Proceedings of the Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2018)

386 authors
Nurjanah, Tiya
Fraud Detection (From the public accountant perspective)
Nurrahmawati, Nurrahmawati
The Analysis of Private University Service Quality and Image
Nurrahmawati, Nurrahmawati
Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility Framework in Mining Companies
Nurrahmawati, Nurrahmawati
Corporate Social Responsibility Model of Mining Companies in the Environmental Communication Perspective
Odah, Odah
Waste Management Awareness Education for Senior High School Students
P S, Dian Widya
English Club Usage by Santri of Baitul Hidayah Islamic Boarding School as an Act to Prevent Disruption Era (A Case Study of Pesantren Baitul Hidayah, Cimenyan, Bandung)
Palupi, Dwi Astuti
The Role of Bakamla in Law Enforcement in Indonesian Waters and Indonesian Jurisdiction
Pamungkas, Muhamad Imam
Literation of Al-Quran for Early Age with Playing Techniques
Parihat, Parihat
Persuasive Da’wah Activities and the Socio-Demographic Factor
Permana, Rangga Saptya Mohamad
The Meaning of Films for Acehnese
Permataputri, Isniati
Process of Translation of the Children’s Worlds Subjective Well-Being Scale in Indonesia
Pertiwi, Riska Amalia
Gratitude and Organizational Commitments in the Office Boy
Pranadita, Nugraha
The Legal Theory of Space as a Means of Legal Development in the Perspective of the Indonesian Law
Pranadita, Nugraha
Trends Protection as Legal Protection of Creative Industries in the Perspective of the Welfare Law State
Praptiningsih, Novi Andayani
Implications of Gay Dramaturgy in Self-disclosure Behavior
Pratiwi, Nadia Putri
Exploring the Spatial Arrangement of Local Settlement
Pratono, Aluisius Hery
Cigarette: The GATT non-discrimination clause
Pratono, Aluisius Hery
Dispute Settlement on Trade-Restriction of the Horticultural and Animal Products (Case study of Indonesia, New Zealand, and USA)
Pratono, Aluisius Hery
Migration and Development: A case study of Indonesian migrant workers
Pratono, Aluisius Hery
Dispute Settlement on Anti-dumping Policy: Case studies of pulp and paper products
Pratono, Aluisius Hery
Family Orientation and Internationalization of Family Business: A case study
Pratono, Aluisius Hery
Dispute Settlement on Pig Products: Case study of European and Russian trade
Purbaningsih, Wida
A Journey to a Better Community Service in Religious Boarding School Pesantren
Purnamasari, Pupung
The Effect of Green Purchase Behavior and Housing Environment Preferences on Property Pricing Strategies
Purnamasari, Pupung
Fraud Detection (From the public accountant perspective)
Purnomo, Jorgi A.
Dispute Settlement on Pig Products: Case study of European and Russian trade
Purwowibowo, Purwowibowo
Total Communication Learning Model: Using pictures, writing and reading to increase language capacity for deaf children
Puspitasari, Lilis
The Meaning of Films for Acehnese
Putra, Ikhsan Muharma
Persuasive Sustainable Models for Conflict Resolution Post-Earthquake
Putra, Panji Adam Agus
The Effectivity of Education Program of the Sharia Fund
Putri, Dinda Agustina
Implications of Gay Dramaturgy in Self-disclosure Behavior
Putri, Siti Kartika
Adherence and Quality of Life in Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus
Qodariah, Siti
Contribution of Aggressive driving, Negative emotions, and Risky driving to Dangerous driving in young motorcyclists at Bandung City, Indonesia
Qodariah, Siti
Gratitude and Organizational Commitments in the Office Boy
Qodim, Husnul
Promoting Moderate Islam Through Educational Institution (The case of faculty of Ushuluddin, UIN Bandung)
Rahayu, Makmuroh Sri
Friendly Character of Civil Service Police (Descriptive Study on Civil Service Police in Bandung, West Java)
Rahayu, Siti
Group Information Society (KIM) in Representing Information and Prosperous Village in Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency, South Sumatera
Rahmaniar, Anindya
The Social Transformation Value in Lava Tour, Merapi Mountain, Yogyakarta
Rahmat, Munawar
The Characteristics of Muttaqin in the Qur`an and its Implication on the Aim of Islamic Education
Rahmat, Munawar
The Controversy of Mu`min and Kāfir Meaning: How to Build Faith and Religious Tolerance?
Rahmat, Munawar
Building the Character of Humility Through the Prophet Sulayman Model in Kindergarten
Rahmatullah, Tansah
The Legal Theory of Space as a Means of Legal Development in the Perspective of the Indonesian Law
Rahminawati, Nan
Early Childhood Education Management Workshop to Improve the Quality of Pos PAUD Service
Ramadani, Rully Nurhasan
Strategy of Increasing Competence of Geological Mining Student in Geodetic Mining Survey
Rani, Asni Mustika
How to Change MSME’s Paradigm in Applying Green Industry Principles?
