Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on History, Social Sciences, and Education (ICHSE 2024)

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23 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Indah Wahyu Puji Utami, Wahyu Djoko Sulistyo
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 2nd International Conference on History, Social Sciences, and Education (2nd ICHSE) on 29th August 2024 in Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee...
Proceedings Article

Development of a Psychometric Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) Instrument for Early Detection of Narcissistic Symptoms in High School Students

Mifdal Zusron Alfaqi, Abd. Mu’id Aris Shofa, Muhammad Mujtaba Habibi, Rista Ayu Mawarti, Dinda Putri Abadi, Risa Khusnul Khotimah, Rika Safitri Nur Azizah
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a form of deviation or personality disorder that in psychology is seen when an individual has a fantasy of being liked, so that they view themselves as stars who should be treated specially. In fact, students with NPD find it more difficult to establish healthy...
Proceedings Article

I Don’t Know, I just Don’t Like History: Historical Understanding of Students With Intellectual Disability

Nur Fatah Abidin
In 1976, Franz Henkemeier researched the historical understanding of students with disabilities in the setting of German Special School. Henkemeier asked the students questions about why they should learn history. Most informants, aged nine, said history could prevent them from being conspicuous after...
Proceedings Article

Radakng House As a Symbol of Tolerance for the Dayak Ethnic Community in West Kalimantan

Abd. Muid Aris Shofa, Mifdal Zusron Al Faqi, Mustajaba Habibi, Rista Ayu Mawarti, Pipit Widiatmaka
This study aims to identify the pattern of cultivating the tolerance attitude of the Dayak ethnic community through the Radakng house in West Kalimantan and to find out the implications of the cultural pattern of tolerance of the Dayak ethnic community through the Radakng house on the harmony between...
Proceedings Article

Selasih: From Life’s Journey to Indonesian Women’s Literary Works in Context the Struggle for Rights, Justice, and the Family

Andhika Yudha Pratama, Daya Negri Wijaya, Evania Yafie, C. Dhara Alim, Maulana Reza Pahlevi, Nur Laila
This article discusses the life journey and works of an Indonesian female writer, Sariamin Ismail. Many reflections can be taken from the historical chapter of a writer named Sariamin Ismail or better known by her pen name, Selasih. Through the study of novels and popular writings that she has made,...
Proceedings Article

The Peasant and Forest Exploitation: Agrarian Conflict in South Sumatra During the New Order Period

Suryo Arief Wibowo
This study aims to analyze the fate of peasants in South Sumatra against the exploitation carried out by the New Order government and capitalists in the plantation and forestry sectors and its impact on peasants. This study uses a historical method consisting of topic selection, source collection (heuristics),...
Proceedings Article

Those Who Defected: Japanese Soldiers in Malang Who Defended The Republic

Annisaa Khansa Labibah
In the early days of Indonesian independence, many heroic events occurred to defend Indonesian independence carried out by the Indonesian people. There is a part that is rarely seen in the events of defending Indonesian autonomy, namely the condition of the Japanese army or Japanese people who were still...
Proceedings Article

Harmonization: Values in the Reliefs of Surowono Temple

Dewa Agung Gede Agung, Deny Yudho Wahyudi, Wahyu Djoko Sulistyo, Shendy Dyah Pramesti
Religious intolerance and conflict in Indonesia is a complex and ongoing issue, even though this country is known as a place that protects differences. This is why harmonization or harmony between religious communities is very important to maintain social stability and create a peaceful environment....
Proceedings Article

Larung Sembonyo: It’s Existence as a Local Wisdom of Tasikmadoe District Communities 2015-2023

Shendy Dyah Pramesti, Deny Yudo Wahyudi
Local wisdom is a form of life view or a form of life strategy in the form of local community activities in meeting daily needs. Local wisdom is the result of various kinds of activities in accordance with ideas and actions that produce a certain work or custom. Trenggalek is one of the districts in...
Proceedings Article

Sanad and Nasab of Bungkuk Islamic Boarding School: Marriage between Dzurriyah Islamic Boarding Schools and its Intellectual Network

Arif Subekti, Najib Jauhari, Husnul Mufidati Luthfiyah, Muhammad Haidar Zihni Sadat
This research delves into the union between dzurriyah pesantren and their intellectual network, specifically focusing on the sanad and lineage of Pesantren Bungkuk. The study explores the impact of the kufu factor, intellectual genealogy, and sanad on the marriage between dzurriyah. The methods utilized...
Proceedings Article

A Dream Comes True: An Autoethnographic Journey as an Author of Innovative Multimodal Indonesian History Textbooks for Kurikulum Merdeka

Indah Wahyu Puji Utami
This paper explores the author’s personal and professional journey in developing innovative multimodal history textbooks for the Indonesian Kurikulum Merdeka (the Curriculum of Freedom). Using an autoethnographic approach, I reflect on how I navigated challenges, negotiations, and successes throughout...
Proceedings Article

Sudirman Monuments in Pacitan: Something Behind The Silent

Azril Azifambayunasti
Talking about historical events in Pacitan will always mention Sudirman, the commander of the national army who was based there during the second Dutch military aggression. To this day, Sudirman still exists in monuments built in various places, such as the General Sudirman Monument and the Palagan Tumpak...
Proceedings Article

