Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on History, Social Sciences, and Education (ICHSE 2024)

77 authors
Abadi, Dinda Putri
Development of a Psychometric Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) Instrument for Early Detection of Narcissistic Symptoms in High School Students
Abidin, Nur Fatah
I Don’t Know, I just Don’t Like History: Historical Understanding of Students With Intellectual Disability
Agung, Dewa Agung Gede
Harmonization: Values in the Reliefs of Surowono Temple
Al Faqi, Mifdal Zusron
Radakng House As a Symbol of Tolerance for the Dayak Ethnic Community in West Kalimantan
Alfaqi, Mifdal Zusron
Development of a Psychometric Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) Instrument for Early Detection of Narcissistic Symptoms in High School Students
Alfaqi, Mifdal Zusron
Reconstruction of Pancasila as an Ideology: Strengthening the Values of Tolerance in Multicultural Society through Pancasila Village
Alim, C. Dhara
Selasih: From Life’s Journey to Indonesian Women’s Literary Works in Context the Struggle for Rights, Justice, and the Family
Aman, Muhammad Chaesar
Elimination and Adjustment: The History and Socio-Intellectual Function of the Dzuriyah Pesantren
Ananda, Labuda Shofiya
Development of Augmented Reality to Preserve Ari Darma Reliefs and Tech Cultural Heritage Sites
Ashari, Gedhe
Development of Post-Colonialism Documentary Video in Blitar in 1945-1950 Through a Culturally Responsive Teaching Approach to High School History Learning in Blitar Regency
Ashari, Gedhe
Design Of A 360° Video-Based Virtual Tour Model Of The Penanggungan Mountain Slope Site As Self Direct Learning In History Learning
Ayundasari, Lutfiah
Development of Post-Colonialism Documentary Video in Blitar in 1945-1950 Through a Culturally Responsive Teaching Approach to High School History Learning in Blitar Regency
Azifambayunasti, Azril
Sudirman Monuments in Pacitan: Something Behind The Silent
Azizah, Rika Safitri Nur
Development of a Psychometric Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) Instrument for Early Detection of Narcissistic Symptoms in High School Students
Danugroho, Agus
Evaluation of Heuristic Stages in History Learning Based on Blockchain Technology
Dewi, Vira Maulisa
Evaluation of Heuristic Stages in History Learning Based on Blockchain Technology
Fadilla, Firza Azzam
Evaluation of Heuristic Stages in History Learning Based on Blockchain Technology
Habibi, M. Mujtaba
Reconstruction of Pancasila as an Ideology: Strengthening the Values of Tolerance in Multicultural Society through Pancasila Village
Habibi, Muhammad Aqib Nur
Development of Post-Colonialism Documentary Video in Blitar in 1945-1950 Through a Culturally Responsive Teaching Approach to High School History Learning in Blitar Regency
Habibi, Muhammad Mujtaba
Development of a Psychometric Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) Instrument for Early Detection of Narcissistic Symptoms in High School Students
Habibi, Mustajaba
Radakng House As a Symbol of Tolerance for the Dayak Ethnic Community in West Kalimantan
Hafida, Mellina Nur
Development of Post-Colonialism Documentary Video in Blitar in 1945-1950 Through a Culturally Responsive Teaching Approach to High School History Learning in Blitar Regency
Hafida, Mellina Nur
Design Of A 360° Video-Based Virtual Tour Model Of The Penanggungan Mountain Slope Site As Self Direct Learning In History Learning
Iliasa, Nanda Rosa
Elimination and Adjustment: The History and Socio-Intellectual Function of the Dzuriyah Pesantren
Ismail, Akhmat Safiudin
Tugu Pahlawan Complex as Surabaya’s Square in the Dutch Indonesian Colonial Period and its Educational Values
Jati, Slamet Sujud Purnawan
Development of Augmented Reality to Preserve Ari Darma Reliefs and Tech Cultural Heritage Sites
Jauhari, Najib
Sanad and Nasab of Bungkuk Islamic Boarding School: Marriage between Dzurriyah Islamic Boarding Schools and its Intellectual Network
Jauhari, Najib
Landscape of Islamic Boarding Schools in East Java: The Comparison of Bungkuk, Tegalsari, and Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School
Jauhari, Najib
Elimination and Adjustment: The History and Socio-Intellectual Function of the Dzuriyah Pesantren
Khotimah, Risa Khusnul
Development of a Psychometric Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) Instrument for Early Detection of Narcissistic Symptoms in High School Students
Labibah, Annisaa Khansa
Those Who Defected: Japanese Soldiers in Malang Who Defended The Republic
Laila, Nur
Selasih: From Life’s Journey to Indonesian Women’s Literary Works in Context the Struggle for Rights, Justice, and the Family
Luthfiyah, Husnul Mufidati
Sanad and Nasab of Bungkuk Islamic Boarding School: Marriage between Dzurriyah Islamic Boarding Schools and its Intellectual Network
Maisaroh, Anisa Amalia
Design Of A 360° Video-Based Virtual Tour Model Of The Penanggungan Mountain Slope Site As Self Direct Learning In History Learning
Masruroh, Heni
Soedjatmoko and His Democracy
Maulidah, Alvin
Development of Post-Colonialism Documentary Video in Blitar in 1945-1950 Through a Culturally Responsive Teaching Approach to High School History Learning in Blitar Regency
