Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial Applications
899 authors
- Ma, J.H
- Research on the Current Eigenfrequencies for Motor with Bearing Fault and Mixed Eccentricity
- Ma, M.M
- Research of User-Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithm Based on Hadoop
- Ma, S.Q
- Design of the Second-Order Voltage-Controlled Multifunctional Filter
- Ma, X.
- Method for Detection and Stereoscopic Measuring Lane Markers
- Ma, X.B
- A New Method for Estimating Inverse Data from Destructive Regular Storage Life Test
- Ma, X.F
- Deployment Analysis of a Deployable Truss Structure
- Ma, Y.
- Experimental Research On Flight Patterns Of Bees
- Ma, Y.J
- Research on BOC Signal Characteristics and Code Acquisition Methods
- Ma, Y.Y
- New Evaluation Model on Web Site Credibility
- Ma, Z.K
- Design of Automatically Sprinkling Irrigation System to Water Saving in Greenhouse
- Mangi, F.A
- Transmission Characteristics of Quarter Wave Plate Circular Polarizer Based on Frequency Selective Surface for High Frequency Applications
- Mao, H.L
- A Framework for Product Lifecycle Knowledge Service
- Mao, H.Y
- A Framework for Product Lifecycle Knowledge Service
- Matsushiro, N.
- Evaluation of Facial Paralysis Degrees Using Multi-Resolution Analysis
- Mei, J.N
- Design of Compact Wideband Circularly Polarized Conical Helix
- Memon, I.
- Transmission Characteristics of Quarter Wave Plate Circular Polarizer Based on Frequency Selective Surface for High Frequency Applications
- Meng, J.M
- Study On Group Velocity Of Oceanic Internal Solitary Wave
- Meng, L.J
- Software Modelling and Automatic Code Generation Based on Reactive State Diagram
- Meng, X.J
- Study on Flow Field Performances of Oil Film Bearing in High-Speed Roll Grinder Based On FLUENT
- Meng, Z.
- Research the Algorithm of Image Classification Based on Gaussian Mixture Model
- Merglodov, I.V
- Multimode Waveguide Van-Atta Array
- Miao, C.J
- An Approach for Multifaceted Mobile Nodes Sending Information to Manage the Network
- Miao, H.L
- Direct-Estimation of Sea State Bias in Hy-2 Based on a Merged Dataset
- Miao, T.Y
- Susceptibility Analysis of Earthquake-Induced Landslide Using Random Forest Method
- Miao, Y.C
- Dynamic Analysis of Cable-towed System During Ship in 180° U-turn Maneuver
- Miao, Y.C
- Research of the Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Ocean Spar Sea Station
- Miao, Z.Q
- Dynamic Model of Paclitaxel Biosynthesis Suggests That the Key Enzyme Is Taxadiene 5alpha-Hydroxylase in Taxuschinensis Cell Suspension Culture
- Mizuno, S.
- Expression of Relation of Medical Institutions and the Simulation of the Relation Recovery for Disaster
- Mo, T.T.
- A 1.9 GHZ High Efficiency Class-F SOI CMOS Power Amplifier
- Morgan, J. F
- Longitudinal Effects of Entry-Level Truck Driver Training Methods
- Mozgaleva, M.L
- Advanced Wavelet-Based Multilevel Discrete-Continual Finite Element Method for Three-Dimensional Local Structural Analysis
- Mu, C. Y
- Method for Detection and Stereoscopic Measuring Lane Markers
- Mu, Q.
- Study STATCOM with Small Time-Step Simulation on FPGAs
- Muñoz, D.F
- Planning and Control of Projects with Different Types of Precedence Relationships and a Service Level Using Stochastic Simulation
- Naoki, T.
- A PCA Based Approach for Quantitative Analysis of Shiny Skin
- Negrozov, O.A
- Advanced Wavelet-Based Multilevel Discrete-Continual Finite Element Method for Three-Dimensional Local Structural Analysis
- Nevolina, A.
- Industrial Simulation of Metallurgical Logistics
- Nevolina, A.
- Decision Support for Gasoline Tanker Logistics with BPsim.DSS
- Ngo, T.H
- Evaluation of Facial Paralysis Degrees Using Multi-Resolution Analysis
- Nie, J.
- LS Algorithm for Semi-online Scheduling Jobs with Nondecreasing Release Times and Nondecreasing Processing Times
- Nie, K.
- Research on the Architecture and Application Schema of Cloud Warehousing Mode
- Nie, K.
- Research on Dynamic Pricing and Ordering Policy of Fresh Agriculture Product Considering Consumers’ Perceived Quality
- Nie, Y.
- Transient Characteristics Analysis of DFIG during Power Grid Fault and Crowbar Resistance Adaptive Tuning
- Ning, J.G
- Experimental Research On Flight Patterns Of Bees
- Ning, X.Y
- Design of Non-Coherent CSS Communication Method for Highly Dynamic Scenes
- Ning, X.Y.
- Research on Time-Frequency Domain Acquisition Algorithm of Parallel Combinatory Spread Spectrum System Based on FFT
- Ning, Y.D
- A Peristaltic Pump Controller Design with Wireless Communication
- Nkenyereye, L.
