Proceedings of the 3rd ASEAN Conference on Psychology, Counselling, and Humanities (ACPCH 2017)
141 authors
- Abdullah, Syed Mohamad Syed
- Cognitive Restructuring Techniques (Crt) In Reducing Career Women's Anxiety
- Abdullah, Syed Mohamad Syed
- Loss and Grief Counselling for Flood Victims
- Abdullah, Syed Mohamad Syed
- Effectiveness of Creative Pedagogy in Enhancing the Knowledge and Awareness on Bullying amongst Secondary School Students
- Agustiani, Hendriati
- The Effectiveness of Islamic Values Based Sex Education Training In Teens
- Ahmad, Nor Shafrin
- Practise of Crisis Intervention among Malaysian Counsellors
- Ahmad, Nor Shafrin
- Loss and Grief Counselling for Flood Victims
- Ahmad, Nor Shafrin binti
- Assessing Resilience among Malaysian University Undergraduates
- Al-falathi, Siti Aminah
- Career Guidance and Counseling Program for Informal Education in Indonesia
- Amalia, Sofa
- Father Involvement In Child Care For Toddler Viewed From Marrital Satisfaction On Wife's Point Of View
- Aman, Rahimi Che
- Loss and Grief Counselling for Flood Victims
- Aman, Rahimi Che
- Application of the Homework Technique for Women's Depression in a Divorce Process
- Aman, Rahimi binti Che
- Assessing Resilience among Malaysian University Undergraduates
- Amin, Ahmad
- Practise of Crisis Intervention among Malaysian Counsellors
- Andromeda
- Exploring Self-Concept on Young Prisoners Using An Appreciative Inquiry Approach
- Anwar, Zainul
- Effect Of Personality (Big Five Personality) To Multitasking
- Ariati, Jati
- Positive Emotion Skills at Work: Intervention To Increase Well-Being of Working Mothers in Pmi Central Java
- Ariati, Jati
- An Individual Positive Emotion Exercise: Its Influence on Self-Efficacy and Procrastination of Nursing Students
- Ariffudin, Imam
- Psychological Experience Dynamics of Students with Glossophobia through Narrative Counseling as seen from Gender: A Qualitative Study
- Asyanti, Setia
- Mental Health Literacy Among Youth in Surakarta
- Blowfield, Hannah
- Cognitive Risk Factors of Social Anxiety
- Caninsti, Riselligia
- The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Training on Pregnancy Stress
- Dewi, Eva Meizara Puspita
- The Implementation of Mental Training Method in Sport to Increase Athlete's Mentality at Student Education and Exercise (PPLP) Makassar
- Dewi, Eva Meizara Puspita
- Developing a Religious Based Coaching Model to Address Problems Faced by Prisoners at First Class Detention Center Makassar
- Dewi, Eva Meizara Puspita
- The Study Of Character-Assessment Book Use In Junior High School
- Diponegoro, Ahmad Muhammad
- Coping with Negative Attitude Toward Muslims in The Netherlands and Germany: The Role of Religious Moral Values among Indonesian Migrants
- Diponegoro, Ahmad Muhammad
- Appreciation Toward The Sense of Humor Scale Based on Gender and Ethnic
- Djalal, Novita Maulidya
- The Effect of Self-Efficacy to Mathematical Anxiety on Junior High School Students of YDM Learning Guidance Course Makassar
- Djalal, Novita Maulidya
- The Study Of Character-Assessment Book Use In Junior High School
- Fathiawati, Ade S.
- An Individual Positive Emotion Exercise: Its Influence on Self-Efficacy and Procrastination of Nursing Students
- Fatimah, Siti
- Gratitude With Well Being for Elderly Who Live in Social Care Residence : A Review
- Fauziah, Nailul
- Positive Emotion Skills at Work: Intervention To Increase Well-Being of Working Mothers in Pmi Central Java
- Febriani, Zulfa
- The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Training on Pregnancy Stress
- Firmanto, Ari
- Development and Validation of Peachful Behavior Scale
- Fitri, Susi
- Career Guidance and Counseling Program for Informal Education in Indonesia
- Fourianalistyawati, Endang
- The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Training on Pregnancy Stress
- Freeston, Mark
- Cognitive Risk Factors of Social Anxiety
- Frieda, N.R.H.
