Proceedings of the Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2018)

386 authors
Hendarso, Yoyok
Effect of the Moderation of Economic Institution on Local Economic Development
Hendrawan, Renaldi E.
Dispute Settlement on Pig Products: Case study of European and Russian trade
Hendriani, Ani
Profile of Students Prospective Teacher’s Foundational Critical Attitude of Educational Utopia
Hendrijanto, Kris
Total Communication Learning Model: Using pictures, writing and reading to increase language capacity for deaf children
Hendriyani, Hendriyani
Predicting Employee Engagement: A study among millennials
Herizon, Herizon
Green Innovation as a Determinant of Competitive Advantage in Creative Industry in Indonesia
Hernawati, Riza
The Development Policy of Ruhul Islam and the Religiosity Improvement
Herri, Herri
Green Innovation as a Determinant of Competitive Advantage in Creative Industry in Indonesia
Hidayat, Asep Ramdan
Application of the Ijarah Contract on Educational Financing through Empowerment of Laboratory of Mini Sharia Bank in Higher Education
Hidayat, Yayat Rahmat
The Effectivity of Education Program of the Sharia Fund
Hindersah, Hilwati
Construcion of the Spatial Concept of Art and Culture in Keraton Kacirebonan, Indonesia
Hirzi, Aziz Taufik
Sentics (Emotional Communication) Management on Islamic Review in Family Environment
Hugeng, Diana
Obligations for Indonesian Banks to Report Its Customers Data to Tax Office Under Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) Stipulations
Hutomo, Maria F. Cindy
Family Orientation and Internationalization of Family Business: A case study
Ibrahim, Mohamad Andri
Analysis of the Implementation of Fikkiyah Ad-Dhararu Yuzaal Principle for Investment of Indonesian Hajj Funds
Ibrahim, Mohamad Andri
The Effectivity of Education Program of the Sharia Fund
Ibrahim, Teguh
Profile of Students Prospective Teacher’s Foundational Critical Attitude of Educational Utopia
Ilahi, Fadilah
Analysis of the Implementation of Fikkiyah Ad-Dhararu Yuzaal Principle for Investment of Indonesian Hajj Funds
Ilmi, Ma'amuliah Annida Nurul
Gratitude and Organizational Commitments in the Office Boy
Ilyas, Ilyas
Risk Aversion of Special Penalties against Illegal Fishing
Imaniyati, Neni Sri
Criminal Liability of Sharia Banks in Financing Disbursement
Imaniyati, Neni Sri
The Implementation of Sharia Principle in Bank Products as Corporate Identity of Sharia Bank
Indraddin, Indraddin
Persuasive Sustainable Models for Conflict Resolution Post-Earthquake
Indratno, Imam
The Social Transformation Value in Lava Tour, Merapi Mountain, Yogyakarta
Indriani, Sri Seti
The Meaning of Films for Acehnese
Inten, Dinar Nur
Literation of Al-Quran for Early Age with Playing Techniques
Irasanti, Siska Nia
Correlation between Anxiety Levels with Oral Case Presentation Test Results
Irawati, Irawati
Control of Foreign Labor in Indonesia
Irfani, Aminuddin
Knowledge Sharing as a Model in Building Sustainable Learning Organization
Iriani, Julia
Importance of Performance Analysis and Potential Gain in Customer Value’s of Service Quality in Hospitals
Iskandar, Doddy
Environmental Journalism in the Flood News: An advocacy model
Ismawati, Ismawati
A Journey to a Better Community Service in Religious Boarding School Pesantren
Ismawati, Ismawati
Understanding Scabies in Religious Boarding School (Pesantren)
Isnandar, Ade Dikdik
The Effect of Green Purchase Behavior and Housing Environment Preferences on Property Pricing Strategies
Isnawijayani, Isnawijayani
Group Information Society (KIM) in Representing Information and Prosperous Village in Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency, South Sumatera
Isniarno, Noor Fauzi
Strategy of Increasing Competence of Geological Mining Student in Geodetic Mining Survey
Joemadi, Firman Rosdjadi
Cigarette: The GATT non-discrimination clause
Juwita, Winda Marlina
Profile of Students Prospective Teacher’s Foundational Critical Attitude of Educational Utopia
K, Nian Qisthi
Tightening Loose Ends in Eradicating Card Fraud (Reviewing card skimming case verdict in Denpasar, Indonesia)
Karman, Karman
Representation of Indonesian Democratic Leaders by Jamā’ah Anṣāru Tawḥīd and Ḥizbut Taḥrīr as Radical Muslim Groups
Kelly, Patricia
Dispute Settlement on Anti-dumping Policy: Case studies of pulp and paper products
Kharisma, Yuktiana
Understanding Scabies in Religious Boarding School (Pesantren)
Khasanah, Andhita Nurul
Process of Translation of the Children’s Worlds Subjective Well-Being Scale in Indonesia
Khasanah, Andhita Nurul
Types of Bullying in Junior High School Students
Khuza'i, Rodliyah
Developing a Waqf Institution through Repairment Management and Insitutional Legalization
Khuzai, Rodliyah
The Community Knowledge of Violence Against Children
Khuza’I, Rodliyah
Islamization of Isma'il Raji al-Faruqi's Knowledge (Study of Contemporary Epistemology)
Krustiyati, J. M. Atik
Obligations for Indonesian Banks to Report Its Customers Data to Tax Office Under Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) Stipulations
Kuntorini, Ririn Sri
The Influence of Quality of Management Accounting Information System on the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance and It Impacts on the Company Performance
