Proceedings of the 3rd ASEAN Conference on Psychology, Counselling, and Humanities (ACPCH 2017)
62 articles
Proceedings Article
Coping with Negative Attitude Toward Muslims in The Netherlands and Germany: The Role of Religious Moral Values among Indonesian Migrants
Ahmad Muhammad Diponegoro, Mujidin
Since the terrorist attacks in several countries in Europe, little is known about how Muslims, as a minority group, in Netherlands and Germany cope with the challenges associated with engaging their religious practices in a predominantly nonIslamic context. This study aims to investigate how Indonesian...
Proceedings Article
Psychological Experience Dynamics of Students with Glossophobia through Narrative Counseling as seen from Gender: A Qualitative Study
Ajeng Intan Nur Rahmawati, Imam Ariffudin, Mulawarman Mulawarman
Psychological experience can lead to the fear of speech anxiety (glossophobia). A number of studies explain that 75% people in the world have suffered glossophobia. The studies also revealed that, compared with men, women have higher tendency to experience glossophobia. The aim of the present study was...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Self-Efficacy to Mathematical Anxiety on Junior High School Students of YDM Learning Guidance Course Makassar
Dian Novita Siswanti, Novita Maulidya Djalal
Mathematics is often considered as one of difficult subject at school. It causes many students feel anxious when facing this subject. One of the factors that can affect mathematical anxiety is students' belief on their own ability which is called self-efficacy. The purpose of this study is to determine...
Proceedings Article
Effects of Individual Differences on the Performance in Computer Based Test (CBT)
Endah Mastuti, Seger Handoyo
Along with the advancement of technology, the usage of Computer-Based Test (CBT) is increasing. However, many problems emerge due to this matter, such as equivalency issue which has been widely examined. Another emerging critical issue is its relation with individual differences aspect of test takers...
Proceedings Article
First Year Challenge: The Role of Self-Regulated Learning to Prevent Internet Addiction among First-Year University Students
Ermida Simanjuntak
University students are categorized as digital natives group who use internet frequently in their daily life. Several studies mentioned that internet affects the way university students learn and socialize with peers. Referring to the university context, first year of university is a crucial periode...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Mental Training Method in Sport to Increase Athlete's Mentality at Student Education and Exercise (PPLP) Makassar
Eva Meizara Puspita Dewi, Saharullah, Hasyim
The development of employees of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) with integrity, professional, neutral, clean and able to provide public services for the public is important one of which can be optimized through human capital. Based on previous research on the role of Human Capital on the establishment...
Proceedings Article
Positive Emotion Skills at Work: Intervention To Increase Well-Being of Working Mothers in Pmi Central Java
N.R.H. Frieda, Anggun Resdasari Prasetyo, Ika Zenita Ratnaningsih, Jati Ariati, Unika Prihatsanti, Nailul Fauziah, Erin Ratna Kustanti
This study aims to determine the effect of Positive Emotion Skills at Work to increase well-being in working mothers in PMI Central Java. The experimental method used was a quasi-experiment that was randomized pretest-posttest control group design. The research subjects were 24 persons with characteristics:...
Proceedings Article
Should I Be Grateful?: Gratitude and Teachers' Mental Health of Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN)
Kristiana Ika, E.R. Kustanti
The task of the teachers who teach students with special needs; to teach, guide, even help them both physically and psychologically have the potential to create conditions that interfere with their mental health. The teachers who have a healthy mentality will feel happy, be able to manage stress, work...
Proceedings Article
Family Resilience: A Conceptual Review
Ike Herdiana, Suryanto, Seger Handoyo
A family is a primary institution in the society which has dynamic system, and it frequently proceeds especially when its members face a crisis situation. The family's efforts and success to rise from crisis situations are known as family resilience. The purpose of writing this article is to get better...
Proceedings Article
Group Reality Therapy to Increase Self-Esteem in Adolescents
Iswinarti, Yanuarty Paresma Wahyuningsih
Self-esteem is an essential need for adolescents. The problem of low self-esteem might cause a failure during the identity search period and lack of attachment from the environment. Subjects of this study were five students of Junior High School (13-15 years-old) who were afraid to express their needs...
