Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2020)

344 authors
Sulistyaningsih, Lilis Siti
A Comparative Study of Indonesian and Sundanese Homonym Vocabularies
Sumarsih, Nanik
Imperative Speech Acts in Public Interests in Pandemic Covid in Indonesia
Educational Value in the Amat Rhang Manyang Legend as Literacy Material for Elementary School
Sunarto, Bambang
A New Horizon of Hyperreality
Sundusiah, Suci
Reading Text Signals Strategy in Literature Appreciation Learning Through Indonesian Short Stories
Sundusiah, Suci
BIPA Students’ Responses towards Web-Based Indonesian Folklore Enrichment Materials
Sunendar, Dadang
A Study of Design and Development of French Training Module for Tour Guide
Supriadi, Rinaldi
Investigating the Students’ Weaknesses in Writing Academic Papers
Literary Adaptation of the Poem Hujan Bulan Juni by Sapardi Djoko Damono as an Alternative to Bring the Work Closer to the People
Suryanita, Mely Rizki
Analysis of Thematic Roles in Acquisition of Active and Passive Sentence on Four-Year-Old Children
Word Choices as Linguistic Features and Mantra Functions in Mantra Pupuh Dhandhanggula
Sutedi, Dedi
Meaning and Usage Analysis of Japanese Onomatopoeia in Japanese Light Novel
Sutedi, Dedi
Contrastive Analysis of Japanese and Indonesian Inversion Sentences
Syafruddin, Dudy
Transcultural Perspective on German Colonialism in Ferdinand May’s Sturm über Südwest-Afrika
Syaifullah, Aceng Ruhendi
The Phenomenon of Absurdity in Comics
Educational Value in the Amat Rhang Manyang Legend as Literacy Material for Elementary School
Tami, Rosmah
The Role of Yabelale Lullabie as Children’s Character Building in South Sulawesi
Tisnaliani, Sitta Arsita
Moral Value in Tteutbakkui Saeng (뜻밖 의 生 (생)) Novel by Ju Yeong Kim
Triana, Tanty
Contrastive Analysis of Final Particle Ne and Yo in Japanese with Ya and Loh in Indonesian
Triarisanti, Risa
Moral Value in Tteutbakkui Saeng (뜻밖 의 生 (생)) Novel by Ju Yeong Kim
Tristiantari, NKD
An Analysis of Symbolic Meanings in Palang Pintu Tradition of the Betawi Wedding Ceremony
Tristiantari, NKD
Learning from Home
Wardani, Erna
Multilingualism Through Linguistic Landscapes in Baturraden Tourism Resorts
Wartiningsih, Endah
Time Management and Learning Strategy in Polytechnic in The Digital Transformation Era
Widyastuti, Temmy
Politeness on the Social Media
Wijana, I Dewa Putu
Language Change in ‘New-Normal’ Classroom
Winarni, Rina Wahyu
How Advertising Enforces Local Cultural Identity Through Fashion in Timun Mas TV Ads
Wiridhani, Agnes Sarila
Patterns and Functions of the Word Terus in Four-to-Five-Year-Old Children’s Speech
Wiyakintra, Andera
Regulatory Discourse on Woman’s Body
Wuryandari, Wuri
Optimizing the Social-Transcendental Functions of Kidung Sedekah Gunung
Wuryaningtyas, Etheldredha Tiara
Improvement Bases of Teachers’ Technological Knowledge in the Implementation of Computer-Based Learning
Yogaskara, Handika
The Effect of Implementing Listening Teams Strategy on Students’ Critical Listening Ability
Yugafiati, Resi
The Use of Circuit Learning Model in Improving Students’ Writing Skills in Elementary School
Yugafiati, Resi
Learning from Home
The Role of Yabelale Lullabie as Children’s Character Building in South Sulawesi
Cross-Cultural Folklore Enhancement Book for BIPA Learners of Japanese Speakers
Nini Randa’s Subjectivity in “Tango & Sadimin” Novel by Ramayda Akmal
BIPA Students’ Responses towards Web-Based Indonesian Folklore Enrichment Materials
Read Aloud Training Module
A Preliminary Study in Developing a Contrastive and Error Analyses-based German Grammar Textbook
Yuwono, Untung
Patterns and Functions of the Word Terus in Four-to-Five-Year-Old Children’s Speech
An Analysis of Symbolic Meanings in Palang Pintu Tradition of the Betawi Wedding Ceremony
Learning from Home
Zulfa, Az Zahra Qatrunnada
Move Analysis of English Language Teaching Research Article Abstracts in National Journal