Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2019)

176 authors
Nurhadi, Jatmika
Sundanese Politeness Reposition in Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
Nurlatifah, Irma
The Value of Religious Humanism “Syair Imtihan (Examination Rhyme)”
Nurzamsyah, Fitrohza Gilang
Erika’s Self-Defence Mechanisms in La Pianiste
Padika, Muhammad Rangga
Hybridity in Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s Child of All Nations
Pangestika, Restu
The Use of Naritachi to Memorize Kanji
Permadi, Tedi
Cacap-cacapan Functions: Marriage tradition of Lubuklinggau South Sumatra
Permadi, Tedi
The Value of Religious Humanism “Syair Imtihan (Examination Rhyme)”
Permana, Pepen
Using Quizizz as a Formative Assessment Tool in German Classrooms
Permana, Pepen
The Use of Moodle in Systematic Strategy Training
Permana, Ruswendi
The Function of Water in Sundanese Tales
Permatawati, Irma
Using Quizizz as a Formative Assessment Tool in German Classrooms
Permatawati, Irma
The Use of Moodle in Systematic Strategy Training
Pertiwi, Indah Galang Dana
‘Birds of a Feather Flock Together’: The Comparison Between Two Folklores Bawang Merah Bawang Putih and Putri Arabella
Priyanto, Imam Jahrudin
The Speech Acts in News Translation: Pragmatics Analysis in Pikiran Rakyat Newspaper
Pugar, Qistike Handay
An Analysis of Language Shifting: The Use of Danseigo by Women in the Workplace
Pujiastuti, Indah
Personal Selling Presentation Method for Critical and Creative Thinking Skill in Teaching and Learning
Purnanto, Dwi
The Use of Speech Act as Communication Strategy of Children with Autism
Puspita, Nesa Wara
The Function of Water in Sundanese Tales
Puspita, Ryan Dwi
Analysis of Value Clarification Technique Learning Model Through Pilot Methods in Learning to Improve Affective Intelligence
Putri, Dian Rahmani
Compounding Signs in Kata Kolok: A Morphological Point of View
Rahma, Rosita
The Phenomenon of Using Potential Form in Indonesian as Foreign Language Learners Utterance
Rahma, Tranika
An Analysis of Japanese Verb Tomeru as Polysemy
Analysis of Value Clarification Technique Learning Model Through Pilot Methods in Learning to Improve Affective Intelligence
Ramadhani, Alyza Kemala
The Semantic Field of Triste Adjectives in French
Ramadhani, Siffa Annisa Fitri
Investigating Corrective Feedback in Speaking Practice: Students’ Preferences
Rasiban, Linna Meilia
Use of Mrs.Kanji Web Application to Enhance Japanese Kanji Learning
Raversa, Aulia
Can Japanese Speak in Pure Japanese?: The Inevitability of Gairaigo in Japanese
Use of Mrs.Kanji Web Application to Enhance Japanese Kanji Learning
Ripai, Ipan
Development of Sundanese Pupujian Interactive Multimedia-Based Learning Materials
Robiah, Dini Fitriani Noor
Code-Mixing on Milang Béntang AKTV Programme
Rofiuddin, Ah.