Proceedings Article
An Individual Positive Emotion Exercise: Its Influence on Self-Efficacy and Procrastination of Nursing Students
Jati Ariati, Sarah A Nasution, Qonita Laras, Ade S. Fathiawati, Ellis C. Panggabean
Two of indicators to be succeed in learning are high self-efficacy and low procrastination behavior. In order to create these conditions, teachers have to contribute actively not only by giving order relating to the teaching materials, but also to conduct certain strategy in order to help their students...
Proceedings Article
Multisensory Model For Home Early Literacy Stimulation: The Implementation Process
Lisnawati Ruhaena
The aim of this research was to implement the multisensory model in home early literacy stimulation and to obtain feedback from the application to improve the model for the next implementation. The method used was action research as the researcher intended to discover the process of how the multisensory...
Proceedings Article
The Inculcation of Valuesin Teaching Proverb at Lower Secondary Level
Mohd Rashid Md Idris, Nurul Munirah Binti Ismail, Norul Haida Reduzan, Abdullah Yusof
This study represents an inculcation of the values in the teaching of the proverb in the junior high level. There are three main objectives in this study, which is to identify the types of idioms that are available in the Bahasa Melayu textbook of form one, two, and three, to explain the meaning of proverbs...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Music Therapy in Promoting Communication and Social Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Pilot Study
Monica Subiantoro
Based on data gathered by WHO, 1 in 160 children has autism (WHO, 2017). This rapidly increasing number has alarmed parents and healthcare professionals. One of the primary concerns raised by parents of children with autism spectrum disorder, or ASD, is the lack of initiative from their children in communication....
Proceedings Article
Cognitive Risk Factors of Social Anxiety
Muhamad Salis Yuniardi, Mair Roberts, Hannah Blowfield, Mark Freeston, Dr. Jacqui Rodgers
This study aimed to examine a model of cognitive risk factors, which were Fear of Negative Evaluation, Intolerance of Uncertainty and Shame in predicting social anxiety. Furthermore, this study also aimed to investigate any possible interactions among those factors in predicting social anxiety. Of 112...
Proceedings Article
Developing a Religious Based Coaching Model to Address Problems Faced by Prisoners at First Class Detention Center Makassar
Muhammadong, Abdul Hadis, Eva Meizara Puspita Dewi
The purpose of this research is to overcome the problems faced by prisoners in Class 1 Makassar Detention Center so that the inmates will not tend to do anarchic actions and devote themselves when in the middle of society. The target of this research to be achieved is the inmates can change their mindset...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Interpersonal Conflict on Counterproductive Work Behaviour Mediated by Job Stress
Nida Hasanati, Tulus Winarsunu, Vironica Dwi Karina
High work productivity is the goal of organization, but reality shown today that the behaviour of counter-productive work done by many employees. Job stress and interpersonal conflict in the workplace create an atmosphere that is not conducive to assuming counter-productive behaviours. Purpose of this...
Proceedings Article
School Community Role In Implementing Inclusive Education
Ni’matuzahroh, Yuni Nurhamida
The basic principle of the emergence of inclusive education is to provide a solution to discriminatory treatment in education, especially for children with special needs to learn together with normal children regardless of differences they have. However, the implementation of inclusive education in Indonesia...
Proceedings Article
Practise of Crisis Intervention among Malaysian Counsellors
Nor Shafrin Ahmad, Siti Fatimah Kamal, Ahmad Amin, Mohamad Sulaiman
Crisis intervention is a method used to handle people in crisis. It offers immediate, short-term help toindividuals who experience distressful or traumatic event. Crisis may cause psychological breakdowns andopportunity depends on how it been intervene. Thus, counsellors must practise effective crisis...