- Positive Emotion Skills at Work: Intervention To Increase Well-Being of Working Mothers in Pmi Central Java
- Hadis, Abdul
- Developing a Religious Based Coaching Model to Address Problems Faced by Prisoners at First Class Detention Center Makassar
- Hakim, Siti Nurina
- Elderly Anxiety in the Process of Regular Hajj
- Hamid, Harlina
- The Study Of Character-Assessment Book Use In Junior High School
- Handoyo, Seger
- Effects of Individual Differences on the Performance in Computer Based Test (CBT)
- Handoyo, Seger
- Family Resilience: A Conceptual Review
- Handoyo, Seger
- Career Adaptability: The Influence of Readiness and Adaptation Success in the Education Context: a Literature Review
- Har, Amelia Leong Chiew
- Effectiveness of Creative Pedagogy in Enhancing the Knowledge and Awareness on Bullying amongst Secondary School Students
- Hasanati, Nida
- The Influence of Interpersonal Conflict on Counterproductive Work Behaviour Mediated by Job Stress
- Hassan, Norsuraya
- Cognitive Restructuring Techniques (Crt) In Reducing Career Women's Anxiety
- Hasyim
- The Implementation of Mental Training Method in Sport to Increase Athlete's Mentality at Student Education and Exercise (PPLP) Makassar
- Herdiana, Ike
- Family Resilience: A Conceptual Review
- Hevi Mulia, Putri
- The Effect of Thought Stopping Therapy on The Blood and Pulse Pressures as an Anxiety Indicator of Injections
- Hidayat, Dede Rahmat
- Career Guidance and Counseling Program for Informal Education in Indonesia
- Hinduan, Zahrotur Rusyda
- The Effectiveness of Islamic Values Based Sex Education Training In Teens
- Idris, Mohd Rashid Md
- The Inculcation of Valuesin Teaching Proverb at Lower Secondary Level
- Ika, Kristiana
- Should I Be Grateful?: Gratitude and Teachers' Mental Health of Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN)
- Imaduddin, Muhammad
- Listening to the Quran Recitations: 'Does It Affect Psychophysiological Measures of Emotion?'
- Ingarianti, Tri Muji
- The Relationship between Work Value and Organizational Commitment on Student of Sekolah Polisi Negara Mojokerto
- Isa, Zainudin Mohd
- Assessing Employability Skills among Special Education Student Teachers in Malaysia
- Ismail, Nurul Munirah Binti
- The Inculcation of Valuesin Teaching Proverb at Lower Secondary Level
- Iswinarti
- Group Reality Therapy to Increase Self-Esteem in Adolescents
- Jatnika, Ratna
- The Effectiveness of Islamic Values Based Sex Education Training In Teens
- Kamal, Siti Fatimah
- Practise of Crisis Intervention among Malaysian Counsellors
- Karina, Vironica Dwi
- The Influence of Interpersonal Conflict on Counterproductive Work Behaviour Mediated by Job Stress
- Karmiyati, Diah
- The Comparison Between Laughter and Seft Therapies Effect Towards Stress for The Elderly People
- Karyani, Usmi
- Mental Health Literacy Among Youth in Surakarta
- Khairani, Ahmad Zamri
- Assessing Employability Skills among Special Education Student Teachers in Malaysia
- Khairani, Ahmad Zamri bin
- Assessing Resilience among Malaysian University Undergraduates
- Khor, Khai Ling
- Anger Experience and Expression among Adolescents: A Test of the STAXI-2 C/A
- Kurniawan, Yohan
- The Effect of Thought Stopping Therapy on The Blood and Pulse Pressures as an Anxiety Indicator of Injections
- Kustanti, E.R.
