Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial Applications
899 authors
- Wang, J.
- Vector Median Filters Based on Noise Detection for Color Images
- Wang, J.
- Study On Group Velocity Of Oceanic Internal Solitary Wave
- Wang, J. X.
- An Adaptive Threshold Algorithm for Joint Sparse Recovery
- Wang, J.J
- The Study of Real-Time Industrial Ethernet Power link Medium Redundancy
- Wang, J.X
- A New Approach for Recognition and Position of Traffic Lights
- Wang, J.X.
- Optimal Designing of Heavy Duty Vehicle Preheater System
- Wang, K.
- The Load Current Control of Inductively Coupled Power Transfer System Based on Neural Network for AUV
- Wang, L.
- Systematic Digitized Treatment of Engineering Line-Diagrams
- Wang, M.
- Broadband over Power Line used in Intelligent Residential District
- Wang, M.
- Susceptibility Analysis of Earthquake-Induced Landslide Using Random Forest Method
- Wang, N.
- Research on the Measurement error of Electric Energy Metering System under Harmonics
- Wang, S.C
- A Single-Stage Dimmable Multi-String HB-LED Driver with High Power Factor and Temperature Compensation
- Wang, S.P
- Research of User-Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithm Based on Hadoop
- Wang, T.
- Study on Laser Micro-Cladding Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Equipment Control System
- Wang, W.
- An Acquisition Support System for Public Healthcare — Case Study of the U.S. Children Vaccine Program
- Wang, W.G
- Research on Saturation Detection Circuit for Power MosFET
- Wang, W.P
- Bayesian Parameter Estimation in LDA
- Wang, X.
- Empirical Study on Reversible Lane in Beijing
- Wang, X.
- Analysis of Signal Integrity on High Speed Signal Processing System of Vehicle-Mounted Video
- Wang, X.
- Direct-Estimation of Sea State Bias in Hy-2 Based on a Merged Dataset
- Wang, X.C
- Research on Structure understanding of Complex-Table in Form Applications
- Wang, X.K
- Discussions about the Best Methods of Collision between Merchant Ships and Fishing Boats during Fishing Seasons Near Chinese Coast
- Wang, X.K
- Deployment Analysis of a Deployable Truss Structure
- Wang, X.M
- Broadband over Power Line used in Intelligent Residential District
- Wang, X.T
- A Novel High Performance Scheduling Algorithm for Crosspoint Buffered Crossbar Switches
- Wang, X.X.
- Study STATCOM with Small Time-Step Simulation on FPGAs
- Wang, Y.
- Bayesian Parameter Estimation in LDA
- Wang, Y.
- Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control for PMSM System
- Wang, Y. J
- Research on Balance Measurement System Based on Embedded OMAP and Filtering Technology
- Wang, Y.B
- Research on Information Models and Modelling Methods of the New Generation of OSS for Data Management
- Wang, Y.L
- Empirical Study on Reversible Lane in Beijing
- Wang, Y.L
- Integrating Desktop Factory into Manufacturing Cloud: A Conceptual Model
- Wang, Y.Q
- Transmission Characteristics of Quarter Wave Plate Circular Polarizer Based on Frequency Selective Surface for High Frequency Applications
- Wang, Y.Q
- Direct-Estimation of Sea State Bias in Hy-2 Based on a Merged Dataset
- Wang, Y.W
- A Novel High Performance Scheduling Algorithm for Crosspoint Buffered Crossbar Switches
- Wang, Y.Y
- Variations of Bergman Kernels for Some Explicitly Given Families of Planar Domains
- Wang, Z.
- Study on Laser Micro-Cladding Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Equipment Control System
- Wang, Z.
- The Risk Assessment Model of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises of Science and Technology Based On Boosting
- Wang, Z. Q
- Improvement on OFG Decoding Method for LT Codes
- Wang, Z.F
- Equalizer Design Based on ATSC-M/H Protocol
- Wang, Z.J
- Pairwise Test Generation Based on Parallel Genetic Algorithm with Spark
- Wang, Z.J
- A Review of a Text Classification Technique: K-Nearest Neighbor
- Wang, Z.Y
- Fuzzy Integral-based Neural Network Ensemble for Facial Expression Recognition
- Weckman, A.V
- Molecular Dynamic Studies of the Vacancies Interaction with the Grain Boundaries
- Wei, W.B
- Research on ADS1282-based Distributed Seismic Data Acquisition System
- Wei, X
- Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Liver Cirrhosis Based on Multiple Statistical Shape Models
- Wei, X.
- A Non-parametric Probabilistic Model for Hepatic Tumor Detection
- Wei, X. J
- The Distinction and Controversy of Digital Currency in China
- Wei, X.H
- A Nodal Arranging and Covering Algorithm Based on the Energy of Multi Sensors
- Wen, X.K
- Short-Term Photovoltaic Output Forecasting with Weakly Related Meteorological Data
- Wen, Z.Z
- An Iterated Local Search for the Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem
- Woradechjumroen, D.