Proceedings Article
Cognitive Restructuring Techniques (Crt) In Reducing Career Women's Anxiety
Norsuraya Hassan, Syed Mohamad Syed Abdullah
This study aims to identify the level and symptoms of anxiety experienced by the subject. This study is also conducted to identify the effect of Cognitive Restructuring Techniques (CRT) to reduce the anxiety level experienced by the subject. It utilises a combination of the qualitative and quantitative...
Proceedings Article
Listening to the Quran Recitations: 'Does It Affect Psychophysiological Measures of Emotion?'
Queen Rahmah Rizqi Zaidah, Muhammad Imaduddin
This study was designed to examine the effect of listening to the Quran recitations based on different melodies on the psychophysiological measurements of emotion. The skin conductance and heart rate were measured as the physiological response; meanwhile, the mood and emotion scale were analysed as participant's...
Proceedings Article
Psychological Counseling To Reduce Adolescent Stress In Child Development Agency
Rini Lestari
Adolescent is transition phase from childhood to adulthood. Recently, teenagers undergo significant change and development in all aspects, either physical, social, or psychological. One of the developments is on their sexual and hormonal organs, where they would be interested with their sexual counterparts,...
Proceedings Article
Developing Elemetary School Students' Honesty through Traditional Game of Balalasaman
Ririanti Rachmayanie, Akhmad Sugianto
One of education purposes is to internalize character values which are emphasized on ethic that can be seen on individual's daily manner. Character can be said as a way to think and behave which becomes individual's characteristic for working together, whether in family scope, society, nation and country....
Proceedings Article
Mental Health Literacy Among Youth in Surakarta
Setia Asyanti, Usmi Karyani
Having an adequate knowledge of mental disorders is valuable for recognizing, preventing and treating them effectively. This study explored the adolescence's general knowledge of mental disorders (mental health literacy) in Surakarta, Indonesia. Data was collected by an open ended questionaire developed...
Proceedings Article
Father Involvement In Child Care For Toddler Viewed From Marrital Satisfaction On Wife's Point Of View
Siti Maimunah, Sofa Amalia, Intan Rachmawati
Currently father's role is not merely to earn money for family but also to involve in parenting for the children. Father involvement in parenting can affect psychological condition of the mother, the condition of which will make her happy and pleased because her husband is willing to spend time to do...
Proceedings Article
Adult Attachment Support To Emotion Regulation When Marital Conflicts Happen To Married Women
Sitti Murdiana
This study aims to determine the effect of adult attachment to emotional regulation when facing marital conflicts that happen to married women. The study involved 200 married women who were in the early adult age in Makassar. The subjects of the study were chosen by using non-random sampling technique...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Instrumental Music and Relaxation towards Information Retrieval on Students
Tatik Imadatus Sa'adati
The learning process requires information processing which consists of encoding (receiving information), storage (saving information) and retrieval (restoration of information that has been saved) in order to develop the method of learning that is supported by the approach of music art. The present research...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship between Work Value and Organizational Commitment on Student of Sekolah Polisi Negara Mojokerto
Tri Muji Ingarianti
The study has examined the work values and its relationship to organizational commitment on students of Sekolah Polisi Negara (SPN) Mojokerto. The sample included 630 students of Police Nation School by using total sampling. The instrument used were: organizational commitment scale (Ingarianti, 2015)...
Proceedings Article
Is It Crucial to Use Information-Based Theory in Explaining Attitude towards Change?
Tulus Winarsunu
The purpose of this article is to describe the various theories used in research on attitudes to change. Theoretical framework that has been used could be grouped into three perspectives, which are based on social influence, individual differences, and information. Based on literature review in that...
Proceedings Article
Appreciation Toward The Sense of Humor Scale Based on Gender and Ethnic
Unggul Haryanto Nur Utomo, Ahmad Muhammad Diponegoro
The concern of this research is to examine The Sense of Humor Scale's openness to gender and ethnic. 150 male and 150 female university students from Bugis, Java, Madura, Sambas, Sasak, and Sunda ethnic are randomly divided from 1.179 respondents applying the stratified quota random sampling technique....
