Proceedings of the 2022 7th International Conference on Financial Innovation and Economic Development (ICFIED 2022)

1082 authors
Sun, Pingjin
Analysis of the Future Prospects for the Metaverse
Sun, Qige
Explaining Changes in Consumer Behavior in Grocery Shopping Around the World Brought by the COVID Pandemic using Behavioral Economics
Sun, Serena
The Financial Situation of Microsoft and Designed Binary Option
Sun, Xuetong
The Impacts and Opportunities of COVID-19 Pandemic on China’s Automobile Industry
Sun, Yichen
The Study of the Impact of Alcohol Consumption on Wage Rate
Sun, Yifan
Based on the Green Technology Changes on the Motor Market Environment Research: Take CRRC Zhuzhou Locomotive CO.,LTD as an Example
Sun, Yiwei
The Forecast to World Energy Industry and an Outlook to World Energy Industry Investment
Sun, Yixiao
A Systematic Review of the Significance of the Development of Fisher’s Model in Financial Analysis
Sun, Yu
Research and Practice of Personal Blog Management System Based on Django
Sun, Yueyang
Influential Factors of Sales Revenue in the Fast-Food Industry
Sun, Yukun
Small Commercial Launch Vehicle Industry Analysis
Sun, Yuqian
Review of the Influence of Covid-19 on China’s Tourism
Sun, Yuxin
Analysis of the Impact of Fintech on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Sun, Zelei
Analysis Tesla in the Future by Binary Option and Four Different Sensitivity
TAN, Yuting
Legal Governance of Digital Currencies and Regulatory Sandboxes in the Blockchain Era
Tan, Chen
Investment Decision Analysis Based on NPV, IRR, and the Fisher Separation Theorem
Tan, Jian
Proposals for Carbon Reduction Measures for Industrial Enterprises under the Dual Carbon Targets
Tan, Jian
Suggestions on Carbon Asset Management of Power Grid Company under Double Carbon Targets
Tang, Aotian
Analysis of China’s Takeaway Industry in the Context of the Epidemic
Tang, Dongli
Outlook for Asia Pacific International Travel and Tourism 2022 to 2024
Tang, Geyang
An Overview of Clustering Methods in The Financial World
Tang, Junyi
Integrated Machine Learning Approaches for E-commerce Customer Behavior Prediction
Tang, Maozhi
Analysis of GameStop’s Stocks Fluctuation
Tang, Taidong
Research on the New Format of Stock Market and Risk Management in the “Post-epidemic” Period
Tang, Tianyi
An Empirical Model for the Chinese Cosmetic Industry
Tang, Zheyi
The Research of Fama-French Three-factor Model’s Applications in the Chinese Stock Market after the Financial Crisis
Tao, Changjiang
Research on Product Innovation of Tourism Enterprises under the Background of Aging
Tao, Sifan
The Impact of Shadow Banking on Small and Medium Enterprise in China - Based on Trust Company Statistics
Tao, Zhu
Household Background Risk And Self-Housing Liability
Teng, Yanjun
How to Develop the Traditional Automobile Industry under The Dual-Carbon Background
Tian, Fuxin
What Determines How Often Retail Investors Trade? Evidence from Field Research in China
Tian, Qingyang
A Review of the Market and Innovation Directions of Mobile Games Economy
Tian, Rujian
An Overview of Clustering Methods in The Financial World
Tian, Weiyu
The Core Competentness of Apple Inc
Tong, Dong
The Comparative Research on the Background of Cultural Industrial Policy System Between China and Japan
Tong, Dong
The Comparative Research on the Framework of Cultural Industrial Policy System Between China and Japan
Tong, Hua
Application and Commercial Extension of Game Theory in Strategy games
Tong, Jianwen
Application and Comparison of NPV and IRR Methods in the Company Investment Decision
Tseng, Eric
The Analysis of Marvel (Disney) Marketing Strategies
Tu, Xianqing
How Much Effect Does Sino-US Trade War Had on the Greater Bay Area’s (GBA) Import -Export? Was it Inevitable?