- Building Energy Efficiency Improvement via Smart Building Solutions: Introduction to Methodologies
- Wu, H.C
- Study on Flow Field Performances of Oil Film Bearing in High-Speed Roll Grinder Based On FLUENT
- Wu, J.
- Realizing a Distributed Performance Testing System Based on TTCN-3
- Wu, J.P
- Analysis on Applying SDN in Wireless Networks from Operation View
- Wu, M.
- An Integrity-Assured Concealed Data Aggregation Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks
- Wu, M.J
- Simulation Algorithm of Shortest Match Path Based on Time Series
- Wu, R.
- Research on Saturation Detection Circuit for Power MosFET
- Wu, S. X
- Improvement on OFG Decoding Method for LT Codes
- Wu, X.
- Network Assembled Structures from a Series of Macromolecular Surfactants
- Wu, X.
- Analysis and Simulation on an ISFET with Back-Gated Structure and High-Mobility Channel Material
- Wu, X.B
- Research on the Amplitude Features of Stator Current for Motor with Bearing Faults
- Wu, X.H
- Software Modelling and Automatic Code Generation Based on Reactive State Diagram
- Wu, Y.
- An Algorithm of Frequent Patterns Mining Based on Binary Information Granule
- Wu, Y.T
- A Secure Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transmission System Based on CDMA Architecture
- Wu, Z.Y
- A Framework for Product Lifecycle Knowledge Service
- Xi, H.H
- Three Dimensional Shear Stress Along Bonded Interface between Fiber Reinforced Plasticplate and Concrete
- Xi, H.H
- Parametric Study of Shear Stress Along Fiber Reinforced Plastic and Concrete Bonded Interface
- Xia, S.X
- Wind-Induced Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Device for Wireless Sensor Node on the Drum of Mine Hoist
- Xia, Y.X
- A Vehicle Type Recognition Method based on Sparse Auto Encoder
- Xiao, D.G
- Calculation Techniques of two-dimensional residual stress field for mechanical engineering application
- Xiao, G.Q
- Human Action Recognition Based On Multi-level Feature Fusion
- Xiao, G.Q
- Mining Blocks' Association Rules for Disk Data Perfecting
- Xiao, J.H
- Research of Guangdong and Macao Tourism Cooperation Condition based on DEFCA
- Xiao, M.H
- Proving Authentication Property of Modified Needham-Schroeder Protocol with Logic of Events
- Xiao, N.F
- Fire and Smoke Identification Algorithms based on Attention Mechanism
- Xiao, N.F
- Fuzzy Integral-based Neural Network Ensemble for Facial Expression Recognition
- Xiao, S.Q
- Transmission Characteristics of Quarter Wave Plate Circular Polarizer Based on Frequency Selective Surface for High Frequency Applications
- Xiao, Y.
- Short-Term Photovoltaic Output Forecasting with Weakly Related Meteorological Data
- Xie, C.R
- Privacy-Preserving Power Consumption Data Measuring Protocol for Smart Grid
- Xie, D.F
- Research on Dynamic Pricing and Ordering Policy of Fresh Agriculture Product Considering Consumers’ Perceived Quality
- Xie, H.
- Study on the Simulation of Hot Event’s Propagation Based on Ant Colony Algorithm in Social Networks
- Xie, H.Y
- Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on the AIC
- Xie, N.F
- Research on Big Data Technology-Based Agricultural Information System
- Xie, Q.S
- Realization of FPGA-Based Video Image Fusion Technology
- Xie, R.N
- Research on Secure Communication Mechanism of Traffic Recorder
- Xing, J.Y
- Design and Realization of DC Motor Speed Measurement and Control Based on an Electromagnetic Sensor
- Xing, Z.Y
- Reliability Analysis of The Subway Door System Based on Monte Carlo
- Xiong, Z.S
- Shape-Controlled Synthesis of CeO2 Nanotube Using P123 Triblock Copolymer and Its Application in Catalytic Ozonation
- Xu, C.G
- Calculation Techniques of two-dimensional residual stress field for mechanical engineering application
- Xu, F.
- The Influence of Bird’s Shape and Attitude on Bird-strike Analysis of Structure
- Xu, G.Y
- Multi-ring PSK Constellation Design for Spatial Modulation Transmission
- Xu, J.B
- No Reference Video Quality Metric for 4K-UHD Videos Based on H.264/AVC Bitstream Features
- Xu, J.Y
- An Optimized Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Algorithm Smoothing the Output of Wind Power
- Xu, K.Y
- Research on Intelligent Energy Efficiency Management System Based on CBR/MAS
- Xu, M.M
- Study STATCOM with Small Time-Step Simulation on FPGAs
- Xu, P.
- Research on BOC Signal Characteristics and Code Acquisition Methods
- Xu, R.P
- Finite-Time Synchronization of Chaos Gyros via Terminal Sliding Mode Control
- Xu, T.
- Equalizer Design Based on ATSC-M/H Protocol
- Xu, W.B
- Research of the Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Ocean Spar Sea Station