Proceedings Article
The Relationship Between Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy, Entrepreneurial Curiosity and Innovative Behavior on Entrepreneur Students
Unika Prihatsanti
Innovative behavior is the behavior of creating and combining something new, either in the form of a product or service. Entrepreneurial curiosity is a positive emotional/motivational system oriented toward investigation in the entrepreneurial framework to learn tasks related to entrepreneurship and...
Proceedings Article
Career Adaptability: The Influence of Readiness and Adaptation Success in the Education Context: a Literature Review
Wiwik Sulistiani, Seger Handoyo
Late adolescence or by the age of 20, adolescence enter during the transition to early adulthood. One of the developmental tasks experienced by individuals during this period is the establishment of career identities. In an effort to meet the establishment of identity is required career adaptability....
Proceedings Article
Assessing Employability Skills among Special Education Student Teachers in Malaysia
Zainudin Mohd Isa, Ahmad Zamri Khairani
The aim of this study is to assess employability skills among Special Education student teachers in Malaysia with regards to gender and years of study.. Employability skills is conceptualized by 8 generic skills namely, Communication, Critical Thinking, Adaptation, Teamwork, Leadership, Moral and Ethical,...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Training on Pregnancy Stress
Zulfa Febriani, Endang Fourianalistyawati, Riselligia Caninsti
Pregnancy stress is frequently associated with postpartum depression, increased post-partum partner conflicts, and poor quality of mother-infant attachment. Meanwhile, the impacts of pregnancy stress on infants are often related with premature birth, behavioral and emotional developmental problems, and...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Thought Stopping Therapy on The Blood and Pulse Pressures as an Anxiety Indicator of Injections
Latipun, Yohan Kurniawan, Putri Hevi Mulia
Injection is one of healthcare method. Injection can be used to curing and preventing, but it has negative effect such as resulting in pain, overdose and spreading of infection. It can result in anxiety. This factorial design 2x2 study investigated the effect of thought stopping therapy in reducing anxiety...
Proceedings Article
The Correlation of Self-Construal, Self-Efficacy, and Emotional Regulation Strategy as Cultural Factors with Social Anxiety: Preliminary Study
Cahyaning Suryaningrum
The purpose of this preliminary study is to examine the correlation between self-construal, self-efficacy and emotion regulation strategies as cultural-related factors with social anxiety of college students in the context of collectivist societies (Indonesia). In addition, the present study investigates...
Proceedings Article
The Comparison Between Laughter and Seft Therapies Effect Towards Stress for The Elderly People
Diah Karmiyati, Siti Zuhana Sari
The elderly people tend to be prone to stress. It actually relates to life problem, decrease of physical and psychological functions, and loneliness. Laughter and SEFT(Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique) therapies are effective to decrease stress level. The aim of this research is to compare the influence...
Proceedings Article
Loss and Grief Counselling for Flood Victims
Rahimi Che Aman, Syed Mohamad Syed Abdullah, Nor Shafrin Ahmad
Every disaster that happens, such as a flood, will definitely leave impacts on the individuals in terms of the feeling of loss and grief. This inspires counsellors to find the most appropriate counselling approach in dealing with these victims of flood disasters. This paper discusses the nature of loss...
Proceedings Article
Element of Community and Drug Abuse Perception
Eny Purwandari, Juliani Prasetnyaningrum, Rini Lestari
Elements of the community consisting of subdistrict head, nationwide (PKK), community leaders, religious leaders, police and community partnership forums (FKPM), community empowerment agencies (LPMK), and youths are synergies on the functioning of social control for drug abuse cases. Data collection...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Self-Efficacy and Gender on The Work-Family Balance of Employees in Yogyakarta
Nina Zulida Situmorang, Fauziah Wijayanti
This research paper aims to discover the effects of self-efficacy and gender on the work-family balance levels of employees working in Yogyakarta. The research subjects consisted of 76 employees, half of them are male and the other half are female, working in both public and private sectors. The methods...