- Should I Be Grateful?: Gratitude and Teachers' Mental Health of Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN)
- Kustanti, Erin Ratna
- Positive Emotion Skills at Work: Intervention To Increase Well-Being of Working Mothers in Pmi Central Java
- Laras, Qonita
- An Individual Positive Emotion Exercise: Its Influence on Self-Efficacy and Procrastination of Nursing Students
- Latipun
- The Effect of Thought Stopping Therapy on The Blood and Pulse Pressures as an Anxiety Indicator of Injections
- Latipun
- Development and Validation of Peachful Behavior Scale
- Lestari, Rini
- Psychological Counseling To Reduce Adolescent Stress In Child Development Agency
- Lestari, Rini
- Element of Community and Drug Abuse Perception
- Lubis, Rahmi
- The Effectiveness of Islamic Values Based Sex Education Training In Teens
- Maimunah, Siti
- Father Involvement In Child Care For Toddler Viewed From Marrital Satisfaction On Wife's Point Of View
- Mastuti, Endah
- Effects of Individual Differences on the Performance in Computer Based Test (CBT)
- Muhammadong
- Developing a Religious Based Coaching Model to Address Problems Faced by Prisoners at First Class Detention Center Makassar
- Mujidin
- Coping with Negative Attitude Toward Muslims in The Netherlands and Germany: The Role of Religious Moral Values among Indonesian Migrants
- Mulawarman, Mulawarman
- Psychological Experience Dynamics of Students with Glossophobia through Narrative Counseling as seen from Gender: A Qualitative Study
- Murdiana, Sitti
- Adult Attachment Support To Emotion Regulation When Marital Conflicts Happen To Married Women
- Nasution, Sarah A
- An Individual Positive Emotion Exercise: Its Influence on Self-Efficacy and Procrastination of Nursing Students
- Ng, Lei Voon
- Anger Experience and Expression among Adolescents: A Test of the STAXI-2 C/A
- Nizar, Novil Cut
- The Role Of Pschological Intervention To Improve Attention Adhd Child
- Ni’matuzahroh
- School Community Role In Implementing Inclusive Education
- Nurhamida, Yuni
- School Community Role In Implementing Inclusive Education
- Panggabean, Ellis C.
- An Individual Positive Emotion Exercise: Its Influence on Self-Efficacy and Procrastination of Nursing Students
- Paslan, Nur Azmina
- Application of the Homework Technique for Women's Depression in a Divorce Process
- Permatasari, Denise
- Yoga For Menopausal Symptoms: A Review
- Pheng, Eow Gaik
- Can Dysfunctional Thought Record Reduce Postpartum Depression?
- Pranungsari, Dessy
- Intervention Model of Children Growth and Development to Improve Stimulation Skills of Parents With Early Child
- Prasetnyaningrum, Juliani
- Element of Community and Drug Abuse Perception
- Prasetyo, Anggun Resdasari
- Positive Emotion Skills at Work: Intervention To Increase Well-Being of Working Mothers in Pmi Central Java
- Prihatsanti, Unika
- Positive Emotion Skills at Work: Intervention To Increase Well-Being of Working Mothers in Pmi Central Java
- Prihatsanti, Unika
- The Relationship Between Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy, Entrepreneurial Curiosity and Innovative Behavior on Entrepreneur Students
- Purwandari, Eny
- Element of Community and Drug Abuse Perception
- Rachmawati, Intan
- Father Involvement In Child Care For Toddler Viewed From Marrital Satisfaction On Wife's Point Of View
- Rachmayanie, Ririanti
- Developing Elemetary School Students' Honesty through Traditional Game of Balalasaman
- Rahmawati, Ajeng Intan Nur
- Psychological Experience Dynamics of Students with Glossophobia through Narrative Counseling as seen from Gender: A Qualitative Study
- Ratnaningsih, Ika Zenita
- Positive Emotion Skills at Work: Intervention To Increase Well-Being of Working Mothers in Pmi Central Java