- Cloud Computing Enabled External Applications to Car Users using Nomadic Smartphones
- Nojima, Y.
- Image and Video Restoration with TV/L2-Norm Constraint
- Nozhenkova, L.
- Computer Simulation of Spacecraft Onboard Equipment
- Obrezkova, V.
- The Concept of Creating the Universal Life-Saver with Rotary-Screw Mover
- Oh, C. B
- Numerical Simulation of Hazardous Chemical Dispersion in the Industrial Area
- Omar, A.M
- Analyzing Doubly Fed Induction Generator Impact in an Electrical Grid
- Oritz, Jaime
- An Acquisition Support System for Public Healthcare — Case Study of the U.S. Children Vaccine Program
- Pan, Q.X
- Calculation Techniques of two-dimensional residual stress field for mechanical engineering application
- Pang, X.S
- The Optimization of Improved Energy Detector in Cognitive Radio Network
- Parham, D.F
- Automatic Cycle Identification in Speaker’s Speech Breathing Signals
- Peng, B.R
- Comparison between Three Different Types of Variable Step-Size P&O MPPT Technique
- Peng, X.J
- Study on Temperature Calibration System
- Phomsathet, K.
- Low Cost Interactive board using Infrared Pen and Wiimote
- Photong, C.
- Low Cost Interactive board using Infrared Pen and Wiimote
- Pinto, F. M
- Pervasive Marketing Intelligence
- Podpecan, V.
- Analysis of the NETSCIENCE Social Network
- Polyiam, A.
- Low Cost Interactive board using Infrared Pen and Wiimote
- Privalova, T.Y
- Multimode Waveguide Van-Atta Array
- Qi, H.S
- Systematic Digitized Treatment of Engineering Line-Diagrams
- Qi, Q.
- Systematic Digitized Treatment of Engineering Line-Diagrams
- Qi, R.Z
- Pairwise Test Generation Based on Parallel Genetic Algorithm with Spark
- Qi, Z.H
- An Efficient Identity-based Multi-signcryption Scheme
- Qian, S.H
- Saliency Detection Integrated with Depth Information
- Qiao, B.
- Design and Implementation of the Fuze Circuit Board Tester
- Qin, J.
- Study STATCOM with Small Time-Step Simulation on FPGAs
- Qin, K.Y
- Entropy Of Soft Sets
- Qin, Y.
- Reliability Analysis of The Subway Door System Based on Monte Carlo
- Qin, Y.Z
- Comparison of Solution of A Class of Second Order Difference Equation
- Qiu, C.D
- Research on the Current Eigenfrequencies for Motor with Bearing Fault and Mixed Eccentricity
- Qiu, C.D
- Research on the Amplitude Features of Stator Current for Motor with Bearing Faults
- Qiu, X.H
- Shape-Controlled Synthesis of CeO2 Nanotube Using P123 Triblock Copolymer and Its Application in Catalytic Ozonation
- Qu, D.C
- Study on the Simulation of Hot Event’s Propagation Based on Ant Colony Algorithm in Social Networks
- Qu, M.C.
- Software Modelling and Automatic Code Generation Based on Reactive State Diagram
- Qu, Z.Z
- The Research of Voltage Flicker Detection Based on IRPT and Mitigation Based on BESS
- Ren, J.
- The Design of the Multi-user MIMO Nonlinear Precoding System
- Ren, L.
- Integrating Desktop Factory into Manufacturing Cloud: A Conceptual Model
- Ren, P.J
- Bandwidth-based Application-Aware Multipath Routing for NoCs
- Ren, P.J
- IDFT: An Intermediate Node Based Deterministic Fault Tolerant Routing in 2D Mesh
- Ren, X.W
- Bandwidth-based Application-Aware Multipath Routing for NoCs
- Ren, X.W
- IDFT: An Intermediate Node Based Deterministic Fault Tolerant Routing in 2D Mesh
- Riley, P.
- Investigation of the Use of Loudspeaker as a Liner Alternator for Thermoacoustic Application
- Rong, H.L
- A Vehicle Type Recognition Method based on Sparse Auto Encoder
- Ruben, T.O
- Analyzing Doubly Fed Induction Generator Impact in an Electrical Grid
- Saha, S.
- Optimized 3-step Skew Spoke Type BLAC Motor Cogging Torque Reduction Technique for EPS Application
- Saha, S.
- Innovative Processing for Power Factor and Efficiency Improvement of LSPM Considering Inductance of Rotor Structure
- Salameh, Z. M
- Modeling, Evaluation and Simulation of a Supercapacitor Module for Energy Storage Application
- Santos, M. F
- Pervasive Marketing Intelligence
- Seki, M.
- Expression of Relation of Medical Institutions and the Simulation of the Relation Recovery for Disaster
- Semenikhin, A.I
- Effect of Frequency Selective Shield of Semielliptical Shape on the Characteristics of Antenna Array
- Semenikhina, D.V
- Effect of Frequency Selective Shield of Semielliptical Shape on the Characteristics of Antenna Array
- Seo, M.
- Evaluation of Facial Paralysis Degrees Using Multi-Resolution Analysis
- Seo, M.
- A PCA Based Approach for Quantitative Analysis of Shiny Skin
- Shan, B.G
- Research on the Replacement of Coal by Electricity in East China