Proceedings Article
Item Analysis in Affect Measurement on Decision to Car Purchase using Rasch Model
Asri Rejeki, Siti Sulasmi, Tatik Suryani
The present research is a preliminary study which aims at analyzing items on affect instrument when consumers purchased a car by using Rasch model. The number of respondents who participated in the study were 82 people. The consumers were those who had bought the car. The instrument developed in the...
Proceedings Article
Career Guidance and Counseling Program for Informal Education in Indonesia
Dede Rahmat Hidayat, Susi Fitri, Siti Aminah Al-falathi
The aim of the present study is to develop career guidance and counseling programs for informal education. This program is provided to students who pursue their education at informal setting in senior high school. The present study employed Research and Development (RnD) method. The product of this RnD...
Proceedings Article
Psycho-social Determinants of Academic Well-being for International Students from Developed Countries who Study in Developing Countries
Erna Z Wiles
Abundant research has been conducted on International students' well-being. However, little has focused on academic well-being and directed towards students from developed countries studying in developing countries as respondents. The fact that students have to live in a completely different country...
Proceedings Article
The Study Of Character-Assessment Book Use In Junior High School
Eva Meizara Puspita Dewi, Harlina Hamid, Novita Maulidya Djalal
Character education is a deliberate effort to develop good character based on existing policies. In adolescence i.e. junior high, individuals have a character base so that the school and parent's task is to strengthen the character. The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of assessment...
Proceedings Article
Elderly Anxiety in the Process of Regular Hajj
Farah Zahruna Thirafi, Siti Nurina Hakim
Hajj is an annual worship performed by muslims throughout the world for those who are able to do it. The gathering of muslims all over the world in one place at the same time can be a concern for someone, especially for the elderly. In addition, various activities in the pilgrimage, worship site conditions...
Proceedings Article
Crisis Counseling for Trauma in Early Childhood
Nina Permata Sari, M. Arli Rusandi
This article provides an overview of relevant literature, including specific research findings specific to early childhood vulnerability to trauma, symptoms related to traumatic events and treatment from the point of view of counseling and guidance. It is useful to educate counselors about the impact...
Proceedings Article
Intervention Model of Children Growth and Development to Improve Stimulation Skills of Parents With Early Child
Nissa Tarnoto, Fatwa Tentama, Dessy Pranungsari
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of intervention model in children growth and development to improve stimulation skills of parents with young children. Design of experiments uses a quasi-experimental of one-group pretest-posttest design. Methods of data collection use a scale of stimulation...
Proceedings Article
Effect Of Personality (Big Five Personality) To Multitasking
Rizki Widyahastuti, Zainul Anwar
Humans perform daily activities, in resolving some activities, people can do multiple task in the same general time period by engaging in frequent switches between individual tasks that is called multitasking. The preference of a person to perform multitasking is called polychronicity. One of the factors...
Proceedings Article
Home Environment and Stressful Life Events On Child Depression
Nur Alina Saidah
Many of the children who are depressed have a life in the home environment that is less supportive of mental health. Depression is the reduction of energy and passion, feelings of guilt in him, lack of concentration, loss of appetite and their thoughts of death and suicide is accompanied by changes in...
Proceedings Article
Yoga For Menopausal Symptoms: A Review
Denise Permatasari
The purpose of this study was to review literature about the effectiveness of yoga as a treatment for menopausal symptoms. This study use 10 literature where published on International Journal from 2007-2016. Most of literature used perimenopausal and postmenopausal woman as treatment subjects. This...
Proceedings Article
The Role Of Pschological Intervention To Improve Attention Adhd Child
Novil Cut Nizar
Children with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) have problem with attention that are very difficult to maintain on a particular task. Children with ADHD have problem when in a social institution such as a public school. Patients diagnosed with ADHD are increasingly prescribed with drugs...
