhiat, Aghitsna Putri
Public Relations of Tangerang City Government to Realize the City Branding Through Tangerang Live Program
Analysis of the Human Development Index in Jambi City
Surahman, Maman
The Concept of Discretionary Penalty and Compensation and Its Implementation in the Fatwas of National Sharia Board-Indonesian Ulema Council
Susilo, Endang Sri
The Alun-Alun Karimunjawa as Economic Space in the Coastal City as Alun-Alun in the City Center in Java
Svitlana, Privolneva
Compositional Means for Shaping Modern Crimean Tatar Hotel and Restaurant Business Facilities
The Role of Waste Recycle by Banking System to Economic Empowerment in Indonesia: A Case of Study of Bank Sampah Matahari Madiun
Syibly, M Roem
Morality and Justice in the Islamic Economics