The Relationship of Using the BIPA Learning Model with Indonesian Culture Toward the Learning Motivation and Learning Outcomes of the Millennial Generation of Foreign Speakers in the Southeast Asian Region
Romdon, Rifki Gustian
The Men Who are Lost in Time: Alienation in Matt Haig’s How to Stop Time (2017)
Ropiah, Opah
Development of Sundanese Pupujian Interactive Multimedia-Based Learning Materials
Rosa, Silvia
Minangkabau Historical Traces in the Novel Negeri Perempuan by Wisran Hadi
Adaptation Strategy as a Social Engineering: A Case Study of Changing Corn to Coffee Fields in Tanah Karo District
The Function of Water in Sundanese Tales
Research Map of Sundanese: An Explorative Study on Thesis in Sundanese Department in Indonesia
Rusdiarti, Suma Riella
Erika’s Self-Defence Mechanisms in La Pianiste
Saefurrohman, Aep
The Cultural Values of Ronggeng Tayub Kaleran in Mekarsari, Ciamis
Safitri, Elva Yulia
Nyimur Ritual as a Healing Media and Refusing Bad Luck in Traditional Knowledge System of Kasepuhan Ciptagelar Communities
Sahmini, Mimin
Developing Synectic Models with Hypnosis in Teaching Writing Short Story Through Value-Based Behavior Approaches
Sarumpaet, Riris Kusumawati
The Ambivalent Construction of Child Characters’ Subjectivity in Four Indonesian Children’s Films
Sastromiharjo, Andoyo
Critical Listening in the Social Organization Community
Sastromiharjo, Andoyo
Implementation of Reggio Emilia Approach in the Mastery of Indonesian Language Vocabulary in Early Childhood in an Islamic School in Bandung
Satria, Dadi
The Study of Five Rhetoric Principles in Indonesian President’s Speeches
Sembiring, Sri Ulina Br
Morality Aspect in the Short Stories of Seno Gumira Ajidarma
Setiadi, Riswanda
Effect and Students’ Perception of the ESA (Engage, Study, Activate) Teaching Method Implementation in French Writing Class
Setiadi, Riswanda
Sociocultural Intervention Strategy for Primary Literacy Teaching
Sholihah, Ummu Imro’atus
Teacher Talk in Encouraging Students’ Participation in the EFL Classroom
Sudana, Dadang
Analysis of Lexical Hedges: Sociopragmatic of Representative Speech Act of Main Woman Character in Sweet 20 Movie
Sudaryat, Yayat
Sundanese Politeness Reposition in Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
Sudaryat, Yayat
Code-Mixing on Milang Béntang AKTV Programme
Sudaryat, Yayat
The Humorous Speech Act in Longser Drama Manuscript: The Study of Socio-Pragmatic
Suherdi, Didi
Moving from the Logic of the Page to the Logic of the Screen: A Review Research on Multimodal Pedagogy in EFL Classroom Contexts
Minangkabau Historical Traces in the Novel Negeri Perempuan by Wisran Hadi
Cacap-cacapan Functions: Marriage tradition of Lubuklinggau South Sumatra
Didactic Expression in Islamic Novel Written By Indonesian Author
Developing Synectic Models with Hypnosis in Teaching Writing Short Story Through Value-Based Behavior Approaches
Sundusiah, Suci
The Model of Poetry Writing Learning Based on Authentic-Collaborative Assessment in High School
Sunendar, Dadang
Didactic Expression in Islamic Novel Written By Indonesian Author
Sunendar, Dadang
Developing Synectic Models with Hypnosis in Teaching Writing Short Story Through Value-Based Behavior Approaches
Sunendar, Neidya Fahma
Analysis of Lexical Hedges: Sociopragmatic of Representative Speech Act of Main Woman Character in Sweet 20 Movie
Susanto, Gatut
The Relationship of Using the BIPA Learning Model with Indonesian Culture Toward the Learning Motivation and Learning Outcomes of the Millennial Generation of Foreign Speakers in the Southeast Asian Region
Sutedi, Dedi
Error Analysis of Sokuon and Choon Used by Japanese Learners
Syafruddin, Dudy
Stereotype, Ambivalence, and Mimicry in Uwe Timm’s Morenga (1978)
Syaprizal, Muhammad Peri
An Analysis of Language Shifting: The Use of Danseigo by Women in the Workplace
Thamrin, Husni
Speech Act of a Person with Mental Disorders: A Clinical Pragmatic Analysis
Tjahjani, Joesana
The Ambivalent Construction of Child Characters’ Subjectivity in Four Indonesian Children’s Films
Wahyuni, Maya Indah
Error Analysis of Sokuon and Choon Used by Japanese Learners
Wahyunianto, Dian
The Use of Speech Act as Communication Strategy of Children with Autism
Widia, Ida
The Phenomenon of Using Potential Form in Indonesian as Foreign Language Learners Utterance
Widyastuti, Temmy
Reading to Learn Strategy in Teaching and Learning Writing for the Students of Sundanese Language Education Department
Wirza, Yanty
Teacher Talk in Encouraging Students’ Participation in the EFL Classroom
Morality Aspect in the Short Stories of Seno Gumira Ajidarma
The Value of Religious Humanism “Syair Imtihan (Examination Rhyme)”
Zahro, Fatimatus
Poverty, Mysticism, and Religiosity of Sumatera Inland Communities in Bidadari-Bidadari Syurga Novel by Tere Liye: Genetic Structuralism Analysis Lucian Goldman