Proceedings of the 3rd ASEAN Conference on Psychology, Counselling, and Humanities (ACPCH 2017)
141 authors
- Reduzan, Norul Haida
- The Inculcation of Valuesin Teaching Proverb at Lower Secondary Level
- Rejeki, Asri
- Item Analysis in Affect Measurement on Decision to Car Purchase using Rasch Model
- Roberts, Mair
- Cognitive Risk Factors of Social Anxiety
- Rodgers, Dr. Jacqui
- Cognitive Risk Factors of Social Anxiety
- Ruhaena, Lisnawati
- Multisensory Model For Home Early Literacy Stimulation: The Implementation Process
- Rusandi, M. Arli
- Crisis Counseling for Trauma in Early Childhood
- Sa'adati, Tatik Imadatus
- The Influence of Instrumental Music and Relaxation towards Information Retrieval on Students
- Saharullah
- The Implementation of Mental Training Method in Sport to Increase Athlete's Mentality at Student Education and Exercise (PPLP) Makassar
- Saibon, Jamalsafri
- Effectiveness of Creative Pedagogy in Enhancing the Knowledge and Awareness on Bullying amongst Secondary School Students
- Saidah, Nur Alina
- Home Environment and Stressful Life Events On Child Depression
- Sari, Nina Permata
- Crisis Counseling for Trauma in Early Childhood
- Sari, Siti Zuhana
- The Comparison Between Laughter and Seft Therapies Effect Towards Stress for The Elderly People
- Sari, Woro Apriliana
- Exploring Self-Concept on Young Prisoners Using An Appreciative Inquiry Approach
- Shah, Khatijah Taharah Binti Mohamed
- Drug in The Workplace
- Simanjuntak, Ermida
- First Year Challenge: The Role of Self-Regulated Learning to Prevent Internet Addiction among First-Year University Students
- Siswanti, Dian Novita
- The Effect of Self-Efficacy to Mathematical Anxiety on Junior High School Students of YDM Learning Guidance Course Makassar
- Situmorang, Nina Zulida
- The Effect of Self-Efficacy and Gender on The Work-Family Balance of Employees in Yogyakarta
- Subiantoro, Monica
- The Role of Music Therapy in Promoting Communication and Social Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Pilot Study
- Sugianto, Akhmad
- Developing Elemetary School Students' Honesty through Traditional Game of Balalasaman
- Sulaiman, Mohamad
- Practise of Crisis Intervention among Malaysian Counsellors
- Sulasmi, Siti
- Item Analysis in Affect Measurement on Decision to Car Purchase using Rasch Model
- Sulistiani, Wiwik
- Career Adaptability: The Influence of Readiness and Adaptation Success in the Education Context: a Literature Review
- Suryani, Tatik
- Item Analysis in Affect Measurement on Decision to Car Purchase using Rasch Model
- Suryaningrum, Cahyaning
- The Correlation of Self-Construal, Self-Efficacy, and Emotional Regulation Strategy as Cultural Factors with Social Anxiety: Preliminary Study
- Suryanto
- Family Resilience: A Conceptual Review
- Sutiyo, Zaimah Dwita Arum Primasari
- The Effect of Attachment Style on Adolescent's Conflict Resolution Styles
- Swaraswati, Yogi
- Exploring Self-Concept on Young Prisoners Using An Appreciative Inquiry Approach
- Tarnoto, Nissa
- Intervention Model of Children Growth and Development to Improve Stimulation Skills of Parents With Early Child
- Tentama, Fatwa
- Intervention Model of Children Growth and Development to Improve Stimulation Skills of Parents With Early Child
- Thirafi, Farah Zahruna
- Elderly Anxiety in the Process of Regular Hajj
- Utomo, Unggul Haryanto Nur
- Appreciation Toward The Sense of Humor Scale Based on Gender and Ethnic
- Wahyuningsih, Yanuarty Paresma
- Group Reality Therapy to Increase Self-Esteem in Adolescents
- Widyahastuti, Rizki
- Effect Of Personality (Big Five Personality) To Multitasking
- Wijayanti, Fauziah
- The Effect of Self-Efficacy and Gender on The Work-Family Balance of Employees in Yogyakarta
- Wiles, Erna Z
- Psycho-social Determinants of Academic Well-being for International Students from Developed Countries who Study in Developing Countries
- Winarsunu, Tulus
- The Influence of Interpersonal Conflict on Counterproductive Work Behaviour Mediated by Job Stress
- Winarsunu, Tulus
- Is It Crucial to Use Information-Based Theory in Explaining Attitude towards Change?
- Yaacob, Nik Rosila Nik
- Can Dysfunctional Thought Record Reduce Postpartum Depression?
- Yuniardi, Muhamad Salis
- Cognitive Risk Factors of Social Anxiety
- Yusof, Abdullah
- The Inculcation of Valuesin Teaching Proverb at Lower Secondary Level
- Zaidah, Queen Rahmah Rizqi
- Listening to the Quran Recitations: 'Does It Affect Psychophysiological Measures of Emotion?'