Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2020)

344 authors
Permana, Pepen
Optimizing the Quiz Moodle Module for the B1 Level German Language Exam Simulation Application
Permatawati, Irma
Google Translate in Perceptions of German Language Students
Permatawati, Irma
The Development of LMS-Moodle based Virtual Classroom for Hör-Sehverstehen Learning
Permatawati, Irma
Optimizing the Quiz Moodle Module for the B1 Level German Language Exam Simulation Application
Pramanik, Niken
Patterns and Functions of the Word Terus in Four-to-Five-Year-Old Children’s Speech
Pratama, Deri Fadly
Study of Local Wisdom Values in the Short Collection “Keajaiban Ceritaku” Stories of PGSD Students
Pratiwi, Indry Julyanti
Errors of Deixis Usage in French Narrative Texts
Pratiwi, Inne Marthyane
Digital Literacy Abilities of Students in Distance Learning
Prautomo, Adi
A Mammoth Logistical Challenge with Slight Hiccups
Purnami, Wening Handri
Speech Acts Analysis of Corner Discourse in Javanese Language Magazines
Purnawarman, Pupung
The Use of Edubox as a Medium in Reading Comprehension Assessment
Purnawarman, Pupung
Indonesian EFL Teachers’ Challenges in Assessing Students’ Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)
Purnawarman, Pupung
Authentic Speaking Assessment Applied by English Teachers During Online Learning
Purnawarman, Pupung
Impacts of Mobile-Assisted Language Assessment (MALA) on EFL Students’ Beliefs About Language Learning (BALL)
Purnawarman, Pupung
EFL Students’ Response on the Impact of Online Peer Feedback on Their Writing Performance
Puspitorini, Dwi
Javanese Personal Pronoun Sira’s Dynamic Change in 10th – 16th Century
Putri, Amandastia
Emotional Onomatopoeia in Japanese Animation Series
Putri, Elsa Wahyuni
Investigating Language Shift Among Minangnese Second Generations in North Bandung
Putri, Paramita Dwi Lestari
Presupposition Analysis in Twitter Reply Columns in Alleged Cyberbullying Case
Qanita, Afiana
Meaning and Usage Analysis of Japanese Onomatopoeia in Japanese Light Novel
Qodriani, Laila Ulsi
Language Change in ‘New-Normal’ Classroom
Racmadhany, Ariessa
A Study of Design and Development of French Training Module for Tour Guide
Racmadhany, Ariessa
Think, Talk, Write Strategy in French Writing Skill Learning
Raden, Agung Zainal Muttakin
Transforming Sundanese Script
Rahardi, R. Kunjana
The Absence Manifestation of the Use of Indonesian Language Basic Syntactic Function Found in Master Program Student’s Journal Articles
Rahardi, R. Kunjana
Integration of Solidarity Values in the Torok Oral Tradition of the Manggarai Society Through Multicultural Education
Rahardi, R. Kunjana
Optimizing the Social-Transcendental Functions of Kidung Sedekah Gunung
Rahardi, R. Kunjana
The Inclusion of the Unity Values in Teda Oral Tradition Through Multicultural Education
Rahayu, Nurti
Has English at Tourism and Hospitality Higher Education Met the Future Workplace Requirements?
Rahesi, Inggri Dwi
Read Aloud Training Module
Rahim, Nordiana Asra A.
Speaking Skills
Rahma, Rosita
Profile of Self-Assessment Use in Learning Indonesian Language at the Senior High School
Rahma, Rosita
Eye Movement Patterns on Screen Readers
Rahmah, Selik Zakiyah
The Representation of Harassment Object in Incident of Cyber Sexual Abuse
The Use of Circuit Learning Model in Improving Students’ Writing Skills in Elementary School
Digital Literacy Abilities of Students in Distance Learning
An Analysis of Symbolic Meanings in Palang Pintu Tradition of the Betawi Wedding Ceremony
Learning from Home
The Use of BAIK Card as Learning Media to Improve Learning in The Animal Caring Lesson
Rahmat, Rahmat
Construction and Implication of New Covid-19 Pandemic Words
A Comparative Study of Indonesian and Sundanese Homonym Vocabularies
Rahmawati, Eva Yuni
Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension on English Text Through Semantic Mapping
Ramadhani, Shabrina Almash
Phonological Process Analysis of Shukuyakukei (Contracted Form) in Gintama Hōsōkyoku
Ramadhianti, Agustina
Revisiting Basic Writing Handbook
Redefinition of Homecoming (Mudik) VS Returning Home (Pulang Kampung) in the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic
Rikmasari, Rima
The Use of Circuit Learning Model in Improving Students’ Writing Skills in Elementary School
Risda, Dianni
Designing Daily Life Manner in Japan as an Effort to Understand the Japanese Culture
Rizaldin, M. Rifki
Mamaos Art at Sanggar Sekar Panghegar in Cianjur City
Rosidin, Rosidin
Construction and Implication of New Covid-19 Pandemic Words
Rosyada, Amrina
Revisiting Basic Writing Handbook
The Values of Character Education in Children’s Novel Guha Karang Legok Pari
Kapamalian in Cikondang Traditional House Lamajang Village Sub-District of Pangalengan Bandung Regency
Rustopo, Rustopo
Transforming Sundanese Script
Sabila, Nurul Aini Akrima
Move Analysis of Tourism Research Article Abstracts in National and International Journal Articles
Safitri, Fani
Sociocultural Components in The Translation of Onomatopoeia from French into Indonesian
Sakti, Asri Wibawa
An Analysis of Symbolic Meanings in Palang Pintu Tradition of the Betawi Wedding Ceremony
Salam, Aprinus
The Translator’s Strategy as a Cultural Mediator in Translating Indonesian Novel into English
Salsabila, Alika
Strategies of Translating French Pronominal Verbs in Tintin Into Indonesian
Sandy, Fadillah
Early Childhood Literacy Experiences at Home in Relation to Family Socio-Economic Status (SES)
Sanusi, Anwar
Investigating the Students’ Weaknesses in Writing Academic Papers
Saputra, Candra
Social Status as a Nonverbal Language in Priyayi Society
Saputra, Zufrufin
Regulatory Discourse on Woman’s Body
Sari, Intan Permata
Language Variations in Instagram Caption
Sastaparamitha, Ni Nyoman Ayu J.