Tu, Xianqing
Comprehensive Evaluation Research of Urban Green Economy Evaluation Index System
Tu, Yaran
The Influence of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games on the Stocks of Japanese Firms that are Sponsored
Financial Innovation, Technological Innovation and Economic Growth
WANG, Jiaming
Research on SYNSH Development Strategy Selection and Implementation Based on DELPHI-SWOT Model
WANG, Jiaming
Research on the Measurement of High-Quality Development Level of Cultural Industry in Shandong Province
Financial Innovation, Technological Innovation and Economic Growth
WEN, Jiansheng
Observation and Study on Intervention of Tai Chi Daoyin on Cardiovascular Related Diseases
WU, Xiao-nan
The Necessary Analysis and Path Exploration of the Ideological and Political Construction of Military Physical Education under the Circumstance of Education for Morality and War
Financial Innovation, Technological Innovation and Economic Growth
Wan, Shuqi
Research on Online and Offline Integration after COVID-19: A Case Study from a Chinese Grocery Store
Wan, Zhengyang
The Optimal Machine Life in Tesla
Wan, Ziqi
Discover Factors Which Have Effects on Airbnb’s Stakeholders by Using Python
Wang, Beichen
Fintech Development and Regulation in China
Wang, Chenxu
The Overhauling Educational Market and Reformation of Supplementary School Market in China
Wang, Danning
Research on Consumer Behavior Characteristics and Competitive Strategy of Haidilao in Post-epidemic Era
Wang, Fuming
Research Proposals on the Reform of Real Estate Tax in China
Wang, Gang
Applicability Test and Existing Problems of Multi-factor Model in Chinese Market
Wang, Guanqun
The Application of 7P Analysis Model in the Market Strategy - Taking the Beauty Industry as an Example
Wang, Guanxu
Identification and Analysis of Core Factors of Fintech Based on CRITIC-ANP
Wang, Han
Current Status of RMB Cross-border Trade Settlement and an Empirical Analysis of the Influencing Factors of Its Scale
Wang, Hanyou
The Impact of Epidemic on Technology Companies
Wang, Haochen
Board Gender Diversity and Firm Performance: Evidence from China
Wang, Haoran
Customer Churn Prediction on Credit Card Services using Random Forest Method
Wang, Haoyang
Understanding the Marketing Strategies: 4 Ps Marketing Mix or Other Strategies used by Tencent Games in the Video Game Market
Wang, Haozhou
Research on Financing Issues in Early Venture Capital Stage of Chinese Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Field of High-tech Innovation
Wang, Huang
The Ineffectiveness of Capital Asset Pricing Model and Its Possible Solutions
Wang, Huixin
Research on the Countermeasures for the Development of “Non-destination Routes” of Chinese Homeport Cruise Products
Wang, Jia
The Moderating Effect of Financing Structure on Innovation Investment and Corporate Performance: A Case of Chinext Listed Companies in China
Wang, Jiaqi
The Research About the Win-win Based on the Acquisition Model
Wang, Jiaxian
How the Traditional Cars Companies Maintain Consumers’ Loyalty
Wang, Jiaxiang
Influential Factors of Sales Revenue in the Fast-Food Industry
Wang, Jincheng
Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) and Green Human Resource Management (GHRM): A Literature Review and Future Research Direction
Wang, Junru
Research on the Correlation of Green Bond Market
Wang, Kaiyue
A Review of the Impact of the COVID-19 on the Macroeconomy
Wang, Keren
An Overview on Private Equity Leveraged Buyouts
Wang, Keyun
The Influencial Factors and Economic Consequences of Corporate Investment Efficiency: A Literature Review
Wang, Lei
Establishment of Wildfire Monitor-Repeater-EOC System Based on TOPSIS and Genetic Algorithm
Wang, Lei
Research on Accelerating the Scientific and Technological Innovation and Development of Geological Prospecting Entities
Wang, Linxinyi
Linear Regression Model for Business Strategy
Wang, Liping
Research on the Development Path of Cultural and Tourism Integration in Traditional Villages
Wang, Lu
The Research of House Purchase Restrictions on Real Estate
Wang, Lu
The Influence of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games on the Stocks of Japanese Firms that are Sponsored
Wang, Luyuan
The Research of Fama-French Three-factor Model’s Applications in the Chinese Stock Market after the Financial Crisis
Wang, Meiyu
Restore Customer Trust and Public Reputation: Case Study of Didi
Wang, Mengyao
The Core Competentness of Apple Inc
Wang, Peini
Application and Comparison of NPV and IRR Methods in the Company Investment Decision
Wang, Qichun
The Core Competentness of Apple Inc
Wang, Runze
The Forecast to World Energy Industry and an Outlook to World Energy Industry Investment
Wang, Ruoyu
The Impact of Viral Marketing on the Live Broadcasting Industry under the Influence of COVID-19
Wang, Sheng
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Labor Force in the Primary and Secondary Industries
Wang, Shuang
The Economic Development Study of Northeast China During the Pandemic of Covid-19
Wang, Songhe
Explanations to the Failure of Nokia Phone
Wang, Tianrun
Review for the Different Portfolio Methods Such as Mean-variance Analysis and Fama Factor Model
Wang, Tiantian
Digitization of Rural Industries: Current Situation, Progress and Prospects
Wang, Tianyi
TikTok’s Advertising Policy in the Chinese Market and Impacts on China’s Internet Economic Advertising Market
Wang, Tongying
Introduction of Function and Market Research About Magic Garden
Wang, Wei
The Valuation of Google Snowball Option
Wang, Wei
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Labor Force in the Primary and Secondary Industries
Wang, Weiya
Machine Learning-based Models for House Price Prediction in Provincial Administrative Regions of China
Wang, Wenyan
The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Competitiveness of Liquor Enterprises