Ratnasari, Anne
Promotional Optimization in Developing Creative Industrial Products of MSMEs
Ratnasari, Anne
Business Presentation to Increase Product Sales of Farm Group Members
Ravena, Dey
The Judgment of Judge Against Intention in Determining Criminal Responsibility of Corruption’s Perpetrators to Seek Material Truth
Respati, Titik
A Journey to a Better Community Service in Religious Boarding School Pesantren
Respati, Titik
Understanding Scabies in Religious Boarding School (Pesantren)
Riani, Westi
Islamic Work Ethics Implementation in Islamic Bank
Rinawati, Rini
Community Based Communication Model: Development of information and communication technology in the village
Rinawati, Rini
Communication in Family Resilience
Rivai, Harif Amali
Green Innovation as a Determinant of Competitive Advantage in Creative Industry in Indonesia
Riyadi, Arie Rakhmat
Profile of Students Prospective Teacher’s Foundational Critical Attitude of Educational Utopia
Rizal, Anna Rozana Syamsoul
Teacher Training for Applicating Values and Increasing Inclusive Attitudes in Digital Age
Rizal, Anna Rozana Syamsoul
Muru’ah and Self-presentation through Virtual Display of Affection in UNISBA Female Students
Rizal, Edwin
The Reception Audience of the Woman’s Beauty in Korean Drama
Rizki, Sandy
Application of the Ijarah Contract on Educational Financing through Empowerment of Laboratory of Mini Sharia Bank in Higher Education
Robandi, Babang
Profile of Students Prospective Teacher’s Foundational Critical Attitude of Educational Utopia
Rochim, Mochamad
Empowering Women in Politics through Women's Political Organization
Rohandi, Mochamad Malik Akbar
The Role of Karang Taruna in Increasing the Economic Productivity of Peuyeum Industry in Bandung
Rohmati, Dani
The Empowerment of Economic Community After the Action of 212
Rosdiana, Yuni
The Relationship of Organizational Culture and Management Policy in the Utilization of Social and Economic Value of Zakat
Rosjadi, Firman
Dispute Settlement on Trade-Restriction of the Horticultural and Animal Products (Case study of Indonesia, New Zealand, and USA)
Rosra, Deswita
Challenge and Opportunity in the Implementation of ASEAN Economic Community in West Sumatera
Rostandi, Usep Dedi
Promoting Moderate Islam Through Educational Institution (The case of faculty of Ushuluddin, UIN Bandung)
Ruhaeni, Neni
The Concept of Allocation of Certain Risk and its Construction in the Formulation of National Legislation on Liability in Outer Space Activities
S, Anton Hendrik
Tightening Loose Ends in Eradicating Card Fraud (Reviewing card skimming case verdict in Denpasar, Indonesia)
Saefudin, Nugraha
The Effect of Green Purchase Behavior and Housing Environment Preferences on Property Pricing Strategies
Safrudin, Irfan
Islamization of Isma'il Raji al-Faruqi's Knowledge (Study of Contemporary Epistemology)
Sambas, Nandang
The Development of Trafficking as a Form of Human Rights Violations
Santana, Septiawan
Environmental Journalism in the Flood News: An advocacy model
Santoso, Taufik Iman
Dispute Settlement on Pig Products: Case study of European and Russian trade
Saputra, Angga Yulio
Gratitude and Organizational Commitments in the Office Boy
Saraswati, Halinda
Cigarette: The GATT non-discrimination clause
Saraswati, Saraswati
Tobacco Farmers and Local Economic Development
Sari, Ninuk Permata
The Role of Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat (Puskesmas) in Early Detection of Violence Against Children
Sari, Wulan Purnama
Social Interaction between Hinduism and Muslim Group
Sartika, Dewi
Teacher Training for Applicating Values and Increasing Inclusive Attitudes in Digital Age
Sastika, Widya
The Influence of Advertising Value on Advertising Attitude and its Impact on Purchase Intention
Satriani, Arbaiyah
English Club Usage by Santri of Baitul Hidayah Islamic Boarding School as an Act to Prevent Disruption Era (A Case Study of Pesantren Baitul Hidayah, Cimenyan, Bandung)
Segoro, Waseso
The Influence Factors towards the Interest to Use "Mandiri E-Money Card" in Depok, Indonesia
Segoro, Waseso
The Influence Factors on the Satisfaction of Telkomsel SIM Card Users in Indonesia
Selamat, Selamat
Importance of Performance Analysis and Potential Gain in Customer Value’s of Service Quality in Hospitals
Senjiati, Ifa Hanifia
Application of the Ijarah Contract on Educational Financing through Empowerment of Laboratory of Mini Sharia Bank in Higher Education
Setiadi, Edi
The Development Policy of Ruhul Islam and the Religiosity Improvement
Setiawan, Erik
English Club Usage by Santri of Baitul Hidayah Islamic Boarding School as an Act to Prevent Disruption Era (A Case Study of Pesantren Baitul Hidayah, Cimenyan, Bandung)
Simanjuntak, Yoan Nursari
Protection of Geographical Indications: Role of local governments and communities
Sirodj, Dwi Agustin Nuriani
The Influence of Parental Support on Student Engagement through Self-System Processes
Sirodj, Dwi Agustin Nuriani
Types of Bullying in Junior High School Students
Siska, Frency
The Ambiguity of Implementation of Full Protection and Security Principle in Indonesia Investment Law
Siswoyo, Mukarto
The Empowerment of North Coastal Community of Mertasinga Village in Gunung Jati Sub District of Cirebon Regency-West Java-Indonesia
Siwu, Sonya Claudia
Presidential Regulation (PERPRES) No. 20 of 2018 on Foreign Workers in the Era of Free Trade
Sobarna, Ayi
Early Childhood Education Management Workshop to Improve the Quality of Pos PAUD Service
Sobarna, Ayi
Development Model of Religious Consciousness in the Implementation of Islamic Boarding College
Sobarningsih, Nunung
Building Systematic Think Ability
Sofianty, Diamonalisa
The Influence of Quality of Management Accounting Information System on the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance and It Impacts on the Company Performance
Sofyan, Aning
Promotional Optimization in Developing Creative Industrial Products of MSMEs
Sofyan, Aning
Business Presentation to Increase Product Sales of Farm Group Members