The Form and Use of Dysphemism in Hoax
Sastromiharjo, Andoyo
Character Traits Oriented Learning Material Model as a Strategy to Strengthen the Character for Early Childhood
Sastromiharjo, Andoyo
Development of Interactive-Multimedia-Assisted Social Cognitive Model for Early Reading Learning
Sauri, Sofyan
The Use of Circuit Learning Model in Improving Students’ Writing Skills in Elementary School
Sayuti, Suminto A.
Sundanese Language Code-mixing in “Kabayan Jadi Milyuner” Film
Sembiring, Sri Ulina Br
Cross-Cultural Folklore Enhancement Book for BIPA Learners of Japanese Speakers
Setambah, Mohd Afifi Bahurudin
Speaking Skills
Setiadi, Riswanda
Sociocultural Components in The Translation of Onomatopoeia from French into Indonesian
Setiadi, Riswanda
Poetry in Teaching French Descriptive Texts Writing
Setyaningsih, Yuliana
Improvement Bases of Teachers’ Technological Knowledge in the Implementation of Computer-Based Learning
Setyaningsih, Yuliana
Editorial Argument Typification of Bisnis Indonesia
Setyaningsih, Yuliana
Socratic Seminar Method to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Ability in Indonesian Language Learning
Setyarini, Sri
Investigating Distinctive Problems Observed in Post-editing of Machine Translation Output Made by Indonesian Undergraduate Students
Setyarini, Sri
HOTs-based Needs Analysis of the Indonesian Language Assistants in Victoria, Australia
Sholikhah, Ika Maratus
Multilingualism Through Linguistic Landscapes in Baturraden Tourism Resorts
Simatupang, Masda Surti
Relationship Between English Language Attitude and Proficiency
Siregar, Ferry Muhammadsyah
Religion, Education, and Pluralism
Sitaresmi, Nunung
A Comparative Study of Indonesian and Sundanese Homonym Vocabularies
Sofa, Nidia
Time Management and Learning Strategy in Polytechnic in The Digital Transformation Era
Solehudin, O.
The Character Education in Ngabungbang Tradition in Kasepuhan Ciptagelar Indigenous Community
Sopiawati, Iis
A Study of Design and Development of French Training Module for Tour Guide
Sopiawati, Iis
An Analysis of Code Switching and Code Mixing in The Film “Tokyo Fiancée” by Stefan Liberski
Suardana, I Putu Oka
The Effect of Literacy Pattern and Mother Tongue on the Language Learning Ability during Learning from Home
Sudana, Dadang
Language Variations in Instagram Caption
Sudana, Dadang
An Attitudinal Analysis of Social Actor on Indonesia Capital City Movement
Sudana, Dadang
The Usage of Prefixes {me(N)-} and {nge-} in 4 Year- Old Children
Sudana, Dadang
Analysis of Thematic Roles in Acquisition of Active and Passive Sentence on Four-Year-Old Children
Sudana, Dadang
Presupposition Analysis in Twitter Reply Columns in Alleged Cyberbullying Case
Sudana, Dadang
The Representation of Harassment Object in Incident of Cyber Sexual Abuse
Sudana, Undang
Eye Movement Patterns on Screen Readers
Sudarmanto, Budi Agung
Word Choices as Linguistic Features and Mantra Functions in Mantra Pupuh Dhandhanggula
Sudaryat, Yayat
Politeness on the Social Media
Emotional Onomatopoeia in Japanese Animation Series
Suherdi, Didi
Moving towards 21st Century English Language Teaching
Suherman, Agus
The Values of Character Education in Children’s Novel Guha Karang Legok Pari
Internal Innovations of Gane Language in South Halmahera, North Maluku
PAN Reflex in Maya Language in West New Guinea: A Preliminary Study on Understanding The Concept of South Halmahera-West New Guniea