Kurniadi, Oji
Ethics in the Television Programme
Kurniaputra, Sugiharto
Cigarette: The GATT non-discrimination clause
Kurniasari, Nia
Waste Management Awareness Education for Senior High School Students
Kurniati, Nia
Developing a Waqf Institution through Repairment Management and Insitutional Legalization
Kusdiyati, Sulisworo
The Influence of Parental Support on Student Engagement through Self-System Processes
Kusdiyati, Sulisworo
Gratitude and Well-Being in Unfixed-salary Teacher
Lestari, Rini
The Influence of Quality of Management Accounting Information System on the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance and It Impacts on the Company Performance
Lestari, Rini
The Relationship of Organizational Culture and Management Policy in the Utilization of Social and Economic Value of Zakat
Listiani, Endri
The Reception Audience of the Woman’s Beauty in Korean Drama
Lobo, Albertina Nasri
Empowering Poor Families through Conditional Cash Transfer in Papua
Mahmud, Ade
The Judgment of Judge Against Intention in Determining Criminal Responsibility of Corruption’s Perpetrators to Seek Material Truth
Mahmud, Ade
Criminal Liability of Sharia Banks in Financing Disbursement
Malik, Dedy Djamaluddin
Leadership Communication: Three Model Approaches
Malinda, Yola
Regional Economic Improvement Model through Integration of West Sumateran Rubber Market with ASEAN Regional Market
Marleni, Marleni
Persuasive Sustainable Models for Conflict Resolution Post-Earthquake
Maryanto, Maryanto
Strategy of Increasing Competence of Geological Mining Student in Geodetic Mining Survey
Mascita, Dede Endang
Moral Values Found in the Swathi’s “Di Antara Dua Dunia” Novel
Mashudi, Didi
Analysis of the Implementation of Fikkiyah Ad-Dhararu Yuzaal Principle for Investment of Indonesian Hajj Funds
Masnipal, Masnipal
Early Childhood Education Management Workshop to Improve the Quality of Pos PAUD Service
Mattola, Muhammad Galib
Being Young and Interreligious: Makassar young muslim generation views toward interfaith dialogue
Maulida, Meta
Understanding Scabies in Religious Boarding School (Pesantren)
Mawardi, Imron
The Empowerment of Economic Community After the Action of 212
Ma’arif, Bambang S.
Persuasive Da’wah Activities and the Socio-Demographic Factor
Megawati, Veny
Migration and Development: A case study of Indonesian migrant workers
Miftachul, Munir
Study on the Threat of Coastal Area Damage in Bancar District, Tuban Regency
Mubarak, Ali
Process of Translation of the Children’s Worlds Subjective Well-Being Scale in Indonesia
Mufidi, H. M. Faiz
The Indonesian Law Perspective on the Authority of Beauty Practitioners in Performing Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Muhammad, Fakhri
Tobacco Farmers and Local Economic Development
Muhardi, Muhardi
Knowledge Sharing as a Model in Building Sustainable Learning Organization
Mujahid, Ilham
Elucidation and Criticism on the Hadith of Jihad
Mulyana, Ahmad
The Reception Audience of the Woman’s Beauty in Korean Drama
Mulyana, Deddy
The Reception Audience of the Woman’s Beauty in Korean Drama
Mulyani, Dewi
Literation of Al-Quran for Early Age with Playing Techniques
Murdiawati, Dewi
Effect of Greenhouse Gas Emission Disclosure, Environmental Performance, and Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility Report on Financial Performance
Musafir, Musafir
The Role of Komite Persiapan Penegakan Syariat Islam (KPPSI) Organization for Development of Islamic Civil Society in the Bugis Community of South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Musrifah, Sri
Study on the Threat of Coastal Area Damage in Bancar District, Tuban Regency
Nabilah, Dini Dwi
Correlation between Anxiety Levels with Oral Case Presentation Test Results
Natsir, Muhammad
Reactualization of Inclusive Islam to Deal with Terrorism Issue in Indonesia
Nour, Muhammad
Migration and Development: A case study of Indonesian migrant workers
Nugraha, Nugraha
Importance of Performance Analysis and Potential Gain in Customer Value’s of Service Quality in Hospitals
Nugraha, Suci
Adherence and Quality of Life in Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus
Nugrahawati, Eni Nuraeni
Muru’ah and Self-presentation through Virtual Display of Affection in UNISBA Female Students
Nurcahyono, Arinto
Reconstructing Clean Water Policy Based on the Perspective of Idea Law of Pancasila the Indonesia’s Principles
Nurdiansyah, Rikrik
Building Systematic Think Ability
Nurdin, Ahmad Ali
Promoting Moderate Islam Through Educational Institution (The case of faculty of Ushuluddin, UIN Bandung)
Nurdin, Encep Syarief
Internalization of Religious Values in Z Generation through 5 (T) Program
Nurdin, Nurdin
Knowledge Sharing as a Model in Building Sustainable Learning Organization
Nurfahmiyati, Nurfahmiyati
Islamic Work Ethics Implementation in Islamic Bank
Nurhasanah, Neneng
The Implementation of Micro Financing in Sharia Commercial Banks in Undertaking Social Intermediary Function
Nurhasanah, Neneng
The Implementation of Sharia Principle in Bank Products as Corporate Identity of Sharia Bank
Nurhayati, Nunung
The Implementation of Micro Financing in Sharia Commercial Banks in Undertaking Social Intermediary Function