Landscape of Islamic Boarding Schools in East Java: The Comparison of Bungkuk, Tegalsari, and Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School

Arif Subekti, Najib Jauhari, Athifa Raissa Putri, Muhammad Syaifudin
Islamic boarding schools are a form of Islamic educational institution that has existed since the early era of Islam’s arrival in the archipelago. Islamic boarding schools are also considered a form of continuation of the kadewaguruan mandala system from the Hindu-Buddhist period. The concept of Islamic...
Proceedings Article

Elimination and Adjustment: The History and Socio-Intellectual Function of the Dzuriyah Pesantren

Najib Jauhari, Arif Subekti, Nanda Rosa Iliasa, Muhammad Chaesar Aman
Islamic boarding schools first appeared in Indonesia in the 14th century. This is based on Babad Demak, a classic work of Javanese literature, which states that the first boarding school grew during the time of Raden Rahmat or Sunan Ampel. This period coincided with the reign of Prabu Kertawijaya of...
Proceedings Article

Tugu Pahlawan Complex as Surabaya’s Square in the Dutch Indonesian Colonial Period and its Educational Values

Akhmat Safiudin Ismail, Wahyu Djoko Sulistyo
This study discusses the Tugu Pahlawan which was a Surabaya’s Square during the Dutch East Indies colonial period and the educational values that can be taken from it. The aim of this research is to explain the history of the Surabaya’s Square during the Dutch East Indies era at the Tugu Pahlawan along...
Proceedings Article

Development of Augmented Reality to Preserve Ari Darma Reliefs and Tech Cultural Heritage Sites

Deny Yudo Wahyudi, Daya Negri Wijaya, Slamet Sujud Purnawan Jati, Shela Dwi Utari, Labuda Shofiya Ananda
Local history is a part of history that cannot be separated from learning in an educational unit environment. Ari Darma is one form of local wisdom depicted through reliefs on Jago Candi. When integrating Ari Darma reliefs in the learning process, teachers must realise this so that students can see directly...
Proceedings Article

Development of Post-Colonialism Documentary Video in Blitar in 1945-1950 Through a Culturally Responsive Teaching Approach to High School History Learning in Blitar Regency

Aditya Nugroho Widiadi, Wahyu Djoko Sulistyo, Lutfiah Ayundasari, Ari Sapto, Muhammad Aqib Nur Habibi, Mellina Nur Hafida, Gedhe Ashari, Alvin Maulidah
Local wisdom is a form of life view or a form of life strategy in the form of local community activities in meeting daily needs. Local wisdom is the result of various kinds of activities in accordance with ideas and actions that produce a certain work or custom. Trenggalek is one of the districts in...
Proceedings Article

Design Of A 360° Video-Based Virtual Tour Model Of The Penanggungan Mountain Slope Site As Self Direct Learning In History Learning

Mellina Nur Hafida, Anisa Amalia Maisaroh, Gedhe Ashari, Wahyu Djoko Sulistyo
This research aims to design a virtual tour-based learning model of the Lereng Gunung Penanggungan site using 360° video as a tool for self-directed learning in history lessons. Gunung Penanggungan, rich in historical sites, offers great potential as an authentic and engaging learning resource for students....
Proceedings Article

Project for Strengthening Pancasila Student Profile (P5) as a Configuration Media is Fostering 6C Skills in Young Citizens

Ratu Suci Sholikhah Wati, Meidi Saputra
This study aims to describe the process of fostering 6C skills in students in the Project for Strenghening Pancasila Student Profile (P5). The method used in this study is a qualitative approach with a type of descriptive research. The data sources include: informants, events, and documents. Data collection...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Heuristic Stages in History Learning Based on Blockchain Technology

Firza Azzam Fadilla, Agus Danugroho, Vira Maulisa Dewi
This study aims to analyze the issues in the evaluation process of history learning, especially in the assessment stage within historiographical practices, specifically the heuristic stage that requires digital technology tools during the source-searching process. Additionally, it seeks to assess the...
Proceedings Article

Remaining Memories: Semanggi and Wulayu as Cultural Memory around the Bengawan Solo River in the Colonial and Post-Independence Period

Latif Imam Prabowo
Maritime activities around the Bengawan (large river) Sala are the cultural heritage of the people along the river. Memories that have been passed down from generation to generation represent “voices from below” as well as cultural memory products from the current generation. The research method used...
Proceedings Article

Soedjatmoko and His Democracy

Andhika Yudha Pratama, Daya Negri Wijaya, Heni Masruroh, Evania Yafie, Shela Dwi Utari
This paper discusses the idea of Soedjatmoko on democracy. In the late 1950s, Soedjatmoko and Soekarno had different vision on how to establish democratic society. If Soekarno proposed guided democracy, Soedjatmoko critized Soekarno’s guided democracy and founded the democractic league. His league attempted...
Proceedings Article

Reconstruction of Pancasila as an Ideology: Strengthening the Values of Tolerance in Multicultural Society through Pancasila Village

Abd. Mu’id Aris Shofa, Mifdal Zusron Alfaqi, M. Mujtaba Habibi, Lusiana M. Tijow
The purpose of this study is 1) to determine the strategies used by the Pancasila Village Community in actualizing the value of Tolerance, 2) to find out the obstacles in implementing tolerance in the Community in Pancasila village, and 3) to find out the contribution of the implementation of the value...