Mawarti, Rista Ayu
Development of a Psychometric Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) Instrument for Early Detection of Narcissistic Symptoms in High School Students
Mawarti, Rista Ayu
Radakng House As a Symbol of Tolerance for the Dayak Ethnic Community in West Kalimantan
Pahlevi, Maulana Reza
Selasih: From Life’s Journey to Indonesian Women’s Literary Works in Context the Struggle for Rights, Justice, and the Family
Prabowo, Latif Imam
Remaining Memories: Semanggi and Wulayu as Cultural Memory around the Bengawan Solo River in the Colonial and Post-Independence Period
Pramesti, Shendy Dyah
Harmonization: Values in the Reliefs of Surowono Temple
Pramesti, Shendy Dyah
Larung Sembonyo: It’s Existence as a Local Wisdom of Tasikmadoe District Communities 2015-2023
Pratama, Andhika Yudha
Selasih: From Life’s Journey to Indonesian Women’s Literary Works in Context the Struggle for Rights, Justice, and the Family
Pratama, Andhika Yudha
Soedjatmoko and His Democracy
Putri, Athifa Raissa
Landscape of Islamic Boarding Schools in East Java: The Comparison of Bungkuk, Tegalsari, and Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School
Sadat, Muhammad Haidar Zihni
Sanad and Nasab of Bungkuk Islamic Boarding School: Marriage between Dzurriyah Islamic Boarding Schools and its Intellectual Network
Sapto, Ari
Development of Post-Colonialism Documentary Video in Blitar in 1945-1950 Through a Culturally Responsive Teaching Approach to High School History Learning in Blitar Regency
Saputra, Meidi
Project for Strengthening Pancasila Student Profile (P5) as a Configuration Media is Fostering 6C Skills in Young Citizens
Shofa, Abd. Muid Aris
Radakng House As a Symbol of Tolerance for the Dayak Ethnic Community in West Kalimantan
Shofa, Abd. Mu’id Aris
Development of a Psychometric Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) Instrument for Early Detection of Narcissistic Symptoms in High School Students
Shofa, Abd. Mu’id Aris
Reconstruction of Pancasila as an Ideology: Strengthening the Values of Tolerance in Multicultural Society through Pancasila Village
Subekti, Arif
Sanad and Nasab of Bungkuk Islamic Boarding School: Marriage between Dzurriyah Islamic Boarding Schools and its Intellectual Network
Subekti, Arif
Landscape of Islamic Boarding Schools in East Java: The Comparison of Bungkuk, Tegalsari, and Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School
Subekti, Arif
Elimination and Adjustment: The History and Socio-Intellectual Function of the Dzuriyah Pesantren
Sulistyo, Wahyu Djoko
Peer-Review Statements
Sulistyo, Wahyu Djoko
Harmonization: Values in the Reliefs of Surowono Temple
Sulistyo, Wahyu Djoko
Tugu Pahlawan Complex as Surabaya’s Square in the Dutch Indonesian Colonial Period and its Educational Values
Sulistyo, Wahyu Djoko
Development of Post-Colonialism Documentary Video in Blitar in 1945-1950 Through a Culturally Responsive Teaching Approach to High School History Learning in Blitar Regency
Sulistyo, Wahyu Djoko
Design Of A 360° Video-Based Virtual Tour Model Of The Penanggungan Mountain Slope Site As Self Direct Learning In History Learning
Syaifudin, Muhammad
Landscape of Islamic Boarding Schools in East Java: The Comparison of Bungkuk, Tegalsari, and Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School
Tijow, Lusiana M.
Reconstruction of Pancasila as an Ideology: Strengthening the Values of Tolerance in Multicultural Society through Pancasila Village
Utami, Indah Wahyu Puji
Peer-Review Statements
Utami, Indah Wahyu Puji
A Dream Comes True: An Autoethnographic Journey as an Author of Innovative Multimodal Indonesian History Textbooks for Kurikulum Merdeka
Utari, Shela Dwi
Development of Augmented Reality to Preserve Ari Darma Reliefs and Tech Cultural Heritage Sites
Utari, Shela Dwi
Soedjatmoko and His Democracy
Wahyudi, Deny Yudho
Harmonization: Values in the Reliefs of Surowono Temple
Wahyudi, Deny Yudo
Larung Sembonyo: It’s Existence as a Local Wisdom of Tasikmadoe District Communities 2015-2023
Wahyudi, Deny Yudo
Development of Augmented Reality to Preserve Ari Darma Reliefs and Tech Cultural Heritage Sites
Wati, Ratu Suci Sholikhah
Project for Strengthening Pancasila Student Profile (P5) as a Configuration Media is Fostering 6C Skills in Young Citizens
Wibowo, Suryo Arief
The Peasant and Forest Exploitation: Agrarian Conflict in South Sumatra During the New Order Period
Widiadi, Aditya Nugroho
Development of Post-Colonialism Documentary Video in Blitar in 1945-1950 Through a Culturally Responsive Teaching Approach to High School History Learning in Blitar Regency
Widiatmaka, Pipit
Radakng House As a Symbol of Tolerance for the Dayak Ethnic Community in West Kalimantan
Wijaya, Daya Negri
Selasih: From Life’s Journey to Indonesian Women’s Literary Works in Context the Struggle for Rights, Justice, and the Family
Wijaya, Daya Negri
Development of Augmented Reality to Preserve Ari Darma Reliefs and Tech Cultural Heritage Sites
Wijaya, Daya Negri
Soedjatmoko and His Democracy
Yafie, Evania
Selasih: From Life’s Journey to Indonesian Women’s Literary Works in Context the Struggle for Rights, Justice, and the Family
Yafie, Evania
Soedjatmoko and His Democracy