Proceedings Article
Gratitude With Well Being for Elderly Who Live in Social Care Residence : A Review
Siti Fatimah
The purpose of this article was to review on gratitude with wellbeing for elderly who live in Social Care Residence. The review is based on the goals, demographic aspects, and research design used in the study. The review was 12 studies published on International Journal from 2008-2016. The results of...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Attachment Style on Adolescent's Conflict Resolution Styles
Zaimah Dwita Arum Primasari Sutiyo
Attach figure (nanny or mother) is a thing that not spared in individual parenting from infants to adults. Parenting provided can affect the psychological development of the individual in the future and help individuals to explore their social life, including when they facing the daily conflict. The...
Proceedings Article
Drug in The Workplace
Khatijah Taharah Binti Mohamed Shah
The abuse of illicit drug leads to many short-term and long-term negative physical effects such as hallucinations, loss of coordination, and in severe cases even death. To add on, drug abuse may also lead to serious harm to the organization and its employee. For example, the effects of consuming drugs...
Proceedings Article
Anger Experience and Expression among Adolescents: A Test of the STAXI-2 C/A
Lei Voon Ng, Khai Ling Khor
Adolescents regulate their anger expression more than other negative emotions. Unlike childhood aggression and externalizing behavior problems, the children and adolescents' experience and expression of anger has received relatively little empirical attention. The State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2...
Proceedings Article
Application of the Homework Technique for Women's Depression in a Divorce Process
Nur Azmina Paslan, Rahimi Che Aman
This study aims to identify depressive symptoms, the level of depression, and the effect of homework techniques in reducing depressive symptoms among women undergoing divorce.ÿThis study also discusses the theory of depression, and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Also, the literature of previous researches...
Proceedings Article
Can Dysfunctional Thought Record Reduce Postpartum Depression?
Eow Gaik Pheng, Nik Rosila Nik Yaacob
The purpose of this article is to identify the level of post-partum depression and to study the effectiveness of Dysfunctional Thought Record (DTR) technique in helping a post-partum depression woman. This is a single case study. The subject was selected using purposive sampling method. Edinburgh Postnatal...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Creative Pedagogy in Enhancing the Knowledge and Awareness on Bullying amongst Secondary School Students
Jamalsafri Saibon, Syed Mohamad Syed Abdullah, Amelia Leong Chiew Har
Previous research found that there are a correlation between the level of knowledge on bullying behavior and the level of bullying. Therefore, the Program 2BS: I'm a Buddy not a Bully, has been planned and implemented with the aim to enhance the knowledge and awareness on bullying among students. In...
Proceedings Article
Assessing Resilience among Malaysian University Undergraduates
Nor Shafrin binti Ahmad, Ahmad Zamri bin Khairani, Rahimi binti Che Aman
Resilience is a process of adapting well and bouncing back from difficult experiences. It is an essential coping strategy that individuals need to possess when they are facing stress or difficult situations in life. Resilience helps students to adapt and cope with stressors skillfully. Thus, resilience...
Proceedings Article
Exploring Self-Concept on Young Prisoners Using An Appreciative Inquiry Approach
Andromeda, Yogi Swaraswati, Woro Apriliana Sari
Based on the importance of young inmates' self-concept for the success of the reintegration process, this study aims to explore self-concept with other approaches. A qualitative descriptive method was employed using the four-stage Appreciative Inquiry approach. 9 young prisoners participated in 2 focus...
Proceedings Article
Development and Validation of Peachful Behavior Scale
Latipun, Ari Firmanto
Individual behavior basically may be assessed from its peaceful side. From this side, individual behavior may be understood from the tendency of peaceful behavior to conflict behavior. Measurement instrument to understand the tendency of such behavior is in a great need. This research was conducted to...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Islamic Values Based Sex Education Training In Teens
Rahmi Lubis, Zahrotur Rusyda Hinduan, Ratna Jatnika, Hendriati Agustiani
Teens need to understand the dimensions and implications of their sexual development. Such understanding will foster adolescent awareness and ability to show healthy and responsible sexual behavior. But not all adolescents have sufficient knowledge of sexuality and reproductive health. Adolescents do...